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RP: YSS Resurgence Post-Mission 6: Fighting with Friends (OPEN)

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Banned Member
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RP Date
YE 44.5.11
RP Location
YSS Resurgence VR Room
[Open for all Resurgence crew]

Virtual Reality Room
After the Debrief

Mochi swept into the VR Room, pulling his pad from a side pocket and flicking its smooth surface a few times as he moved towards the centre.

The Dojo was useful, but kind of redundant when the VR room even had programs that emulated the same thing. Still, it meant people could go there for fitness, leaving this room open for activities more of the time.

However, given this facility was currently unoccupied, it was certainly the best place to house a little impromptu practice and training. As he scrolled through the room's options, Mochi considered what would work best.

After a bit, he generated the room. In the centre, a slightly raised fighting ring, complete with ropes and springed floor. To one side of it, there was a large rack of various kinds of martial weaponry such as swords and knives. On the other, there was another filled with various guns, bows and such. Scratching his chin, the blonde officer also added a control panel which would allow enemies to be spawned into the ring.

He loaded in a firing range too, with various static and live targets standing by. It was a relatively simple one, but divided up into fully enclosed translucent rectangles that extended out into the distance. Inside each was a very different weather condition, target distance, simulated fire and distractions. Depending on how things went, he might change it into some kind of practice house to clear.

Finally, overlooking both, was a number of steps up to a raised bar. Complete with a simulated Neko barmaid and a perfect view over both activities. Somewhere for people who just wanted to sit back and watch to go.

Mhm, that would do for now. Pocketing his science pad after setting the controls so that anyone could edit the room, the blonde Elysian stretched and stifled a little yawn. He still wasn't quite used to his new body yet and had been getting too comfy with later nights.
The overwhelming urge to simply sleep warred with Vec’s incessant need to train away his frustrations. This crew was a chaotic mess, but at least he could drill himself. He could make sure his medbay was stocked and his gear squared away. Unsure if he could rely on a good number of the soldiers on this boat, he at least wanted them to be sure they could rely on him.

Pulling himself through the zero-g passages, he stared longingly at his floor as it drifted by. Mochi had suggested training, so that’s where he’d go. Hopefully the team could start working towards working out contingencies and he’d be able to assess their capabilities. Upon entering the VR Room, Vec was greeted by the sight of a fighting ring. He couldn’t hide his skepticism. Maybe it would give people a chance to beat their grudges out of their systems.

He grabbed a spot at the bar with the CSO, “You know, if you want the crew to learn to cooperate, I’d suggest some team exercises. Small unit tactics can always put a smile on my face. If you want to be really mean, throw them into a tight bazaar full of civvies with OpFor hiding in plain sight ready to strike.” As he spoke, the faintest hints of a wolfish grin touched his lips. The mission the day before wasn’t his first time in that sort of environment, only the least well structured.
Frank walked over to Mochi and Vec. "Hey I'm going to need both your help solving a problem with my internal systems. I'm having a bit of problems controlling the killbot in me after my most recent ST. I was hoping I could get your help of possibly talking to it so that it doesn't continue to make my life a living hell." Frank stated low enough for them to hear. it really was starting to be a problem for his mental health but even with how good he is at hiding it and dealing with the problem he still needed to ask for help and who better that the science birb and the doc.
Sanda really needed to let out some of her frustrations and not in a bottle. She had headed for the VR room to have one of her 'Last stand' sessions. This was where she set up a simulation, usually a great battle that Yamatai had lost, and insert herself in it. These sessions were brutal and always ended with her finally died, no matter how long that would take. Her longest time was 4 hours 45 mins of non stop fighting. At the end of these, she was always so exhausted that she couldn't even stand. Whenever Sanda did one of those she would reserve the VR room and lock herself in. She didn't want people watching how hard she pushed herself. She would also transfer the data of her matches to a data stick before erasing the data from the computer. Only Yayoi and Koyama knew how hard the lighting tattooed ranger pushed herself.

