Star Army

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RP: Cirrus Station [Post Episode 9] Drifting Away


Inactive Member
Kokuten busied himself in the late hours on the Cirrus Station typing away on his DataJockey. The night-time patrols working the halls could catch sight of him clearly in his usual relax-wear, the Marine basketball jersey, the tan fatigues, and the always well-kept boots. Though, one thing seemed to be off of the normally at-ease Captain. His face carried an unusual sternness, a focus on his DataJockey screen that did not belie the importance of what he was doing. Every once and a while, he would whisper something to himself, and then stop. Occasionally he would turn around, and retrace he steps, or appear to. For the last hour he had made familiar the corridors between observation and recreation areas, walking away his solemn thoughts. "Mimi." he would say finally, coming to a stop, not taking a single eye of his datapad.

On cue, the bubbly Squad 35 Savtech materialized a few feet to the side of Kokuten, smiling widely as always and ready at the team's beck and call. Mimi gave a short bow to the squad captain, tilting her head to the side inquisitively. "Yes, Captain Kokuten? What can I do for you this evening?"

"Evening, Mimi." said Kokuten, one eye looking up at the Savtech before looking back down at the screen of his device. He always preferred to call on Mimi, rather than Kess, as the cheerier one of the two A.I.'s always seemed to brighten his mood. "Where is Head Administrator Montreal?"

Mimi's cheerful smile drew smaller for a moment. Due to the nature of being a Savtech, Mimi was well aware of Kokuten's demeanor and attitude. It wasn't spying, so much as an ever present monitoring that each Savtech couldn't help but participate in; it was simply a part of their job, despite their personal preferences. Still, Mimi liked to act as though she found things out as her volumetric image witnessed them. "Is something the matter, sir? You seem troubled."

"Nothing of large-scale importance." said Kokuten, becoming conscious of his dourness, which allowed him to turn on his smile, which in turn he offered to the ever helpful Savtech. "Just lost in my own thoughts to make a decision that has hung over me for quite a while now." He chuckled at that, breaking off whatever isolated aura he had, hopefully putting her at ease. "Besides, Cassefin is never quite happy to be at my acquaintance, and since it is necessary for me to see her, you can see my predicament."

The auburn-haired Savtech returned her own sheepish smile. "Oh, I dunno... Administrator Cassefin likes you guys a lot more than you think..." Mimi said, her eyes cast to the side in contemplative thought. The Savtech shook her head, however, clearing her throat and returned back to Kokuten's original request. "Well, right now she's in the recreational atrium of the science team quarters," Mimi revealed Cassefin's location with a short giggle. "You know, the place where they had that fun stainball match... did you ever hear about that?"

"All I quite recall from the rumors is that Cassefin's chest deflated mid-match!" laughed Kokuten, honestly remembering most of the details he had heard from the game played there. Whether that was true or not, he was not sure, he was still Captain of Squad 267 when it occurred. "Still, thank you Mimi." He gave a short, gracious bow of the head. "You have always been very helpful to us, Squad 35. Have I ever said that?"

Mimi absolutely glowed with glee from Kokuten's compliment. "Not really... but I can tell you and the rest of the team appreciate Kess and I. We try our best," the Savtech admitted with delight before her shoulders lowered slightly. "Administrator Cassefin is in a good mood right now," she suddenly warned Kokuten with an endearing look. "Just don't do anything too rash, please."

"Oh, to be sure, I have thought this through thoroughly." said the Captain, appeasing the cautionary note. "Thank you." He nodded, before making his way down the hall, adjusting his path to meet at the atrium. Though, before he got too far, he stopped and turned. "Ah, and let it be known to our other ever-helpful, omnipresent assistant that her help has always been very appreciated as well." Following that, he exited onward.

Mimi watched him begin on his way, sending him a small farewell wave as he left before her volumetric image flickered back out of sight.


