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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 25] Recovery on Yamatai (YE 38)


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Central Uesureya, Planet Yamatai
Spring YE 38

The Eucharis eventually made it home, passing (with permission) through Nepleslia and back to the heart of the Empire: planet Yamatai. From there, the Star Army assigned the Eucharis to a repair hangar in the outskirts of the military-controlled city of Central Uesureya, one of the older cities of the empire, positioned in the middle of the Western continent, and known as a manufacturing town. The battered ship whined mechanically as her power systems were shut down and the ship rested peacefully perched in the repair bay.

Their facility looked almost more worse for wear than the gunship. The concrete floor was cracked and the scaffolding around the edges was covered in peeling paints in variously shaded layers, or streaks of rust that matched the ones coming down from the roof. The drainage ditches around the edges of the hangar were full of old nuts and bolts, brass ammunition cases and belt links, and random weeds eking out an existence from the sunlight that shined in through clouded, weathered window panes of nano-glass above. A variety of cranes, container movers, and various vehicles were lined up long one wall of the enormous hangar while the other was taken up by one to two story offices, their windows filled with damaged blinds and antique furniture and computer consoles from the early YE 20s.

Outside the hangar was a railroad track for moving ship parts and a large landing area surrounded by other hangars. Already a number of flatcars with Plumeria-class replacement parts were waiting on the rail nearby. A road led towards the city skyline populated by skyscrapers in older styles.

Aboard, the ship, Hanako had gathered the crew in the wardroom to tell them that Star Army Engineering Staff were going to be doing a significant hull-frame repair job on the damaged front of the ship where the blast that had killed Cherry and Junko had impacted. She explained that this meant the crew would have to stay away from the ship for a while as it was essentially a construction area. They could either stay around in the temporary barracks rooms, hang out here in the offices, or--what she recommended--use the time to travel around planet Yamatai and enjoy themselves.

YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay

Victory's finger touched the door control button and the familiar hydraulic roar of the main cargo ramp filled the bay for a minute as the massive armored door pushed out from the ship's hull and then angled down to form a non-skid ramp to the bay's broken concrete floor, and finally hit it with a CHOONK noise and some scraping. The crew was free.
YSS Eucharis, Cargo Bay

Marcus stood at the back of the cargo bay, right next to a DPP with the unconscious man from whom his memories and genetics came waiting to be treated. He was kept, via medication, as healthy as possible, but the situation for Mr. Rodia had not gotten any less dire with their arrival on Yamatai. The clone took a few steps forward. His normal calm nature was gone. It was obvious he was greatly concerned about the man who lay dying. He spoke quite loudly. He didn't care who responded, but someone would listen.

"I need to get him back to Ayenee. I don't care how travel is arranged, who does it or how. He needs to get there immediately!"

Approaching from the other side of the doorway, Marcus discovered a familiar face. It was Nito Heisho Brynhildr Hamasaki, the Nekovalkyrja logistics specialist from the Hayai-class gunboat YSS Pliable, who he had rode with earlier. He could recognize her spruce-green bob and face with the big brown eyes. At her side was another Nekovalkyrja wearing a skin-tight bodysuit with a medical teal chest plate and a white doctor's coat. "Mr. Rodia," Bryn bowed. "Shosho Ketsurui has asked our special unit to transport a medical patient back to Ayenee. We have an ambulance shuttle standing by to bring you to my ship. Who will be accompanying him? We have room for 2 patients and 3 passengers."

Marcus' attitude brightened, slightly, when he saw the familiar face of the Nito Heisho. "Bryn, I am beyond thrilled to see you, again." He moved quickly over to the DPP and brought it over. Marcus was aware that he was pushing a duplicate of himself on the DPP. He realized he would have to be tactful to explain why there were two of him without revealing the loss of the Eucharis. "It's a long story. I'll explain on the way. Anyone who feels like coming along is welcome, as far as I'm concerned...if they're willing to see some pretty unusual sights. But I'm definitely going. I have to bring him back home before I start things off here, myself."

He started to head to the ambulance shuttle, looking to the gathered crew as he moved. "It's been an honor to assist you." His eyes rested, briefly, on Tsuguka and Candon. "All of you."

