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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Five: Koisuru

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Cloud Temple Resort
Room Shichi Ichi
0932 Hours
17日 4月 YE 39

Teien Misaki was barely sitting up in bed. Her mind was aloft with thoughts of the next even on the way for her, Kikyo. Her main fear following the Mishhu boarding attempt was what would happen to them if something went wrong. Did they all have the same Soul Transfer location? Would Kikyo fit in on the ship considering she was going to be a clone of her mind from day one? Misaki found herself whining a little while she curled her knees up while pulling the sheets with them so she wasn't as cold.

"Oh, my love," Eden said, coming out of the other room after putting some things away. "My love, is something wrong?"

"I'm worried, Eden, about Kikyo." Saki leveled her violet eyes on Eden, her motherly concerned face heavily covering the usual expression she'd worn in the recent days. Her ears being slightly flattened down gave that away easily.

"I think it's more than fine to be worried about her, my Saki. I know that it seems very frightening right now, but you'll see," Eden said as she sat down next to Saki and began tucking the sheets in around her wife. "You'll see that she's safest next to us, despite our positions in the Star Army of Yamatai. She'll be safe."

"That's the thing, she's going to be an overly timid mess for a while if I am remebering myself correctly. The only difference is that I wasn't eight inches tall and didn't have parents to hold me when I started bawling from doing something wrong."

Thinking of the tiny ball of emotion that was about to come into their lives in the beginning of the next month, Eden's face lit up in a smile of anticipation and excitement. "Oh, Saki... It's going to be a joy to have another one of you with us." Realizing that Saki was a little more nervous than she was, she back-tracked and said, "I know it may sound boastful, but you had me and together we were able to have you see your worth. To see why you didn't need to be shy and timid, but that if you wanted to be that was just as good and perfect as if you weren't..." Eden trailed off, losing her train of thought as she imagined Saki as a mother, guiding little Kikyo through the steps Eden had once guided Saki through. "We'll both be there for her. It won't just be me this time."

"I had a few years experience, a war and..." She stopped while sniffling, "And..." She stopped only momentarily before burying her face into Eden's shoulder and audibly cried.

"Oh, Saki..." Eden said, rubbing her brunette hair with one hand while the other was placed behind her to steady herself as Saki pressed into her shoulder. "She's going to see those things, too, you know. But nothing near as bad as what you went through... Nothing close to that. I'm here for you," Eden said, then whispered, "Shhh... Shhh... It's okay. You're safe with me, now."

Speaking through heavily rolling tears, Misaki looked up at Eden, "D-During the war, we got boarded. I got trapped between one of our marine teams and the Mishu so I hid in an accessway. T-The Mishu found me a-and..." She lost her words again and continued telepathically while her voice continued its cries, "They raped me, I hid there for three days until the marines and medical teams found me curled up in a puddle of my own making and hemosynthetic fluid." Misaki's grip tightened on Eden, "I don't want Kikyo to go through that."

Eden felt hot tears begin to stream down her face as she listened to Misaki. She didn't want anyone to go through that, but it made her more angry than she had ever been to know that her love had gone through it. She grew angrier thinking about the possibility of it happening again to Saki or to their daughter. She held Saki's head close to her chest and Eden spoke in a low, even voice.

"I have died to protect you before, my love," Eden said. "I will die a thousand times and more to continue to protect you both."

After a while, Misaki's cries slowly got softer until she was sniffling every few seconds. She didn't make any move to leave Eden's arms, instead she adjusted herself to be closer. She looked back up to Eden with a very teary and broken look before looking down red faced as if she'd confessed an embarrassment.

Eden cooed gently, "You're much better now, right?" She didn't necessarily mean this moment compared to a few before when Saki was crying, but moreso that she was better in this moment than she had been in her previous years. "Right? You're married to someone that loves you more than anything else in the stars and have a baby on the way— one we can love for the rest of our days. There's so much to look forward to, my love."

Saki nodded while she turned to pin her arms in between herself and Eden while leaned her head against Eden's shoulder while looking past the other. She sniffled again, "She might not leave contact with either of us immediately, and possibly not for a while. She might also learn not to break down into tears for a while." Misaki's expression was a concerned and tear-stained mix. She did feel better in Eden's arms, which was keeping her for shivering or crying more despite feeling that she'd lost her weak side in the previous combat engagement.

"Oh, yes. Yes. We'll have her by our side for as long as we need," Eden said, not sure exactly if that was the case, but willing to guess that their relationship with their daughter wouldn't be cut short. I think it'll be really nice to get to know her. It will be like meeting you all over again. It's okay if she's..." Eden searched for the right word, then said, "emotional. It's okay if she's a lot like you were and it's okay if she's not, though she will be. No matter who she is and how she comes out, it's going to be amazing having her with us."

Misaki gave a slight grin while she closed her eyes for a second, "I hope so, Eden. All of me hopes so."

"Now, what do you think of doing something fun while we're here? We only have a few more days before we set sail for Westerly space and are in the thick of it again," Eden said, excited to enjoy some of the relaxation services the resort offered.

"I... I think that would be nice right now." Misaki moved one of her hands to brush away at her cheeks to wipe away the drying tears and rubbed her eyes. She looked up with the other eye as if both asking for help and attention.

"My love..." Eden said, hugging Saki tightly. "I don't like to see you cry, but it's alright if you do. Just know I'm always here to," Eden said as she moved her finger to help wipe away a tear, "dry your tears, too. Now..." Eden looked around the room before saying touching a button on the nightstand and said aloud, "We would like to go to the private onsen. Is it open right now?"

The room's AI replied, "Yes, the private onsen is open. Would you like to reserve it?"

"Yes," Eden replied to the AI, then to Saki, spoke. "Would you like to do that?"

Misaki nodded to Eden after rubbing her face against Eden's hand playfully. However, she didn't move off of Eden just yet, seeing if she could at least get carried a little bit, which Eden did right away. She swept Saki up in her arms and lifted her from the be and floated to the bathroom, where she set Saki down and pulled two light and boldly patterned yukata kimono from the closet there. She helped Saki get hers on before pulling her own over her bare body.

"Ready, my love?" Eden asked.

"Mmhmm!" Misaki stood up and took Eden's closest hand while smiling brightly, "Lead the way!" She couldn't lie even in the slightest that she was happy. She loved Eden as much as she possibly could, and that was all she could ask for.
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