With the twilight hours of the Cirrus Research Station in full swing, things were much more peaceful in contrast to the ordinary day by day. The halls were quiet, scarce of hustling voices and hurried footsteps, only the occasional night-duty CSS member or another science team crewman roaming the station in its sleep. When Kokuten reached the atrium, the first thing he would notice would be the large atrium in the middle of the large circular area, the centerpiece viewable from nearly every corner of the large area. The nanomachine-utilizing recreational floor was mostly vacant, however, save for a handful of bodies near the center.

Upon approach, Kokuten would see that his target for the evening, Cassefin Montreal, was amidst the small group, which at a second glance turned out to be three Savtechs, easily distinguishable in their Cirrus Station Attendant uniforms. Cassefin was standing at one end of a long bare distance of ground, parallel to a large white wall covered with several red circles of varying sizes, while the three Savtechs stood off to the side and observed her. The Head Administrator was wearing her usual attire of beige capri pants and a royal purple vest over her red blouse, topped with her characteristic pony tail. She had discarded her Cirrus Station laboratory coat for the evening, however, giving her frame a surprisingly slender appearance... which made the article she was holding seem even more out of place.

In her hands, the head administrator was holding a large, hefty-looking crossbow. The archaic weapon was modernized, made of lightweight materials and painted in a matte black sheen. Upon closer inspection, the large white wall that Cassefin was standing several yards away from was pierced in several areas by metallic bolts, no doubt fired from the weapon in her hands in some after-hours target practice. As Kokuten drew near, Cassefin carefully placed the end of the crossbow on the ground, expertly pulling the draw back and loading another bolt from atop a small nanomachine-formed table to her side into the weapon. In one slick motion, the woman raised up, took aim and fired, a soft twang followed by a heavy thud as the bolt sank into one of the smaller circles on the wall.

Now that was something that people in the security division didn't quite see every day. The ever looming all-seeing-eye of the Cirrus Station taking a night out for a little ballistic therapy. He knew that she was a Nepleslian at heart, and there stood evidence of it. The Captain's eyes slowly turned an envious green from their usual sage hue. He kept a short distance, a little further than the savtechs, but gave a solemn applause, his metal hands clacking together audible.

"Excellent form there, Head Administrator! I have to say that was a prime shot! Never quite took you for a markswoman, but I see you'd put a few boys back in basic to shame." said Kokuten, announcing his presence, and bringing his hands back down to pull his device back out.

The Savtechs turned to watch Kokuten draw near them; one of the Savtechs turned out to be Kess, her grey eyes following the squad captain until he was standing there next to them. When Kokuten started clapping, the Savtechs looked at each other and also began to give a short round of applause as well.

Apparently they had not been regularly giving her a congratulatory hand, because upon hearing it Cassefin lowered the crossbow and glanced over towards the group. Her eyes widened a bit in surprise when she noticed the man among them, her eyebrows raising a bit as she set the weapon down and held it at the hip. "Chiaki... how long have you been there?"

Kokuten stood silently there for a moment, before widening his grin. "For quite a while, actually!" he lied, his grin getting a little wider, silently taking notice of Kess' presence. "I couldn't help but admire your focus. You seemed absolutely enraptured."

"Yes, well," Cassefin turned her head and raised her chin high with a snooty smile. "I'll have you know that I happen to be a natural expert at the crossbow, Chiaki. I have won several competitions in school and university championships," Cassefin said proudly, slinging the crossbow up onto her shoulder as she spoke, standing with poise before him and her Savtech assistants. "I take a night for myself every once in a while to make sure that I keep sharp."

"My my, brilliant and dextrous." went Kokuten bringing a few gunmetal fingers up to the edges of his trimmed beard, tracing them down from his jaw to his chin. He offered a little chuckle, "Though I must say I don't find many people priding themselves in the crossbow. Seeing it now, it is a very elegant weapon, if not somewhat industrious." He gave affirming nod to that, before letting his eyes come to the weapon itself, "Is that something of your own creation? Or a specific model?"

