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RP: YSS Imperator Post-Mission One: Ice Cream and Shopping!

Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
YSS Imperator
5月 10日 YE 39
Galley/Mall District

After being released from the briefing, Yamasaki quickly returned to her cabin to change into her bodysuit uniform. In a rush, she hovered to the galley a few minutes before closing time. She had not been able to eat before the mission and the galley was closing down. As she hovered quickly through the passageways to the galley, she remembered her room mate and...partner, Ayane Akagawa. As she entered the line, she sent a telepathic message to her.

Meet me in the galley. They're closing down! See you soon!

While in the line, Yamasaki decided to take two plates; one for herself and one in case Akagawa could not reach the line before they stopped serving food. For herself, she took a plate of Admiral Yui’s chicken and rice, and for Akagawa, well...a plate of rice and...well how about the same thing. Not many people dislike Admiral Yui’s chicken. Once she was done, she set the plates down at a nearby table. As she walked back in line to grab dessert, she saw Akagawa and waved to her.

To your left! Over here!

Akagawa looked over, smiling, her body still clad in the uniform worn since the events leading up to and after the battle that took place. She didn’t wave, a little embarrassed, but after a second or two she managed to awkwardly raise her hand and smiled back at the other Ayane. With quick strides the Neko made her way over towards the other, sighing softly as she risked a little bit of intimacy and embraced her, before pulling away. “I was so worried about you. Did you see how much ordinance was fired out there? Your fighter looked so small and fragile, I was afraid one of my shots was going to hit and blow you up,” Akagawa took a step back to examine Yamasaki, smiling. “You did great out there, you know? I think the Captain might promote you for taking down a battleship all by yourself.”

“Oh well...it was nothing!”, Yamasaki replied with an awkward confidence as she placed her hands on her hips. “We were having a blast out there! And the battleship? Well..I will take some credit for that...but you and the weapons crews helped a lot out there!”, she finished with a grin.

“By the way, there is food for you on the table”, Yamasaki said, pointing to the table to her left. “I hope you like it! Let’s jump in line for dessert! How was the battle on your end?”, Yamasaki said, as she finished raving to Akagawa.

“Oh, well .. thank you, I think.” Akagawa smiled, a little bit amused. I’m not about to tell her I did all of that myself. With that thought, she followed Yamasaki onto the line for dessert and looked briefly over towards the table with her food, placing a hand on her stomach. She wasn’t that hungry - but if it meant spending a little more time with her before the seat on the bridge became a semi-permanent thing, Akagawa would take it. “The battle was alright. The Imperator took a few hits and we lost one ship, but overall it went well, I’d say. How about you? It must have been pretty exciting flying out there.”

“Well, it went well for me! I didn’t get hit once, and there were no casualties on our side.”, Yamasaki said as she took a large and delectable ice cream sundae from the dessert bar. “I got very lucky for my first sortie. The excitement from the battleship kill is still ringing in my head!”, she said. “Tell me, was this also your first mission?”, Yamasaki asked as she returned to the table with Akagawa.

As she took a seat, she pulled over the plate of rice with Admiral Yui’s chicken and sniffed it, having never had such a succulent aroma grace her senses before. “Oh, well, against the L’Kor, yes. It wasn’t my first time in a combat situation though, no.” Akagawa would say as she took a spoonful of rice and chicken and ate it. Oh, not bad. “Why do you ask?” The raven-haired Neko would say, smiling again.

“Well...I got quite lucky during my first mission...but I like to think that some of it was skill.”, she said with a giggle. “You’re a Jôtô Hei! And...you’re a bit older than I am, but still young in the grand scheme of things. I was wondering if something similar happened on your first mission.”, Yamasaki inquired before she began to eat.

“Hmm, no, not really .. I spent my first year learning about battlefield tactics, command, logistics, and the rigors of life on the frontline. My second year, I was posted on a Plumeria, the YSS Unicorn Two; she was fast and the crew were nice. It was mostly patrol and picket, though, you know - watch the borders for pirates, smugglers, and illegals. It wasn’t until near the end of that year that I got involved in this massive incursion against this race called the Kuvexians; where the Unicorn Two and the rest of First Fleet went in to destroy one of their starbases.” Akagawa took a breath to eat and breathe, enjoying the rare moments where she got to relax. “I shot down a couple of fighters and crippled a destroyer .. pretty sure we almost got boarded once or twice. The Unicorn Two’s got nothing on the Imperator, though - nothing beats a good broad-side of super heavies.” The Neko said this with a happy glint in her eyes, smile growing wider as she seemed happy with her new posting on the Sharie-class.

