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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 21] Kyoto Blues

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Kyoto, Yamatai
1100 hours local time

On the military side of Kyoto, the well-traveled and battle-tested YSS Eucharis sat on her three landing feet in a 3-walled docking bay nestled into the side of the main military spaceport, with her dagger-like main gun thrusting out into the air and her tail facing a large, open armored door that led into a garage area filled with shipping containers, various starship parts piled in a corner, some utility vehicles parked on the side, safely tucked away from the torrent of pouring rain coming down from gray clouds set against the darker and seemingly endless skyline of the Kyoto megacity.

A loud hum of hydraulics filled the dock as the thickly armored cargo ramp assembly pushed out from under the Eucharis' tail and rotated downward until it came to rest on the concrete with a brief scraping. At the top of the non-stick ramp stood Nitô Hei Victory Kuroki with her hand on the door controls, dressed in her navy blue working uniform. She looked out at the spaceport garage and took a deep breath of the rainy air, and then went to the crane controls, extending the crane over the ramp and then running from the ship to a forklift in the garage. She began loading new supplies onto the ship, starting with a box labeled Uniform, Coverall, Type 36. OD Green.


Hanako stood at the end of the table with the crew gathered around. "I wish the greatest success to those of you who are moving on to other assignments," Hanako smiled. "This commences our shore leave in Kyoto. You all have my permission to disembark whenever you are ready. Those of you who will remaining on the roster, please get permission if you plan to travel outside the city. Dismissed!"

Natsumi was concerned as she sat in her seat at the table. People she had served with nearly her entire short life were moving away to other ships or posts and on top of that her captain was expressing intentions of doing the same. She chewed on her lip, suddenly not feeling like getting up and going off the ship as if it would not be here when she came back. The white haired, red eyed neko glanced around the people gathered at the table with sudden uncertainty in the continuance of her personal universe as she had become comfortable with it being. What would happen to everyone that was leaving.... what would happen to the the Eucharis.... to her? She did not have any answers. She did not like this new uncertainty.

She slowly got up, collecting her dishes and placing them where they needed to go to be cleaned. She bit her lip again and contacted Hanako wirelessly, "Shosho Hanako, forgive my intrusion, but what will happen to the Eucharis and everyone aboard if you go?" she asked through the private channel.
Cabin 6

Sienna finished gathering the last of her meager belongings into her backpack and closed the zipper, tossing it down onto the sloppily-made bed in which she'd slept during her time as a refugee aboard the warship. The backpack was significantly heavier and stuffed tighter than when she'd arrived, thanks to the shopping endeavours on Hanako's World as well as a few other odds and ends she'd picked up over the past year.

She hadn't said a word to anyone about her intentions, and because she'd made a point of avoiding contact with the crew altogether whenever it was the least bit possible, no one had asked her. She had spent her days mostly in her cabin while Chieko was out performing her regular duties, occupying herself with regimens of push-ups, situps, leg-lifts, lunges, and choreographed shadow boxing, and came up with as many excuses as she could to be wandering the emptier parts of the ship when privacy was not an option in her bunk. She always took her showers and visited the bathroom late at night or early in the morning, when it was the most likely that she would be alone. She had timed her visits to the wardroom so that she only sat down to eat when the rest of the crew was finished and had returned to their stations, and always made quick work of her meals. There had been a few times when the lounge was completely empty, so she had been able to hide out there for a few hours at a time, playing with the PHC that Sune had given her, but had always hurried out as soon as she heard someone approaching. No larger than the ship was, some social interactions were unavoidable, but she never allowed a conversation to last more than a few seconds before she excused herself, and was always agreeable and nonchalant so as not to provoke one of the nosier crew members into probing her.

