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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 26] The Cat's Pajamas (YE 38)


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Central Uesureya Storage Units, Yamatai
Fall YE 38

Masumi had promised Freyja should we stay on the ship, but she had been out at the VCE cafe more often than not and when she got the message to meet Freyja at the storage unit the blue-skinned Neko was renting, she was relieved she hadn't somehow missed the opportunity. She arrived with the barrel of whiskey in her arms, Neko-strength ever capable of doing such a feat.

"Santo Hei Yuuki Freyja? Where do you want this?" Masumi called out when she had arrived.
Reactions: Wes
Central Uesureya Storage Units, Yamatai

Freyja was sitting on a large crate since there wasn't any furniture. She was wondering what to do with 30,000 condoms when she heard someone enter the large 30x30 storage unit. Her ears perked up when she heard Masumi's voice. "I'm sorry, I'm not the best at planning ahead. Just put it down over in the corner." She called out as she floated towards the science Neko.

The clothes were still in their containers. It had been impossible to sort them by herself even with an advanced digital brain. "Konnichiwa!" She said as she got closer. Once she was a few feet away she settled to the ground in a standing position. She wore only the kimono she had been wearing during the Hanami festival. "I haven't been through anything yet. This is the only item of clothing I own that wasn't given to me by the Star Army." She explained.
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Reactions: Wes
<<Central Uesureya Storage, Yamatai>>

Junko found navigating the storage units easier and harder than she'd thought. Easier, because the layout had been designed with space economy in mind. Not so different how things were done in the Star Army itself. Harder because of all the steps in between.

Still, she arrived at the designated lot and at the right time.

Junko was wearing a fairly unassuming sleeveless shirt and skirt. She believed it had something to do with a recently popular band, though she hadn't heard the name before. As such, she looked like she had no idea what she was doing, but not quite as doll-like as one might assume. Her first, and only, real permanent belongings that didn't come from a standard issue pack.

"Freyja-Chan, Masumi-Hei!" She called out, finally catching sight of her squadmates.

Under each of her arms was a cooler. She laid them down in the rough center of Freyja's lot. The main differentiation was the coloration. One had a bright red lid, the other a friendly blue.

"Brought something for everyone. Red cooler has the drinks, the blue one has some snacks."

And she did mean something for everyone. Beers, sodas, juice and water of several varieties. Snack cooler had finger foods, lunch options, a couple sweets. She'd even snuck in some Gyoza for Shiho.

Junko smiled at Freyja and fidgeted with her hands. "I hope you enjoy it. Wasn't sure how much to bring, or what meal size we'd be going for."
Reactions: Wes
Central Uesureya Storage Units, Yamatai

Hearing the same voice as she had heard called out when she was hit by aether beam fire, saying her name in the same way, made Oshiro Masumi flinch, then reflexively calm down to assess the situation. She was still alright, still in good health. She would need to practice more at the cafe, she decided. Perhaps practice things besides getting torn up. She would need to be better at dealing with the problems at hand, not the one she kept on going back to in her memory. Not the one that had damaged her so deeply.

She replied tentatively and said, "Ohayou, Yuuki Freyja! Arigato, Junko Hasegawa!"

She immediately looked into the blue cooler after putting down the whiskey barrel and pulled out a package of nigiri and a small cut salmon skin roll, presumably all still fresh. She held it close to her chest as she spoke again.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much on the ship." It was true, Masumi had locked herself away for most of the trip back from the Kuvexian station. Having been in the med bay for a long while had made her lose sight of the benefits of others. Then, when she was better, she had skipped meals and stayed away from any group activities. She hadn't really had much of an opportunity to socialize the same way the other Neko had been doing. She looked between the two, not knowing what response she expected, but knowing that an apology was certainly in order.
Reactions: Wes
Shiho arrives:

Bringing up the rear in terms of arrivals, the red-brown neko Shiho turned up following a trip taken at a rather lazy pace from her current berthing. Probable scenario being that she enjoyed not strictly having to be on time for this to take place. Still, she turned up wearing her casuals clothing. All slightly worn samples sourced from a thrift store. Khaki capris pants, a pair of geta making clacking noises on with each step, black tank top, and the same stormy grey haori she'd worn to the sakura festival.

