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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Five: Welcome Back!

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Well-Known Member
YSS Kaiyō
Med Bay
23日 3月 YE 39
2330 Hours

Mat awoke slowly on a cold metal table. Wha?... Where am I? He thought to himself. The last thing he remembered was making an ST copy, which had taken place the day before the Kaiyo's destruction. He shakily raised his upper body.

He was immediately greeted by two warm hands on his cheeks, and the face of his love upside-down in front of his own, mere inches away.

"Matsuvo Shinomori." Meissa said, her voice slightly lower should be. Also a bit softer than normal. A small look around would reveal her to have no shirt or sports bra on, instead having in general an absurd amount of bandages wrapped around her chest area, covering her chest up, A flat part in the bandages denoted a splint. On her right wing, another bandage and a splint. And a small scab that wasn't there before on the right side of her forehead.

"Meissa?" Mat said, his voice clearly conveying his bewilderment. "What's going on? Why are you wearing bandages? Did something go wrong with your ST backup?"

"We got space squidded, you crazy insane sexy bastard." she replied, her face still inches off of Mat's.

"Are you alright?" Mat asked, now sitting up slightly.

"Yeah, well what were you thinking?" Meissa asked back, moving backwards a bit.

"I don't know, I don't remember any of this."

"Seriously, Mat? Putting on two flak jackets, holding two machine guns, and just walking into the PA bay's Mishhu infestation like you're invincible? Really?" Meissa bonked her head against his.

Mat laughed a little. "That sounds like something you would do."

"Maybe I'm rubbing off then." Meissa replied. "Of course, you managed to bag yourself a few kills on some NMX. Then you got shot right" She poked him right in the forehead. "Seriously, what were you expecting?"

"I don't know. I was probably worried about you and the rest of the crew." Mat said, tilting his head up to look her in the eyes.

"Well, I was worried about you too. Just walking in, going a bit nuts...there was even an Advanced-Type in there, and you just sat there like the bravest of idiots." Meissa huffed. "You're almost as insane as I am. I was actually considering yelling at someone to protect you, but whatever it was would have been too late."

"I guess you are rubbing off on me..." Mat said softly.

"Told you so." Meissa patted him on the shoulder a few times, reached behind her, and gave him a pair of boxer shorts. Then pecked him on the nose.

Mat took the boxers and slipped them on. "Thanks Meissa."

"Nice, ehm...length, by the way." Meissa commented, hiding a little blush. Why, Meissa. Just why.

Mat on the other hand, blushed profusely. He mumbled something along the lines of, "Ummm thanks."

"So now what?" Mat said, moving his new arms around, trying to get a feel for what it was like to have a new body. It felt... different.

"You wanna see the PA bay?" Meissa asked. "It's a mess."

"Okay." Mat said, swinging himself off the table, and promptly falling over on top of Meissa.

Meissa gasped a little in pain as her somewhat sore broken ribs received a little shock, although she mostly managed to deflect Mat away from the sore spot. Whew. She was not looking forward to explaining to that mini-Neko why she had to get her splint fixed. Oh, my boyfriend ST'ed hot off the slab, accidentally landed on me, now my ribs are jacked up again. Can you help? Although that medic was the kind that probably would pat her on the shoulder and patch her right back up, she didn't want to risk resentment from the medical team. Even if they were the bubbliest bunch of Nekos.

"Oh my god, Meissa, I'm so sorry!" Mat said, attempting to stand up but only able to sink to his knees, looking Meissa in the face to try to get an idea of how much pain she was in. He wanted to help.

"Ow. I'll be fine, you only bumped my broken ribs." Meissa said back, as she nudged Mat a little bit.

"I'm so, so sorry." Mat said again, before leaning in close to Meissa's face. "Can I help you up?"

"Yeah, sure...just be careful about it." Meissa groaned back, as her hand reached up to her splint to make sure nothing went too wrong. "Broken ribs hurt like hell...especially after I lose the adrenaline."

Mat stood up on shaky legs and grasped Meissa's torso to help lift her up. He was both gentle enough not to cause pain, but firm enough to keep her from falling again.

After about halfway up, the load became much easier as Meissa used her legs to get herself all the way back up. Maybe a little more than up, as she gave Mat another peck on the cheek. "It's okay, sweetie." she transmitted, via telepathy.

Mat, on some baser instinct, turned slightly and kissed Meissa full on the mouth.

Meissa slightly tensed in surprise, then relaxed as Mat kissed. The kiss separated, and a warm smile was on her lips. With some more telepathy, she said, "Why don't you kiss me again, then, you cheeky dork."