Now that the ship had finally arrived at its next port, it was time to go. No doubt there was some sort of pow-wow ongoing in the wardroom before the crew debarked, so she needed to wait for a while for everyone to clear out. Opening the locker once more to check that she had not left anything, her reflection in the door mirror caught her eye, and she paused for a moment to gaze at the young woman looking back at her. She wasn't displeased with what she saw, in fact, it was somewhat amusing to her that as far as she could remember, she was wearing more or less the same outfit today that she had been wearing when the ship had plucked her from Urtullan; her thick, dark-green work pants laden with pockets everywhere, draped over her yet again recently cleaned work boots, and an earthtone tank top that clung tightly to her attractively fit torso and tucked beneath a black belt. She reached up and brushed a few strands of her short chestnut-colored hair off of her right eyebrow, and leaned towards the mirror. Her skin looked refreshed and vibrant despite a lifetime of labor, but she couldn't help noticing the distant, dead look in her greenish-brown eyes. She wanted to write it off as fatigue from the oppressive, claustrophobic feeling that the Eucharis had started to give her in recent months, thinking that getting away from the Yamataian military would be the best remedy, but she had to wonder. Even though the mirror reflected the same confident, self-reliant, and subtly attractive young woman she was used to seeing, the way her eyes lacked any luster or shine made her feel vacant, hollow.

Blinking hard, she shook her head and cleared her throat. I just need to get the hell out of here already, that's all it is, she thought, and reached inside the locker to retrieve the one remaining item inside -- her pistol and holster. The instant she pulled it from the shelf, she slammed the locker door and bent down to secure the holster to her right thigh, checking to see if the weapon was secure inside of it, and pocketed the spare clips in one of the leg pockets on her left. She then gave the holster a few jiggles to test its fit, then with a nod, she snagged the jacket she had left draped on the back of the chair, tossing it into the air in front of her and snatched it with a swipe of her other hand. Turning around, she walked back over to her bunk as she slipped her arms into the sleeves and pulled it over her shoulders, sitting down on the edge of the bed before she reclined back on her palms with a sigh. Hopefully everyone else was as eager to get off the ship as she was, and she wouldn't have to talk to anyone before she disappeared.

Hanako pressed her lips together and made a face. "It would be out of my hands, but the ship will go on; I do not think they would decommission the ship unless they were decommissioning the whole class on a fleet or Army-wide level. I expect command will transfer the squadrons command to another ship and assign some bright upcoming Shosa in my place. I remember when I took command of the YSS Sakura from Taisa Rufus Sydney, there was a transitional period where we were both on the ship. Maybe that would be ideal since the ship lacks a first officer right now. It's possible that a new XO would also be assigned at the same time. As for the crew, everyone still here would stay unless they put in for a transfer. The Star Army has been slow to rotate personnel, often letting people stay in the same position for years. I am a prime example of that," she answered Natsumi.

Meanwhile, Hanako looked down at the sizzling meat, contemplating the effects of the heat on it and how organisms needed to adapt to their new environments or face extinction. If she left the ship, it would mean learning a new place in the universe and adapting accordingly. But it was probably worst for their guest. Now there is someone who will need to find her new identity. "Has anyone seen Sienna?" Hanako asked. "I need to speak with her."
Cabin 3

Takeyu stared curiously at the set of orders that he had just received. It was... unusual... to say the least, the orders had caught him entirely off guard - so much that he had sent in a request for clarification of the orders. "A Taii being put in charge of a large ship? There's gotta be a mistake," he muttered to himself, but the response he got back - which had been very quick - pretty much told him everything; those orders weren't a mistake. With a heavy sigh the Taii packed up his things, it wasn't much really, and he had the items tagged to be transferred to the next outbound shuttle to the station that the YSS Soyokaze was currently docked at.

But before he left, he had plans of his own, he wasn't about to leave without saying a word. "Shosho Hanako, would it be alright I spoke to you before my departure?" he said via a telepathic message, once he left he planned to hit a few stores and buy gifts for the crew of the ship but first things first....

Upon being dismissed, Chieko stood and gave a warm bow to Hanako that managed to keep its professionalism. "I will want to at least get into town for as long as allowed," the young woman offered, "But I will be by to specifically ask permission before I go." She then collected her dishes and set them into the cleaning rack before making her way down to the lounge, and then to her cabin.

Cabin 6

The scientist entered the cabin a little gentler than the previous time, only to see that her Nepleslian cabinmate was 'up' and dressed. "Feeling any better?" she asked as she went to her locker and opened it up to see what she would need for a night on the town. That was when her communicator went off indicating she had just received a message.

Instead of picking it up, the Minkan accessed the device with her mind and began looking up the message while she continued with getting ready. That all stopped when she realized that it was new orders for transfer. Chieko was moving again.

