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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Neshaten Information Network Possible Anomaly Detected

[Message being broadcasted at present to Neshaten Citizens only.]

Nesha Prime, Zeik'ne Research Centre, Southern Continant

A Laibe stood in front of their floating camera, the camera bobbed up and down and occastionally sank a bit lower to where the Laibe's head couldn't be seen - the reason was otherwise when the man walked up to the camera and something white fell over the front of it: snow. A common sight pretty much everywhere on the planet at some point in the year.

The Laibe wore typical clothing for his people, a loincloth to hide his private parts and a loose fitting shirt, to a female, he would be rather cute considering his bulging muscles and well growned fur which was orange.

At some hidden signal, the Laibe's head turned toward the camera and spoke. "Thank you Ui'ye, I am here live at teh Zeik'ne Research Cenre, where scientists have become very excited." The camera then panned to a Daur wearing a white lab-coat, he had a datapad in his left hand. The Daur was presently conversing with another group wearing the same attire as his - although in the background the audiance would notice some Daur completely naked and playing in the snow.

"I have here a Dr. Lu'iease," said the Laibe reporter as he walked up to the Daur. "Dr Lu'iease, exactly what is it that has you and your collegues so excited?"

"Well my dear friend," the Daur started and gestured for the reporter to follow him into the building. "We've been searching for many many years for signs of life in this galaxy, now we know that they exist as we've made contact with two of them and are aware of at least a few more. However, that is not the point of why my people are excited."

"Then what is?"

The Daur grinned as he stepped into an elevator, hitting the button to take them down into the labyrinth of the centre. When the elevator stopped, the Daur stepped off and into a grand hallway, the camera would pan around every so often to show different star constellations both from the present galaxy and images from their old galaxy that they were seeing using long range telescopes. "You see, for two seasons now we've been picking up on something located just on the edge of our eastern borders. Whatever it is, it is generating a massive amount of energy but that energy seems to be temporary. At first we thought it was a blackhole or perhaps a star in the process of dying off, but then-" he stopped as the two walked into a grand room with a very large holographic device set in the centre. "We found this."

The holo-device warmed up and suddenly a large wormhole appeared in the centre of it. "We haven't been able to get more details on where it leads, mostly due to its location within a Nebula, and we haven't been able to pinpoint its exact coordinates."

"Wait," the reporter started. "If you found this just by an energy signature, wouldn't that mean that you found its location as well?"

"What if i told you that it's lifespan seems to be so little that by the time we actually get information on it it seems to have disappeared? The Nebula might also be distorting our scanners, while yes we can determine that its a wormhole, the distortions prevent us from determining its exact location."

"Where do you think it leads?"

"'Think'?" asked the Daur, who shook his head. "In this field of study we'd prefer not to make assumptions on what something could be. "However, if I must indulge in your curiosity, we have a theory that it may lead to another galaxy.. or it could just lead to another part of our present galaxy. We won't know until our probe arrives and has taken flight. However, considering what we've learned thus far, it'll be awhile before we see our probe again."

"Thank you Doctor," the Laibe said, the Daur merely 'htmped' and walked away to talk to his other collegues - those smarter than the reporter. "Well, there you have it, our scientists have possibly discovered a-"

"Not possibility, HAVE!" yelled Dr Lu'iease from across teh room.

"Err.. ok 'have', but where does it lead? I guess we won't know the answers until our white coats find out. We'll report more on this later.