Sanda was a little annoyed to find that others had gotten to the VR room before her. She had wanted to let out her anger out alone. Mochi she knew well and respected but she was still trying to get the measure of Vec. Frank also seemed to have just arrived. Frank was always an unknown. You never knew if Frank was going to be good or suddenly blow up at the slightest misunderstanding.

Sanda eyed the settings that the Mochi had set up. Looked like he was preparing for several more people to come. Although she didn't like crowds of people watching her when she worked out, Sanda really needed to hit something. She'd stick around, but if a bunch of people showed up she'd leave.

She headed for a corner and spend a few minuets stretching. She had removed her weapons belt and her firearms, but kept her Straight Silver blade. After tying her hair into a tight pony tail she headed for the ring. Seeing as how Mochi, Vec and Frank seemed to be busy talking, Sanda went ahead stepped over to the control settings. She played around with them a bit before she found the a setting she liked then stepped into the ring, armed with only her Silver blade. Three combatants materialized armed with various weapons from clubs, knives and a sword. Sanda held her blade in her left hand in a reversed grip. After a moment, two of the three combatants rushed forward. Sanda blocked and parried their strikes and countered with her own attacks. She had to keep moving around the ring so that she wouldn't be overwhelmed. Sanda moved with extreme speed but also a lot of grace. She quickly neutralized one combatant then set to work on the other two. Her blade moved from one hand to the other in a variety of grips. The simulation targets could barely land a blow on her. Of course these were only set on 6 difficulty, just enough of a challenge to get her blood pumping.
"What is this about a killbot?" Delmira asked and eyed Frank. "Would have been nice to know before you were assigned to bunk with me." She looked at Vec and Mochi. Now she was concerned now, how much of Frank's actions and words where actually his? "Wait wait how much control does this killbot have over you? should i be worried you are going to try and kill me in my sleep?"

Delmira saw Sanda come in and gave her a nod. Delmira was known for bringing her paradin kit and officers katana into the holo room when she practiced and got more than one talking to from Sanda for going over her time while practicing with her sword.

The small neko however didn't have her equipment with her today save for what she wore to breakfast however she looked less miserable than before.
Mochi grinned and lifted a glass of simulated whiskey to Vec from where he perched at the bar. It was nice to have an officer other than Koyama that he could relate to. Although, he could certainly add Tachiko to that list now - she had mannerisms that he found valuable. "Team exercises, mhm. I've been in contact with Cap about running some. Still waiting to hear back, though. He didn't make the debrief so I guess he must be preoccupied with something. Same with the XO."

Nodding to Frank as the big man joined them, the Elysian's blonde eyebrows raised after considering his request. "Killbot? I don't know how much you've told me about that. Sounds interesting." The Taii rubbed his smooth chin gently, "Talk to it? Are you sure this isn't something you should talk to the counsellor about?" Mochi's tone was gentle, as not to dissuade Frank from confiding in them in future. The Elysian nodded to Vec, "I'm sure our CMO here can arrange something?"

While Mochi was the CSO, and technically only had the ability to speak on scientific matters, when Aoba and Koyama were absent, he felt a natural urge to try his best to help out on behalf of them. He had a feeling nobody minded, but it was quite rare that anyone was willing to chat about command stuff and responsibilities with him. The recent interest of the crew in making missions more structured and increasing team cohesion seemed to be changing that. Remembering something, Mochi tapped his glass and added - "That reminds me, I have some cybernetics that need installing.."