Mitsuko was worried and anxious again. More like still, honestly. People were leaving again. Things were changing. She hated all of it. The mousy Neko mechanically stood and made sure she'd put everything away before exiting, leaving any others still lingering behind her. She received an update about the cargo being brought aboard, frowning for a moment. New uniforms? Again? She'd never even worn the Field Uniform that was hanging in her cabin, and she didn't think anyone else on board had worn theirs either. Another item to inspect, check off and deliver to whoever was still on board.

She shrugged before continuing towards her cabin. That was one thing she didn't have any reason at all to worry about until their shore leave was finished. Murakami began selecting an outfit once she arrived, although she still didn't have much civilian clothing to wear. The Neko wasn't even sure how she'd spend her free time. She hadn't been back on Yamatai in quite a while, though.
Cabin 6

Sienna's head twitched to the side as she heard footsteps approaching outside the cabin and watched as the door whooshed open, and her roommate walked in. She made certain not to let her shoulder fall even the slightest bit in disappointment at the intrusion, and gave the Minkan a singular, silent nod in greeting. She stayed sitting on the edge of her bunk, still leaning back on her hands, and paid only scant attention while Chieko went to her locker.

Her lips curled upward in a smirk at the scientist's question. "How long you think a hangover lasts for a Nepleslian?" she joked. "Sure, I bet I looked like crap yesterday, but damn, you didn't think I'd still be sweating booze today, did you?"
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Hanako sent Takeyu a simple "Alright, please come to the wardroom," via wireless. As she waited she started feeling hungry for lunch. Since the ship was in port, Mango and Lime were not expected to cook and although she wouldn't mind having leftover hibachi food from last night, but leftovers were rare on Star Army ships, since there were usually cooks on duty all times of the day making fresh meals; also, rations were really for field use. This left ordering out or going out as the only option. Sure, the Star Army dining facilities were free, and the usual chains like Warm and Sweet were scattered around the starport, but there was also a whole mega-city full of restaurants out there to experience. Hanako also figured food would be a good distraction from the gutted crew roster that would leave her ship at less operational capacity than even their recent training exercise where half the free was off on a planetside away mission.

Kyoto, Hanako thought to herself as she looked out at the skyline barely visible through the streaks and splatters of rain pounding against the ship's only window. All those people have a story, just like our crew members. But some of ours are especially interesting. I hope the former crew members remember their experiences on Eucharis fondly.
Cabin 4

Bags sat on her bunk with a data pad with her orders laying next to them. She didn't know of anyone's else's transfers. She had spent most of the morning packing and setting her affairs in order for the transfer. Misato sighed as she slide the last of her belonging into her baggage and sealed it up. looking around at the cabin that had been her home for the past few years she frowned. She really didn't want to leave the ship, but the excitement of a new experience did help take a bit of the sting out of the equation.

Leaving Her gear where they laid she set a letter for Mitsuko on the desk. She had spent most of the night sitting up and composing it, ever since she had received her orders she had thought on how to tell Mimi about it. In the end she decided the letter would be the best.

She grabbed her bags and left the cabin for the last time. She made her way to the lounge, and sent a message to the Shosho as she walked.
Ma'am Would it be possible to speak with you before I leave the ship?
Cabin 6

Chieko pulled her duffel back out instead of a few articles of clothing before pausing at Sienna's reply. Her cabinmate was right when she thought about it and realized how much time had actually passed. That said, the scientist also realized how scarce the civilian had been during that time as well.

"I suppose I had rather grossly under estimated the time," she replied sheepishly as she began carefully packing her things. The academic then paused a moment to do up a reply to the orders she received and sent it wirelessly to Charisma for routing.

"Well, we have arrived on Yamatai," the packing Minkan continued, "Thinking of getting up to anything?"
Cabin 3

Takeyu smiled as he finished tagging his items, before getting up off the bed and made his way toward the door. He walked casually down the corridors and toward the Wardroom, taking in every part of the area's around him, and leaving him with a smile. When he arrived at the Wardroom, he stopped just short of the door to make sure his uniform was on properly before entering the room. "Ma'am," he said as he saluted Hanako.
Cabin 6

Sienna suppressed her reaction to being this close to the center of galactic politics, in her mind, a hive of overprivileged children dressed up like they were something regally significant while they childishly bickered and bantered pointlessly over the arrangement of the deck chairs on a sinking ship. She could already smell the oppressive air of surveillance and intrusive observation, unseen cameras and computers recording her every step. They'd only just arrived, and now even more than before she wanted nothing more than to get away and never look back.