"Heram!" Marcus called. "If you're not coming, plan to see me again when I get back. You too, Hanako."

As the injured Marcus was loaded onto the shuttle, Hanako placed one of her blue wool Star Army caps on his chest to take with him. On the white silk lining inside it, she had written a brief note in permanent marker.


"Thank you for your assistance," Hanako bowed to the other Marcus. "I am sure you have learned a great deal about this universe."

Jax inhaled deeply as he casually ambled down the ramp. There was something to be said about non-recycled air on a planet devoid of hostiles. It gave him a sense of peace he couldn't quite describe.

His smile wasn't quite as bright as usual. Losing Cherry was... a surreal experience. Sure, she could just be revived, but would that be... Cherry? Or simply a copy with the same memories? An imitation selfishly created to hold at bay the true agony of loss?

And Mao... Junko... two people whom he could have become great friends with...

...Okay, maybe not quite Mao. She had been a hard read.

But still, it brought up a series of questions that made Jax examine his own mortality. The harrowing ride home had helped to prevent a full existential crisis, thankfully, being too busy to truly dwell.

What made it all bearable, he realized as he glanced across the migrating herd of crewmates, was the gorgeous, lilac woman that he called his and vice-versa. She'd survived all of this with no physical injury save for what was hopefully healed after the battle that ensued shortly after the ship had been stolen. He'd been too busy keeping the ship running that they really hadn't had time for another intimate moment, but he thought back fondly on her promise to him as they were blasted away at by Kuvexians. It really and truly had kept him motivated, but at the same time created a tension which he couldn't pin. He knew, however, that the moment they were alone, it would snap.

"Sorry, big guy," he replied to Marcus as he strode past. He patted his shoulder. "But I am really not prepared to have the very fabric of my existence shattered. Maybe next time?"

He grinned. He hoped Marcus the Second came back. He wasn't a broody anime character like the others, and he was a good laborer. A good guy to have around.

His thoughts were interrupted by a chirp on his communicator. A notification that his ride had been delivered. Somewhere in the complex's parking lot was a Type 32 in the same blue as his eyes.

The nekojin hefted his duffel, which wasn't as heavy as usual- being only filled with some civillian clothes and his toiletry kit, a bit higher on his shoulder. He beamed at the thought of himself burning down a desolate highway through the plains of Yamatai Prime, a knight on his steed, exploring the unknown.

Translation: this was the first time he'd been to Planet Yamatai and he wanted to see the sights while he could.

But then, a thought struck him, and his eyes drifted to Umeshu.

'Every knight needs his fair maiden...'

Though, she wasn't a damsel in distress by a long shot, a fact that made him that much more attracted to her.

He casually stepped in to pace next to her, dressed in his Class A, and mentally sent her an image of the vehicle that sat waiting for its operator.

<Run away with me...?> he asked slyly.
Yamatai Prime, what's left of Eucharis, ramp

Candon stepped off the ramp in his Mindy power armor with an aether rifle in hand.

"Ma'am," he addressed Hanako, "I have been cleared to escort Marcus into space. I would like to ensure that he gets back to his home safely. May I request an extension to my sortie?"
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Central Uesureya, Yamatai
Eucharis' Hangar

Hanako nodded, "Be safe out there," she told Candon, giving him friendly pat on the shoulder as he ducked into the back of the shuttle.

The back of the shuttle was set up with three cushioned chairs on the right side and two gurneys on the left side. The top one was folded up and the lower one had Marcus (the original one) on it, looking less than optimal after the fierce battle.

As the crew started to wander out of the ship, the humming of another starship filled the air and the familiar shape of another Plumeria-class gunship came moving across the sky. This one had unusual pink-colored wing pylons. As it went overhead, the markings NG-X1-395 were visible on its ventral hull. It looked like it had taken some battle damage and was also here for repairs. It slowly came to rest in a hangar next door, the teal glow of its aether plasma engines slowly fading to a warm orange and then slowly into darkness.