"Sooo... We're repeating the flower viewing fest in terms of not being able to remember it?" Shiho asked as she approached, not giving a polite greeting. Maybe it was the barrel of whiskey and coolers which gave her an odd impression. She dropped a bag full of Iromakuanhe snacks she'd recently received from a 'fan' on to the ever-growing pile of goodies. It was probably not the best place for a picnic, but it would do.

"I guess we are in the navy, but..."
Reactions: Wes
<<Still Uesureya>>

Oh, did Masumi just flinch a little? Did she do something wrong somehow? She'd have to talk to her about it, see if she was okay. Later, though, or at least privately so she didn't feel cornered.

Junko looked at Shiho and tilted her head. "I don't think I brought that much to drink? Just some light drinks. Did we ever find out whose pants those were?"
Freyja's eyes brightened the second she heard Junko's voice. After she had put down her things, Freyja floated up to her and hugged her tight, squishing Junko's face between her breasts. "Junko-chan!" She exclaimed happily. They were off-duty so she didn't care who was watching. Besides, everyone knew about them by now. She finally remembered Masumi had spoken as well.

Releasing Junko, she turned to address Masumi. "Don't worry about it. Everyone reacts differently to getting injured. We're just happy you are still with us. On the Orochi we lost so many. I'm sure they had backups, but it's terrible to lose your experiences. How can you get better if you don't remember what you did wrong?" She said, trying to sound wise and reassuring.

Shiho's voice reached her ears and she floated over to give her a friendly hug. "Good to see you, Shiho-chan. I was hoping you would be bringing our feathered friend. It seemed like you two were growing close." Freyja said innocently. She was fishing for information and trying to make it sound like making casual conversation. Being deceptive wasn't a skill she was well-versed in, so it wasn't convincing.
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<<Marshmellow Hell>>

Junko made a startled squeak as she found herself stuffed right into her favorite chest. That wasn't a complaint, only she hadn't been expecting to get here this soon. Taken by surprise, her balance was a little off. So she grabbed onto the only thing she could, which was Freyja.

Very, very interesting parts of Freyja. Ahem.

When Junko was finally released, she was sporting a light blush and a lopsidedly pleased grin. Like a cat that had eaten a canary. While Freyja mingled, she took a seat on a nearby crate. That had felt... good, especially that secret thrill when she realized they were being seen doing it. Something to bring up with Freyja, in private, at some point.

She leaned to one side so Shiho could see her past Freyja's shoulder. And then she mouthed "We ship it."
Shiho got wise:

As two of her friends decided to talk rather candidly about Shiho and her relationship with Mehitabel, she seemed to run through a minor gamut of thoughts and realisations in short order. The large terracotta neko's mouth opened just a little out of confusion, before frowning as she puzzled it over. A quick re-checking of information and mental search of a term courtesy of her mind's capability of networking and she seemed to reach a conclusion.

It all happened fast as well, within the span of about two seconds. One of her hands clenched into a fist and was buried into the jacket of her haori while another pointed to her addition to the snack mountain.

"Masumi. You might want to run a scanner over those snacks to make sure they're not poisoned or drugged." Shiho said finally, indicating her own standard issue science scanner in the bags she'd brought. Didn't seem likely someone else would randomly bring theirs. "It's a bunch of Iromakuanhe stuff I got randomly from a 'fan' who was pretty suspect. Civilian who knew our crew roster."

"They seemed to want me to do same sort of stuff with Tsuguka as you two want me to do with Bel for some reason... We're just roommates, otherwise I only see her at meals when we're shipboard."
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