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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Nine: How and Why

Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
YSS Kaiyō II

Having finished his janitorial duties early, Mark had decided to wash up and to head to the dojo to put in some hours with the punching bag. As he entered the dojo, he was greeted with quite the sight; a Nekovalkyrja with white hair and an exceptionally curvy figure, wearing tight fitting shorts and a strappy sports bra doing martial arts training. Mark's face reddened faintly, and had the sudden urge to come back later, but he knew this kind of thing was a common occurrence on Yamatai ships and in the culture itself. He decided he needed to get used to this and stepped up to a punching bag just to her left. Mark was dressed in a pair of black and red camo cargo pants, and a black muscle shirt, which contrasted his snow white hair. Thumps and smacks would begin to echo as he started with a series of punches. As his crosses, uppercuts, and swings made contact with the bag, Mark decided to at least be polite and say hello,

"Uh hi, names Mark, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here honestly." he said nervously.

Kasumi was going through a basic kata routine, having done a full body workout just before. When she heard a voice speak from behind her, she did not turn her head back initially, thinking that she was not the one being addressed. However, after a short moment of awkward silence, Kasumi stopped her kata routine and turned back to face the newcomer.

"Hello. My name is Ozaki Kasumi.", she answered in a feminine, yet robotically monotonous voice. "You are Mark Oaklen?", she said, her inflection shifting just enough to imply a question.

"Yes. It seems you have me at a disadvantage miss Kasumi. I'm surprised you've already heard of a nobody like me. I guess I must of screwed something up recently." Mark said getting the feeling that statement might actually be true, but still weird to know that others already knew who he was when he barely knew anyone. He began to incorporate more complex swings and strikes into his routine as he spoke.

"PANTHEON informs me of all the personnel on this ship. Civilian and military. It has identified you as a civilian, Mark Oaklen.", she answered, her eyes moving to him as he struck at the bag with skill and ferocity.

"You are a good fighter, Mark Oaklen.", she said as if she was stating a fact, her eyes taking in his movements.

"Well as far as I can tell, I was a soldier before the Kaiyo rescued me. I have no memory of where, or when I learned these skills. I am good with tech to an extent as well. It's nice to know I can at least be useful while I figure myself out." Mark said with a furrowed brow over crimson eyes as he picked up pace.

Kasumi stood silently watching Mark train with an indecipherabl expression on her face. She recalled what the man had said regarding his memory, and decided to ask him about that.

"Your memory?", she said. "When did you lose it?", she pressed, her tone still annoyingly robotic and stiff.

"I first woke up aboard a section of a ship wreck that had been pulled aboard a L'kor salvage vessel. It was docked to the station when that happened. Though I suspect what actually caused my amnesia is what ever cause the ship's destruction. When I woke up, I was in my armor in a dent in the bulkhead. Everything before that is a blank." Mark answered now adding a few kicks into his move set.

The green-eyed Nekovalkyrja quickly pulled up the mission reports in her digital mind, scanning the files regarding Mark Oaklen and his appearance within the L'Kor vessel. They were strange and mysterious circumstances for sure. However, Kasumi was not distrustful of his presence on the ship. He had been a captive of the enemy after all.

"This is an interesting report, Mark Oaklen.", she responded slowly. "Are you authorized to serve upon this vessel?"

"No mam, I'm a civilian and not a Yamataian citizen. I'm just lucky to be here if I'm honest. Still trying to figure out my implant too. I was hoping it would have useful files that could give me answers, but it looks like is testing data for various projects, after action reports that don't list involved parties, and what looks like a schematic for a bike with personal notes that refer to the reader in 1st person. I believe the last one is something of mine, but I don't have enough to know, and some of it's functions still remain unclear." Mark answered starting to feel a little uncomfortable with her neutral responses. She showed no emotion, and being that he had interacted with few of the crew, he was worried if this was the norm on behavior.

"You...must have a storied past, Mark Oaklen.", she said somewhat slowly. "I can learn from you.", she said.

"I am flattered, but what is it you hope to learn from me?" Mark said stopping his routine.

"On first impression, I am impressed by your martial arts skills.", she said. "However, as I learn more, I find that you have an extensive background. Perhaps, you could teach me your skills, and in exchange, I could help you find your past and restore your memory?", she said, in a monotonous, yet friendly manner, on account of the words that she spoke.