"The Sakura II!" Hanako exclaimed aloud, as if she had spotted an old friend. It was the ship named for the one she had once commanded, and its captain, Taisa Kage Yaichiro, once been the Eucharis' chief engineer. Her former captain, Rufus Sydney, had been its captain for a time as well. She wondered where it had been lately. She resolved to go over there and say hello when she had a chance.
YSS Eucharis, Landing Ramp -> Hangar

The passing gust of wind from the Sakura II's decent distracted Tsuguka for a moment mid-ramp, causing her to simply pause and observe it, before her boots finally made landfall once more. An expression shaded and dour, but that wasn't exactly anything out of the ordinary. Uniform cleaned and pressed to perfection, she was eager to actually complete the outfit by wearing her beret again, in the open air... Not exactly fresh air, what with all the industrial debris about, but good enough compared to where they had been previously. What did perturb her was that Howard-Hei was already making a swift exit, rather putting a spanner in her plans to stick around and remain useful...

Then, of course, there was Mister Rodia. The new one. Mentally she had been thinking of him as the dying man's brother, but with all the feelings of remorse and discontent over how things had worked out... It was an uncomfortable truth that those could not be aimed at the version of him that was alive and active... She couldn't come with him, either, through. Too much time spent away from Taharial as it was. One too many war zones jumped into simply for the taste of freshly printed orders, with a side order of being beaten to hell and back.

Candon's state of readiness shouldn't have taken her by surprise, but it still did, somehow. At the sheer mention of another mission, some strange alternate universe, he was geared up and ready to dive in head-first. Just like him.

Clomping boots announcing her intention to come in between them. A hand was placed upon new-Rodia's chest, then a stern finger made its way to the power armored form of Suites-Heisho.

"All those magic shenanigans and inter-dimensional leapfrogging stunts are out of my jurisdiction." A piercing glare towards both of them in turn. Perhaps the heart-to-heart talk about 'being frank' with Candon in the scrapyard had made her turn over a new leaf, but unfortunately not in a chilling out kind of way. "If I hear one of you let the other die, I'm going to find the other and knock some sense into them, understand? Don't force me to come over there!"

Tsuguka knew there was very little chance they would listen, and just carry on being as reckless as always. That kind of willpower was part of what made their spirits so strong. But in the end, it was the only way the implacable lynx could tell them to look after themselves, in a way that didn't sound unacceptably childish to her.
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YSS Eucharis, Landing Ramp -> Hangar

Wazu watched as Marcus 2 called out, and Candon of all people jumped at the chance to escort him.

The scene just sorta played out in front of him, duffel bag over his shoulder as he watched the two of them run off. He saw Hanako call out to the Sakura II like you would to an old friend, listened to Tugs expressing as much affection as she was allowed through her strong front, and watched as Jax sought his maiden. There were plenty of Star Army uniforms around, and his clothing didn't quite match up to that level of finery. Even the planet seemed a bit off, not to long ago he would have been killed for stepping foot here, old habits crowding out even the few warm memories of The Sweet Spot nearby.

Even Marcus calling out to him felt like something that he was watching, rather than participating in.

The Ayenee group would nearly be on their way before he would speak up,

"I think I will tag along Marcus, Have to make sure Marcus Prime makes it back safely."

He'd quickly hustle down the ramp, making his way toward the remaining seat on the transport shuttle. He wasn't quite ready for Uesureya... yet.
YSS Eucharis -> Hangar

Aikiko departed the Eucharis with her gear and stuff. Making last minute arrangement for her gear. She looked around and after walking off the Eucharis. She had her usual stoic expression as she moved towards the exit. She paused and looked at Hanako. Many thoughts raced through her mind.

When Hanako looked her way. It was like two alphas looking at each other. Without breaking eye contact, as per Star Army customs, Aikiko gave a nice, respectful bow to Hanako. Hanako gave Aikiko a nod.

As Aikiko straightened up, Hanako turned to more pressing business with crew. Aikiko walked away towards the Base's Administrations buildings. With her gear following her on an anti-grav cargo sled.
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Marcus was taken aback, both by Canon's offer to accompany him on the trip to and from Ayenee, and by Tsuguka's apparent concern for their safety. He had to remind himself that neither of these two knew the first thing about Ayenee. At best, there may be a few spontaneous rumors floating about. Marcus had heard the rumors about Ayenee before. He knew, exactly, what they would think if that was their source of information.

