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Post character size

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Retired Staff
I was working on the Miharu's specifications when I noticed that some text at the end of the document just vanished. I verified, trying retyping a small part and it got cut off.

It looks like I've somehow hit the character limit for my submission. I don't want to split it into more posts, especially seeing that people posted after me... and I worked hard on organising the document with referencing links and list tabbing.

So, I'd like to ask:

Can you double the character allotment for posts? I don't know what is the current limit, but I think I'll probably need a lot more space to complete my submission correctly.

*sigh* and I was on a roll too. ~_~;
It's not somethign I can increase, it's a technical limitation of the amount of uploaded material the server takes before timing out. The best thing to do would be to split it into two posts (I can alter the database to change the timestamp to make it right bhind the first) or, even better, to make it into a webpage.
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