Star Army

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Plea into the Night

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Retired Staff
A ship only two lightyears west out of Delsauria broadcasts a wideband subspace signal. "This is the SS Cadaver, Erik Turner commanding," A man's hoarse voice filters through audio, with only static for the video picture. "We've been attacked by a new neko ship. We have hull breaches and minimal propulsion. Request immediate assist!"

"I repeat, SS Cadaver was attacked by a neko ship while making a cargo run. We're damaged and won't last much longer. For the love of god, anyone - please help us!"

The SS Cadaver register in the Nepleslian space traffic database as a privately owned Ghoul-class patrol craft used a couple of times for genuine supply runs around the Nepleslian Star Empire - the owner is indeed Erik Turner, a successful gang leader whom hit the bucks big times and managed to buy his streetgang their own ship so they could get out of the streets for a supposedly better life. Information gleaned by the IPG on pirate organizations might glean that the Cadaver might actually be a privateer craft whom hounded Elysian spacelanes for the last year or so.
“Grand Admiral Vladimirus,”

Drei waited until his attention turned to her before she continued. Her uniform was hugging her thin body down to her hips where the slightly baggy pants of the Nepleslian Uniform took over. Unlike many of the soldiers in the military, her hair had been left long, helping her stand out against the other females.

Once she saw that she had the admiral’s attention she placed the data pad in front of him and continued with her statement.

“We have received an anomalous transmission coming from outside of our defense perimeter around Delsauria, Two light years to the galactic west. A copy is attached to the data pad. The transmission claims it was sent from the SS Cadaver, that it is on a cargo run, and that it is under attack from a new neko ship. As we do not have any facilities outside of the Delsauria perimeter in the direction the ship is I must make the assumption that the ship is not perusing entirely legal activities. The SS Cadaver is mentioned several times in shipping records from Awesome Corp as a Ghoul Class transport but my information is limited, my integration the older databanks and key systems within the IPG has been slow. The Delsauria perimeter has begun scanning the source of the transmission for the ship but is not yet able to verify its sensor readings. I can provide a more detailed analysis or listing of options upon request.”

"New Neko ship?" Corcyra narrowed his eyes, looking up from his paperwork. "Damnit. And this ship is about how far away from our systems?"

“Two Light Years,” Drei said. Drei paused for a moment before adding, “I feel I should add my analysis of that segment of the transmission.” She waited for a response before continuing.

"Add away," Came the admiral's response.

“Considering this is a new starship, I doubt that the crew would have the capacity to verify the crew or nationality of the starship without considerable markings on said ship and a close enough flyby for visual verification and the like. If we assume they are lying then they are attempting to draw our ships to that location, which is supported by the ship not having been destroyed in the first few moments of the conflict, or they are simply mistaken. If we assume they are telling the truth then we can assume that Yamatai is enforcing their laws. If they wanted to start a war they would have begun with an attack on our of our defense perimeters so the most likely reason is indeed law enforcement for the most likely crime they would consider enforceable, restricted technology. This is also supported by the lightly armored Ghoul class not having been destroyed in the opening volley, as the Yamatai government would be attempting to collect evidence.” Drei said.

Corcyra bit his lip, and let out a sigh. "Drei, please send a transmission to the Yamataian government asking whether or not they've come into contact with any vessels within the gap between us and the South Western dead-zones. Also, please send a message to Admiral Davis, and advise the IPG of the matter. Something very wrong is happening here." The admiral scratched his head, thinking.

Drei nodded, “I will carry that out now and inform you when we receive a response from the Yamatai government.”

Meanwhile various long range sensors, including subspace radar and aetheric sensors would be checking over the area of the transmission for the presence of star ships.
The Ghoul in question seemed alone and was not using its superluminal drive. No other ship appeared to be in the vicinity (either hounding it or answering the distress call). The only power source of note was that of the Cadaver.
“Sir,” Drei started again after a few moments pause. “My sensors detect no additional ships in the area and the Star Army of Yamatai denies having starships operating in that area.”

