Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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[Plot Ad] Touhou Meido^H^H^H^H^H BESM - 東方メイド


The Six-Shooter of Love
Inactive Member
:!: WARNING: If you don't understand what I mean by "Touhou Meido," this plot may not be for you. :!:

The lack of MaidRPG games has been a little disconcerting, and SenbuHime (Our lovely dicebot) has been getting lonely. One of the problems is getting the same group of people together every weekend, the BESM games suffered from the same problem. So, I came up with a solution where even a GM would not be necessary for people to RP and have fun in a light-hearted atmosphere like we've had in the Maid and BESM games.

Danmaku battles.

Basically, people would get together for jeeps whenever they have time, with whoever else is available under the condition that the jeep must end by the time people need to go. No pausing and continuing later. One of the reasons for plot-staleness I've noticed is when people pause in the middle of a jeep and never pick it up again due to various issue. I myself am a horrible perpetrator of this as well. And make sure said jeeps get posted before you move on, allowing everyone to know when thing have happened. They don't have to be pretty, or even an exact log, just responding to the initial plot post with a summary of the events would be fine. Just remember that since I'll be using these to know what happens as well, that you'll want to be as clear as possible, so transcriptions are best.

The plan is for plots to go something like this: As GM, I'll post an opening thread for the story, explaining what's going on in Gensokyo for PCs to talk about/investigate and what have you. If characters know specialized pieces of information, then they'll get PMs with this information. Thus, it's up to the players to spread and find out things from each other to move the plot along. Of course, when I'm available I'll play NPCs and such to also help move the plot, and will always be available to answer PMs if people want to have their character go study in a library or whatnot to see what they can find.

The climax of the story will be delivered in similar fashion, with boss NPCs appearing for different characters and allowing multiple people to get their character-specific (or group-specific) endings for the plot.

Note that this will not be Fanfiction. People will not be playing Reimu or Marisa or what have you, neither will we be revisiting the 60-year cycle present in PoFV or dealing with the arrival of the Moriya shrine, though both events can be assumed as to have already happened.

If you're interested, Forum PM me a character sheet and we'll see about getting started. Or, come discuss character concepts with me some time on IRC. We'll use #sarp_maids and #sarpooc for IC and OOC chatter. Though, don't feel constrained if you'd rather hold one over YIM or AIM or something, it's just that those channels will have a Dicebot (SenbuHime) there for your convenience.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド


(Been waitin' to do that)

Hm. Seems quuuite interesting, and as a Toufag I'll join, sure. However... There is one thing you didn't gloss over;

Is this 'freeform'/SARP style RP or is it actually using one of the previously mentioned gaming systems?
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Meido == MaidRPG
Though, I've been giving some thought to BESM, which has a much better combat system.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Not sure how well it would do in Meido, yeah, being that I don't think any of the charries would be maids (Unless they are silly humans from the village or Fairies in the SDM) so it might be best, being that it would rule out most of the system.

... That said, I've never played BESM, so I dunno.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Maid RPG is a fine system, even if there is no explicit Master character for the PCs to serve. Just as a game of Dungeons and Dragons does not necessitate there being dungeons or dragons to be in the plot, neither does MaidRPG require that the players play actual maids. The Mai Otome-ish plot in the back of the MaidRPG rulebook demonstrates this fact nicely.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

I wish I still had my BESM corebook. *mopes*

What about having a twist and doing butlers instead of maids?! or maids AND butlers?!

I'll play if I can get a link to some pdf files. (my ability to search and use torrents is extremely poor though)

\/Cool, thanks, Rev
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Again, the PCs will not be Maids, the Maid only refers to the system we'd be using. If you check the Character sub-subforum of the Maid subforum, there's a link I believe to the core rulebook in .pdf format in the Avatar Creation thread.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Okay, this is pretty awesome, I've only read Chargen so far and I like it.

But how do you use it for anything but maid-esque games?
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Again, read some of the plot ideas in the back, including the Mai-HiME/Otome styled one. They do a good job of showing how the system can be used for games that are not purely Master with Maids.

To be honest, the reason I went with MaidRPG rather than BESM is because we have a subforum for Maids and Wes twittered not too long ago that he was wondering what happened to the Maid games.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Alright, count me in, this looks fun; do you do JPs or regular posting? (I know, I should be looking around the sub-forum, but I'm lazy right now ^^)
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Read the first post~

It'll be JPs and it'll be up to the players to seek out other players to jeep with at their convenience.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

After some conversing and considering, it seems like the BESM system would be better suited to representing the Spell Card system. If anyone has any objections or insight on why this would be a bad decision, please speak up now.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Bawh, Sent in a charrie already. That said, I don't know BESM so I will try to defend Maido.

I kinda figured it'd take a P. of Flower view sort of approach, IE: Not real spell cards persay.

That said!

How about Spirit is one's HP, though also the 'bomb' pool. You get spirit when you hit, and lose it when hit.

Normal shots are as normal, with you usual attribute roll vs to show charries' efforts against another. However, using spirit is a spell card. The more you do the more bonus points to your roll you get... And it is by twos.

IE: Use up two spirit for a plus four bonus, representing a weak spell card. And so on.

The 'defensive' character uses the same system, save it's bombs.

Usual stress taken for the amount of failure.

Promotes the use of stress.

Possibly force players to switch between stats every round, IE, Affection, then will, etc. Not a set order, just don't allow them to keep using the same one over and over to prevent cheesing and to make bombing valuble on 'off' attributes.

Tis all I got.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Spell Cards, remember, are the Bombs in other Shmups. PoFV had these as well. I'm writing up a post that explains character creation in more detail. A nice how-to.

If you want, Gamer, I can help with your character, pop on IRC and give me a ring.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Gamerofthegame said:

Though what exactly one ups BESM over Maid in this particular instance?

The wider variety allowed by the combat system, really. One of the big things about Touhou is the danmaku Spell Cards and MaidRPG isn't as well equipped to handle the variety of Spell Card combat as BESM is.
Re: [Plot Ad] Touhou Meido - 東方メイド

Yay for using BESM instead of MaidRPG~

Don't know if you people really remembered, but when Exhack made his MaidRPG combat-tastic... it didn't work out so well. So ya. Anyway! *goes off to make a character... after redownloading BESM stuffs.* Hey, does anyone still have a link to the download of the BESM character creator?