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Plotship Submission: The Horizon's Key


Inactive Member
Ship History
Horizon's Key was purchased on half-down, half-credit from NovaCorp by Keira "Gem" Tabier in YE 30.

After saving up money during the years of her employment as a planetary courier, Gem took leave to go visit her mother. After a long talk and a month's vacation, Gem decided that what she wanted to do was to own her own ship. So she approached NovaCorp about buying one. She chose one of the Traveler-class transports and named it "Horizon's Key", because the vessel would be her means to unlocking what lay beyond where earth met sky, and escape to open space.

About the ship
The Horizon's Key is a standard-configuration Traveler-class transport with a few accessories included with the purchase:
- Armor plating is Durandium (DR 5) on all module sections.

The following alterations have also been made either at the factory at Commander Tabier's request, or by the commander herself after the purchase:
- The weapon complement has been reduced from four GPCs and twelve HEX turrets to two GPCs and five HEX turrets. The others were sold back to NovaCorp to aid in paying off the rest of the ship. One general omni-directional launcher assembly was purchased and mounted onto Hardpoint 16 (HP-16), intended for launching beacons and sensors.
- The captain's suite was stripped down, as was the wardroom. Most of the furnishings from these rooms and others were sold and a few essential items replaced with low-cost ones.

Flightplan: IC
Gem left Nepleslia before the Yamataian blockade and has been staying on the ship she was raised on while visiting her mother, who has also been staying there since Kennewes is still in a state of upheaval. After a few weeks, Gem sent a message to Nepleslia asking a friend to meet her at NovaCorp, and was dropped off at the company facility about a day later. She subsequently purchased the Horizon's Key and moved onto the ship, but stayed in orbit of Kohana until her friend arrived.

Once underway, her first mission will be exploration and picking up options for a potential trade route. The first stop is one of curiosity: an almost unknown planet labled "New Kohana" on the starmaps with a note of "primitive people". Maybe they would be interested in items from offworld.

Leaving New Kohana, Gem will be heading north back toward Nepleslia, angling toward Nepleslia Prime if the blockade is still in place. Picking up supplies and exploring job options, the Horizon's Key will then brush through the edge of Free State territory, another curiosity stop. Finally, Gem will head north-west on a tip that an inhabited planet lies that direction. After that, she will probably have decided on a route by then and have a good feel for her ship and crew.

Flightplan: OOC
This is intended to be a multi-cultural plotship. My aim is to give creators of races that haven't yet found their spotlight a place to show other players what their race is, how they act, and maybe some stories from that species' lore. It is also a potentially good training area for players who aren't sure if they wish to be part of a military plot. The Horizon's Key will be taking a number of jobs and mission types, from standard cargo and trade runs to hiring itself out for passenger trips and black market dealings; variety is a key word for this ship and she follows the whims of her commander.

By no means is a character bound to this ship once they join. If a player wishes to be a part of the crew, they may do so, but they may also get off at any of Horizon's Key's stops. This is good for new players, too, because they can be dropped off at any interesting plotship or planet once they have a feel for the RP and have decided on a home for their character. And anyone is free to join or hire the ship for a job (but Gem reserves the right to refuse service to anyone).

All of this I submit to the administrators for input and approval.
Gamerofthegame said:
It ought to be said if it is SP or JP, even though I am sure its the former.

Ah, right, almost forgot that bit of info. It will be mixed, mostly SP (to keep the pace up) with JPs when available.

EDIT: Wiki page up and ready to go!
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