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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Nine: Void

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YSS Kaiyō II
Cabin 6
22日 8月 YE 39
1830 Hours

For the past few days, Orion hadn't exited the bunk. He had been buried in 5 blankets on his bed, facing the matress, not sleeping, neither thinking. He was too heartbroken to do either.
A few days ago, Anastasia had dissapeared, missing in action, from her current mission. Orion would have probably had a heart attack if he wasn't young when he heard about Anastasia's disappearance. He had buried himself in his covers, and hadn't come out ever since. He hadn't eaten, or slept, in days.

Yoshida, though she had been going about her duties and usual shcedule of training, had almost done so robotically for the time she learned Ana had been gone, and they hadn't activated her backups yet, despite her protests to the contrary. 'missing in action' her left butt cheek. What kind of labeling was that? They knew she was dead and weren't doing a thing bout it. Her 'sister' best freind, secret crush, whatever term the normal outsider to that would prefer was gone. Like always, she silently wandered back into the bunk far later than normal, and crawled into bed, practically sufficating herself with her own pillow in the process.

Orion heard Yoshida get into her bed, and stayed silent. The sound did restart his train of thought. He thought about his parents, friends, then ended up with Anastasia.
"I thought... I was through loosing people..." He said subconsciously.

"mhpp da ya empen maen." Game the pillow muffled response. "Ish whar." The speaker, Yoshida of course, remaind face down against the pillow. None of her usual excited twitchyness seemed to exist, not even the casual flicking of her tail against just about every surface availible.

".....uhhh...what did you say..?"
Orion obviously did not understand whatever that sound that she emmited was, well, he knew she had spoken, but he just didn't understand what she had said.

She lifted her head up, and repeated herself. Minus the pillow. "What do you mean. Its a war." She then put her head back down against th epillow. Maybe it would be kind enough to put her out of her misery. Slowly.

"..... Oh"
He had pulled the covers off his head to listen to what she had to say, but when the word war crossed his mind, his eyes began to water. He sniffled silently as bad memories from his childhood came back to him.

"Yep." Came Yoshida's simple reply. "If you didn'twant to lose freinds you shouldn't have signed up. You had an option."

"I didn't have any options... Either this, or staying in an abandoned alleyway.... Mourning everyone I lost... I just couldn't stay in that alley I guess..."
Orion turned to face the rest of the room, but after noticing Anastasia's empty bed, he turned right back to his previous position.

"Mhhp." Yoshida grumbled. She decided against saying 'but Yamataian citizens literally get free things'. Instead she opted to continue laying on the bed, and assumed he was from Elysia or something, where everything is literally garbage.

"You're lucky you didn't spend the first years of your life in a war..."
Orion kept looking up at the ceiling, trying to use gravity to keep the salty tears from pouring out his eyes.

"You don't know how us neko work huh?" Yoshida lifted her head up and stared. Like she was trying to stare right into what she assumed was quite an empty head. "These are my first few years." How could he not know? Surely something as simple as the fact Neko head to the service shortly after being made was common knowledge.

" Nekos don't spend 10 years as a small child lugging around a heavy gun and ammunition, trying to survive in a hostile enviroment, have you ever dug in a dumpster for food before?"
He looked back at her with his deep purple eyes, both with smallbags under them, product of not sleeping for quite awhile.

Yoshida just grumbled, and looked away. Pity parties were stupid any way. "Go see the therapist or something... think there is probably a rule somewhere about that." And with that she very quickly attempted to cacoon herself within a blanket, turning herself into a kitty burito. With her tail sticking out the back.

He turned to the side opposite to her, thinking about something he had wanted to ask her for awhile now.
"...Yoshida?..Why do you hate me so much?"
He turned back to face the kitty burrito.

The thick blanket burrito around her very nearly disguised the flinching form of the small neko within. "What.. No i don't hate you." Unfortunately it did not stop her tail from curling and flattening against herself, one her her normal signs of nervousness for those that paid attention.

"Well... Why do you not like me? Appart from the antisocialism and the sarcasm..."
He kept on staring at her, raising an eyebrow.

Yoshida harumped. "Ana spends more time with you than i even can spend with her." She frowned as hard as her face would allow against the blankets and pillows and other soft, fluffy things covering it. IT was hard for her to even take herself seriously in this situation.

Orion sat up on the bed.
"Anastasia and I may have been close, but you and her are even closer. You're her best friend, you probably are why she joined the kaiyo instead of going to some other base. You're kind of her sister, her.. family. And to be honest, you're the best sister any Elysian could have..."

Yoshida's red face was quite unfortunately not visible to Orion, but as she squirmed around in her blanket burrito it was quite clear he made her mildly emberassed at least. But that repetition of sister... family... best friend. Wow that wound was still a brutal one, that feeling of knowing not only have you been best friend zoned, but family zoned. Having it reinforced by the one currently dating your object of affection didn't help. All she could do was curl into a ball and quietly grumble "stop making being angry at you harder I don't like it."

"Then don't be?"
Orion still looked at her, trying to keep up an erect posture, but eventually flopped back on the bed.

The beligerent neko, after a bout a minute of this finally peeked out from under her blankets. She opened her mouth to speak when, suddenly, the most horrific of smells wafted over her. Dear empress was that what an elysian smelled like after days of not showering?

She nearly gagged, and in her great haste to free herself of her own bindings, fell off the bed with a mighty thump before shooting to her feet. "AGH! OUT!" She shouted, and held her breath as she aproached, grabbing hold of the rank flying humanoid and with a thought, ordered the Megami to open the door to her cabin. "Get ouutt! Take a shower! Go talk to the captian! That's the worst smell i've experienced in my life!" And thus she did her best to toss the bird into the hallway. "Disgusting!" Was the last he'd likely hear of her voice for the day.

Sorry I posted this so late >~< @Speeder01
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