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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Thirteen: Talking and Telling


Convention Veteran

Sacre and William had been enjoying the outing with several other members of the crew. The group had decided to break up, and Sacre and William moved down the sidewalk together. Sacre's heart was bursting with the question she had been wanting to ask William for hours. "So what do you think about Gravity?" She asked, trying to hold in all that she felt for the pilot so as not to bias William more then he already had.

William was having fun, hanging out and enjoying the day in Kyoto. When Sacre sprung the question, his head tilted slightly in thought. "I like her. She is nice Funny too." He added, replying to his friend as the continued down the street.

Sacre nodded, "yhea, she is." She said, a happy note in her voice. "During our last mission, I nearly died. It was weird, but all I could think about was her. That I was ready to die, but I just had the one reget of not spending more time with her. I had a lot of time to think about it laying there in sickbay and well, when we talked we decided to explore our feelings for each other." Sacre explained, filling him in.

The Nepleslian nodded. He felt a pang of sympathy for her, and also regret for not checking on his friend in sick bay. "I see." He said finally after a few long seconds. When he was in the same position, he had felt scarred, but he also felt the same emotion. For a very important person aboard the Kaiyo. "So, you two are a couple now?" He asked.

"Maybe? I feel like we still don't do some of things a proper couple should do. I haven't done this before and I know we're more then friends. Like a lot more, but I don't have a good gauge for where everything falls. So yes, I suppose we are a couple." Sacre said, clearly working things through.

He nodded. "Well I'm glad for you guys then." He said, a small smile crossing his lips. He then chuckled. "I haven't done this before either." He added. "So I'm not great at advise in this department.".

"I know, but at least your, well normal. I'm all kinds of fucked up and I still can't help but think of Gravity as a kid sometimes. She's so, well... innocent." Sacre said, trying to explain.

William laughed again. "Yeah I can see that. I find that a lot of the neko are that way. Childish." He said as they turned a corner. "Still though, it's good that you two are together. That you'd open up to someone." He added.

Sacre grinned wider then she had in a long time. "So what about you. If I can somehow tumble my way into s relationship. I bet we can probably fine someone for you. I mean you are the peak of physical perfection and your willing to put up with me. The fields are ripe for you to harvest." He could sense a unusual amount of happiness from the Separa'Shan.

The Nepleslian blushed softly as she spoke. "Oh, I don't know." He replied, noncommittaly. "I'm not all that interesting anyway." He added.

Sacre rolled her eyes, "Your a Nepleslian who's training to be a badass samurai or whatever. Other then having a skull that's thicker then the armor on a destroyer, you're good on that front." Sacre said, waving her arms as if to make a point.

His eyes fell to the pavement and his hands fiddled with something in his pockets. "Well, the thing is... I already have somebody that I like." He finally said to his friend.

Sacre was less surprised about this then she might have been. "So, who is it? I could be like your wingman or something. Although, I'm pretty sure that it would involve less stabbing or something. Perhaps a threat like 'you break his heart, I'llI'll stab you in the face.' Might help, let em know that you have friends who would do that for you."

William looked absolutely mortified. "No!" He shouted. Then in a much softer tone he replied. "It's the Princess. I have a crush on Princess Aiko." He admitted. It was the very first time he spoke those words aloud, the words ringing in his ears.

"The Princess! You don't set your sights after easy targets do you? You have any idea of what her type is?" Sacre asked, despite serving on the same ship for a year and nominally being in charge of her health while she was on the ship, as well as being best friends with one of her body guard, she had yet to have a meaningful conversation with her.

He chuckled softly. "Is anything I ever do easy?" He asked. "I have felt this way since the day I laid eyes on her." He admitted. " And since then, that feeling has only grown stronger."

To the latter question he looked puzzled. "I'm not sure." He finally added.

"People have types that they like better then others, there are some correlations that lots of people like, such as having nice abs. Some things can be more nitche, like prefering green scales to blue. Other things that people like is personality. Some people are fine with someone being more abrasive if they also get someone who is going to be more protective of them. There are all of theese trade offs. Most people don't notice it, but it's there. For some aspects, like they can still like you as a person, but it's not what their looking for in a partner. Gender can be one of those things. Then again, I suppose if she likes girls, you can get a transfer, so whatever. However, you should probably be aware of what she likes and see if being more similar to that is something that fits you." Sacre suggested. She didn't know much about relationships, but she had plenty of experiance with 'prefrences' with regards to sexuality.

William listened intently as Sacre spoke to him. He hadn't thought that hard into it before. It was also his first experience with having a crush. Hell it was the first time that he was interested in a woman romantically at all. He thought for a moment before speaking again.

"Last year for love day... there was a leak of L'kor pheromones. She and I were eating in the mess when it leaked out across the ship. Later on we ended it up in the sim bay." He explained. "We spent hours in their just hanging out and practicing. It was... really nice. We spent a few hours alone and held hands for a bit. Then she ran out the room and forgot a bunch of stuff when she realized that we were holding hands..." he added. "Plus the time we snuck out the castle. That was fun too."

"Hitting her with a love potion would probably be a bad idea. What happened when you snuck out of the castle?" Sacre asked.

"Technically that wasn't my fault." He said. "And it was her idea to sneak out. She wanted to see the city, so she woke me up and had me escort her around the city." He then chuckled softly. "Little did we know, Sensei Rei had been following us the entire time. It's hard to sneak around my mother." He added.

Sacre laughed along with him, "Sounds like fun. Did she scold you?" Sacre asked, trying to think through the situation. William sounded like he had a bodyguard crush on his principle. Sacre didn't see anything wrong with it perse, but she worried that his heart might break if he found out she wasn't intrested in him. Better to figure that out sooner rather then later.

William rolled his eyes. "Did I get scolded? Let's just say I spent the next several weeks my training regimen was quite intense." He said shivering at the thought. She made him clean the entire courtyard... twice.

Sacre nodded in thought, "I told Gravity how I felt and was suprised when she also felt the same feelings that I did. Your my friend, so I'm always behind you. This is something that could end in hartbreak for one or both of you. However, I think you'll be better served by being open and honest about your feelings. That's what made the diffrence for me." It was probably poor advice, Sacre was too new to really understand the importance of timing and feelings. However, she also wanted to help her friend get what he wanted in life.

He nodded softly. He would tell her about his feelings when the time was right. He just needed to get some alone time with her one of these days. "Okay, I will. I'll tell her." He said, committing himself to the task.