“This leaves me to conclude that the ship is either trying to draw a patrol to itself for illegitimate reasons. Also, a second ship could be close, waiting for a signal, or stealthed from my sensors and the first ship is being used as a decoy. Both situations imply that the Ghoul class ship is in no immediate danger.

Junker Drones deployed using the catapult system of an E1 would be the safest way of conducting an interior search of the Ghoul class ship. We could also request IPG ships be deployed to the area or utilize an E1 to move the starship to a secure zone for inspection. I can provide further situational analysis or options upon request.”

When Drei finished with her analysis of the situation she left her hands by her side and waited for a response from the Grand Admiral.

Continuous scanning of the area near the SS Cadaver was carried out using subspace radar and aetheric sensors.
"Very well, Drei. Thank you for your analysis." Corcyra glanced at his computer screen. After flipping through several pages, the 2nd Assault Fleet's CO frowned. "Drei, send a request to the 1st Logistics fleet requesting one E1 to be brought into orbit around Delsauria. The Troubleshooter is capable of autonomous operation, correct?"

"Yes," Drei replied, activating one of the waiting ships in the Logistics fleet. "The E1 should arrive there within two minutes."

"Very well, Drei. This vessel is unmanned, correct?" Vlad inquired of the AI. "Also, do not bother sending a request to the IPG. You know how Veles reacts to immediate requests."

"Correct," Drei said, nodding as he mentioned Veles.

"Please notify me immediately when the E1 reaches Delsauria." The Grand Admiral once again turned to his paper work.

Drei waited for a while, standing in place until a few minutes later she spoke up again. "The E1 has just made it through the Delsauria gate and is awaiting orders."

"Good. Instruct the vessel to hyperspace to a 1 AU range. Make sure the Rapiers are trained on the target, and use the electromagnetic catapult to send Junker Drones to the vessel. Have them enter through an airlock or the loading bay."

"I will forward the datafeeds from the junker drones to your datapad." Drei responded as she began carrying out the order.
The E1 ‘troubleshooter’ blinked into existence at 1AU away from the target Ghoul Class ship traveling at its maximum sublight speed toward the target ship. Five of its junker drones had crawled into the catapult system attached to the side of the craft and let themselves be levitated into place by intense electromagnetic forces. After the few moments the ship took to aim, the Junker drones would fire at high speed towards the Ghoul Class starship while the Troubleshooter slowed down and entered a holding pattern 1AU from the ship with its shields on and engines charged up.

The Junker drones would begin slowing themselves down as they reached the Ghoul class ship, aiming to land softly against the hull before searching for a point of entry.
Corcyra watched his datapad, his eyes narrowed at the screen. "Ready the nuclear weapons on those drones. If they run into anything too nasty, have all of them detonate."
At close range, sensors yielded more information, such as the subspace trail the Cadaver had left behind which had come to an abrupt halt - making it look like the ship had been escaping the pirate cove at indecent speeds and had abruptly been shut down (or damaged beyond their ability to sustain hyperpulse flight).

The Ghoul-class patrol craft showed blisters and scars indicative of several heat impacts on its dorsal side - most of the impacts seemed of similar output, though two successive attacks over the hangar section had scorched through and opened it to space.

The SS Cadaver tried to open subspace communication with the Troubleshooter as soon as it came at 1 AU of it.
As the junkers approached the Ghoul class ship they utilized their own propulsion systems to slow down until they could extend their numerous noodley appendages and clamp onto the exterior.

Two Junker Drones headed to the undamaged hanger, attempting to slip through the protective fields and into the ship itself while two other junker drones attempted to find an airlock inside of the damaged hanger section on the dorsal side.

The remaining junker drone scurried across the ship to the underside where it would attempt to board the ship using the loading ramp on the underside.
Corcyra noted the attempt made to open communications with the E1 on its arrival. "Drei, deny them access to the Troubleshooter's communications channel. Route it through one of the Junkers instead. If it's a hack attempt, I'd rather not have it come in contact with the central vessel. If it is a hack, instruct the queen to blow the Junkers immediately."
Drei's physical body in front of Corcyra nodded, and switched the communications processing and storage of the transmission over to the Junker Drone's on board memory systems. A safe 'picture' of what was being sent would be transmitted back to system in front of Corcyra and to Drei herself.
The message was audio only.

