Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Thirteen: Disarmed


The Breakfast Baron
Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Holding up the back end of the formation, Dokusei Kaori cruised into the power armor bay following the destruction of Planet H and the "forceful detainment" of the vessels involved. She kicked her heels out lightly, dragging herself back into landing speed. The little Nekovalkyrja didn't bother stopping for a breather, instead continuing her pace towards the armor racks as her feet touched the bay floor.

She turned, backing into the quickly-filling rack of Mindy armors stationed at the back of the bay. As she did, a light flickered on at the side of the rack, indicating the armor was in need of pgysical repair. Her right arm layed loose at her side, the exterior armor on her forearm dented and scratched. Getting out of the armor proved to be a little more difficult than getting in, requiring twisting of her already-mangled right hand. Fortunately, she had spared herself the pain of feeling any of this.

The unarmored Kaori let her arm fall limp to her side, focusing more on the contents of her armors buttpack. She pulled out a sealed plastic baggie, filled to the brim with floral and fruit samples from the late planets suface. Holding it up with her left hand for a moment, she turned and started walking out the exit of the power armor bay. This needed to be delivered to the science lab immediately.

Alastair had just stepped out of the armor bay moments ago and was making his way towards the bridge to give a report to Hoshi on his evaluation of the mission. It was an ugly report having lost a few crew but most of his friends were still safe so took comfort in this fact. He was still processing the medical reports of everyone who needed first aid. He was lucky in that he had not recieved any major injuries during the mission.

He was walking at a slow pace as Kaori started to overtake him. "Hello Kaori, heading to the science bay to drop off your samples." He asked with a smile having noticed the bag of stuff she had in her hand.

Kaori turned her head to look at Alastair as he spoke. Her hair was mostly down, pressed together in sweaty clumps that took the impression of her helmet easily. Stray locks stuck out farther than others, only adding to the generally disheveled look she seemed oblivious of. She spoke up, quietly. "Hai, Shoi."

She held up the bagie of lightly smooshed red pulp and green vine, lowering it once more. "They're from the... planet." As she continued walking, it become quite clear why she was being breif. Her right hand was bent completely out of shape starting above the wrist, fingers snapped in directions Yui never intended. The back of her hands were cut, scrapped, and visibly bloody, though the bleeding had been long stanched. To top it all off, her right shoulder was visibly dislocated.

Alastair tipped his head to one side as he looked her over. Clearly she was in rough shape having just got in from the mission. That said something seemed off about her. He again looked her over as they walked and came to understand what his senses were telling him.

"Wooo there, your shoulder is for sure not like the other. This can not do, we must get you checked into the medical bay so they can fix your arm." A concern look washed over his face. He looked even closer now and seen her hand was all kinds of messed up too. "Oh gosh, your whole arm seems pretty banged up."

Kaori slowed, looking down at her dislocated arm. She pulled back the muscles, lifting up her limp hand. The action looked like it would be excruciating, but her expression barely shifted. She turned her head up to look at Alastair, somewhat confused by the source of concern. "It's just a little damage..."

The Neko continued foward, pulling the baggie close to her. She frowned. "These need to be delivered before they can spoil."

"Your dedication I have to admit it really nice to see. Though this is more than a little damage." He gave her a light pat on her good shoulder. "You can keep the goods but let's get you checked out. As one friend to another." His concerned look had not faded as he spoke to her.

The little scientist sighed, deciding it was best to not argue against the Second Officer of the ship. She still wasn't sure why there was such a rush, her entire arm could just be regrown if necessary. "...Alright."

"That is more like it, and I promise it wont take long. Be on your way in an instant." He was being more cheerful since she agreed to come to the med bay with him. "Might even get lucky and none of the medical staff is around and can get treated by me." He was all smiles now. He was thinking back to his training and what he had picked up from Miles over the years.

Fortunately, Alastair couldn't see the light eye roll from under Kaori's mop of clumped hair. Kaori walked into the medical bay, leaving the baggie of ripe specimen sitting just inside the door by the lockers. She was quick to find that all the medical staff in the bay were either busy with someone else, or not present at the time.

"Well shit, where is a doctor when you need one around here." He said outload clearly trying to get someone's attention. After a few moments of not being waited on he figured it was up to him to give a hand. "Welp, seems your getting doctor Alastair today Kaori. Just take a seat on that medical bed and I will do a scan of your arm and see what we can do." His hand motioned for her to take a seat.

Kaori let out a small huff, floating herself up to rest on the edge of the medical bed. The little scientist crossed her legs, holding out her broken arm to the side. She eyed the officer from under the crop of purple hair, little slits of gold visible between the locks. "It shouldn't take much. Simple corrections to bone placement, and a cast."