"I would be very grateful for the assistance. As far as I can tell, the style I use focuses on using the opponents strength and the flow of combat set by them against them. It is mainly set for not directly engaging the enemy unless they leave a weak point open, and is very energy effective by using your opponents own to execute your maneuvers." he said steadying the bag which still jostled slightly before rubbing the back of the neck where the Geist was located, integrated into his spinal cord.

"Do you think that you could demonstrate with me?", she said, seeming eager for the opportunity to learn from him.

At first glance, Mark appeared as a simple janitor. Yet, Kasumi quickly saw that he had been more. He was in prime physical shape, uncharacteristic of a janitor, even one who did have a habit of going to the gym. Although PANTHEON had identified him as human, he seemed physically stronger than many Minkans. He was also evidently an extremely skilled martial artist.

On account of these peculiarities, Kasumi considered whether or not she should trust him. It was quite possible that he was holding back information from her. As her piercing green eyes stared at Mark, Kasumi found that she was second guessing her assessment of the man, whether she liked it or not.

"Sure, is there anything you want to start in particular? I'm not sure how good of an instructor I'll be." he said still rubbing the back of his neck. Mark was feeling even more nervous now, as he couldn't remember ever being a teacher in any capacity.

"I...will...train with you.", she said, hesitation seeping into her impeccably monotonous tone as she spoke. "I would like to start with striking technique.", she said.

"Ok, let's step into the ring. This style isn't as much about being offensive as much as being adaptive." Mark said entering the ring. From there he would do a couple of different of moves with her for the first part. Mark would find Kasumi to be a willing and a sponge-like learner. However, she made no idle or unnecessary comments, making the session somewhat mechanical and quiet.

She was still unsure of how much trust she should put in him. However, she intended to find out herself, if need be.

Mark was both pleased and surprised at the rate Kasumi absorbed what he instructed, and after a short period of time they were already into the more advanced aspects of his fighting style. Though he still felt her demeanor as standoffish. The pair trained for nearly two hours before quitting for the night, glistening with sweat on account of the work they had accomplished.

Kasumi felt satisfied and more at ease with Mark after the session. She approached him and asked if they could continue for the next few nights. To which she received a, "Sure. I'm here, or in the cargo bay whenever I have free time. Plus I can be found her at night as well."

"Do you want to meet tonight after dinner?", Kasumi responded. "I would like to hold up my end of the relationship.", she continued on, referencing back to what she had suggested earlier to Mark, regarding his memory and his past.

"Yeah that would be great. I don't have anyone else to talk to, or anything else to do so the company will be welcome." He said with a friendly smile, "I am going to go ahead and head to the mess to eat and I'll meet you back here later?"

Kasumi gave the man little else but an affirmative nod before turning to leave the dojo. If anything, Mark found the woman standoffish and cold, although well-intentioned, if anything.

Although the interaction had been dry, it had not lacked fruit or productivity. Only time would tell how the two would mesh together, if at all.
YSS Kaiyō II
Cabin 9

After meeting back in the dojo, Mark Oaklen and Ozaki Kasumi decided upon going back to Cabin 9 to speak more privately. Fortunately for the pair, Mark's two room mates were gone, leaving Mark and Kasumi to themselves for the most part.

Kasumi had dressed rather lazily. In fact, she had not dressed at all after her shower, simply opting to project a volumetric uniform over her figure before meeting with Mark. With her hair falling loose down her back, Mark would realize just how much hair the diminutive Nekovalkyrja had, since she had not bothered to tie it up. Her white hair reached all the way down to her rear, covering a portion of that area as well.

As she entered the room, Kasumi courteously looked to Mark for direction. It was his room after all, and she did not desire to tread where she was not wanted or to intrude upon someone's privacy.

Mark entered cabin 9 only a short while after Kasumi as he did not have much else to keep him occupied. Her hair was surprising in it's self. The difference between her original orderly appearance and her current appearance was a major turn around, "Ah, miss Kasumi, where do you wish start?"

"May I take a seat, Mark Oaklen?", Kasumi said, as she turned back to the man, a neutral expression on her face.

"Yeah, go ahead, I feel like I should be the one asking that. I'm the real guest here, and one who kinda stands out like a sore thumb at the best of times." Mark gave with a nervous smile as he looked for somewhere to sit himself.

Kasumi nodded and took a seat on the bed. As she did, she ran her fingers through her snow-white hair, letting it fall back onto her back.

