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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Seven: Eternal

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The Breakfast Baron
Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyo
Medical Bay
6日 6月 YE 39
0030 Hours

Anastasia was in for a late night as she sat upright on one of the three beds in the main treatment room. She herself had come to the medical bay house ago for a post-"mission" checkup. Only half able to sleep, Anastasia had somberly observed some of the earlier events in the medical bay quietly. She patted the folded bundle of clothing in her lap, leaning forwards to stretch lightly. Between the witnessed sorrow and the nature of the visit, she found it hard to stay in a good mood.

She was wearing a light fabric brace around her lower back, with a hairline fracture in her pelvis from being slammed against the side of the hallway during the Kaiyo's epic launch. Nothing a few days of medication and regular checkups couldn't fix. She had been perscribed a basic cream for her skin to treat the aether burns from the reactor overload, which was mildly more concerning to her.

Anastasia was there for more than one reason though, which was another Elysian, laying asleep in a hemosynthetic tube across the room. She hadn't done this since Yoshida's respawn way back after the Mishhu attack, which with recent events, now seemed like years ago. She had her back turned to the nearly opaque tube, watching Maki Miyako go about her usual, neverending business.

"How's the back feeling, Barlow-Hei?" The cheery neko inquired as she passed, glancing at her datapad with one golden eye.

"Erhmmm... it aches, but the medicine's helping, doctor." The Elysian technician replied quietly, She spoke again, emerald eyes glnting with concern. "How's he doing?"

Miyako looked at the tube, before looking back at Anastasia. "Well, the reconstruction is complete, and the backup transfer process should have already kicked in. I'd give him a few minutes!"

The excited neko skipped back across the medical bay, stopping at the bed occupying an sleeping Meissa and Kikyo. Shrugging it off, Miyako grabbed a spare medical gown from the cabinet, moving across the bay like, well, a cat. "He should be running on a backup from roughly nine days ago. He won't remember anything that happened tonight, but I'm assuming you've stuck around to fill him in!"

The few minutes seemed like an eternity in the dim medical bay before Miyako chimed in again with clock-like timing. "He should be ready to go!"

Slowly, excess hemosynthetic fluid cycled through and out of the pod as Orion Jones felt a spark of life jolt his brain. Senses started activating like someone coming out of a deep sleep as the medic worked the controls outside the pod. The synthetic webbing around his body gently dissapated as the front of the pod slid open. allowing cold, sterile air to sweep into the warm pod. The emergency-lit medical bay was rather dark, but he could see the dark-skinned medical officer working to the side of his pod. "Good morning. sunrise!", she chirped. throwing the medical gown at the refreshed and respawned Elysian.

"....What the hell just..."
The respawned elysian opened his eyes slowly, as he looked up from where he was lying. looking around he quickly realized his location as his brain started to function normally. Orion then attempted to sit up, not doing it as he felt a medical gown land on him. it then sparked on him that he didnt have any clothing on, and he scrambled to get said gown on his body.

Anastasia turned to glance at the two as she heard Orion's voice, before quickly turning back around, wholly red in the face.

Miyako checked a few statistics on her datapad as Orion got dressed. "Well, I am required to inform you that it has been approximately four hours since your vitals died, and you have been reconstructed with a backup nine days old. I'd say more, but you have someone waiting to fill you in on the situation. Thank you for using the YSS Kaiyō medical bay! We are currently using backup power, so please watch your step!"

Miyako moved away from the pod, checking on the sleeping owl and small Nekovalkyrja before moving to the computer at the other end of the bay. There was still much to do.

The birb finally got himself into the medical gown handed to him by the medic. He sighed and then sat up, tensing upafter hearing the word 'died'.
He then proceeded to stand and make way across the medical bay towards his blue winged friend.
"Yamatai couldn't have had people respawn with clothing now couldn't they..."

Anastasia was slightly startled at Orion appearing behind her, head swinging back to look at him and back forwards again, still red. "Heh, yeah... speaking of that..."

The cobalt-winged Elysian slid over on the medical bed, handing Orion a bundle of clothing. It was a workout uniform, shirt, shorts, underwear, and all. "I uh, asked Abart for an extra set for you..."
With that, she turned away again, giving Orion some privacy. She breathed heavily, holding back a rush of excitement and information.

"Aaaaaaaaalriiiight thank you..."
He said as he turned to change into his newly aquired clothing. once he had been completely clothed he turned back to her.
"Thats... much better.. thanks again.."

"You're welcome..." Anastasia stood up slowly, looking at Orion. She had a black fabric cast around her lower back, over her uniform. After a few moments of breathing, she finally smiled, chuckling just a little bit. "We made it..."

"Wait you mean like... we got out of that... whatever that place was...?"
The birb said with a much more excited tone as he looked at ana.

The little chuckle turned into a mix of giggles and tears of joy as Anastasia wrapped her arms around Orion. "Yes, we made it... we're in the Kikyo sector, the normal one." She paused for a few moments, still steaming tears. "The IYS Kaiyo was destroyed."

