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RP (non-canon): D&D Post Mission 1: Changing of the Guard

Ghira helped as well, though he didn't think he could do much considering matters of strength were not his forte. When the task was done, he faced the smith and asked, "I believe you wanted to see us before we left?"
The smith looked at the two and nodded. "Aye, that be the case. After much consideration, I've decided that I be coming with ye. My apprentice, who is off visiting family, will be back in a few weeks. I've sent him a letter explaining my leave. I just be figuring that the shop was never a place for me. I used to sail the blue oceans as far as the eye could see, adventure is where I belong. And so, if you don't be minding me company, I'll tag along, seeing as ye two be needing some replacement muscle."
"Well, that is good news then. I would hate to think what would happen to us if we were attacked by bandits that were far more skilled in combat than I am in magic." Ghira said coolly, cracking a smile. "So, when will you be ready to go?"
Talarin nodded in agreement. "I wouldn't mind having the extra help. But are you sure you won't be missed that much here?" he asked curiously. Joanna nudged her head out to look at the newcomer. After a moment she gave an approving hiss.
"Nah! They won't be missing me much. The elders know that I be heading out, and they've got a key to me shop if they need some emergency arms. Other than that, me apprentice be almost as good as I at the trade, the quality of work won't lessen much. Besides, with the war going on the crown is supplying any weapons that the citizens be needing. Not to mention that weapons aren't needed that often 'round here, at least not until those friends of the cave-dweller showed up."

The blacksmith looked around a bit before seeing a pack lying next to the opening to the inside of the stone forge. He walked over and removed his tool belt, placing it in the pack. He then reached in and pulled out a sword sheath with a short sword inside. The dwarf then attached the sheath to his waist and, after grabbing the Heavy Steel Shield lying near him and attaching it to the front of the pack, slung the pack over his shoulders and stood as tall as his four foot body would allow.

"I be ready right now.Lead the way, assuming ye have a destination in mind."
"Then let us go. Wasted daylight is a terrible thing," Ghira stated, gripping his staff and proceeding out the door. It would be a long trek to the capital, and they'd need all the daylight they needed to get there with as early as possible as to not annoy his assigners.
"Alright, let's get going then." Talarin followed the two out of the shop and onto the road. "I have a good feeling about this" he said aloud to nobody in paticular. He drew in a deep breath, smelling the clean outside air. "A Good feeling indeed."
After several days of travel the trio arrived in Tallgrass, the last sign of civilization that they would see before reaching the capitol city. Even though it was far from any villages, Tallgrass was quite a large city, with dozens of large towers and buildings looming into the air. It was about noonday when they arrived at the city and, having used three days of rations, were starting to run low if not out already. A rough-looking wooden wall surrounded the city as the party approached, with a two large guard towers on either ends of the road marking the entrance into the city.
As they approached the gate, Ghira turned to his companions and asked, "Have either of you been here before? I'd like to know where the nearest inn is."
Talarin shook his head as he walked abrear of Ghira. "I haven't been much anywhere outside my home village." Joanna slipped out of her pocket and climbed onto Talarin's shoulder. She tasted the air and held a regal pose with one claw hanging onto Talarin's ear.
"Follow," the dwarf said as he pushed past the other two and headed into the city. After a short five minute walk through some back-alleys and side-streets the party emerged in a plaza. Around this plaza was an assortment of different signs and shops, along with one that read The Black Notch Tavern and Inn.
"Black Notch? Sounds very Dwarfish." Talarin commented dryly as he followed the Dwarf into the tavern. He blinked at himself as he realized he didn't know the dwarf's name. "Excuse me sir dwarf. But I don't think I ever caught your name." he added on embarrassedly.
The dward grunted. "Well that might be 'cus ye never asked. The name be Eberk, back in the day they used to call me Eberk the Immortal, but we just have to wait and see if I still have the same agility and toughness that I used to." Eberk looked around the tavern before saying, "It's been years since I been in here... Looks exactly the same. So, we gonna stand around or we be getting some rooms?"
"Rooms, please and thank you." Talarin said as he swept his eyes over the tavern, looking for the innkeeper. He grinned as he felt a sudden rush of energy rush through him. Some days it just felt good to be alive. Joanna, perched on his shoulder, seemed to feel energized as well. Which she displayed by crawling from one shoulder to another. Talarin patted her head while she was moving. "I think I'll be taking a stroll through the city after we get settled in. It is just too beautiful a day not to." he said after a moment.
"Stroll all you like, Talarin. I shall attend to my studies of the arcane arts in my room until tomorrow," Ghira informed his two comrades, drumming his fingers on his staff slightly. "I will pay for a single room. Whether you choose to share it or not is entirely up to you."

The Imaskari approached the innkeeper and asked the price per night.
The innkeeper looked up at Ghira, without any surprise at the odd species. "5 silver for a standard room, 2 gold for some luxury, 2 silver for blanket and the floor, and anything in between."

Eberk walked over and slammed down 2 gold. Grabbing the key he went to his room and emerged moments later, no longer carrying his pack. However, his armor and weapons still accompanied the dwarf. "Alright wizard-boy, seeing as ye may be needing a guide and guard through the city, I be coming with ye."
Placing two gold pieces down, Ghira collected his key in his usual, cool demeanor and made his way to his room, conveniently located next to the dwarf's. Within minutes, all all of his research was unpacked and on the ground, surrounding the Imaskari who sat on the floor.

"Very well then," He began, opening a fresh page, "Let us see what mysteries of the universe I may unravel today.
Talarin paid for his own luxury room and placed his traveling pack and supplies down. He walked out of the room still carrying his shortspear and wearing his armor. "I'm ready when you are." he said, heading back out towards the streets. "Where's the marketplace?" he asked once they were out on the street.
The dwarf followed Talarin outside and peered around the square. "Well, this be almost as good as ye be gettting, if ye looking for legitimate stores. About two blocks down or so its basically an open flee market. It'll be cheaper, but most of the stuff be used and worn."
"Well, I'm not looking for anything in particular, just feel the need to wander. So let's head on down to the flea market." Talarin said brightly. And he started off in the direction the dwarf indicated. Joanna scrambled from shoulder to shoulder, obviously interested in the strange new sights.
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