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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Thirteen: Casting Couch


🎖️ Game Master
YSS Kaiyo-ii
Recreation Area

It was a relatively quiet day aboard the second iteration of the Kaiyo, it was a good change of pace to have some down time to recollect thoughts after dealing with a weaponized planet and it's golden guardians. The day may have been quiet but Wyatt was frantic as he moved over towards one of the many couches that lined the rec-room of the ship, the marksman had started tearing away pillows and feeling down the crevices of for something, a look of determination was plastered across his amber eyes.

Alastair happen to be sitting across from the couch Wyatt was digging into. "Lose your lucky charm or something?" He asked in a joking voice.

Wyatt whipped his head around to see Alastair, he must have been too focused to notice his superior before hand so the marksman was caught a little off guard. "Something like that... say you haven't seen a ring anywhere have you?" He responded with a question, his voice not sounding quite as impartial as usual.

He thought for a moment before giving Wyatt an answer. "Can't say that I have, I got a spare collar though if that would work." Alastair had pulled out a collar and was spinning it around on his finger. He always seemed to have one on his person all the time.

Wyatt's brow furrowed as the shock collar was mentioned and subsequently shown, he chose to not say anything - he had heard a few rumours about Alastair's excentric ways but it still caught him off guard. His hand came into contact with the ring on a chain and he fished it out, "Nevermind, I found it" he informed the superior officer and began fastening the sapphire laden silver ring around his neck before it was hidden under his shirt.

"Terribly sorry for disturbing you, Sir" Wyatt apologised with a low bow, "If there is nothing you need then I will be on my way."

"Ahh why the rush, please take a seat. I have yet to get to know you and this ring of yours must have a story to it. Minding sharing?" He asked as he leaned up. He had put the collar away, maybe next time.

"Of course, everything has a story" He started speaking, putting the cushions back on the lounge before sitting down on them. He himself had a small yet slowly growing collection of seemingly random and worthless junk on the shelf of his bunk which would be a lot harder to explain than a simple ring.

"Sho-" Wyatt paused briefly to correct himself, "Eden gave it to me some short time ago, it may not be my kind of thing but I respect the intention behind the action so here it is... I still have no clue how it managed to fall off my neck however." He gave his answer, sitting with a very rigid posture on the couch that was designed for relaxation.

"Ahh, it was a gift from Eden you say. Does this mean you two are like a thing now or something?" Alastair was leaning forward now very interested in this topic. He was wearing a sly grin.

"no-NO, nothing of the sort," Wyatt quickly spat out, he forgot for a brief second how everybody on this ship seemed to only be interested in one thing - relationship statuses. He took a moment to compose himself as he brushed the memory of Eden hugging him from his mind, "A token of appreciation is all, a pat on the back that lasts longer I suppose....".

"But uhm Sir... if I may ask, why did you happen to have a shock collar on your person? as far as I know the Kaiyo has no Cani-" He paused for a second as the realisation hit him like a Plumeria. "Oh, I see..."

His grin only grew bigger. "I am not sure where that rumor is coming from, not all these collars shock." He said in a matter of fact type voice. "This is just something I came up with during my prior duties. Was a simple way of knowing who was part of our crew without using offical markings." As he finished talking he leaned in close to Wyatt. "Glad you and Eden are close, its important the crew has close bonds with one another." He raised his eye brows at him.

"Right..." Wyatt said in response to all the collar nonesense, he wasn't going to start an argument over one man's preferences but he had heard enough to know what kinds of things happened with those collars. "But yeah, I'm glad my... abrasive nature hasn't gotten me into too much trouble on the ship, you all have been doing so much without even knowing and it's made the transition from my previous posting to this one all the more comfortable. Even if I was just another mouth to feed while those misplaced legal documents were set straight." he answerd, rather in-depth out of no-where.

"Please, you are very pleasent to be around. Compared too..." Alastair looked around like a startled animal before continuing. "our very abrasive medic your a saint. I still remember when Miko shared she whooped his ass into a cargo cantainer, I laughed for a solid five minutes." He started to chuckle as he rememered it. "So tell me about yourself, got any hobbies? Maybe have your eye on a young neko on the ship?" He nudged him with his elbow.

