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RP (non-canon): D&D Post Mission 1: Changing of the Guard


🎖️ Game Master
After more disagreements regarding the group's future path, they all decided it was better to split and part ways. Denkou stayed at the mansion, with Aurelus as a body guard, to explore for any more hidden treasures. The remaining three returned to town, encountering no problems along the way. Upon their return, Sorri said goodbye to the group as she had chosen to work for the hospital in town, and thus would not be joining the other two on their adventures. Returning to the inn for the night (and a free deluxe room for saving the town), the two mages had a good night's rest. When they awoke in the morning, the innkeeper informed them that the village elders would like to see them.
Talarin grunted as he shifted his pack. "Well, Ghira. I think we should head over there." Joanna slipped her head out a pocket to hiss her agreement.
(Ghira's spell list will be on default for now, with two castings of Detect Magic prepared to fill up that extra spell slot.)

Ghira groaned as he stretched out a little, waking up the middle-aged mage a bit more. With a yawn, he agreed, "Yes. We should. Let me just gather my things together and we can head over."

The Imaskari had spent what was left of the day prior researching new spells, and he felt that he was on the verge of discovering two new spells! After his things were secured into his traveler's pack, he headed over to where the Elders were located with Talarin.
When the two mages arrived at the town hall, the village council was lined up as they were before atop the steps to the town hall. As the adventurers approached the Village Elder spoke. "Behold, the heroes of Caloma! You have done this town a great service, and we will never forget that. For the help you have given, we have agreed to reward you a small monetary reward. I am sad to find out that the other two may not returning for they have chosen to stay behind, but we will be here if they ever choose to return. Now, before you depart there are some matters that we must take care of." The Elder sat down in his chair as the town cleric rose and stepped forward.

"My matter is simple, which is to satisfy any curiosities. Once the magic behind the disease was destroyed it was easy to discover the type of disease, the cure, and details regarding the magic. The disease was a magically created Curse which was intensified by a permanency spell, something of a very complex nature. The permanency spell was what was allowing it to spread through the air. When we attempted to cure people, they were in fact cured, but were immediately reinfected, it was an endless cycle. Destroying the magic ended the permanency of the disease, thus making it easy to fight. Unknown to you, I actually cast a simple spell to cure you while the Elder was talking. Other than that, I apologize for stealing Sorri away from you, but she wished to work for me for a short time. After we have finished, if you tell me your destination or future plans, I may be of some help to you." With that,t he cleric sat back down.

Next stood the sorceress who owned the magic shop. "Cave-dweller, before you departed I promised you a gift along with the others if you could prove your trust, and you have done more than that. In return, if you give me your spell book, I will copy any one spell into it that you desire, however it must be at the 3rd level of spells or below. Please speak to me once you are finished."

Lastly, the blacksmith came forward. "I have a special surprise for you. When you're finished with the other two, come talk to me, I'll be in my shop." The blacksmith walked down the steps and headed back towards his smithy, nodding to the two as he passed.
Ghira was certainly surprised at the fanfare. He had known that they had done a good deed for the town, but this sort of thing was an alien experience for him. Being a hero, that is. His thoughts were clear, however. Presenting his book to the sorceress, he told her, "It'd be much appreciated if you could write down a spell that would disenchant magics, if you don't mind. I've tried to find out how it works, myself, but it's just a hair out of my grasp."

With the magic now decided, the Imaskari turned to his current companion and asked, "Well, I plan on investigating a rumored crypt where one of the Lost Tomes of Amaskar are. Of course, I am not exactly experienced enough in the ways of magic for such a perilous journey, so where do you plan on going?"
"Crypts? Lost magical tomes? Skeletons, probably both mobile and immobile? Count me in Ghira. But won't we need some hired muscle?" Talarin asked.
"Indeed we will. But that is also why I said I felt that I needed more experience in the arcane arts before setting out on such a daunting task." Ghira cooly replied. Turning to the cleric, he asked, "Is there such a place where I might gain such experience?"
The cleric contemplated what he was asked before looking down on the two and answering. "Well, simple study could always work, but independent study takes quite a while, as I'm sure you already know. An accelerated form of study could be going to a school of magic, but that still takes some time and is quite expensive. Apart from that, there is always the option of finding training in Weiss since it center many sorts of mages from all different kinds of magic, although I wouldn't recommend that option. And the most obvious is to simply adventure around, noting makes one learn more about magic than using it in a practical setting."
"I figured as much," Ghira sighed, turning back to Talarin. "So then, do you have any destinations in mind? Because I certainly do not."
"Destinations? I hadn't really thought about it much. Just kinda figured our old group would just keep moving on to the next town till we heard about anything interesting."
The cleric piped in one last time. "Well doesn't the cave-dweller already have an employer at the castle? Why not return there and seek additional work? Or, if you prefer to avoid getting caught in politics then you could always just look for side work from town to town. If you choose the latter then I would recommend one of the larger towns, Tallgrass or Port Athens if you prefer to stay in the region. Belloksh to the north, and twin rivers, apart from being small attracts a lot of traffic as it is one of the major cross-roads towns in the country. Other than that, there's always work to be found in the capitol, whether from the crown or not."
"Oh. . . Thank you very much. I had entirely forgot about that assignment. Well, I believe I owe them a report, then," The Imaskari sighed, turning to Talarin once more. "Then, will you accompany me to the castle?
Talarin smiled and gave Ghira a nudge and a wink. "Only if you introduce me to the princess." he said jokingly. "A castle huh? I've never seen one in person. I wonder if they're like the stories Old brim used to tell on long winter nights when I was a child. " he thought to himself.
"Very well then, it is settled. We shall go to the castle," Ghira stated, nodding as he began the statement. Once more turning his attention back to the cleric, he asked, "Is there any more you wish to say before we head off to the Smith?"
"I know a very...interesting acquaintance in the capitol city. I'm sure he will be able to help you with your predicament. Don't worry about finding him, he'll find you. Other than that, no, I do not have anything."
"Thank you very much," He finally concluded, bowing slightly to the cleric. Ghira gestured for Talarin to follow, exiting the place and locating the smithy.
Ghira entered the smithy, greeting the owner with a "Hello. I believe you had something for us?"
When the duo entered the smithy, they found that all of the tools and items in the shop had been packed up. All of the crates had been shoved against one of the walls, leaving nothing else on the ground. In the corner, the blacksmith was placing a stack of metal stock in a crate and nailing the crate shut.

"That be the last of it! Oh, howdy there!" The blacksmith looked up as he saw the two come in. "You're just in time. Come on over and help me push this here box against the wall."
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