Outwardly, the only change in her body language was the indifferent, casual shrug she offered in response, the smirk staying on her face. "Dunno," she replied, the lie virtually undetectable by a casual acquaintance like Chieko, and further obscured by the lighthearted tone of her voice. Although her half-grin didn't tangibly change, its character subtly morphed from amusement at her cabinmate's odd miscalculation of time into dry, whimsical humor. "Long as it don't involve pretty dresses and heel-stilts, or formal dining experiences."
Cabin 6

Chieko giggled slightly louder than she needed to at Sienna's comment as she packed her last PT uniform - signifying the end of her issued kit. "I suppose I can admit I like those things now and then," she smirked, "but I would go insane with out these flat bottom options for the uniform." The scientist pulled her shoe off as an example, then put it back on before continuing to her civilian wear.

"Once outside though, I think I will stick to jeans and whatever top I can get away with before I have to report in next. If I can go home for a little though, I may just wear a swimsuit the whole time," the young Minkan grinned, "Mother will not like it, since I'll tan; but she won't say much because I'll be keeping my brother busy and out of her hair."

Hanako stood up and returned the salute to Takeyu. "You wanted to see me?"
Outside the Eucharis

Mitsuko, oblivious to what was going on back on the ship, headed into the city. She was going to do her best to enjoy this leave and forget about what was happening to her friends and her home. The Neko didn't want to bother her roommate. She'd had to learn to give her more space, after her promotion. Maybe she'd buy another outfit, something between the winter and summer ones she already had.

"I wanted to thank you Shosho, I have just received new orders to be transferred to a brand new ship that is joining the 9th Fleet. I wanted to thank you for everything you have taught me over these years, I've learned much and more during my time here," Takeyu smiled as he said this - although he still wondered how he would fare commanding a ship of his own, it would truly be a different kind of experience.

Natsumi was not sure she was overly happy with the answer she had received from Hanako. She left the wardroom, walking at a casual pace back to her cabin. There she kicked her shoes off. She was again on shore leave and there was no need to stay in uniform.

The snowy haired neko quickly undressed, folding up her uniform and putting it away carefully for another day. She chose her green v-neck shirt and black long skirt to wear, slipping them on, then her shoes back on. Satisfied with that outfit, she strapped her gun belt on and checked the energy level on her Type-33 NSP and slid it into the holster on her hip and her communicator into her pocket. Done with all that, Natsumi grabbed her grey frock coat and slipped it on before grabbing her fedora and heading out of her cabin.

She made her way towards Sienna's cabin. She had not seen her new friend since the night before and wanted to check in on her, see if she was doing alright and if she wanted to see the sights around the Yamataian capital world.

Natsumi arrived at the door and tapped the chime.
Cabin 6

It was not long before Chieko had finished off packing her civilian wear and could only see two things left to deal with - one was the harisen on the desk, and the family photo in the locker. It took very little time for the scientist to pack those up as well and finally close up the now well filled duffel.

"Alright," she said to herself with a smile, "That should make things quicker. Now, I suppose I should talk to Ketsurui-Shoushou, before I get carried away further."

The young Minkan then looked over at the woman whom had been her cabinmate for the duration of her tour and sighed lightly with a small grin. "Well, I guess I didn't do a good job here with you, but I tried," she began, "I hope it wasn't all just trouble."

"I think you are ready," Hanako encouraged Takeyu. "For me, being a captain means having the ability to face your fears and be confident and thoughtful even when things are going wrong all around you. It means setting an example for your soldiers and taking personal responsibility for everything and everyone on the ship. It also means a sort of distance from the rest of the crew because you are positioned above them in the hierarchy, which can be emotionally draining. Also, a good first officer is the best thing a captain can have, so make sure you have one who can help manage personnel and keep you from making poor choices. None of us are perfect." She looked back toward the heavy rain outside the wardroom window.
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