With Delmira joining them, Sanda going about her business in the background, Mochi shot the redheaded Neko a playful wink. "Hey Delmira-hei. You're bunking with Frank-hei?" That was news, but Del's concern about being murderkilled in her sleep was moreso. The science officer's emerald eyes narrowed in thought. "Hmm. If you're concerned I'm sure we can work something out." Mochi glanced between Vec, Del and Frank. "In the meantime, does anyone fancy learning a new skill or doing something physical?" While he waited for responses, Mochi gazed down from the bar to where Sanda was exercising. If she looked up, he would raise his fake whiskey to her and offer an approving smile.
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Sanda had made short work of her three opponents. She needed to up the difficulty. A quick adjustment to the settings was all that was required. She set a 10 min session, three opponents, difficulty 7. Once an threat was neutralized it would wait 30 seconds before respawning. But every respond increased the difficulty of that target by 0.2. So the more she killed, the harder it would get. The session would also end if a fatal blow was landed on her.

Sanda climbed up into the ring again and took just a moment to retie her hair and remove her duty jacket. She had on a dark tank top underneath. The jacket she hung on one of the corner posts of the ring. Before she began she happened to glance up at the fake bar where everyone else seemed to have congregated. Mochi raised a fake glass to her which Sanda nodded in acknowledgement. Then the bell rang and it was time to fight.

For the first few minuets, Sanda spaced out her attacks and kills so that she didn't have more than 2 opponents at once. But as the match went on and her enemy's difficulty level rose it became more and more a fight for survival. Without her jacket on, her lighting tattoos were exposed. The harder she fought the more they seemed to come alive. Her jabs and punches looked like flashes of lighting, striking out against her opponents.

At the start of the fight Sanda had been silent, making kills without hardly a sound. By minuet 7 you could hear her breathing heavily. There were also occasional grunts as blows began slipping through her defenses and landing. By minute 9 there were actual yells as she attacked her opponents. She had a look of fierce determination on her face as she fought. A look of defiance that said she would keep fighting until either her enemy was killed or she was.

At 10 minuets the bell rang and the session was over. Sanda stood in the middle of the ring, eyes darting back and forth looking for the next attack. She was breathing heavily and sweat ran down her face. She climbed out of the ring and got herself a towel. After wiping the sweat off her face she again, retied her pony tail before getting herself a bottle of water. She sipped it slowly, not wanting to drink too much too fast, and got her breathing back under control.
As things got underway in the VR room, its doors swished open silently. Standing there, clad in white yukata, hakama, and black obi with two well-worn, if polished red oak ‘swords’ thrust inside of the wrapped black cloth. Their owner cast her gaze about, eyes flat at the sight she was seeing. Enough that one hand rested atop where the pommel would have been on the longer of the two wooden weapons. Koyama had her hair pulled back into a tail with a shortened length of cord, and let out a long if audible ‘Hmm’ seeming on the verge of exasperation.

When buried up to your elbows in reports. Running errands, dealing with crew complaints, and seeing to the captain’s needs and desires met regarding the ship. It left one precious little time to unwind. Especially after what she’d privately dubbed ‘The Shitshow Affair’. Namely, what’d happened on the world of Sood Zadra. If her hakama had been red and wooden weapons replaced with the real thing, she would’ve been the very picture of Samurai entering the room, ready to commit violence or render a decree.

Seemed she’d shared Sanda’s earlier feeling of annoyance at the room being taken. The hand resting lightly on the ‘pommel’ tightened almost imperceptibly. It’d been this, or confining herself to her room, with Tachiko scratching at her door while absorbed in a game. Reading. Or sending messages to those she’d not seen or spoken to in some time. The woman seemed to almost become a permanent roommate, despite having a cabin to herself. Not that she minded the company. Would she say it aloud? Of course not. On principle.
Vec downed the simulated whiskey. Sadly, it was all burn, no buzz. The hell, Sterling? Who starts a conversation like that? he thought to himself before rapping his knuckle on the bar. His drink refilled instantly. With a wave of his hand, Vec conjured up two more glasses which he passed to the two Hei.