"Don't worry about a thing, Tsuguka." Marcus spoke as he boarded the ambulance shuttle. "There's nothing Ayenee has that I can't handle."

As they boarded the ambulance shuttle, one thing didn't surprise him. That was Wazu's decision to come along, as well. Despite his concern for the dying version of himself, he managed a smile. He nodded to the others, then looked at Bryn. "Looks like that's it. Ready to go."
Ambulance Shuttle

Once everyone was aboard, Nito Heisho Brynhildr Hamasaki closed and sealed the shuttle's rear doors. Since Wazu, Candon, and Marcus were in the passenger seats, the medical Nekovalkyrja sat up front in the co-pilot seat while Bryn slid past them and up into the pilot's seat. In a moment, she had the shuttle powered up, filling the cabin with the hum of electricity and the murmuring rumble of environmental systems at work. There was a slight shift as the shuttle left the ground and the artificial gravity came on.

"We'll rendezvous with my scout ship, Pliable, which will then be transported to the other universe by SAINT cruiser Listener. Same procedure as last time. We should be able to stay on the shuttle for the duration until we land," Bryn explaining, shouting a little to be heard over the engines. "Once we get there I am going to ask for further directions."

(OOC: For the people in the shuttle, RP is continued in the Ayenee Crossover RP thread)


Hanako watched Aikiko go, and then turned her attention the shuttle as it took off and rapidly disappeared into the vivid blue skies.

Looking back down, she could see Tsuguka standing near where the shuttle had been. She walked over to the red Nekovalkyrja and asked, "That last mission must have been quite...intense for you. How are you feeling?"

A gust of mild, fragrant spring wind sent a swirl of cherry blossom petals dancing along the starport pavement, some landing at the crew's feet.
Eucharis Hangar

"I was worried you would say that..."

It would have been nice to make a knowing smile, and offer the big guy a pat on the back before he left. Instead, Tsuguka just sort of crossed her arms and angled her head to one side. The sort of way that said 'I'll believe it when I see it.' Watching the shuttle leave did inflict her with vivid daydreams of going with them, but the concrete base of the soldier's personality was always that she would be where her sense of duty ordained. Maybe some other time.

Akiashiro was leaving too. They hadn't said anything, but it was obvious from their demeanor. Things had been pretty cold for a long time, so she wasn't really sure what to think. Tsuguka had always respected their independence, but they seemed to butt heads as often as they had gotten along. Perhaps they just wouldn't be happy unless they tread their own path once more.

"~...Aikiko... Don't even think of forgetting us completely...~" A telepathic message, blank in emotion. Perhaps blank to a point of obviously hiding something. "~I hope you... I hope you find what you are looking for out there. Just call me some time. I would... I would like to know...~"

Took a few seconds longer than normal to respond to the Shosho. Things just suddenly felt very empty all of a sudden. Their tone of voice sounded a lot softer than they were used to, which is something that couldn't help but make her feel a little suspicious. It brought up memories of the last time she got transferred out. But, at least Tsuguka had a different perspective on the world this time around.

"Shosho Ketsurui... It doesn't always work out so well, trying to act valiant, does it?..." The carmine soldier's decorum was as solid as always, but she did make an effort to soften her own voice a little, as if trying not to spoil the picturesque sights and sounds floating about them. "I'm sorry for running off with Candon-Heisho. When I see a grand and noble gesture like that, I guess I can't help but become infatuated with it... But the implications always tend to be different to what you'd expect, in hindsight."

"My place has always been here. If I've broken your trust in me... Please let me know, ma'am."
Eucharis Hangar

Aikiko continued on her way towards the exit. ~~ "Tugs ..." ~~ Responded back via the same manner. Hoping that Tsuguka would know they were parting on good terms. She had glanced around and noticed that Wazu was nowhere in sight.

She had left a gift for Jax on his bunk, It was a vest in Star Army colors with his name on it and his current rank; to hold assorted tool and small parts within easy reach when he entered them tight places that he couldn't bring a tool box with him.
Yamatai Prime, hanger, shuttle

"Thank you, Hanako-hime," he said gratefully as he set his helmet on the seat by the door, "we'll be careful."

