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Approved Submission [Planet] Shravana Hive


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Planet
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:shravana_hive

Faction: Freespacers
FM Approved Yet? No, @Primitive Polygon
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This is a (dwarf) planet that serves as a base for the eponymous Freespacer sub-faction. I suspect it could use some more detail, but I'm not sure which details are most important for the RP.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Okay, so you have this planet. You need to link it to the system the planet is in.

You also need to fix the red link.

You should give an approximate population for this planet, for census purposes.

Is there some sort of space port? A place where ships can enter, or docking ports on the exterior for them to dock to?
The population is given in the system article, I added a link to it in the first paragraph. It's really the asteroid belt that's colonized, not just the (dwarf) planet, so the population on the ground fluctuates wildly depending on fleet activity.

Basic information about the starport facilities is on the system page, too, while this page just describes the amount of room available for ships inside the asteroid. It seems silly to me to duplicate information on both pages, but I can do that if it makes things clearer.

The red link now directs to the appropriate character page.
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Okay, first thing is first! Giving this page a different name than the faction one would make it much less confusing. Even if it's just something like "Sharavana Hive Belt Colony" or "Sharavana Hive Settlement".

Lifting a one ton ingot wouldn't work for an average person, sorry. It still has a greater mass, so you just end up pushing yourself away. Space is a jerk like that... Through they could well be type twos and cyborgs, I guess. Just a science point.

The settlement section is fine. I like the history behind the towns. The entire place being like a desert state with all of these little hidden storm shelters is very interesting in terms of RP potential.

History... Making it clear that their smaller bubble of a polysentience network is a separate thing from the main spacer network would be nice. I know it's that way, but other readers might not. Maybe giving it a nickname would help. Also, the concept of stealing technology from other spacers is a bit confusing. Who needs to steal things when you could just ask most of them for help (other than the Astral Locksmiths, but they are the odd one out)? Physically heisting other group's ships and gear might make sense, but how do they even accomplish that with so little resources? Are they basically pirates?...

I guess that last part bleeds over onto the faction page's issues, but I'll get to those in a mo.
I guess putting (Asteroid) in brackets would solve the name issue. I guess wearing magnet boots wouldn't help any? Not like they can afford to lay iron plating everywhere, anyway. I was just aiming for a more flavorful way to say the gravity's around 1/20th standard, I'm pretty sure carrying things around that way would be a horrible workplace safety violation even if it were possible (actually, I think it is even with 100 pound sacks on Earth!)

The nickname's given in the last paragraph of the history section, since YE 33 is when it became the official name, but I tried to make the reference to it in the first paragraph clearer.

I got the impression that xenophobia was a big problem after YE 30, but if that's not the case... well, I just replaced the word 'stealing' with 'gathering'. The Astral Locksmiths actually form as a group the year the Hive stopped doing this, so 'stealing' from them is out.

The Hive's aggressive grab-and-convert program was between YE 31 and 33, just for the span where they'd gotten short-term survival under control, but were still doomed in the long term if they didn't get more data, hardware, and specialists--things like the ability to support type Vs and to create new Freespacers of any type.
The page name; That's fine.

As for the gravity, it's that old "every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction" thing, unfortunately. They could probably just about manage it with magnetic boots, but it wouldn't be easy. Heck, maybe that's a cultural thing that they like to brag about. Literally pumping iron just because they can. Other than showing off, through, I can't imagine it would be practical.

Xenophobia is a thing, but most people like that just ran off the map, pretty much. Or actually went outright crazy and piratical (Treasure's backstory has this). Locksmiths are the only powerful group that currently embraces it, through.

As mentioned in the other thread, Origin Industries civilian ships might have been pilfered by them during their nasty phase, so parts of a few of those ships could be stolen for space station and shelter parts, too. Just an idea.
Heh! As the name might indicate, they're meant to have some cultural influences from India. Maybe some of them like to swing around comically oversized gadas while trying not to go into orbit around them. I was thinking of giving Groundbreaker one of those, for ceremonial purposes.

I noticed that Origin Industries ships tend to be really huge, so disassembling them for parts instead of operating them seems like it'd be pretty likely, if the Hive got their hands on them.

It's too late for me to edit the URL in the first post, but the page has been moved to make the name less confusing: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:shravana_hiveworld
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The link in the OP needs to be fixed. Currently it gives me a 404.
The edit timer has run out, but the link in my last post here still works. Though, I could move the page back... the confusion isn't much of a problem now that the namespace is included in search results.

Okay, done. The OP link works again.
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