The light blue winged birb did the same as he hugged Anastasia with a smile.
"oh FINALLY.... finally...it took what..? a month or something? less i think..."

Anastasia remained in the hug for a few more moments, wiping away the tears of joy and immense stress relief. She sighed, leaning back and holding the sniper's hands. "It took a month, and one leap of faith in the end..." Slowly, Anastasia's smile fell as she sighed. "It, didn't come without sacrifice, though..."

The technician thought for a moment, knowing Orion needed a briefing. "You won't remember it, but the away team was sent to infiltrate the IYS Kaiyō, with Eden. All I knew from my end is, your vitals stopped sending signals, and there was a horrible sound..." Anastasia's right wing twitched. She knew the feeling too, but she was either lucky or unlucky enough to survive an aether blade strike.

Anastasia took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. "Eden didn't make it. She wss caught in an explosion, and... she hadn't transferred back yet." Her emerald eyes opened again, looking at Orion's.

"...Oh my..."
The expression on Orions face changed comepletely as he unfocused off of Anastasia, looking at the asleep Kiyko and Meissa.
"...I dont..imagine that Saki is feeling that well right now...?"

Anastasia looked down. "I don't know, I haven't talked to her since we've been back. I've actually been here... resting. I fractured my hip, and the reactor overloaded..." the technician looked back up, explaining that light marks on her face. It was burnt on the surface layers, like a botched sun tan. "Its been a very long day, but... it was all worth it."

"Yeah... at least were finally back..."
He sighed, looking up at Ana with a subtle smile.
"Also... were you waiting for me?"

Anastasia grinned, looking around the medbay with flush cheeks." Maybe just a little."

"IIIi knew it..."
Orions smile grew to turn into a normal sized smile as he kept on looking at her.

Anastasia thought to herself, wrapping her arms around Orion's shoulders again. She couldn't brave it to tell him she was afraid of what could happen at Yamatai. She didn't want to think about what could happen if Eden wasn't there to help the crew. She wasn't sure if they were going to stay a crew, but she couldn't pull herself together enough to say it. The only thing she was sure of at the moment is that they made it out of hell.

"what about the others...? Abart.. Yosh... how are they doing..?"
Orion commented as Anas arms wrapped around him yet again.

"There was a bit of celebration after we found out the transport worked, not a whole lot... everyone's asleep right now. Most everyone, that is..." Ana replied.

"Glad it all.. actually worked out.."
He said as he sighed putting his head down, then looked up to her again.
"...are you feeling ok?"

Anastasia leaned back and looked at Orion's purple eyes. "Yeah... the reactor blew out In the transfer, and the engines are... about melted. We're on backup power for now... I just..."
The Elysian went quiet for a moment. "I hope Eden is somewhere alright."

"She's going to be fine... and.. im guessing another ship or something will come looking for us"
Orion stared back, his subtle smile reappearing back on his lips as he looked at the blue birb.

"I'm sure Boss already has sent out a report..." Anastasia smiled and pulled the reincarnated Elysian closer, setting her head on his shoulder. Which involves a bit of leaning down. It felt like the first time in weeks she's been able to breathe properly. "Now, we wait."

"You got any ideas..?"
He said as the blue birb set her head down on his shoulder, he felt his face burn up a bit, visibly blushing, only slightly.

"Well, a few..." the slender Elysian replied. After a few moments, she spoke again. "I've always heard early morning breakfast is an experience to have. You must be starving in that body."

The expression on his face changed as she mentioned the word 'starving' to a more frustrated face.
"Oh......why did you have to..remind me..." he said with a chuckle.

Anastasia frowned, seeing her own slip up. "Sorry..." she gave a light, but somber laugh.
She turned her head, giving Orion a light pap on the cheek, before leaning back out of the hug. "You know, the Wardroom is always open. We should probably leave Miyako to her work." the red technician suggested.

Orion stated as he glanced at the busy neko.
"To the wardroom it is..."

Anastasia slipped out of the hug, smiling. She took Orion's left hand, slowly walking out of the medical bay and into the halls of the ship.

Miyako was reading medical reports as she glanced at the two departing Elysians. Lovebirds. "Ship-wide checkups tomorrow morning!" She hummed.

He said as he glimpsed back at the medic, following Ana down into the barren hallways of the kaiyo.

Soon, they both reached the cozy Wardroom. Few others were in there at this hour, asleep. Anastasia moved over to a booth table, but not sitting down, yet. "I'm not a master chef by any means, but give me a minute and I'll find something..."

"It doesnt need to be fancy... I'll eat about anything..."
Orion sat down slowly in one of the booths.

With that, Anastasia dissappeared into the Galley. She's only cooked a few times, all of which because of recent events. She walked around the pantry and fridge, picking up small amounts of ingredients, being thrifty. They weren't at Yamatai yet. Eggs, pre-made pastry mix, milk, cheese. She heated up the kitchens waffle irons, while using a small pan to cook omelettes in the dark.