Mat did, more deeply this time. Meissa's lips were soft and... sweet? No, not really. They tasted like raspberry painkiller. Though they still were decently soft. Meissa leaned a little more into the kiss this time with Mat, as her uninjured wing folded around her love's body.

Mat pulled away for a moment, though he still held Meissa in an embrace, as she did him.
"I'm sorry for causing you so much worry."

Meissa hugged him back. "It's fine, you were great out there. Just...don't die next time, okay?" She patted him on the head a few more times.

"I'll try my best." Mat said, "You uh... try not to get injured next time?"

"Hey, I couldn't account for a wild Mishhu going straight for me. You know who else was there? A samurai, the princess herself, and an ex-NMX agent." Meissa commented. "And I thought, 'sure, it can't possibly go for me, right?' And then it went for me. And that's the story of how I have two rib and a wing fracture.

"Well you were shouting out commands..."

"You are actually pretty correct on that front." Meissa commented.

"Yeah, I got the impression you were in charge of what was going on, at least from the way you're telling the story."

"How can you be so thick sometimes, and then catch things like this?" Meissa asked, ruffling his hair again.

"I don't really know. I guess you sounded kind of proud of yourself, so that was one indicator."

"I'm actually kind of surprised the Princess didn't take command, though, once she showed up. It was sort of like that deal in that L'Kor battleship where there was no command available, so I took it." Meissa commented. "I hope the Princess isn't really that mad at me for judging her around like she's a Santo Hei."

"I doubt it. After all, everyone survived rig-wait..."

"Yeah, you died like a dummy." Meissa bonked him on the head. "And a few others, I think. Yoshida nearly got impaled. I guess I'll take credit for the rest of the crew not dying."

"Oh... Are they okay now?"

"Probably with some lost memories or confined to bed rest for a week." Meissa replied. "They'll be fine. We have good medics."

"I guess. They fixed you up good as new!"

"Not really. I'm not allowed to do anything too heavy. The most I can do is move around some to prevent muscle atrophy, and the medics told me to watch my diet for the next few days in case I get too pudgy." Meissa sighed. "First time I've had to actually go on a weight loss diet, too."

"I think you'll look amazing no matter what."

Meissa took the chance to ruffle his hair again. "Really now. Would I look as good if I was fifty to a hundred pounds extra? Not that I'm planning on becoming that fat, that sounds like a horrible fate."

"I don't know. I guess I was thinking more about your personality than appearance. Don't really know why."

"Clever man." Meissa smiled as she placed her head on his chest.

"Mmmm." Mat sort of made a contented hum as he stroked her hair. She hummed back, nuzzling his toned Minkan chest a little more. It was warm.

"You still wanna go look at what happened to the PA bay?" Meissa asked.

"I don't really want to, but I think I should." Mat said somberly.

"I mean, I'm fine with staying here for a very long time. But.." she too her head off of his chest as she hopped off the table, "...we have a PA bay to check up on."

Mat slid off the table and clothed himself. "Alright. Lead the way."

The PA bay could barely be entered. Mat's old body was covered with a sheet, near the door. It was cold. Signs of a large, gaping hole that was once present had been temporarily patched up using copious amounts of resin from the technicians. Mishhu bodies were strewn everywhere, with comparatively few Yamataian bodies. The Advanced-Type sat, bisected, in the middle of the room by Aiko's swordplay.

"All in all, the fight could have gone a lot worse. Hey, look, that's you." Meissa bumped Mat's old body with her foot. "And there's the NMX you got," Meissa said as she pointed at a few Reapers and unarmored NMX soldiers lined up against the wall, also covered in white sheets.

"Who got them?" Mat asked, trying not to look at his body too much.

"You. You and your insanity." Meissa put her hand on Mat's head.

"I did? How?" Mat said, now puzzled.

"Pure insanity. See those guns over there?" Meissa pointed at the guns Mat wielded in the fight. "Yeah, you walked in carrying both of those."

"Wow... Was I much help?"

"Some. Every gun counted in that fight. We fought back a horde, Mat. Every extra bullet in the air was an extra something dead." Meissa answered. "At least the Princess didn't go down."

"Yeah, that probably would reflect badly upon us."

"I made sure she had the highest odds of survival." Meissa replied. "Moved the samurai in front of her to cut down the incoming tentacles, and had everyone try and shoot the Advanced-Type as well, so it had to choose which threat to respond to. But apparently the Princess just jumped at the Advanced-Type...and that happened." Meissa gestured at the halves of the Mishhu.

"Well uhhh... Good job? What now?"

"Nothing, really." Meissa sat down, wings folded around herself, on a flat crate.

"That sounds just fine to me." Mat said.
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