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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Three: Birbs in the Bridge

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The Smollest Smol
YSS Kaiyo, 0900 Hours

As per the Taii's reccomendation, the two Elysian roommates were busy making sure the Kaiyo's primary operations area stayed as clean as technologically possible. The Taii said "cleaning," of course, but Meissa took it upon herself to, after about a minute in, share some really silly story about how she sprained her ankle when she was three.

Being a Meissa story, of course, it was mostly a story concerning bad safety practices and her sliding around too much during a certain winter.

"...so not only did I get pneumonia from flopping in a puddle, but also a sprained ankle and was confined to bed rest for the next three days. Of course, I was up and walking after two."

Smolbitrated sighed, "Maybe you should have, I dunno, been a bit more cautious in the whole running-around-on-ice part." Meissa's contrastingly cautious crewmate was mostly listening to this disaster area recount, occasionally interjecting with sentences such as the previous. Aside from having to nudge her out of the way to make room for her to bend over a couple of times, the smol albatross seemed content with staying as volumetrically minimized as possible.

"Probably should have, but hey. It was a good winter and good winters need something to celebrate. Besides, it wasn't all bad. Broth soup in winter while being curled up in bed along with the general goonery in the streets made it just about worth it." Meissa took the spray bottle and gave one of the screens another wipe down. She hoped Eden liked lemons, because now her screen smelled just like citrus.

"You don't need to injure yourself to get good soup in the winter!" Arble puffed her cheeks out, gemstones glinting in that dorky frustrated way whenever Meissa does something Meissa-y which tends to be a prank of some sort. Turning back to sweep some dust away from the surface of the communications console, she continued, "I'm kinda of curious, though. What's up with you guys in the infantry? Always jumping headfirst into the situation, always trying to board the enemy ships, stuff like that...?"

"We're idiots, flat and simple. Of course, some people say it's bravery and whatnot, but bravery and idiocity share just about the same meaning. We're too impatient to aim a big gun at a ship so we park ourselves right up next to them and break our way in." Meissa twirled the brush in her hand a few times. "Better answer, well, it's our job. We're the grunts. It's basically what we do."

"....Huh. So, basically, you want to get into the thick of things rather than just staying with a lower risk. I mean, I guess that makes sense what with your uhh..." Wiping off her own console, Arb took a lemony breath and continued, "Childhood habits."

"Hey, if it works, it works." Meissa pointed her sponge over her shoulder, back at her cabinmate. "It's like a good torpedo you shoot. If it hits and explodes, it hits and explodes. Everything else is just circumstantial."

A counter-point, "If the ship gets hit past its shield, I'm not losing a limb... That's more what I meant. And in space, there's not really anywhere to hide. Once you've revealed youself, that is the last amount of hiding you can use for the rest of the encounter. You also don't have to think about, say, someone flanking you. You're able to be exposed without feeling like you should be otherwise, and that to me just seems better." Finishing off with the communications, Arble did a point turn to face the Taiien's chair. Something about it seemed slightly off-putting as usual but still the smol one couldn't place what.

"Well, most of the infantry have their own reasons for joining infantry. Most of us have our own reasons for joining the armed forces, but it takes a special kind of someone to join infantry. Especially due to the fact everyone's aware of the facts you listed." With a flick of the wrist, Meissa sent her sponge skidding across a large portion of the metal dashboard that had been soaking in lemon detergent for a good while.

Bending at the knee and waist a little, Arbitrated started to cautiously mist the command chair with solvent. "Hm. I guess so... Now now, we don't use that stuff for the floor. Mind where your chemicals splash."

"There's no splash. I'm smarter than I let on." Meissa picked her sponge up and went back over the spots she missed with that one grand maneuver of cleaning. "Of course, most of the intelligence is 'how do punch things' but oh well."

"Hm? I thought you were shooting things?" A chuckle, pleasant and girly and in a way, innocent. "I guess you've more than that, though. For one, you do seem to be having better luck with your relationship's progress. That's gotta account for something." Another chuckle, twinged with what seemed like fatigue or forlornness. "I do wonder what those two are up to, as well..."

"Are you kidding me? Mat's an oblivious nut." Meissa lightly tapped her roommate's head with the dry bottom of the spray bottle. "Seriously, you could walk up to that guy and literally just...hold his head like this-" Meissa took off her gloves, grasped Arbitrated's jaw using her two hands, and yanked her roommate's head towards her own-causing said roomate's limbs to flail about like an insect's, and continuing, "-and confess right in front of his face and he'd probably the very next hour ask some other girl, maybe you or Yoshida since we seem to be decently close enough, 'Do you think Meissa likes me?' Of course the answer's yes!"

Wait. Um. She didn't realize she actually said that she liked him until afterwards. Her head turned away. The corner of her cheek had a soft red tint.