"Mark Oaklen, sit on the bed with me and tell me all that you remember.", Kasumi said in a monotonous, tone. The flatness of her voice made her words sound authoritative. However, it was possible that Mark had already grown used to her manner of speaking.

Mark had begun to lean against the wall, but instead did as suggested and took a seat at the end of the bed, "Well......I can only remember one thing, and even then it's miniscule and unclear. On the helmet of my armor is a symbol. I remember seeing it somewhere, but the image is too fuzzy to make out where exactly. When I think of the symbol, emblem, not sure which actually applies. I can remember a saying, a motto of sorts, "Peace to the fallen, Retribution to the wicked." I can't tell if it's religious, military maybe, or just something I heard somewhere. The kicker is though, that symbol is tattooed on my back as well, so it has to have some significance," he answered, worried he might sound crazy.

"May I see the symbol, Mark Oaklen?", she asked, her eyes bright and curious.

As she spoke, Kasumi processed the motto that Mark had spoken through SYNC and PANTHEON, she found several results listed. An NSMC squad referred to as "The Angels of Retribution".

Kasumi's eyes widened when she processed the result that came up.

"Mark Oaklen...", she started, taking a deep breath. "Do you remember, 'The Angels of Retribution'?"

"I can't say I do. Think the symbol and tattoo are related?" Mark said as he continued to remove his shirt, which made him slightly uncomfortable. His torso was marred by many scars, but the main thing that stood out even amongst these was the large tattoo that almost covered the entirety of his back. A downward pointing crimson sword with a large pair of black furreled wings detailed in white stabbing down through a skull.

Kasumi placed her hands on Mark's sides as she stared at his back. She felt rippling and lean muscles in her hands as she looked, her digital mind scanning the distinct tattoo that covered his form.

When she searched PANTHEON and SYNC for the tattoo, she found references and files on Section 6 and Saber special forces, two government entities based on a planet out in Western space.

"Mark, you have a tattoo that references, Section 6, Saber, and the Angels of Retribution on your back.", she said coldly. "This is information that I have to report to Taiyou-Chusa."

"I understand. Whatever you need to do. I am at your mercy, though I still don't remember anything about any of those groups." Mark said his head hung slightly.

"I believe that the captain will work with you on this.", Kasumi said, her normally monotonous tone sounding slightly nervous as she spoke. "I don't want you to have to get kicked off of the ship for this, so I will vouch for you if it comes to that," she said, her hands still on his back in a somewhat intimate fashion.

"Miss Kasumi that is very kind of you. I owe this crew my life, but I also owe you for giving me a life line. Thank you." Mark said a little nervous, his arms wrapping around himself slightly as he didn't like showing off his scars, much less the tattoo. With her delicate hands on his back in such an intimate manner, made it a little hard to think straight at the moment.

"Mark Oaklen, I will leave now. In ten minutes, I want you at the door to my room. We are going to meet with Hoshi to discuss this matter imminently.", she said in a serious tone as she removed her hands from his back. "Thank you for welcoming me into your room Mark.", she added in a polite tone.

"Anytime, and yeah I'll be there." Mark said moving to replace his shirt.

Without a word, Kasumi moved close to Mark and gave him a kiss on his cheek. After releasing the kiss, she stood up from the bed and headed towards the door.

"Ten minutes, Mark.", she spoke softly.

Without waiting for a response, she slipped out of the door and into the hallway.
YSS Kaiyō II
Captain's Suite

After tying her hair up, Kasumi put on her type 30C duty uniform, with an ankle length skirt and cornflower blue chest panels. Kasumi found the 30C uniform to be a comfortable and fashionable alternative to her usual bodysuits and type 35 duty uniform. The long skirt clung to her hips in a manner that well accentuated her feminine form. On account of the cold climate, the 30C was a popular duty uniform on New Vicky, the planet where she was created and synthesized.

When she was finished dressing, Kasumi exited her room and simply stood in the hallway, waiting for Mark to arrive so that she could escort him to the captain's suite.

Mark arrived a few moments later, dressed the same before given his very limited wardrobe.

"Well any last minute advice Kasumi?" Mark asked her as he approached.

"Act professional and don't speak unless spoken to.", she answered coldly, looking him in the eye as she spoke. "Let's not waste any time.", she added.

With a light gesture, Kasumi walked ahead of Mark and began to walk towards the captain's suite. When the pair arrived, the diminutive Nekovalkyrja, looked up at Mark as if to see if he was prepared for the meeting. When she received an acknowledgement from Mark, Kasumi knocked twice and took a single step back from the door.