Cassefin started to chuckle with content at Kokuten's compliments, however she caught herself before she let it get to her head. The woman's cheeks grew a little red, and she pursed her lips together in discontent. "Don't mock me, Chiaki," Cassefin spat, pulling the crossbow back down and beginning to load another bolt into the device. "Was there something you needed, or did you just come here to butter me up with that useless smooth-talking nonsense?"
The Captain's eyes narrowed above his smile, before affording a look at his datapad. He gave a little chuckle.

"Of course the latter, then the former, Head Administrator. You know I can't help myself at my..." Kokuten restrained his mirth, "... smooth-talking." He then made his way over to her, his fingers drumming over his DataJockey's screen in sequence, opening a particular file in the writing program built in. "You requested yesterday that I put up any alterations to Squad 35's roster to you. In particular, and in the case of Maximilian, requests of transfer." He then held out his datapad to the administrator, "I have a transfer that needs to be looked at."

"Ungh," Cassefin groaned in disapproval as she drew the taut string of the crossbow back with a grunt. "Chiaki, I'm trying to enjoy some off-the-clock recreation," she said in an irritable tone, still a bit indignant at what she believed was condescending compliments from Kokuten. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to hear them, though. So, it was Maximilian's transfer to Squad 35... is that all?"

"Quite." nodded the dutiful Captain, before taking a more wearied tone, "But it is not the only one. If you would look at my DataJockey, you'll see I've made all the necessary marks." He turned the device so it's screen was faced well-enough toward her to see it's back-lit image. On it, was a Request of Transfer: Central, a form that was not meant for purely Cassefin, but the Central Corps of the Star Military of the DION. Instead of a simple inter-squad transfer form, which Maximilian's was, this one was meant for getting an assignment off-station. All of the marks on the digitized supplement were made with neat handwriting done with a stylus. At the the very bottom, signatures in a noble flourish was the name Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th. There were only two blanks, one meant for Cassefin, and another meant for a staffer at the Central Corps HQ.

Cassefin didn't bother so much as tossing Kokuten or his datapad a passing glance as she continued to load the weapon in her hands. "Eungh... just read it to me Chiaki, I'm kind of busy. Who else is requesting transfer into Squad 35?"

"No one." said Kokuten, plainly turning his DataJockey back to his own view, before making a little sigh. He cleared his throat, and began to speak. "This form, and it's contents are proof of admission of transfer by the Central Corps. Upon the signing by all three of designated individuals, the transferee, the leading officer, and approving Central Corps Executive, the transferee is here-by approved officially for aforementioned transfer. This form must be signed and dated by the leading officer no less than forty-eight hours after the transfee's signed date, and must be signed by the CCE within twenty-four hours of retrieval."

"Huh?" Cassefin exclaimed in a confused, slightly agitated voice. "Oh, wait, so somebody is requesting out, right? So who is it? I bet it's Stovaa, right?" The Head Administrator's mouth curled into a sly grin. "A little peeved that his little gal pal isn't so interested in him anymore now that she's working for me? That big baboon had it coming, trying to pull the wool over my eyes."

"No ma'am." went the Captain, shaking his head. "Whilst I wouldn't put it past Stovaa to be somewhat in distaste for separating Ms. Jacinto and himself, I do not think a transfer would be on his mind. Perhaps a change of squad, but not station." He chuckled at his little joke, holding up his smile as he carried on his next words, "No. No, this form is mine."

Cassefin paused for a moment and glanced over towards Kokuten, a look of confusion across her face. "Huh? Yours?" The woman mouthed the words to herself as the gravity of the matter settled in. Cassefin didn't look too sure how to react as she rose herself back upright, leaving the crossbow titled forward and leaning against her shins. "You're requesting for transfer... off of the Cirrus?"

"Yes, I've my highest requests for a few spots I started in the Colonial Expanse when I made my tour of assignments there. If not those, I'll return to active military service as a Medical Officer." nodded Kokuten, informing Cassefin in a plain tone, his smile giving away to the business at hand. He turned the datapad back to her, noting the mild shock, but making no mention of it. "I have it all right here."