Nerdbitrated thought for a moment, before speaking again, slightly muffled by Meissa's handling of her jaw. "I thinpf that phvwe sphould-" With a bit of a jerk and grunt, the smaller of two birbs freed her head again, "-we should go a-oh, I see~.... Heh, heh, you're actually kind of cute when you blush, as opposed to like, the normal you!" Turning back to pretend to give Meissa some privacy in this glorified metallic box, Arb began to finish up with the chair to move along towards the next item on their list.

Meissa whirled around, face stretched straight in embarrasment and flushed red. "What the hell do you mean by that?" she challenged, holding her spray bottle like a SiZi. It would have been intimidating, of course, but the great warrior was...blushing like a schoolgirl. Her thoughts just got scattered everywhere like every great thing she stuck explosives to. She was stuck between accepting the compliment and rejecting it because, well...'cute.'

Not seeming to care about her roomate's awkdorable pose-off, Arbitrated's rear end and feathery appendages simply moved passively as said smol was busy wiping off her own station, which was messy even for herself and the proceeding standards. "Hmm. Well, you do certaily have something about him... like, I dunno, maybe it's just some after effect from Love Day? That day was pretty weird tee-bee-aych..."

Luckily, no one could notice Meissa's racing heart, except for her. "You can say that again...I supposedly stripped a good bit, although my memories are kinda hazy. Mat made a promise to me though, and I don't think he knows exactly what he got himself into. He said something about him helping my distress that day."

"Well I'm not a mind reader, so the stress part is something you'll need to talk to Mat about." Three spritzes of solvent, the area still smells kinda sweaty from the first mission... "You were taking your clothes off, though. You kept complaining about it being hot or something? That's the last I remember before I realized I had my own adorable goofball to handle!" Arb churred some, the laugh reverberating through the bridge and into its hallway slightly. The normally-pale cheeks began to redden only a little, although Arblebarble continued to wipe down the mess-hopefully replacing the sweaty musk with a more fruit-themed aroma.

"How goes that, anyways?" Meissa replied, going back to her cleaning work. Calm now. Yes, calm...she breathed a long breath in, a long breath out. Her heart stopped deciding to try and test if her chest was a trampoline. "Haven't really seen you and science bro talk too much."

"Science bro...? Mochi and I have been a bit busy, really. We don't spend nearly as much time together as you guys do... You know that." Taking a couple of deep respiration cycles to clear her head a bit, Shan went back to giving her area a final wipedown.

"We should do some weird double date thing and hope to whatever god that exists in this world things don't explode. I'll even let you pat me down in case I forget to take a fuse or something out of my pants." Meissa replied, checking her reflection in the screens.

"Heh, I don't think I'd even trust myself to patting you down fully. Miss Eden, or maybe Miss Mitsuko would be better than me at that." Letting the miniature amount of remaining moisture air-dry, Shan turned around to face her roomate. "Consoles should be done... All that's left is the floor right?"

"Yep. The painful part." Meissa sighed as she lifted a bucket of water into the room. "You ready?"

"Hm. I think you need to be more careful, but yes." Acquiring herself a sponge-style mop, the shorter of two Elysians unceremoniously soaked it and began to scrub the floor starting from the area furthest from the door.

Meissa drew a mop out as well and began to paint the floor in strokes of cleaning solution and water. "I'm not sure the Taii or Mitsuko would agree to that. Mitsuko would probably just give me one of those stares she does. You know, the ones that say 'you're an absolute fucking idiot.' Might just be a thing only I get though."

"Hey, remember the language!" Arble joked around, having heard about the logistics neko's convenient callout earlier. "But yeah, I can see how you have a point about that..."

"Eh." Meissa mopped a little more.

The little Shan went silent, or mostly so, as the two birbs finished up the last of the scrubbing, coming throough a second round with drying mops to make sure this area wasn't a hazard.

When they were done, Meissa took a long drink from her bottle. She stood around for a bit before asking, "You wanna go annoy the two guys?"

A moment's pause, then, "Do YOU want to mess with the guys cooking our next meal?" Leaning against her cleansed station, Arble cracked a smile but did have a point-Mat's amd Mochi's prankration skills were currently unknown and starting a war of that sort right before a meal might not be the best...

"You do have a point. Besides, Mat might just throw a cabbage at me or something." Meissa spun around a few times, thinking of where else to go. "Any ideas now?"

"Wwwwweeee could maybe just, chill out in the lounge? We've only got about twently minutes left, really."

"Sure, why not. Don't forget to put these back though, or Mitsuko's gonna chuck a brick at us." Meissa picked up roughly three-quarters of the cleaning supplies. She was strong. Her roommate was not.

"Hey, you're the one who asked." Acquiring her share of equipment the less-strong birb strode out of the command pod, following her roommate to the compartment for delivery.
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