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Well, MEGAMI is the type of computer that exists to serve her crew, no matter what. Black Spiral ships seem to work fine despite not working (as far as anyone knows) for the empire. It should be noted the Black Spiral has some sort of special PANTHEON privelidges, though.
As far as anyone knows... or will admit to knowing...
Why not just stage the mutiny once the enters hyperfold (and becomes causally isolated from the rest of existence, PANTHEON included) and convince the MEGAMI not to reconnect herself to PANTHEON when the ship reaches its destination?
The Miharu's MEGAMI and CIES are supposedly independant to protect against the special PANTHEON priviledges the Black Spiral has... but in a way, it also could allow it to be independant.
...which sorts of means that if Kotori wanted to defect the Star Army, she possibly could if she got her crew to agree with her.