The red-haired administrator grasped the datapad lightly and pushed her glassed back up onto her nose, quickly scanning over the words. Once she had finished, Cassefin glanced over at Kess and the other two Savtechs. "Kess, give us a moment," the administrator requested in a stern voice. The raven-haired Savtech shot a glance at Kokuten, holding for a moment before she and the other two Savtechs nodded and faded out of view, leaving the captain alone with her.

"Alright... so," Cassefin began once more, clearing her throat as she glanced back up at Kokuten with determined eyes. "Is there a particular reason you want to transfer? I mean... you have to have a good reason, I believe," Cassefin said. She didn't sound too sure of the last part, but never the less continued to give Kokuten a straight stare.

"Do I?" went Kokuten, arching a brow at the shorter administrator, giving a rather unfeeling stare. "There are a few in particular. Living conditions, diet, the matter of assignments, treatment, and in general the unknown that seems to waft around your..." He paused, grabbing his chin as his off-to-the-side glance hinted a moment spent to think of the next word, "... domain. If there are two things I dislike most, it's being toyed with, and lied to, and I've seemed to encounter those upon greater frequency as of late. So, after some decision-making, I've thought it prudent to return to the employ of the Imperium."

"Well..." Cassefin's eyes trailed off to the side for a moment as a sheepish smile spread across her face. "Nobody has really submitted a formal complaint about the sleeping quarters or the food..." Cassefin slyly attempted to explain herself before casting her gaze back onto Kokuten, expressing a more serious look. "Wait, what do you mean lied to? That's rude, I don't lie to you all!" She exclaimed indignantly, narrowing her eyes as they focused back onto the captain.

The green color in Kokuten's eyes made a sharp transition to a bright red. His lip curled in disgust and his brow furrowed over, his patience snapped off in that one moment, but he found an ounce of restraint within himself to keep him from jumping down Cassefin's throat. So, he simply tilted his head, and spoke slowly, "Then, if I ask you a question, will you give me the truth?"

Cassefin drew herself back, only slightly, raising her arm to her chest in defense. "... it's not going to be something weird, is it?" She asked, wary of Kokuten's darkening stare.

Test her, test for a reaction! went a voice in Kokuten's mind, and he did just that. He took a deep breath and crossed his arms, containing himself. The Doctor's eyes steadily washed back to a green color, before looking back at her.

"What are your thoughts on the regulations pertaining to zesuaium, and weaponized anti-matter?" asked Kokuten in almost the same way someone would for an interview.

The red-haired administrator took on a shocked expression as Kokuten asked his question, some of the color draining out of her face. Cassefin frantically glanced around the large living area to see if anyone else was there within listening distance of the two. Luckily, there was little chance of eavesdropping; most of the science crewmen and women well on their way to peaceful slumber, leaving the large open atrium quite vacant.

Cassefin leaned forward and brought her voice to a level barely above a whisper, her voice laced with annoyance and distress. "...what in the world... who told you about that?"

"Told me about what?" asked Kokuten, throwing a mask of faux confusion on his face, "I simply asked you what you felt about regulations preventing people from say... experimenting with zesuaium and anti-matter, that's not an unusual combination, is it?" The Doctor leaned foward then, to whisper, his expression breaking a slight, "I don't know about you, Cassefin, but when my supposed enemies are more honest to me than my allys, I begin to question what I'm doing."

"I think it's a bunch of nonsense, the limitations NAM has been enforcing on me as of late," Cassefin agreed to answer Kokuten's first question, scratching her temple idly as he hair swayed side to side along with her light movements. Her choice of words showed that she must have felt they were beyond the point of hiding such information. "And what's this about enemies? Who told you? It was someone from Vinross Yu-Cranker? Not someone from here?"

"Senator Vinross-Yu took the liberty of revealing this information to Tweak and myself. He explained further his business of smuggling equipment to certain clientele, in this case, you." admitted Kokuten, putting a hand on his chest, keeping his voice to an inaudible low. "He was also able to make us privy of his advised decision to..." The Captain paused there, pondering the construction of that latter sentence, "... erase the on-site witnesses in the incident concerning their visit here."

