"Ugh." Fian had his thumb and index finger massaging the bridge of his nose.
This was the problem of people who are bred sorely for combat, it's hard enough for normal soldiers to re-integrate themselves into society, but what about those who were never in it to begin with? Knowing only war, this one here must have lost all self control at the prospect of a firefight. Though the ID-SOL wasn't the only purpose made being at fault here, Fian could guess who pulled out the gun first.
And who was that Phaedra mentioned? Captain Miller? THE Captain Miller? The name was like a force multiplier for complications in this situation.
A slow hum started reverberating through the cabin, gradually increasing in intensity.
"I can call up the IPG to 'investigate' him to a fate worse than death. But really, the Chief is right, this isn't the time for this because we have no time." He then continued, fist clenched, in a voice louder than normal. "Whoever bought him in here, you have 30 seconds to get him outside before the shuttle takes off!"
"Everyone else, Chief, P3C Wallace, take a seat and strap yourselves in!"