The Elysian was gone for several minutes before she returned from the galley doors with two white plates, topped with steaming breakfast delicacies. She sat a plate down in front of Orion, which contained a waffle, syrup, and an omelet. It wasn't the best presentation, but it looked like food. Anastasia sat down beside Orion in the booth, folding her wings and setting down her own plate, with a smaller amount of food.

"Breakfast, is served." She said in fluent Seraphim.

He started to eat to satisfy his hunger, eating quite quickly. The Light blue winged elysian finished his meal soon enough. Seems like he was starving.

Anastasia smiled, eating a chunk of fresh waffle. "I learned how to cook in my teenage years... It's not something I get to do often."

"Well, youre quite good at it... its better than eating cereals all day" Orion complemented.

"Heh, thank you..." Anastasia blushed slightly, flattered. "I would volunteer to learn more if there wasn't so much to do already." she yawned.

"Maybe after this thing dies down.. maybe..." Orion said as he looked back at her with a small smile.

Anastasia llooked back, a smile spreading across her face as she leaned against him and the seat, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Maybe..."

"So.... about that conversation we had awhile back..." He said as he kept looking at her. "Does uhh... this count as a.. date?"

Anastasia opened her eyes and thought for a moment and quietly laughed. "Yeah, I'd say so... Really, this could be our second..."

"I'm guessing Yosh isnt too happy about it..."
He said as he looked at the entry to the wardroom quietly.

"Well, I talked to her about it, and I think she's feeling much better. She doesn't hate you... she's just a little attached still. She's my little sister."

"Glad she... isnt going to punch me in the face next time she sees me... i may be antisocial but... i dont really want peaople to hate me.."

"I understand... I've made enemies before... whether I meant to or not..." The slender Elysian looked down, her black and blue hair brushing forwards.

"I have aswell... i know what you mean"
He said as he wrapped his arm around her.
"I spent 3 years.. maybe more trying to track down the soldiers that killed them.. i failed but.. yeah"

Anastasia let him wrap his arm around her, frowning. "I'm sorry... I know you've had a rough time life." She thought back to her conversation with Eden, about war, family, life, and loss. "But, I hope I can help you find the light in life and... overcome." She shed a tear, looking at Orion. "I've heard iron sharpens iron, like friends sharpen friends..." She trailed off, smiling.

He looked at her as he wiped the tear from her face softly.
"I hope i can... help you do the same..."

She smiled warmly, looking at Orion as the tear was wiped away. "In a way, you already have... Meeting you broke me out of the shell I kept myself in."

"and to be honest... the same happened to me... all it took was me to be late to an ST and fall down" He said as he chuckled, thinking back to the time they first saw themselves.

Anastasia giggled a little bit at the incident. I was a chaotic day that felt like ages ago now. "Still need to work on your balance.. "

"I was half asleep okay?" Orion chuckled. "Oh yeah, then i slapped myself... you seemed quite interested in my eyes though.."

"Heheh...I had never met an Elysian with such purple eyes before..."

"'Mom had purple eyes.... i still remember them... i guess i inherited them from her"

Anastasia tightened the hug slightly, nodding. "They're handsome, you know." Anastasia chuckled.

"And i still find you cute..."
He said as his forehead touched hers lightly.

"Thank you." the technician giggled as her face painted itself red.

Orion blushed even harder as he thought about actually kissing her
"would.. you like to?"

Anastasia's eyes met Orion's as she realized what he meant.
"I'd say, we can celebrate a second date."
The technician closed her eyes, moving her chin to lock lips with Orion's.
And so did the sniper, locking lips with her, kissing Anastasia for the first time.

The kiss lasted a few seconds before the two lovebirds pulled away, leaning on eachother in the booth table. "I love you." The technician said, a wide grin split across her face.

"I love you too..." Orion said, with a small smile.

The two Elysians gazed at each other just a moment longer, before looking out over the darkened Wardroom. Anastasia leaned against Orion and exhaled quietly, looking up from the booth. Orion shifted his head upwards, looking outside the overhead window of the Wardroom. Outside, the light of hundreds, perhaps thousands of distant stars bounced off the dark clouds of dust and ice, curving like an eternal river as the compromised Plumeria drifted by. No engines, no course.

In a way, they too we're like the rocks and the ice, waiting for eternity, sailing the endless seas space presented to them, in no particular hurry. For once in several months, everything seemed... still. Calm.

Anastasia gave an extended sighed as she set her hands on her belly, looking out the glistening window as the numbing sensation of pain medication lulled her into sleep.
Orion sat there, leaned against the wooden walls of the Wardroom, staring out as he noticed his girlfriend had drifted off to sleep. The sniper sighed as he gently pat her head, not willing to wake her. Soon, he too joined the synonymous silence that had settled across the entire ship.
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