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Approved Character Pilot I'Llus 'Camo' Trell Lmanel

Re: New Character : Pilot I'Llus 'Camo' Trell Lmanel

'Ello mistress.

Now then.

Apparently I'm doing all the Lorath charries. :roll:

Righto, then.

Aeris isn't capitalized, small thing though.

Compared to the other Lorath, she is fairly tall and extremely light. Wings weigh down more, as well as the height; It'd be more then what it is now I believe.

The description describes a little, but it needs skin colour and tone. The face irks me for some reason, but I'll let it go because I'm not completely sure why. Hair needs to have a basis of how long; Longer then most can mean a lot, you see. Very poor length description there. I also have no idea what a Trin'trat is... Does it have a wiki page? If so, you might want to link to it. If not, it... Probably needs approval then. :? Oh, and being that I think it is required, the mass of flesh and such that makes up for the mammary glands needs a size bit. :roll:

Personality is fine. Your wiki synax or whatever is messed up on your Likes/Dislikes/goals though, gotta fix that.

History is... Fine. Sure, it's fine.

Skillz nao. Joy.

Starship is good, being that she can't fly some of the bigger ships which... Are quite different, Mm?

A&V is fine.

Physical, which we all must get, PHYSSSSSICAAAAAL, tis also fine.

Biology I am going to automatically assume isn't a strange ability and is instead fairly normal for the charrie's group(s), so I'm not going to nit pick any here. Remember; Camo doesn't mean invisibility, it means to blend in with stuff.

Math tis fine.

I'm iffy on vehicles, but it will pass... Barely. It'd be better if you put some specifications on it; A treaded tank is different from a truck, and a hovercraft is different from a bicycle, and so on.

Techie is fine, good really.

Blah blah blah

No weapons skill yet again, remember lack of weaponry knowledge... And...

Lets try a different yellow this time...

Needs a few tweaks, but only a few.

Edit: Damn that is ugly as... Well... Something ugly.
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