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Pirate tech


Inactive Member
Sooo, I am working on a tech submission, and after some input it was suggested that I submit this for the pirates instead of the YSE. Who is in charge of the pirates as a GM? If no one is the GM for that then who would I contact?

On the next note: Pirate tech

What Yamataian tech do pirates have access to? I imagine getting ahold of AIES would be difficult, but not impossible (after all if you just capture a yamataian power armor somehow you have an AIES). The question is, would it be useable?

Next question

What kind of armor(like plating) do pirates have access to? Do they have access to Yamataiaum, via capturing vessels with it on or managing to manufacture it themselves, or do they use some other kind of armor. If it is another kind of amor, how effective is it?

Sorry for the long-winded-ness.
Pirates have access to any tech they can afford/steal. But, mostly it's the cheap crap that wouldn't last a minute to most standard warship of any size.
There are no single group of pirates.

Yet, at least.

So Pirates for the moment are controlled by individual plot GMs that want pirates.
There isn't a pirate GM.
*Raises her hand*
I'm kinda the temp pirate GM. I've been trying to flesh out the criminal setting in SARP and give the pirates their own unique technologies rather than purely military hand-me-downs.

If you're going to design something a good front might be the Opportunists Social Club. They're basically a mercenary bonding commission -- think the equivalent of a union for mercenaries and bounty hunters. They also traffic arms; giving shady groups access to legitimate markets and industrial facilities that they wouldn't normally be able to use.

In terms of tech you will have little above civilian-class equipment from nearly every major nation in SARP. There are only three possible exceptions: Salvage (which according to most GMs I've asked, actually has very little "useful" technology), and the Freespacers, (who are devout anarchists at heart, and will readily support projects that no other nation will touch. They're actually the founders of the OSC). While I greatly doubt an AIES will be available, you can always get a SI construct if you don't mind self-aware computers too much.

If you want some live tech samples take a look at the Divine Comedy. It's an assault cruiser built by the Freespacers a while back. As you can see from that example I've been trying to gear unique pirate tech towards being very ECM-centric, with ships leaning towards high-offense / low-defense setups. This is because in the majority of situations a pirate group simply won't be able to fight toe-to-toe with military vessels. Keep that in mind when you design your own vessel.

If you have any questions, let me know.
A pirate ship would be kinda interesting. To be honest(barring future information), they could theoretically get a ship from Yamatai either through purchasing it outright or going as privateer and speeding away with the ship. That said, both will only work a few times, if that, before someone catches on and puts some kind of limits on it. Furthermore, the same person, or even known associates, wouldn't be able to pull the same trick twice. Of course, all of the ships Yamatai sells are kinda old, which makes sense.

On the subject of AIES, I figure you could theoretically capture one if you can capture an unmanned daisy or mindy(not impossible, but definetly no cake-walk). However, the concept of a concious AI does sound very intriguing. Anyway, thankies Jess for teh infoz. I appreciate you tryin' to scratch out a ciminal underworld. I think that pretty much answers all of my questions for now.
Pirates have access to many sources other than military surplus. Black market, loose morals merchants, and criminal syndicates willing to sell to the highest bidder. That new weapons system that the military just made, who would also pay top dollar for it. Criminals all over the galaxy pay top dollar for stuff like that. Who is to say that outsourced research firm does not have a few people willing to spill the beans for a few thousand or million yen/cred.

Many pilot/owners gambling may put their ships up for collateral. One good hustler and the ship changes hands without billing questions. One too many drinks to a scout captain and his ship departs a neutral port with the wrong crew. Many was are available for a dishonest man to get a ship that has better gear. Including blowing said ship to pieces and looting the remains. Scavengers enjoy wars.
Pisces Station is a sort of recognized black market hub of sorts. Check the station's wiki page and you'll find a couple ships for sale, plus some merchants of questionable legitimacy but somewhat-good goods.

On a possibly related note: Who does CSEIA develop tech for? Could pirates buy or receive donated high tech from that organization?
NovaCorp will sell to anyone.

When Thomas is away, you can give me a buzz should you need product.

MFY would be willing to develop some non-contract military stuff too. I need designers though, but feel free to drop me a line if you have an idea.

Find me the buried treasure.
I agree with what's been said in that pirates can get their hands on just about anything and, therefor, could have some pretty cool tech. But once they get it, they can't really get it from the same group/ people/ organization/ military again. It's kind of a one-shot deal.

That being said, Aashi Nath has a pretty cool WIP pirate ship named the Devata!
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