“Yeah, the CSO’s right, let’s get you into a priority session with Counsellor Thia. ‘Kay, Sterling? Swing by the medbay later as well. Let’s gather all the intel we can so we know how to attack the issue.” After taking a sip of his whiskey, Vec addressed the Science Officer who seemed to know a bit about hiding bodies, “Yeah, I vote new skills.” It more than the standard expectation for Rescue Jumpers to constantly crosstrain with other MOSs, Vec was personally curious about his new colleague.
Mochi watched Sanda with an entertained look about him as Vec set out a game plan with Frank. Even when Vec agreed that skills training was a good idea, the Elysian's emerald eyes were still watching the Nepleslian twirling and darting inside the ring. A few ideas popped into Mochi's head, but he kept them to himself and instead muttered, "I bet people would pay to see that."

Sipping a little fake whiskey to somehow distract himself from getting absorbed in the fight, the blonde glanced back to the CMO. "Any special requests?" He'd barely got the words out once Koyama entered the room. Mochi's expression visibly changed to one of mixed emotions, obviously impressed with their XO's attire. "Looking good, Koyama. Care to join us?" The green-panel spoke to her telepathically, before adding, "I actually need to talk to you about a few things. The last mission and potential SEAs.."
“Hey, I figured you were supposed to be the sensei here,” Vec said, giving his whiskey a swirl. “I’m up for learning anything you can teach, but,” he brought his voice down low, “emotions are definitely running high around here, probably don’t go all ‘Hell week’ on them.” He added the last part aware that moments ago, he’d been cooking up a “no good choices” bazaar scenario, and that wouldn’t have done much more than increasingly demoralize the crew further.
"Yeah having something called a killbot in the same room as where you sleep is concerning." Delmira said and looked at the two. "You i can probally turn myself into data and go talk to the killbot in person but i would want Vec there in case something goes wrong." Delmira eyed FRank with suspicion giving him some side eye. She did find it odd she was rooming with him, did the killbot somehow arrange it? She would scoot off to the side a bit puting some space between them.
Sanda had regained her breathing and was now sucking down her water when Koyama entered. Sanda came to attention as soon as she saw her, then bowed. Koyama dressed in her traditional samurai garb demanded respect. "Evening Ma'am. Just releasing some frustration." Sanda said casually, not going into details of why she was so frustrated. She was sure that the XO knew exactly why. "I just finished a set and am taking a breather if you want to use the ring." Sanda lowered her voice and added. "I think I put on a pretty good show. Why don't you show them why you're the toughest girl on the ship and why no one should ever give you crap." Sanda smiled mischievously at Koyama. She had seen the XO go through her workouts. If Sanda was to lay money as to who was the toughest on the ship she wouldn't bet on herself. She'd bet on Koyama.
Koyama's flat stare shifted from the Elysian, to Vec, to Del, to Frank, and at Sanda's words. An intensity flared behind her eyes, her grip tightened, then relaxed as she let out a breath. Removing her hand shakily from the wooden blade, even if it were wood, the bokken could still kill. And she'd felt a swell building in her chest at the thought of simply venting, letting that thing inside loose for a time. The officer just shook her head after another breath.

"No, no, what I intended was meant to be private. But thank you, Sanda." Even if her countenance softened, her voice still had an edge to it. Lifting her hands up, Koyama pulled at the cord holding her hair tied back. With another shake, if slightly more vigorous her hair spilled free. Cord in hand, she tucked it behind the obi and looked to Mochi.

"The mission, yes, that." Emphasizing the last word with a drip of disapproval. "And SEAs?" she motioned for him to carry on.
Sanda just shrugged. She could tell that Koyama was a lot like her. She liked to work out in private where people wouldn't be gawking at her or give their unwanted thoughts and opinions of your fighting style. She dabbed her face again with the towel and finished her water. No one had made a move towards the ring which was a little annoying. Were they just going to sit at that fake bar and watch everyone else workout? "Is anyone else here to actually workout, or are you all just pretending to be at a bar?" She said, a mixture of teasing and challenge in her voice.
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