With that, his stance turned rigid, standing straight up again, to return his tone to normal volume, resounding humbly through the room. "The fact remains, however, that whatever deception and conspiracy you have conjured, I want no part in it. I can not, in good mind and heart, command a group of people to what may lead to injury and at worst death when they have little idea why they are fighting well out of their standardized, and stated roles." directed Kokuten, nodding his head in affirmation of his statement.

Although his words struck true enough, Cassefin found herself drawing her chest inward and rising up, only slightly, as though what Kokuten spoke of had offended her. The administrator reached up and adjusted her spectacles once more, giving Kokuten a stern look. "Look... I had a reason to do what I did," she began to explain, those red eyes glaring at Kokuten. "I didn't know that what happened... would have happened. I was told it was safe, dealing with Vinross Yu-Cranker. And I needed those materials." Cassefin crossed her arms across her chest. "I had no other choice."

Kokuten glared right back down at the Administrator, his eyes focused on her returning gaze, and his mind cycled her reasons over and over. The Captain tilted his head to the side, taking mild consideration of what he considered a rather empty response. In the end he simply brought a hand to his forehead.

"If you can't give me a good enough reason to believe that whatever you did this for was worth the lives it cost; the dangers it put not only your squad, but your friend Purina into; and the bullet in my leg, then I want you to sign this form now." demanded the Captain, tapping the screen of his Data-Jockey, causing the backlight to illuminate brightly once more, "I'm tired of this mice and men motiff that decorates not only these halls, but every assignment we find thrust upon us."

"It's not as though I give you these assignments on purpose, you know," Cassefin said indignantly, averting from Kokuten's proposal for proof in the best fashion she could muster at the time. "Things happen on the Cirrus all the time, and Squad 35 aren't the only ones who work to keep the station running smoothly. Don't delude yourself into thinking I play favorites or anything, Chiaki; everyone pulls their weight."

"Yet everything we do seems to come back to one source these days." added Kokuten, arching a brow at the evasive administrator. "Don't addle me with this nonsense. Do you think I'm really to believe that you're using everyone out there like this? That whatever personal, flaring vendettas you have out-stretch to everyone? No, I don't think that's quite possible. When I spoke to Senator Vinross-Yu he didn't want to speak to illustrious Squad 44, or the luminous 267. If I recall rightly, he wanted to meet the infamous Squad 35." He made a half-turn, making a small pace away from her, and then turning around to pace back. It appeared the man need a moment to collect himself to speak further, taking the short, brisk walk as way to vent any pent up energy.

"To be honest, Cassefin. I respect you immensely for what you do here and the tight ship you run, but my respect only goes so far when I find myself in this position." he stated, holding up his hand, which spun once in a full-rotation. "Honestly, if every day was wrangling up slimes and stopping trains, perhaps I'd have a slightly different opinion, but it's not."

The Head Administrator watched Kokuten move about, that serious stare keeping a persistent watch as he paced about. "Why exactly do you want to leave, Chiaki?" Cassefin asked him suddenly, shifting the weight on one foot to the other. "You're a part of the Nepleslian military... these kinds of assignments must be remarkably easy for you. Even with the... incident involving the senator, I don't see why you're so keen on abandoning your squad all of a sudden. It's not as though something like that will happen again..." Cassefin allowed her voice to trail off, the ordeal in question still evidently fresh on her mind. "There must be something else."

"Let me tell you something I've not told anyone elsec" started Kokuten, before looking up at the ceiling, "Before the incident at the Sink-strip, I had never been shot before. Yes, shot at, and occasionally shrugging rounds off in power armor, but never has my skin been torn by a bullet." The admission caused a red hue to wash over the green, making for a strange color to mix in his irises. He took another round of pacing again, shrugging his black, metal arms, his hands outstretched. "The sensation was palpable, as I laid sprawled over Purina with slugs and bullets flying overhead. After I felt the round sink in, my mind switched to pure instinct. My hand gripped around my weapon, and I experienced the most serene focus in lining my cross-hairs that I had ever had before."

