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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Planetary System: Coordinates-701109


Inactive Member
(note: everything is generally left un-named here due to the fact that this is supposed to be a system not yet explored, and therefore, not named by anyone yet. It is also intended to be a place for a dm to bring someone in to discover and interact in, and to fill up the galaxy a bit)
Star: Red Dwarf

Distance: .2AU
Planet Type: Terrestrial.
Gravity: .4 Standard
Rotation: 420 Standard Days
Orbit: 300 Standard Days
Description: A desolate pock marked planet with a high concentration of iron and nickel in its surface, giving it a orangish color.

Distance: .6AU
Planet Type: Yellow Gas Giant
Gravity: .9 Standard
Rotation: 4 Standard Days
Orbit: 223 Standard Days
Description: A relatively small gas giant, most likely an ancient terrestial planet which gathered up enough gasses to change its classification sometime during the collapse of the star into a red dwarf. The atmosphere of the planet is mainly made up of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, with very faint traces of hydrogen and oxygen. In the lower regions, heavier gasses (neon, xenon, gaseous iron, mercury, and gold) can be found, as well as lower quantities of the gasses from the upper regions. At the very core all the elements in the upper layers are condensed by the high pressure into liquid that pools on the core.

The slow rotation doesn't lend itself to a very stormy atmosphere, and the negligible tilt of the planet doesn't tend itself to seasons either. The poles are only slightly colder, most of the warmth held in by the thick amount of greenhouse gasses.

Besides being the only planet in the system supporting life of its own naturally, Beta is also notable because it supports two different 'sentient' species which occur in a symbiotic relationship. There are life forms in the top two layers of the planet, and there are legends among the sentient species of horrible creatures that live at the center of their world.

Species 1: This species is best described as extremely large jellyfish-like creatures, which float in the upper atmosphere. They can be from twenty kilometers upward in size (diameter of the dome), with a dome capped by a large flat plain protecting the delicate centers of the beings. Trailing beneath the creatures are large tendrils, which are the beings secondary method of defense, supplying a light charge which with the being can strike threats. These beings feed off the scant oxygen in the air, and the waste left by the beings that live on their backs. Most of the oxygen is extracted by an internal process, through which the being pulls in the atmosphere around it, compresses the heavy amounts of carbon dioxide often found in the air to seperate the carbon from the oxygen, then expelling the excess elements and condensed carbon which escapes through its dome to create a crystalline substance not too far from diamonds. This substance often creates a sort of shell around the dome, which the symbiotic beings on the creatures back use for creating tools and shelter.

Sentiency of these creatures could be debatable, given the lack of any societal structure or the ability to communicate verbatim to those around them. Interaction between each other is rare in this species, and reproduction is a simple asexual split of the creature, which renders the colony on its back in two. Most often, the creatures communicate through a shift in colors along their surface, which can be read as emotions, and the occasional gesture through one of their long tendrils.

These beings live as long as they can survive, gaining size throughout their lives, only losing it when they occasionally split into two different beings. The often cause of death to these beings is the great predators that ascend from the high pressure area of the atmosphere to feast once every twenty years or so, often taking one or two of the beings down with them to feed to their brood.

Species 2: The second primary species of Beta is a small insectoid race, bipedal with bright green exoskeletons, and four arms that end in tri-fingered hands. The adults usually are from 5-6 feet tall. Their lifespans are a short 40 or so standard years, with their young reaching maturity at around 5-6 years. They live on the back of the first species forms, creating homes and tools out of the crystalline substance that comes from the dome they live upon, and thus, each of the large jellyfish has its own little colony on its back. In exchange for the only practical living space in the gas giant, the species often protects their homes and feed it with their waste. The species technology level is practically stone-age, using tame flying creatures to hunt down food and to protect their homes from the rare incursion by predators. Given each of the first species members tendency to be alone through all of their lives, each colony is very secluded, and practically no trade occurs between the various colonies. This leads to the lack of interest in anything outside of their home and own lives in each of the colonies, and given their short lifespan, many of the beings seek only to help the colony as a whole and to have produced offspring within their lifetime. Often, the safety of the colony is seen as more important than any individual life, and many off the species are often sacrificed to protect the colony and its home from predators.

Other life: The rest of the life on the planet consists of large flying centipede like beings in the upper atmosphere that are often tamed by the second species as used for mounts in hunting and protection of the colonies, that propel themselves through the intake and exhalation of the atmosphere and feed off of the smaller lizard-like creatures that fly about feeding on microscopic bacteria in the air. There are minor variations on these creatures throughout the planets upper atmosphere, though none large in size or numbers, and oddly enough the planet is mostly lacking in any plant-like life, possibly due to the lack of direct sunlight that is received through the thick clouds. Deeper in the atmosphere, where the pressure is 8-10 times greater than that above (the upper atmosphere has pressure around 2-3x standard), the population is primarily large manta-like creatures, which have bladed fins and rows upon rows of teeth along their wings. These hibernate for years at a time, before rising in a feast that lasts a few of the planets days, eating anything they can consume before sinking down once more to feed their brood and then hibernate once more. The bodies of these creatures are often extremely tough, practically vaccuum rated due to their need to survive the intense pressure and enviroment of the lower atmosphere. As such, often many of the symbiotic creatures on the large jellyfish's back are sacrificed in headlong rushes with crude weapons to try and stop them from destroying the colony, which works about as often as it doesn't.

(leave me comments, and ill try to fix things i left out if i remember them/they're pointed out to me)
Everyting seems okay to me. If you would like the YSS Destiny to find this planet, that could be how it's introduced into the RP.
Seems sensible to me, you guys can do with it what you want, or have me elaborate on anything in particular if needed, i just had the idea and ran with it.