"Thank god you came!" The same voice - that Erik Turner - spoke for the benefit of the drone whom was receiving. "You didn't just bring one ship, right? They could be coming! We have to get away!"

A moment later, there was a gasp, some frantic footsteps, and: "Oh god, oh god... they're trying to force their way in!" A pause. "If you come in here, I'll shoot the fuck outta you, you fucking bastards!" The way breathing came through hinted the man was wearing a headset.

It was pretty clear that aside from the junker drones whom had slipped in, Turner was the only lifeform aboard the Cadaver.
The Drone’s somewhat spherical bodies began exploring the interior of the ship, their tentacle like arms pulling their bodies through the interior while they looked around using a combination of visual, thermal, microwave radar, and sonic sensors and motion detectors to asses if the ship was reparable, what was located in the ship including its cargo, and the location of Erik Turner while still keeping an electronic eye out for other creatures.

A highly processed voice came through one of the Junker Drone’s speakers, much like something one would expect from a drive through food establishment on Nepleslia, “BE CALM CITIZEN WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU.”
Corcyra narrowed his eyes. "Keep the Troubleshooter back, and have two DD4d-class destroyers prepared from the 10th Squadron. Do not jump them in, keep them here, for now. Prepare a message for Robert Davis, quote 'Admiral Davis, Privateer vessel sighted 2 LY G-SW Delsauria, Nepleslia GST -2 0900 hours. Suspect Mishhuvurythar boarders present, investigation imminent, will continue advisory on further developments' end quote."

The Grand Admiral took a breath after rattling off his message. "Attach all transmissions received from the vessel, as well as footage of the damage done to the Cadaver. Send it through the IPG's SecureNET, as well. I'd rather not take chances."
Erik Turner was apparently just outside the command center of the Ghoul, his pistol leveled at one of the junker drones which had just made its entry. He was standing next to an open floor panel leading to some auxiliary control circuitry.

"What'da heck are ya?!" The man, scruffy, well built and more vicious looking than his tone of voice had betrayed over audio communication, did not relent from his aggressive stance. "What're ya doing on my ship, you stupid giant pingpong ball?!"

Other drones found sign that the Ghoul's STL engines had been disabled thanks to choice hits damaging the power feed from the main power supply. The hyperpulse drive was another story: it looked like it had cooked off - the thing was a ruin. That usually only happened when someone pushed the envelope.
Four of the junker drones began to search the ship for other signs of life, dead bodies, or signs that someone other than Erik Turner had inhabited the ship. Personal effects of any kind would be useful in Drei’s analysis.

An analysis of how the materials in the STL engines were designed was also carried out to determine weapon type used to destroy them.


Meanwhile Drei would forward the information to Robert Davis generated by Corcyra.
One set of personal quarters was occupied and notable content included male clothing, some firearms and the ammunition to with with them, a regional trophy for the 'Blazing Hellions' junior soccer team, stacks of porn magazines and crumpled tissues in the wastebasket.

There wasn't much in the way of dead bodies. Other rooms showed signs of recent occupation (and untidiness), but there was not much in the way of luggage there except for soot in one ashtray.

Detailed analysis of the damaged Cadaver seemed to indicate that the ship had been hit with several transphasic beams. Transphasic beam weaponry was commonly used by the Star Army of Yamatai in one configuration for their variable weapon pods.

"Friendly and helpful junk robots wouldn't come on my ship without asking permission first!" Erik hollered. The man's nerves were obviously raw. "Have your superiors come over the comm line before I turn you into ju- err... scrap."
With the damage analysis completed the Junker drone conduction the scans began to seek out the ship’s computer system, looking to scan the memory and upload it into the Junker’s own system.

The Junkers searching the rooms began through scans of the materials involved, providing crystal clear images of the media that they had found to the admiral that was watching.

“YES I CAN.” The Junker responded.

After a few moments the Junker added, “PLEASE RESPOND WITH DETAILS OF YOUR SHIP!”
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