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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Thirteen: Of Fine Jewelry, Food, And Fashion


Convention Veteran
YSS Kaiyo II

Sacre had no idea what she was doing. However, that was the norm for her relationship with Gravity. They had started spening a lot of time togehter. Sometimes in Gravity's Quarters, sometimes in Sacre's, and occasionally in some other places around the ship. Now that they were on Yamatai, she felt like they should do something together off the ship. She touched the chime to let Gravity know that she was outside her room.

There was a moment of shuffling from the other side, and moments later, the door hissed open to reveal Gravity, wearing a pair of jeans and a body-hugging gray tee shirt. Her hair was braided, but a few strands hung down in her face. When she saw Sacre, she smiled and leaned against the door frame, brushing those strands out of her face.

"...And speak of the devil! I was just about to head out to find you!" she greeted.

Sacre smiled at Gravity, suddenly feeling kinda stupid. Sacre reached out to push a strand of Gravity's hair that she had missed back, lightly touching Gravity's face as she did so. "Hey." Sacre said, trying to remember why she had come.

"Uh... Now that we're here on Yamatai, I thought we might go do something. Go out to a really nice resturaunt or something, I don't know. Get off the ship for a while." Sacre slightly stumbled through her words, unexpectedly twitterpated by asking Gravity on a date. Or at least, that was what she had tried to do. She wasn't sure what she had managed to actually ask about.

"Yes!" Gravity blurted quickly before blushing. She leaned into Sacre's hand a little, like a cat. She's been trying to find Sacre for that exact same reason, and she was kind of glad Sacre had asked first. "...I mean, yeah! Sure! Let me put on some shoes!"

She darted back into her room, and returned a few moments later with a new top- a white button up- and some golden sandals.

"Let's go!" she said, stepping next to Sacre and gesturing in the direciton of the airlock.

Sacre wasn't sure what to do with this. She just wanted to ask, figure out when they would both be off shift, then what would be open, plan what they would do. This wasn't a fly by the seat of your pants medical situation. It was a perfectly plannable date. Or was. No plan survives contact with the enemy. Or, in this case, Gravity.

"Uhhh... Sure!?" Sacre said, still mentally catching up with Gravity. She said slipping her hand into Gravity's. "Lets go!"

"Do you need to change? You said something about a nice restuarant." Gravity asked, looking over at her girlfriend up and down.

"Yhea, I was thinking like nice nice, the kind of place you need a reservation and fancy clothes for. Like the Manarai or something." Sacre said. Gravity stopped.

"O-Oh. Right," she muttered. Sometimes she could be so impulsive. "I probably need to change as well."

Sacre nodded, they were passing her room. "You can help me pick something out. I'm not good at this." She admitted, stepping into her room and pulling slightly Gravity along. She motioned Gravity to the bed. "Find out what we should wear."

Sacre started to take her clothes off, but paused, looking over her shoulder to make sure Gravity was watching. She swayed her hips back and forth, and started to undress a bit more sexily.

Gravity simply stared, unsure of whether or not to look away. Deep down, she didn;t even want to. She'd wanted to jump Sacre's bones the moment she'd laid eyes on the separa'shan, but throuh sheer force of will and respect for the medic's inhibitions, had managed to contain herself.

"I like." she muttered under her breath, eyes following Sacre's hips in a trance. "I didn't know you played like that."

Scare shrugged, keeping the rythem as she continued. "I'm comfortable with people seeing me naked. I don't think I could be in the infantry if I wasn't. This is just streching out the process of getting there. When I was dancing, I could close my eyes and pretend to be alone. I couldn't when..." Sacre paused, the rythem stopping as she removed the last of her clothes and stood in her undergarments.

Sacre, feeling a bit shaken, started to look through the closet. "Nevermind. I don't want to think about it right now. Right now is when we go through my closet and find something cute."

She pushed her uniforms to one side and realized that her selection was pretty paltry. She had three sets of just normal clothing and two dresses. Neither of them were particularly good looking. She picked the Red one.

As she put it on, she started to sway again and Gravity learned that it was possible to put clothes on in a sexy way. "So how does it match up?" She asked.

Gravity was tempted to just say "perfect!" but the fashionista side of her made her rest her chin on a fist and truly study the garment.

"The red really clashes with the green. And red's a 'fun' color that doesn't really fit with your bun. A more conservative color would work, I think." observed the pilot.

Sacre frowned, as that left her with only one other option, the blue dress. She liked the blue dress, but it was about the same quality as the Red one. She took a few moments to change into it.

"I like the color, but something about it is... off. Maybe the length, maybe the design." Gravity once again noted.

Sacre looked in the closet, frowning. "Unless I put on my formal uniform, which I don't want to do. This is it."

Gravity stopped and thought for a moment. She really didn't have anything either. They'd need something better than their current rags to get into a nice restuarant. After a moment of thought, she grinned.

"Shopping trip?!" she asked, bouncing up and down by the door.

Sacre nodded a bit more grimly, she wasn't the most enthused about shoping. "Shopping trip."


Old Shopping District

Sacre's normal methood of shopping was to find a place she liked and then wait, for months if nessicary, for the exact item she wanted to drop to an acceptble price. This was needless to say, not exactly effective when you were constantly on the move, say if you were in the millitary like Sacre. As a result, Sacre rarely shopped, except for nessesities.

Except for her knives and a few other things, Sacre had little use for money in the almost six years she had been in the Army. So she had mindlessly put it into investments. She actually didn't know how much money she had, and didn't care as long as she had what she needed. The impact of this was that Sacre had not an insignifigant amount of money squirrelled away.

Money that she could spend when she wanted to. Thus it was that Sacre and Gravity were walking through some of the most expensive clothing stores on Yamatai. Sacre appeared impassive, judging everything with a critical eye and so far, not buying anything.