"I got this, reminds me of the times I had to help Miko when he would pick fights. Had to set a few arms and legs in my life." He walked around her and lift her arm up for a moment. It was pretty busted up but did not seem too bad. "Keep those pain receptors off for a moment still." As he finshed talking a loud pop filled the room as he set her shoulder back into place.

"Wouldn't want to." Kaori remarked. She let out a light grunt as her shoulder audibly shifted back into place. She gave it a few light twists to test out the reseated joint, before letting it rest again. She held out her bloodied, twisted hand as if to inaudibly say "Well?"

"Think this type of bonding is one for the books." He said with a smile as he took her hand in his. "Yup, time to get your magic hand back in working order." He closed his eyes picturing how her hand should feel as he ran his fingers over it. After about a minute he started to grab and pop them back into place. More time would pass and would again set one right. His concentration fixed and focused. Much like a person would have playing a piano. After about ten minutes he opened his eyes to see his work.

"Don't think you will be winning any hand beauty contests today but in a short while be back to normal." He gave her a light pat on the head and walked over to get supplies to bandage her hand.

"Its not magic, its simply accelerated reconstructive processes." Magic didn't exist. The little scientist went along with the Shoi's plans, twisting and flexing her hand muscles as needed. Each movement was smooth and clean, moving back and forth only as much as they needed to, like little pistons. Her furry left ear drooped down as the officers hand displaced her hair shell. The ear twitched back into position abruply as she eyed him. "Please, don't do that."

"Always so technical, yes I know its not magic. Just trying to be funny to lighten the mood." He said as he walked back over towards her with a wrap. "Sorry for the sudden head pat, just in my nature to be friendly. Promise not to do it again without permission." He smiled a big smile as he took her hand into his. He started to wrap it up to keep it from falling apart.

"Thank you, Shoi." She spoke warmly for a change, a small smile forming across her purplish lips. She held her hand out for the wrap, keeping it stone still for the entire time. Once the job was finished, she held it up in front of her mostly-covered face, turning it slowly to inspect the wrapping. Strangely enough, the wall of clumped hair around her face didn't seem to impede her a bit, though never explained why she kept it that way in spite of uniform policy. "It should be repaired by the time we land..."

"You are most welcome, glad I could give a...hand." His lips curled into a grin as he was clearly trying to be funny with this poor pun. "Though after you drop off those samples I do recommend a shower. Believe you have earned it after all you have done for the mission." He again smiled at her but then it changed into a flat look. "Oh gosh, cleaning will be most challenging with your arm and hand in that state." He looked up for a moment before looking back at her. "Hit me up if you need a hand. I might not look it but I am wicked good at washing hair."

Kaori slipped off the slide of the bed, landing softly on her feet. She didn't bother reacting to the pun, it wasn't much her kind of comedy. She started to make her way to where the bag of samples was placed, turning back to look at the Shoi. The smile had quickly inverted, "I can take care of washing myself, thank you."

Kaori returned her gaze to the now empty locker. The bag was gone. The little scientist twirled around, scanning the bay with a sudden fiery intent. X-ray, infared, night vision, all twirling around her bright eyes. No one in here seemed to have it. She decided instead of grabbing one of the nearest personnel, she called up to the ever-present MEGAMI. "Boss, who entered the medical bay with science clearance in the past ten minutes.

Boss responded cleanly. "You, Dokusei-Hei, Belmont-Shoi, and Iemochi-Juni."

Kaori let out a little huff as she calmed. So long as it made it to the proper presevation chamber.

Alastair was in a daze for a moment as he watched Kaori freak out for a few moments. He heard who would have access to the locker and could lift the product. "Hold up just a minute. Going to tell me someone just walked in and swipped your hard work. Oh hell naw that does not fly with me. I gave my word after we finished YOU would delieve those samples. Come on, we have a mission to complete.

Alastair reached over and took her by the hand. Next stop, the bag snatcher.

Kaori blinked a few times at the sudden invitation to carch up with the other scientist. She shook her head, the bottoms of her overgrown bangs swishing back and forth. "I don't think that's necessary, he should know where to put the samples for future use.

"Its alright, are just being modest but I know how important those were. You was willing to leave your arm and hand all busted up to ensure they got to the proper place. We can at least make sure of that." His eyes were soft and had a nice smile as he spoke to her.

Kaori shrugged she trusted Seinosuke from all she had heard in reports, but didn't have enough experience to back it up. "Lets go, then." The short scientist opened the door out to the hall with her good hand, this time bothering to keep it open just long enough for the Shoi to pass.