He stopped a few yards away from her, before looking back Cassefin with those unnatural, green eyes. "It wasn't until after the event, that I discovered that the slug had landed barely a centimeter from an artery." admitted the Doctor. "If that eco-terrorist's hand had been one more degree to the left, I would've died."

Once again, he continued his pacing back towards the Head Administrator, intertwining his fingers once more. "That let me think for awhile, from that moment, until now, what exactly I was doing out there. What in the world was I risking my life for? Yes, Purina was in trouble, but why was I there in the first place? Why am I putting my life on the line?" finished Kokuten, his LEDs darkening in color as his brow furrowed thoughtfully.

Cassefin's eyes trailed to the side a bit, her brow furrowing slightly as she tightened her arms as they crossed over her chest. " were there to protect Purina and myself," Cassefin answered blandly to Kokuten in a lower tone of voice. "Purina wasn't really... supposed to be there, but you all did a good job keeping her safe."

The Captain's brow arched suddenly. "Wait a minute," he said in shock, pointing at Cassefin, it was hard to tell if it was genuine or not, but he continued with it none-the-less. "Was that... praise? Open praise? From you?" The Doctor stood up straight, placing the back of his cold, synthetic hand on her forehead, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Shut up," Cassefin spat back angrily, brushing his hand away harshly as she returned her burning gaze back to him, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. She was unable to tell whether or not his words were genuine, but Cassefin preferred to assume that they were simply condescending. "So you mean to tell me you intend on leaving the Cirrus because you're afraid of being shot again? You think you're going to be any safer out there working for the military during a war?" The woman continued to pressure his reasons for desiring the transfer. "I've already decided that I won't be using Senator Vinross Yu's services anymore, what more do you want?"

"I'm afraid of dying, to be honest." admitted Kokuten, rubbing his chin. "Honestly, the bullet was a wake-up call, but it can't be neglected that nearly every notable assignment we've been on has had the chance of death." The Captain himself couldn't quite understand why Cassefin wanted to keep him with all of this. Whilst he was a Staff Sergeant, he was a doctor, not an officer. His absence would leave the position open for someone with greater talent to take his position. Why didn't she see that? "And, yes, I understand we are at a time of war, but... Administrator, I am a physician, thoroughly studied in medical practice, neurology, and cybernetic work. At the very least, if I die, I'll die preventing someone elses death in the best way I know how."

He leaned in, whispering the next part to her. "Do you know how hard it is for me to actually kill someone with an oath like mine? Well... It's not very hard, considering I can rather easily target someone's vital areas, but I believe you understand what I mean at any rate. It's difficult for me to sort out the death of one man through my iron-sights against the death of another under my scalpel."

Despite her wishes or personal preferences, Cassefin knew she couldn't actually keep Kokuten there if he had plausible reason. She didn't quite understand his sentiments, but then again her own viewpoint on the subject was set through a looking glass of a different shade than Kokuten's. Cassefin sighed audibly, uncrossing her arms and placing them at her hips. "That sounds ridiculous. It's much safer here on the Cirrus than it is out there. Nobody has actually died here in the line of duty. Except for that one time..." the woman paused for a moment, wrenching her mouth to the side in discontent. "I don't require you to kill here, unless you have to. I don't purposefully put you in danger's way unless it's for the safety of the people aboard this station. I don't see why you have to leave."

Cassefin drew her eyes off to the side again. "This is dumb. We're just talking in circles."

"Alright, then, Head Administrator." nodded Kokuten respectfully to the woman, but showed no signs of giving up just yet. Despite making her weary of the subject, it was in his own intentions to let her have her way without a fight. "Let us go about it in a different direction. This entire discussion has been on exactly why I want to leave. Why don't you tell me why I need to stay?"

"You're... reliable?" Cassefin worded her answer strangely, sounding not entirely convinced herself. The woman didn't have much of a reason to give him beyond her preference for the captain. He had come through for Squad 35 on several occasions; perhaps she was just wary of possibly disrupting the balance of one of her better security teams. "And finding a replacement for you would be... difficult."