Luckily for her, Gravity loved going shopping. She loved the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. However, she'd already had a pretty good idea of what she wanted. A simple, black pantsuit with a white undershirt. Simple, classic, and clean.

"What about here?" Gravity asked, pointing into a shop that seemed to specialize in womens' formal wear. In the window were several slinky gowns as well as more business-like attire.

Sacre nodded, letting Gravity lead the way. With her hand in Gravity's it was almost like being pulled along by a large dog on a leash. Sacre looked at each of the dresses. She also prefered simple, but also wanted something she could use for a long time. She didn't want to be buying a second new dress in a week. "Are there any that you like?" Sacre asked as they started down the rows of dresses.

"Yeah! Right there!" Gravity said, pointing to a black pantsuit on a manikan.

Sacre nodded, noting it's quality and style. "Lets try it on then." She suggested, still trying to find something that would work with her Physiology as a Separa'Shan. There were not many high fasion Separa'Shan customers yet. Gravity squealed in delight, and pulled one off the rack. She turned back around and appraised Sacre's figure.

"Hmm... I think a gown would work for you, just saying. Something long and flowing, that hugs you in the right places, you know?" Gravity muttered, envisioning something long and slinky, with a slit up the side.

"It's not like I need something to make me look longer." Sacre observed, picking through the clothes inexpertly. It was pretty clear she still had no idea what she was doing.

"Yeah, but not something too short. For where we're going, a miniskirt probably wouldn't do. Maybe something in the middle? What color are you thinking? I think navy blue or a darker green than your eyes would look fabulous." Gravity asked, picking through the rack next to Sacre's with a bit more experienced hands.

"I'd like something I can use if we decide that going out to nice places is something that suits us." Sacre suggested. "Black mabye?" Sacre said, slightly uncertain. Her hands moving to a black dress that while nice would probably not suit her. It flared too soon, hiding Sacre's wide hips.

"Black could work if you accessorized with some green jems or gold." Gravity agreed, but the dress was rubbing her the wrong way. "But you've got such nice hips that need to be displayed to widen out your figure a bit, so you don't look like a beanpole."

Sacre smiled, "They do have a jewlery counter. We could see if there is anything we might want to be looking for." Sacre suggested slyly. Gravity shrugged.

"I don't really wear jewelry, but I may be tempted..." she grinned. Maybe a little something that marked her as Sacre's.

Sacre nodded, "We'll have to check them out. I wonder if they have any Jade, I've always liked jade. Do you have any gems that you like?" Sacre asked, trying to find something that worked for her.

"Not really. I love diamonds as much as the next girl, but plain gold has always been my style." Gravity shrugged.

Sacre nodded, finally seeing something she thought she might want. "Ooh, here put these on." She suggested, moving to hand Gravity a pair of earrings that were small jade cylandars with gold end caps. Sacre's hand froze. Much of her life, she had been giving and recieving orders. The words that she said struck a chord in her that she didn't know existed. She had acted like her masters, telling Gravity what she had to wear.

Sacre put the earrings back down on the counter. "I need to sit down." Sacre said suddenly, making a beeline for some couches that were nearby. She closed her eyes and balled her hands into fists, trying not to freak out completely.

Gravity's brow furrowed in worry as she scooped the earrings back up and slowly moved to sit next to her girlfriend.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly, trying to protect Sacre by not causing a scene or otherwise drawing attention to them. Had Gravity said something to cause this? Had Sacre seen someone or something that had dragged her back into the past?

Sacre nodded and took Geavity's hand. She took a breath and a moment to steady herself. "I'm fine. I'll be fine." She said, as much to herself as to Gravity. "You know I don't want to control you right? Like I'm pretty sure I could not even if I tried. It's just that, well. I've had those words said to me and I didn't like it." Sacre wasn't going to rehash everything here.

Sacre took a few more breaths. Feeling her self steady. She glanced around, there was no one around to see if she freaked out. She wasn't completely sure if she could handle a hug. However, some devious part of her wanted one. She looked at Gravity seriously. They had hugged before in private, and had not officially kissed. Sacre was still working on it. "Hug?" She asked conspiratorily.

Gravity smiled and leaned in, letting Sacre make the first move.

"You'll never be like them, and you're right- you'll never control me. Unless I want you to." the Neko whispered with a silent little laugh.

Sacre hugged the Neko. Her long arms wrapped around her and drew her close. Sacre's hands scratched Gravity's back gently as they hugged. Gravity could feel Vera's sheath against her collar through Sacre's shirt. "Your warm." Sacre said happily.

Gravity purred like a kitten at the scratching and sighed. She felt kind of odd having such a tender moment in a clothing store, but what the hell!

"So I've been told..."

Sacre pulled Gravity close and pulled her warmpth in. For a moment, a long moment, she was content. Then the anixiety returned, and Sacre wanted to keep hugging Gravity, but knew that it was really just going to make the anxiety worse. She was frustrated with herself as she let go and smiled at Gravity. "You liked getting your back scratched?" Sacre asked as she stood again. Gravity blushed.

"Neko are part cat so... yeah, we like being scratched." She muttered. It was a sort of intimate thing. Many who tried to scratch a Neko without some sort of close relationship ended up with a broken hand.

Sacre smiled, "Now that's something I can do."

"Back and ears," Gravity hinted quietly to her girlfriend, clearing her throat in embarrassment. "But anyways, I love the earings!"

Sacre nodded, moving back to the jewlery counter and picking the earrings back up. She held them out to Gravity, putting them next to her ears. "Yhea, I think they'll look good on you." She held them next to her own ears. "You think they'll look good on me?"