Tsuguka's love was received like a sack of hammers, or a threat from a sibling. He chuckled, "You take care too."

As the door closed Candon felt the weight of a sudden, terrifying truth. He'd just stuck himself on a shuttle with the two/three people he hated most on a course for the only destination Candon never cared to go.
"This will certainly be interesting"
Eucharis Hangar

Taharial walked out and looked over the people that were here, she giggled slightly but still had to work out who was in the Med Labs while she was gone. She saw Tsuguka and smiled as she made her way to her partner but noticed something was wrong, she didn't want to intrude on the talk so she kept back while it was going on and checked her pad.

When she felt comfortable enough she walked over to Tsuguka and offered the girl her hand "Hey I haven't actually seen that much of Yamatai, could you give me a tour around please sweetie" she wanted to take Tsuguka out from this place. She blushed "Oh I also have this for you" she handed her partner a little USB and blushed darker "Please do not share it with anyone else." She held Tsuguka's hand and was a little impatient as she had only been to the academy and wanted to see more of this planet.

She noticed Hanako still standing there and saluted "Hello Ma'am, I am glad that Blackberry has made a full recovery and I am glad you all returned safely to us, some of the injure were worried you would never return.... I just tried to keep spirits high as I knew you wouldn't abandon us."
Eucharis Hangar

The red neko was her typical stoic self, but grasped Taharial's hand fully. It actually took a bit of self control not to grasp the winged girl fully, which is what Tsuguka wanted to do. The memory device was accepted with a small confused smile, thoughts still struggling to escape from the more weighty areas of the past few days... But she did want to make her time here on Yamatai with the elysian worth it.

"Truth is... I haven't really either, Rial..."

"Please excuse us, Shosho." One last glance back towards their captain. She snapped into a full salute, boots clomping resolutely. "I have to organize something before it is too late. You know how to contact me."

Grasping Taharial's hand again, the red soldier made a urgent dash towards Howard-Hei, seemingly homing in on the fact that he was the one person with a duffel bag, and therefore scooting off to a road trip. The proximity to Umeshu also made it rather obvious what was going on.

"...Jax-Hei?" An uncompromising glare. She kinda looked like she was about to dropkick him. "...We need... A guide. You're going romantic places, right? Isn't that how getting time off works?"
Eucharis Hangar

As Hanako's prized Plumeria finally touched down safely in the repair bay in Uesureya, Umeshu felt she could finally breath a sigh of great relief. Their home in the stars, which they had fought so dearly for -- and quite nearly lost once again in battle -- was now docked in its own humble home on the great Planet Yamatai. She quietly thanked Chiharu for her brave friends that were once again reunited and safe, and now could at last have a well deserved bit of shore leave to help melt away the tension of their harrowing experiences with the Rixxikor and the Graxlat treachery only a short while previously...

But the officer wasn't about to fully relax quite yet, as her new elevated station of Taii meant there was always a healthy dose of business before pleasure that had to be attended to. The ex-samurai's sword briefly was her pen as the required paperwork and reports that needed filing after any hostile encounter were drawn up, though there was a very large addendum to the normally bland action reports intended for SAINT eyes only. Namely, an unexpected development that her evasion tactic using the graviton beams created... for as the gunship whipped around their destroyed foe, the arrays actually managed to rip and tear the hull off in the resultant shear. This created a sizeable amount of salvage that was quickly drawn into the cargo bay before they made their hasty retreat into FTL through Nepleslian space to avoid being followed. It was likely the reason they were ultimately guided to this more secluded industrial area of Central Uesureya in order for SAINT to secure this valuable cargo that, along with her SIGINT collected previously, could indeed shed much light on the mysterious Kuvexians.

