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RP: YSS Eucharis (Post Mission 26.1) (Aside) A Dummy's Guide to Ninjutsu (YE 38)


Inactive Member
Uesureyan Fields

Jax strolled along the open expanse of flat concrete, headed towards the
small storage hangar that seemed to sit apart from the other, more massive structures like it. Next to it, a cargo shuttle was touching down, obviously filled to the brim with all of the free crap he'd recently acquired from the SCSC.

The men aboard worked quickly, with Jax helping and directing, and within a few hours, all of it was arranged neatly within the space. To save room for the others who'd be renting the space with him, he asked that most of the carts be stored along the outside walls of the building.

The crew's work was done, and Jax bid them farewell as they rocketed back off into the void. After all of that work, he took a moment to sit on top of one of his carts alone in the middle of the building, drawing up a quick plan on his data pad. Once he was satisfied with the schematics, he reached into his duffel and donned his work uniform and tool vest. It was time to fulfill every Nepleslian homeowner's dream and build a deck!

Several Days Later...

With his duties on the Eucharis taking up most of his time, Jax found it difficult to find time to return to the hangar. But he found that time, and soon, he proudly stood on his raised platform above the storage space, which hung out halfway, covering approximately thirty meters by fifteen. He'd disassembled several hundred of his wooden carts to construct it.

He turned and walked to a simple set of chairs and table he'd constructed with a few more carts. He set down his data pad and scanned through a few digital manuals he'd found. As he eyed the manuals, his thoughts flashed to Umeshu, and he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anguish. Jax's recent workloads had done wonders to keep his worry and anger at bay. But now, as he was on the crux of starting his journey, he couldn't help but wonder if she'd be ashamed by what he was planning.

He couldn't help it! He'd always dreamed of being a gallant knight, charging into the fray and kicking the shit out of bad guys, much like her, with her samurai code of honor. But after tasting combat- truly experiencing it without the protective shell of a Mindy, he realized that he was no warrior. During the battle in the junkyard, he'd found himself more at ease slipping through the shadows, striking enemies unseen. The odd thing was, he was good at it! While he was no ninja, the cat in him instinctively knew how to ghost through his environment.

Jax laughed at that thought.

"Ninjas..." he muttered with an amused grin, finally finding a decently priced manual that seemed to suit his purpose. Within a matter of minutes, A Dummy's Guide to Ninjutsu was being absorbed by his digital mind, and he prepared himself for the grueling task ahead.

YSS Eucharis, Recreation, Day One...
Training Montage!

The first step in the book was training up one's body and mind. So that's why Jax was hanging limply from a set of horizontal bars in the recreation area of the ship late in the night. He chose the specific time because he knew that his crew mates where unlikely to barge in on him and question why their mechanical genius was undergoing such physical torture.

"Come on! Just. One. More...!" Jax nearly screamed. His breathing was rapid, his muscles felt like spaghetti, and his workout uniform was drenched. He fought with all his might, and despite his body's protests, he felt himself slowly rising towards the bar.

"FOUR!" he gasped triumphantly as his chin cleared the bar. With a cheer, he raised his fists to the heavens in celebration of his victory. He realized stupidly that he was no longer holding on to anything, and quickly corrected his mistake with the use of gravity manipulation. Sadly, he'd been training his flight endurance as well, and that particular organ was in no shape to keep him aloft. With a surprised mewl, he plummeted to the floor with a dull thud, groaning in pain.

Later, after showering, he sat cross-legged in the center of his room, trying his hardest to "clear his mind" for meditation, just like the Guide instructed, and think "stealthy" thoughts. No matter his effort, his mind flashed images of his beloved Umeshu, and hot dogs covered in chili and cheese.

His stomach growled, and he regretted not picking up a snack before his workout.

Uesureyan Fields, Day Two...

What self-respecting ninja doesn't know parkour? At least, that's what the Guide had told him. Wearing his work uniform and tabi boots, Jax leapt around the storage space, using crates, wooden carts, and other objects as obstacles. He practiced some very basic vaults and traversal techniques, utilizing his gravity manipulation to facilitate the movements. He whooped in exhilaration as he silently weaved through the space, at least until he managed to trip over a misplaced anti-tank round. Jax wound up unconscious after face-planting in a very un-ninja-like fashion.

YSS Eucharis, Recreation, Day Three...

The night was silent, save for the soft breeze which rustled the leaves of the forest. Jax timidly held a wakizashi bokken. A short sword. Fast, swift, and deadly.

His sensitive ears picked up movement from the right, and he yelped. Spinning out of the way, Jax blocked a downward strike from a shinobi that had dove at him from the canopy. Jax quickly jabbed the bokken into the man's side, sending him down. Before he could celebrate his victory, the simulation abruptly ended, and he found himself standing alone in the recreation area. He'd been so engrossed in the first attack, that he hadn't even been aware of the whoosh of a flying shuriken from behind.

"Simulation failed." a computerized voice reminded him for the umpteenth time.

With a frustrated growl, Jax hurled his bokken to the ground, which somehow managed to bounce back up and strike him square between the eyes...

...He still had a long way to go...
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