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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Thirteen: Moving on up to the East Side


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Planet Yamatai
Uesureyan Fields
YSS Kaiyō II

Having returned to the planet after waiting in the Himiko System for a week, Mikael remained on the ship. He was never known as a social person amongst the crew and that was a cover he intended to maintain. Though when he was away from the crew and not on duty, he could be found jamming to old Neppie rock music. Something he was doing as of now.

Eden was walking the halls near Deck 4's crew cabins with a bundle of laundry when she heard an odd disturbance.

"That's odd, Boss." Eden said aloud, "What is that noise?"

"Mein, Teien-Shosa. A Nepleslian rock band."

Eden sighed out, exasperated, as she shook her head.

"Boys will be..." the XO began as she touched her knuckles to the door of Mikael Harris, knocking softly. Then, she realized her mistake and knocked much louder.

A loud noise and a thump can be heard behind the door before the noise stops and the cabin door slides open with a woosh sound. "Ah! Shosa, what can I do for you?" he replies after his eyes widen a bit and he assumes the position of attention. From the micro-expression and the uniform jacket hanging on the bunk, he was not prepared to handle officers at the moment.

"At ease," Eden said with a slight nod downwards. She was in the same Type 35 she had been wearing that morning, in a bit more formal state of dress than Mikael Harris was in. "You did great during this last mission, as well as the previous ones."

Mikael would assume a relaxed position of parade rest. "Just doing my duty to the best of my ability Shosa, nothing special." He says with a nod. In his mind, nothing he did really was that special. Most of that went to the away team. The classified trip to a classified realm, though, maybe that was special.

Eden didn't believe his words and likely wouldn't agree with his inner thoughts that validated those words. Regardless, she said, "You are an invaluable member to this crew, Harris-heisho. Do you believe yourself to be important?"

"Believe myself to be just a force multiplier for the team. I make things easier being SAINT. But the real value comes from the men on the ground that actually make goals actually real. Coming from infantry taught me that lesson." Mikael would reply, partial deflection to keep himself from getting the kind of ego many SAINT operatives have been known to gain. Being frozen for years might also have had an impact on that as well. Though regardless, he was glad to receive praise.

"Well," Eden said. "I used to stay on the bridge every mission. It never got old, but I was moved to take a leadership role while escorting the boots on the ground to mission success. Being on the ground has its rewards, as does a position on the bridge. What do you see making you most happy to do in the future?"

Mikael paused there for awhile. He honestly had not thought about his future. He once thought about reaching for officer ranks, having received leadership training during INDOC and watching others while on the YSS Eucharis. Though he has been hesitant on seeking a path towards it. Then there was his plan for a family. His ID-SOL granddaddy always did expect him to have lots of strong sons and daughters to wreck havoc in the universe. But that too seems to be on hold.

"I do not know Shosa. There have been...changes." Mikael would finally reply back, realizing he had been thinking too long.

Eden nodded while keeping a tight-lipped expression. She didn't know enough to gather up a formal response, so Eden put a hand on his shoulder and asked him a question.

"Can we talk about those changes?"

"Sure." Mikael simply replies back, his stances stiffs up a bit though.

Eden didn't know what they were, but she knew what to ask, "How do they affect you day to day?"

She really does want to know. He stiffens up a bit more. "Day to day is not effect, it is more long term." He says before sighing.

"How much do you know about my personal history from my service records?"

"I know what SAINT wants me to know. What do you want me to know?" Eden asked.

"Then it should note my background before joining SAINT. Well my grandfather was an ID-SOL. And he wanted a ton of grandchildren. Thus far, I am failing in that." Mikael would say. "Which is not putting much pressure to do much else. I am generally content where I am in life for the moment Shosa."

"Well," Eden began, "I understand the want to see your children grow in ways. I don't know if I'm ready for my daughter to have kids of her own, but I can understand your grandfather's want for you to go through that when the time is right."

"Ahh, daughter. Yes... I suppose she might be in a similar position. The other change... well..." He says, as his eyes drift towards your rank insignia and then moves his head back towards his. "I do not have anyone to lead. I have made requests, but it seems as if they are being ignored higher up."

"Which requests?" Eden asked, seeming a bit appalled.

"Assignment of support staff. Perhaps I used the wrong channels. But if I am to grow as a leader, I need something to lead. I think SAINT might have forgotten that for those on fleet assignment." Mikael said, in a brief moment of going native. Then he gets really stiff upon realizing it.

"Kiseki-hei," Eden said only. "Know of her?

"The fellow SAINT operative? We do not talk much and I have not gotten any orders putting her under me." Mikael replies back, relaxing a tad bit.

"Consider her your protégé," Eden said. "This comes along with a one rank promotion and an expectation to succeed, even in the face of danger and when the odds are against you."

He holds back a smile and salutes in a position of attention for a moment. "Thank you Shosa."

"At ease," Eden said after giving him a salute. "This means you'll be off the bridge and possibly under the command of myself or other officers. The Chusa will miss having you on her bridge, but I'm sure the away teams will appreciate your skills in the field."

Mikael nods after resuming the last position. While he did enjoy the bridge, his ID-SOL genes never did agree with it. The number of times he had to resist the urge to drown himself with a bottle of water is endless during the more boring segments.

"Understood Shosa. It might be best that one of us is always on the bridge though, it would give Kiseki-hei experience in another position on the bridge."

"I see your point, but I have to disagree, she needs to be at your side and, besides," the Shosa said, "she can be like a caged kitsune sitting in one place."

Mikael thinks for a moment and then nods. "Understood, I will have to think of a solution then. Maybe something with the virtual intelligences, though AI was never a strong suite for me."

"A replacement for yourself on the bridge is not necessary," Eden remarked. Patting his shoulder, "For now, take it easy until our next mission. You do know Aethersperm is performing at Havok Festival, right? I'll be on my way there shortly, you're invited."

Mikael grins a bit. "I am more of a Mein fan, but I will tag along. I assume Kiseki-hei will be there."

"She seems like the type," Eden said, smiling. "Have a good day and remember..."

Mikael snaps to attention "Aye aye!"

Eden nodded tersely and smiled, "Make your grandfather proud, but only when the time comes..." She bowed at the threshold to his room and then clicked on her heels down the hall.

Mikael waits until she is out of view before he relaxes and closes the door. He then walks to the terminal in his cabin and proceeds to lookup information on this Kiseki-hei. He will need to know as much as he can if he was going to lead properly. He resumes the music as a more acceptable volume for the moment.