The left side of Wyatt's mouth curled up into a smile and he was about to speak when he stopped. Had he really changed so much in just a few weeks? it felt like only yesterday he would be chewing somebody out for incompetency and trying to find out what forms he would need to fill out but now... he really was starting to feel like a part of the crew and that thought alone made the slight smile return to his face.

"Sacre, she may have a bit of a mouth on her but her points made a lot of sense when we spoke" he replied, before being nudged in the ribs and asked about the gaggle of cat girls that seemed to always be swarming around the ship. Wyatt let out a small chuckle and answered again, "Hobbies sure, so far it's just a shelf of sentimental junk or me trying to improve my aim at the range. But no, the ship hasn't changed me that much yet sir - only ladies I've really been paying attention to are the ones that give us orders."

That last part was mostly true, but he was determined to not let anybody rip him away from being a soldier first and foremost.

"Ahh, I can see why Eden took a liking to you. She likes those who are obedient." He could not help but chuckle. "I can relate to this need to collect useless junk. I have one too many artifacts around my room. Things from battles or rewards I had been given, I got a pile of stuff." He looked down slightly. "Yet I still have not found that special something that just feels right. It alludes me still but I am forever on the quest to find it."

"So you fancy yourself a long shot huh. I shall remember this for future battles to be sure to make the most of your skills." Alastair was again smiling.

He was obedient sure, but he wasn't blind.

"One day you'll find it sir, my guess is you might need to find a girl with more ehm... exotic looking undergarments" he joked with a supressed chuckle before he moved on to the tactical talk. "Indeed, Marksman born and-" Wyatt's voice trailed off a little as he finished that phrase with a hint of regret to his words

"-bred... I'm no one trick ponie though sir, throw me at anything and I'll find a way through."

Alastair tapped the end of his chin a few times. "You know, that isn't a bad idea at all. I am not sure why I would find meaning in this but having a mandatory exotic undergarment inspection isn't a bad idea. I am sure Eden would support this type of inspection. As one of the prime ships of the Star Army its important we look good on and off the clock." Alastair had completely missed what Wyatt was getting at and instead just made up a new crew inspection day. "Good thinking Wyatt, glad I can count on you to give new ideas." He gave him a firm pat on the back.

"Talking about born and bred, where do you call home?"

Wyatt slumped back in his chair a fraction when he was asked this, his amber eyes took of a slightly more solem tone. "Sir... I know it is going to sound odd but as far as I see it... this is my home and you lot are my family" Wyatt gulped and showed a brief moment of weakness.

"I... it's complicated"

"Its always complicated but glad to hear this ship is your home and the crew your family. We are all brothers and sisters in arms so good we can count on each other." Alastair placed his hands together in front of him. "My story is also complicated, my parents were killed and was raised by the Belmont family as if I was direct kin. This life story while sad has shaped who I am. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Wyatt let out a long sigh, he felt like an asshole for making his superior open up about his - obviously - more painful beginnings.

"I'm sorry to hear that... well you've shown yours so let me show mine... " he began speaking, shifting around uncomfortably in his seat a few times before he continued.

"My... Sperm donor's name is Kyreese Alder, he was an angry drunk, a wife beater, a shitty father" Wyatt's hands began shaking slightly as he continued, no doubt at least half of this was on a file somehwere so why not straigten out those facts.

"He is how I had been up until recently but much worse and with an even more closed in mind... my Mother, Semra Rennins now, divorced him the moment I got in to the army and I tried reaching out to her but she isn't the proud woman she used to be.. "

Wyatt let in a deep breath to try and keep his composure.

"I told him I had made it in and he didn't so much as blink, I look in the mirror some times to see him but I don't ever want to be that man..." His eyes finally drifted up from the floor to look Alastair in the eyes "I know it's not anything comparable to your own hardships you must have faced but it feels good to just let everything out some times, you know? even if I do a crappy job of it."

"Sounds like a real winner for a dad. But think nothing of my hardships. Its sad but as I said I couldn't wish for something different. I have been a good success and been able to help so many people in my life. If my family dying allowed for this to happen then their death was not in vein." Alastair reached over and put a hand on his shoulder. "You can not deny where you came from but even if you see your father in that mirror, remember, what you don't see is the smiling facing of all the people on this ship who care for you. That is something that man will never see in his refelction." A strong smile was across his face.