Cassefin's eyes looked around for a better answer to give him, fruitlessly, as she shifted her weight once more and lightly cleared her throat. It wasn't long before her eyes drew onto her own feet, with which she found a temporary reprieve from actually answering his question. "... how about, instead of running around in circles, we simply settle this with a wager, Chiaki?" Cassefin said, bending down and picking up the matte black crossbow that she still had propped up at her feet.

"If you're so intent on leaving, despite the many, many reasons why you shouldn't," Cassefin went on, ignoring the fact that she had barely given two reasons, let alone enough to justify the use of 'many'. "Then we shall have a small contest. You shall attempt to hit the large red target in the center of my range, and then I will attempt a shot. And whomever comes to closest wins."

Inwardly, Cassefin was putting her faith in what was essentially this bluff; she knew she couldn't keep him here, and she hoped he didn't realize just how much authority he had over his own transfer. "I will sign your transfer notice if you win, and you can go back to getting killed in some ditch..." Cassefin said with a dull tone, displaying her discontent for that outcome quite plainly to Kokuten. She, of course, brightened back up a bit when she came to her own reward. "If I win, you will stay, and enjoy being safe and sound aboard Cirrus Station."

The LEDs on Kokuten's eyes stared at the black crossbow, and then on her. "This is hardly fair." stated the Captain, tilting his his head to the side a bit, "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to wager my future on something quite as imbalanced as this?" He let a little restrained mirth escape his lips, before putting his face into his hand. "I've read every inch of this form, including the Cirrus Station Security guidelines concerning transfers. Ideally, you should've signed my form already."

Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the Fifth sighed immensely, pulling his face from his palm and offering the first smile to his boss in the last few minutes.
"Since you've gone to such lengths to humor me, it would be..." once again he stopped to find a word, "... impertinent to not at least humor you in return. So, Head Administrator Cassefin Montreal, I accept your wager whole-heartedly, and with complete faith that the outcomes are not already measured."

"Well good," Cassefin said with a haughty smirk, tossing the crossbow at Kokuten. "For a minute there you looked like you might cry about it some more. I mean, how do you expect to survive in a war if you can't beat a girl at a shooting contest? That's just pathetic," the woman taunted the captain as she turned back towards the white wall displayed several yards in front of them.

The wall seemed to respond to Cassefin's movements by shaking a bit, the nanomachines comprising the structure altering to her silent command. The silvery bolts that had been fired into the material suddenly shook loose and clattered onto the ground. A soft, subtle wave formed at the base of the wall and began roiling towards Cassefin and Kokuten, bringing along the dozen or so projectiles with it. Once it reached them, the wave of white nanomachine material and the bolts merged with the stomach-high table that Cassefin had been using to hold her unfired ammunition, creating a small shelf that held the returned bolts and hoisted them up until they found themselves mixed and mingled with the rest, ready to be used once more.

Cassefin gripped one of the bolts between her thumb and forefinger, turning to Kokuten and delicately tossing the sharp projectile towards him. "Well? Let's see what you got, Mr. Tough Guy Super Marine."

"Let's see indeed, Mistress Montreal." replied Kokuten in a pious reverence as he half-bowed in Cassefin's direction, using the motion to catch the dart in his hand, before bending all the way forward. Using what he had seen her do when she reloaded the weapon, he put his foot through the metal loop at the mouth and pulled the string back with one finger. He then picked up the weapon and placed the bolt into the weapon.

Of course, Kokuten was quite aware of what would happen. Even if he managed to place a well-aimed shot, he was sure that this floor was going to act to Cassefin's whims. Her deflating breasts weren't the only things he heard about from that stainball match. So, he shouldered the crossbow, and took aim. Knowing that, it almost felt appropriate to say something disruptive in case it was the administrator's intent to ensure his defeat, but he had already given up for the evening.

"To be honest, I don't know why I subject myself to this, but I do find comfort in postponing the decision." said the Captain before pulling trigger on bow, letting loose the projectile with a subtle twang.

The bolt soared with ease through the moderate distance of open air between hunter and his target. From Kokuten and Cassefin's standpoint, the bolt was well on its way for a direct hit on the large, multi-tiered central target. However, once the bolt had careened past the mid-point, the red target began to shift slightly upward. As a result, the bolt landed in what was originally the center of the red target circle, but was now just a simple white area.