Indeed, the sense of accomplishment in her soul was great, and she felt like she had earned the right to wear her current rank at last.... to return home to Planet Yamatai a success and no longer a failure. Umeshu stepped onto the cargo ramp with her shiny pin gleaming on her pressed Class A uniform, face alive with a great smile as the outside air greeted her wisteria-colored skin with a cool touch. Her sage green eyes widened and lips parted in a small round circle, taking a deep breath of the place where things had began. "Saa...~~" the Nekovalkyrja sighed contentedly, as she soon noticed the blonde-haired Jax-san also standing nearby to her with his duffle bag at the ready and looking towards the city in the distance with adventure in his eager eyes. Though there was a great deal of comings and goings amongst the crew that she caught out of the corners of her awareness, his handsome face was definitely far and away what caught her attention the most out of all of it...

The nekojin probably noticed her stare too the way his gaze came to meet Umeshu's and he stepped quite close, a vivid image filling her mind's eye of the rental bike that was patiently awaiting the pair. Her heart skipped a beat for a moment, as the young lover's digital brain remembered well the last time Jax-san had rode off into the sunset and left her alone, wistfully staring at his wake from behind a monitor. But that was then... before they had accepted their bond with each other was not an accident, and now something that survived the countless battles they faced stronger than before.

The plum-haired soldier hesitated only long enough to give a respectful nod to Hanako-sama to make sure that she was dismissed... seeing acceptance, she soon slipped her soft hand into his, with a warm smile across her face and a deep blush in those cute wisteria-hued cheeks. <"Oh Jax-san, I would follow you anywhere...">

Umeshu's face was aglow when Tsuguka and Tahariel came up astride, also hand in hand. She couldn't help but politely stifle a small giggle, as it seemed so very contrasting to see the serious infantry-woman suddenly accosting Jackson-hei for romantic trip advice. Was this the indication that they were now the couple to emulate... a set of sempais of young love?

Just then, she felt the spring breeze pick up and a scattering of petals roll across the tarmac. The purple hand she used to hold to her face now reached out instinctively to cup a small pink petal in her fingers to display to the others... it was one she knew very well. "Oh, s-sakura..." mumbled Hashimoto-taii, the traditional name of a cherry blossom petal -- and ironically also the sister ship that had pulled into the dock alongside theirs. But she was more interested in the realization of something she had completely overlooked while doing her paperwork beforehand... and what was now perhaps the former samurai trainee's perfect solution to this possible dating dilemma (and not to mention a rich cultural tradition to show to her Nepleslian boyfriend).

"So desu ne... the traditional Hanami festival!" exclaimed Umeshu with a now very pleased gleam in her sage green eyes. "How fortunate! For us to dock for the cherry blossom viewing season... there will be so much to do at the parks along the Kyoto Riverside... and even more at night."
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Eucharis Hangar

Jax stiffened and stopped breathing. He starred at the red neko with wide eyes and flattened ears.

<Umi, I think we've been slipping with that whole "no affection in public" thing...>

Tugboat, just like Aikiko, scared the living shit out of him. He wanted to feign ignorance and deny any sort of romantic implications, but then he realized that his fingers were intertwined with that of his woman's, and that they were essentially having eye-sex, and that he really didn't want to get drop-kicked.

He hesitated in his speech, trying to prevent fear from overtaking him. Tugs would surely annihilate him if he told her that this was his first time on Yamatai Prime and that he knew jack about it.

But then, Umeshu came to the rescue! She went on about flowers... some sort of river... and festivals... things he didn't really understand. His engineer mind went into full overdrive to solve the complex equation.

Cherry blossom=festival.



Therefore, he wanted to do whatever it was Umeshu was talking about.

"Y-yeah! What she said!" he affirmed with a smile, squeezing his girlfriend's hand just a little tighter, with an anime-esque sweat drop on his temple.

'I knew it!' Jax thought privately as he observed the clearly not platonic pair. 'Tari always gave me that kinda vibe.'

he added, looking at Tugs. 'Lesbi-honest here, we all know who wears the pants...'

An image of Tugs, buff and in a men's suit, flashed through his mind. He giggled like a child.

Of course, for the sake of self preservation, the nekojin gave zero clue as to his inner thoughts, and quickly straightened up.

"We can meet you there! We're gonna ride over." he suggested, gently tugging Umeshu's hand in the direction of the bike. The need to have the wind whipping through his hair was strong. As was the need to get out of kicking distance.
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