The hand on his shoulder felt reassuring... Wyatt had no idea if it was some kind of protocol the higher ups were taught but every time one of them did it - his worries faded away. "I don't think I have the right words to explain this sir, but thank you... I needed this, even if it was pure coincidence that lead me here today." The Marksman gave a weak smile as he saw the man in a new light, how daft had Wyatt been to listen to rumours alone.

"I'll give it my darndest."

Wyatt lowered his body into a bow before he straigtened his posture and brought in a sharp yet slightly shaky exhale that leveled out as he exhaled, his golden eyes blinked a few times before they were locked on to Alastair. "I ask for your forgiveness sir, I did not mean to crack and waste your time so much - there must be more pressing things on your mind."

"Aye, your secret is safe with me. I will not share with the neko folk that us men are able to feel feelings. Though if you find yourself unable to control this, I have a collar for that." He cracked a smile at him. "Please, there is always a pressing matter on my mind. I am trying to perk up Eden, keep Mark from going to the dark side. Walter and Arete is like herding cats. Hoshi and the bot are going to be the death of this ship with that slime. So yeah, there are a few things going on." He tone had switched from light heard to serious to back to light hearted.

"Thankyou sir, if you need anything then don't hesitate to ask me - you are here to give us orders after all and it would be a shame to waste that authority... just know I draw the line when it comes to those collars" Wyatt responded, he knew that life on the ship was a constant behink the scenes struggle and the offer was not an empty one.

"Oh please, I happen to have a few of them from my last post. We really did wear them but when your in possible areas where knowing friend from foe is life and death you make a few sacrifices. Our foes had a running joke about my ship and the crew being mostly woman kind. So I took the chance to market on this and make it seem like they were all my pets. Trust me, the crew was not happy about it and the favors I still owe for it are huge." Alastair put a hand on Wyatt's shoulder. "So no worry, this is just a running gag that I might be having far too much fun with. Though I am looking for someone strong. Person that is a side kick if you will. How strong are your ideals for a better tomorrow?"

"A better tomorrow you say?" Wyatt asked rhetorically, Alastair became more of an enigma to him with each thing the man said. "Things have never been perfect, nor will they be but working towards that is something admirable - there is always room for improvement... that's where I stand."

"It is less about being perfect and more about having a better vision. As you put it we follow orders but do we live to follow orders or do we live to see a better tomorrow. Clearly I am not saying we ignore orders, that would be complete chaos. But if we have a better vision we can shape those orders to fufill the goal of having a better tomorrow." The message was being delivered not as an officer giving an order but as a friend who is just looking out for his fellow friends.

Wyatt had heard talk like that before, it almost always ended up being a spark in the powder keg, "Powerful words sir, you're starting to sound like the leading of some revolution if you don't mind me saying," Wyatt added with a faint chuckle.

"You really think so. Your just being kind to your officer. It is not I who leads but the people around me. I see them looking in a direction and I just point. Same would call it an order but is it really an order when it is something you already want to do. To me this is just a suggestion." He gives Wyatt a warm smile. "Think on it, I can not promise you much but I believe together we can achive much.

"You should know by now sir, I never do something simply because I am expected to," Wyatt replied, his eyes drfting down to notice a very faint scuff mark on his left boot that would need to get polished out sooner or later. "I will definitely consider it though, whatever it is you might be scheming up seems more than reasonable."

"That is the spirit I like to see. I will know from this day on as you being part of the dream. I must say it is getting late so unless you have something else I will have to excuse myself as I am sure Hoshi is playing with that slime again." Alastair was clearly having slight regrets for giving this to her.

Wyatt couldn't think of anything else he wished to discuss with the officer, nor could he think of a reason why their chosa playing with slime would concern said officer so the minkan gave a brief shake of his head and spoke. "Nothing else I can think of sir but it has been a pleasure speaking."

The marksman rose from his seat and gave the lowest bow he could muster without falling over.

"Aye, was a pleasure getting to learn more about you. I am sure we will be plotting more in the future." He laughed as he stood, gave a short bow and wondered off to find Hoshi.
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