Cassefin chortled a bit to herself upon witnessing Kokuten's error. "Hm hm hm, did I mention we're practicing on a moving target? You should have drawn your shot higher to compensate for the gravity pull, Chiaki. Tsk tsk, rookie mistake," Cassefin shook her head side to side with a shrug, apparently sorely disappointed with Kokuten attempted shot. "This will be easier than I thought. You know, if enough people ask, I could improve the security team living quarters a bit. Just so there are no hard feelings when I win."

The Doctor sighed, lifting up the crossbow over his shoulder. He had a rather mild smile on his face. Just as expected. he thought, before looking over at Cassefin and passing the weapon to her with one hand. "That is quite the charity." said Kokuten, stepping on out of the way to allow the Administrator to prepare for her shot. "I'll be sure notify the rest the squad once I get back tonight."

"Do you have any other suggestions, then?" Cassefin continued to gloat as she took her crossbow back and began to load the weapon once more, effortlessly pulling the draw back and delicately retrieving a bolt from the table. "I mean, the comfort of my security personnel is of high value to me, after all. And you'll be here for a while, so it makes sense to keep you as comfortable as possible."

"I'd hate to see what your low value is..." muttered the Captain silently.

Cassefin raised the weapon up and placed a silver-plated bolt into the groove. She looked sidelong towards Kokuten and flash him a canary-eating grin. "Any last requests before I bury you, Chiaki?"

"Hm. Nothing you could satiate, to be honest." nodded Kokuten, holding up his palms in a shrug, waiting to see how this shot was going to turn out.

"Oh?" Cassefin drew her eyes back down the range, taking careful aim. The target was, however, acting a bit shy at the moment, refusing to move an inch as she carefully took aim. She waited before taking the shot, however; a part of her took great glee in her continued taunting. "I'm the Head Administrator of Cirrus Research Station. Try me."

"You could..." Kokuten started to put his Data-Jockey into the carrier on his belt, looking up to state his own request, "Show some humility?"

Taking in a deep breath, Cassefin slowly released it as she pulled the trigger on the weapon. The bolt shot from the end of the weapon with a soft twang, the flash of silver bursting forward down the makeshift range. The target didn't move this time, the red circle remaining quite stationary as the projectile traveled through the air. The bolt, however, was not on a course as ideal as Kokuten's had been. This became even more evident as the projectile sank into a patch of white wall far to the bottom left of the target, a fair distance farther than Kokuten's shot had performed.

Cassefin lowered the weapon moments before the bolt actually landed, turning around towards the exit of the science crew atrium. She didn't seem surprised by her attempt; in fact, in the short moment Kokuten was able to see her face, Cassefin looked incredibly neutral and expressionless. "Well Chiaki, just send the information to me through Kess. I'll have it signed for you by the time we make dock on the next system," Cassefin said in a clear, calm voice. She kept her face turned as she spoke, only a glimpse of the angle of her face viewable from where Kokuten was standing. After a short pause, the woman began walking briskly towards the exit, leaving the range standing with her bolts on the table, only bringing her crossbow with her. "You will have to persevere until then. I will try and assign Squad 35 to lesser assignments until you leave. Good night."

Was that... a fair shot? asked a meager voice in Kokuten's mind as he stock utter shock at what he had to take as a misfire. She seemed to have been firing so well before, there was no way that could've been an accident! When he saw her shooting earlier, her bolts were hitting center. Had he missed the movements of the circles, earlier? Had his perception been mired by the surprise of her appreciation of ballistics? No no no, this would not do at all.

"Adminstrator!" called out Kokuten sharply, after a short moment to digest all of that, "Cassefin."

Kokuten's call fell unheeded by Cassefin; she simply continued to walk, holding her crossbow in one hand as her soft-soled steps echoed through the silent atrium. As she drew closer to the door, she gave him one last simple, dismissive reply. "Good night, Kokuten."