“Oh so you were on a command track? Where did you learn? I’ve always wanted to get a commission, but I don’t wanna sit on a bridge all day…”, Yamasaki said trailing off, taking another bite of her chicken.

“Well ..” Akagawa paused, bit her lip and shook her head. “It’s not that big of a deal, really. So, tell me - is that a real instrument? The violin, I mean. I walked in on you playing it, remember?” She would say, pushing the plate of rice and chicken away as she leaned forward. “It was nice.”

“Aww thanks!”, Yamasaki replied as a small blush crossed her cheeks in response. “The violin I have, isn’t really a real violin. It’s electric, so I can play it so only I can hear it...so no one is disturbed. But I can change it so that it generates sound, so other people can hear. Do you want to know where I got it from?”, she asked.

“Yes, please.” Akagawa replied back, nodding a little too excitedly. “I wondered why I didn’t hear anything, though .. I just thought you were pretending .. except I could hear the strings being rubbed against ..” She pursed her lips at the thought of how such a thing was possible. “Besides, we share the same room! I wouldn’t be disturbed by it unless I was sleeping.”

“Well...the violin kind of has a story behind it...back when I was in socialization training, I was really...well I loathed social engagements, so I nearly failed socialization training! Can you believe that?! But, one of my officers, her name was Hotaru Sasaki, she gave me another chance. I had to spend 20 extra days, in socialization training because I hated small talk and stuff so much! You probably don’t think I’m like that but...I can’t say...I’m just different and more confident around you. I’m usually the shyest person in the room!”, Yamasaki said as she leaned slightly over the table.

“Anyways, Hotaru-Shoi played the violin. And she taught me how to play also! We became close friends, since she helped me with my social skills! She gave me an electric violin and the Hayabusa model that’s in the room. You know...I could teach you how to play if you want!”, Yamasaki offered, as she took the final bite of her chicken and started on her rice.

“Oh, I’d love to learn .. I just don’t know if I’ll have a lot of time to dedicate towards it. From what I can tell, we might not have a lot of time for recreational activities like this anymore. I’ll take what little time I do have to let you teach me, though.” Akagawa would say, smiling again, practically beaming as she thought of how much fun it would be to learn how to do something that wasn’t related to the military. The Neko had a feeling there was going to be a lot of that in the future.

As the two Ayanes talked, the mess hall emptied out as the post-battle rush began to leave after finishing their meals. Yamasaki and Akagawa sat in comfortable silence for a few moments as Yamasaki finished her rice. When she was done, Yamasaki took a fresh spoon and pushed the ice cream sundae to the center of the table, offering Akagawa another spoon.

“Wanna share?” Yamasaki asked with knowing smile.

“Of course!” Akagawa leaned over and took the other spoon, immediately scooping up a bit and shoving it into her mouth, letting out a soft and extremely pleased sigh. “I hear there’s a whole city inside the Sharie-class; shopping districts, restaurants, clothing and apparel. Everything. When we have time, do you want to come with and see if any of what I was told is true?”

“Oh yeah sure, let’s go!”, Yamasaki said in between mouthfuls of delectable ice cream. “I need some lounging clothes anyway. I’m always up for a shopping trip with you Ayane!”, she said, kissing Akagawa on the cheek.

She blushed, the soft little peck against her cheek causing the usually taciturn and serious Neko to turn into a giggling school girl. “Oh, well, I guess we may as well do it sooner rather than later .. do you know the way? I mean, I do .. but do you?” And before she could even say anything, she was being pulled away by the other Ayane.

With that, the two Neko threw their trash away and were off for the ship’s shopping district. As they entered, Yamasaki pointed out a clothing store nearby, so the two Ayane’s decided to go there first. The two Neko wore vastly different sizes, however, so they decided to split up and to meet near the changing room. Yamasaki grabbed a tight-fitting pair of leggings, a pink sleeveless crop top, a pair of track shorts, high-waisted skinny jeans, and an enticing pair of g-string panties. Akagawa took a pair of high-waisted jean shorts, a ballon-sleeved blouse, a pair of leggings, a set of blue-striped thigh highs, and a few other assorted articles of clothing.

When they were done, the two Neko met in front of the changing room, and together, they went inside...

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