The Chusa Captain said a quick, "Come in!" Hoshi was spending her time in her ready room going over the repair report from the ship's time in the Ueseryan Fields.

When the door slid open, Kasumi stepped in the room first. When she was in the suite proper, she gave Hoshi a deep bow. Once she arose from the bow, she spoke.

"Taiyou-Chusa, I apologize for the disturbance. There is a matter that requires your attention. May we take a seat?"

"By all means," Hoshi said, standing up from behind her desk and motioned to the two chairs on the other side of her desk with one outstretched hand.

Kasumi gestured for Mark to take a seat at the left chair, while she took a seat at the right chair. As she sat, the white-haired Nekovalkyrja smoothed out her skirt and waited for Mark to take his seat. When he was seated, she looked at the captain and began to speak.

"Taiyou-Chusa, Mark Oaklen is suffering from memory loss and disorientation. However, I believe that I have discovered something regarding his past, from a tattoo on his back and a motto."

Kasumi wordlessly transmitted the tattoo and the motto to Hoshi, along with the results of her searches through PANTHEON. Hoshi would process the words, 'Peace to the fallen, Retribution to the wicked' and the image of the tattoo, a downward pointing crimson sword with a pair of black furreled wings detailed in white stabbing down through a skull.

"The results linked the motto to the 'Angels of Retribution' and the tattoo to Section 6. According to PANTHEON, Section 6 is a research and development organization affiliated with USO...," Kasumi said, while Hoshi's blue brows went up as the Hei continued, "a backwater world in the west of the Kikyo Sector. On the other hand, the 'Angels of Retribution' was linked to an NSMC squad.", Kasumi finished, her voice solemn and monotonous as she spoke.

Hoshi sat and reflected on this for a long while and nodded once, looking down before raising her eyes and asking Mark, "How do you feel about this sudden re-emergence of your past's history... Or at least this clue into it?"

"Uncertain. I am not sure if I want to remember, or even follow this clue. But, I also want to know who I am. Given what I know about the tech in the armor I wear, it would not be out of the realm of possibility of this USO having ST equipment. I fear that there is nothing to go back to. That whatever I had before has been picked up by a backup." Mark said his worry and doubts clearly showing in his expression.

Hoshi breathed in deeply then spoke, saying only, "I'll see what I can find out about this clue into your past. I want you to come to me, though, when you decide you want to know more, for sure."

"Thank you captain. Again I am greatly in your debt." Mark gave with a nod.

Hoshi bowed her head and then moved it back up, smiling, "Would you like to accompany the team on the next mission?"

"Yes mam, I have skills that hopefully will allow me to at the least be useful. I owe a debt I can never fully repay, but at least this can be a step in doing so." Mark said with a smile, "I can do whatever needed, you have only but to ask."

Hoshi looked pleased and said, "Great, you won't be allowed to use any Star Army equipment not related to your job, so I'd like to see you in in some kind of protective gear. Your undersuit we found in will do well. I want you to know that while you're aboard this ship that you're welcome to ask any questions and become close with the crew. You have my word that you're welcome here."

"Thank you captain. I look forward to getting to know the crew, and seeing where things lead from here." Mark said with another smile and a nod again.

Kasumi stayed quiet as Mark and Hoshi spoke. She breathed a small sigh of relief when the issue was not pressed to Mark's detriment. She had entered the meeting ready to defend Mark if necessary. However, by the end of the meeting, she felt a burden drop off of her chest.

"Thank you for your patience, Taiyou-Chusa. Again, I apologize for the interruption. We intend to keep you updated on the situation, and if Mark eventually recovers his memory.", she said calmly.

Taiyou Hoshi said resolutely, "I want to know when Mark wants to know. Then we can start searching out his past together. Ozaki-hei, thank you for being a supporter to those on this ship. You are a fine addition and I hope to continue to see such contributions on behalf of those around you. Arigatou-gozaimasu."

"You're welcome, Chusa.", Kasumi answered. "May we take our leave?"

"You are dismissed," Hoshi nodded. "Enjoy the rest of your days." She saluted sharply to Ozaki Kasumi then a smile and a nod to Mark.

Kasumi returned the salute and stood up from the chair. "Good night, Chusa.", she said. Without another word, Kasumi and Mark left the room, feeling relieved and satisfied with the productive encounter.