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Abandoned Submission Potential Lorath Tech: Atmosphere cleansing scrubbers


Inactive Member
(Written by Tiff)

Environmental Cleansing Nano-Tech Agents or "Scrubbers"

Developers: Lorath Shaman R&D in junction with Lorath Psionics R&D
Manufacture: Lorath Shaman "Environmental Cleansing" division unit
Intended Use: To cleanse the Atmosphere slowly, in order to enjoy a better environment.

Information: Through the use of small nano-machines, The shaman house hopes to slowly, part-by-part, so as to make it a slow transaction, allowing the Lorath race to slowly adjust to the newer atmosphere, and so that the sun does not cause to much harm to the race.

Technical Information: In a joint effort with the Psionics R&D, the Shaman R&D division was able to create small nano-machines that recycle the atmosphere. Effectively, these nano-machines act almost like plants, creating their own power, "eating" harmful toxins introduced into the atmosphere, and reproducing a cleaner, healthier atmosphere for the planet to breathe. Not only does this make the air healthier, but it helps to reverse the effects that had come to be during the Lorath reclaiming of the over-world all those years ago, destroying the layer of smog that covers the planet now. The nano-machines are also designed to remove environmentally harmful viruses and bacteria, it also has the capability to isolate and destroy any unknown nano-machine technology.

Energy Source: Acting as plants do, this is actually where the Shaman R&D division gathered the idea. Using the same principals, the "Scrubbers" gather up the harmful toxins of the atmosphere, "Digest" those toxins, and then dispel the newer atmosphere, causing an endless cycle of recycling the atmosphere.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
How do they build nanomachines? Just curious.
Hmm... i'll have to speak with Tiff about that next time she is on, I posted this one for her at her request. but i'll tackle the problem myself and see if i can't nip it in the bud before the next time she is on.
Doc you might wanna go with that site I gave you on the bacterial nano-machine thing... i think it was the second link.
Information on creation: single cell of photosynthetic material will be placed upon a chain of gold molecules, these molecules will draw the produced energy from the photosynthetic cell and use it to drive nanorotors that provide locomotion for the nanomachine, a series of specialy charged molecules will attract the nano-machine to the particles in the air that the specific model of scrubber is designed to process, after the nano-machine reaches the particle, a specialy engineered bacteria will attach to it, process it, then release it as waste but after the process the particle will be rendered unable to sustain a suspended state in atmosphere, and the particle will fall to the ground harmlessly

Information on Nano-Machine Determination of what Molecules to attack: after an atmospheric analisis, Lorath sciensts would have known the composition of the polution in the atmosphere, thus they can place a correctly modified molecule to guide the nano-machine to it's intended target that holds the proper molecular charge that would attract the guidance molecule

((Tomoe is a genious <_<; ))
They can be changed through a Current of Electrodes, which will be dones during the creation process from what I came up with from Tomoe
I think you mean by a set of anodes and cathodes rather than a current of electrodes which really isn't anything.

If you are using photosynthisis to create oxidation to generate a current you are going to need a source of water to pull it off which would make your nanomachines entirely dependent on the moisture in the air which wouldn't be enough to generate a continuous photosynthisis reaction.

I honestly don't see why you are using photosynthisis when solar power would be a lot easyer.
Tomoe had worded it that way. If you look in the original part, there was just a comparison to Photosynthesis in it, not the actual process.
Acting as plants do, this is actually where the Shaman R&D division gathered the idea. Using the same principals

information on creation: single cell of photosynthetic material will be placed upon a chain of gold molecules

In your first discription you say that these act like plants do (photosynthisis is implied) and then you say using the same principals again implying photosynthisis. In your expanded discription you specifically say that it uses photosynthisis or at least imply it by saying photosynthetic material which would not be a viable power source for this kind of nanomachine.

If you are not using photosynthisis then why did you say it was a photosynthetic materia?[/quote]
Like I said, Tomoe worded it that way. My original idea had been to have the machine make perform a process like photosynthesis. Not exactly Photosynthesis, just that it goes through the cleans up the harmful toxins, and uses those toxins, each one specific to a certain scrubber, to turn around and power that scrubber.
OK! Me and Tomoe talked, and he changed the original prompt of what I did, so here it is!:


Developers: Lorath Shaman R&D in junction with Lorath Psionics R&D
Manufacture: Lorath Shaman "Environmental Cleansing" division unit
Intended Use: To cleanse the Atmosphere slowly, in order to enjoy a better environment.

Information: Through the use of small nano-machines, the shaman house hopes to slowly, part-by-part, so as to make it a slow transaction, allowing the Lorath race to slowly adjust to the atmospheric shift, thus allowing the Lorath to adapt to solar exposure.

Technical Information: In a joint effort with the Psionics R&D, the Shaman R&D to produce small nano-machines that process the atmosphere. Effectively, these nano-machines act almost like the bacterial power cell technology, creating their own power, "eating" harmful toxins introduced into the atmosphere and expelling recombined molecules that would be less harmful to the atmosphere or the nano-machine will encase the airborne particle that it attaches to and cause it to fall to the ground due to the added weight. Not only does this make the air healthier, but it helps to reverse the effects that had come to be during the Lorath reclaiming of the over-world, destroying the layer of smog that covers the planet now. The nano-machines can also design to remove environmentally harmful viruses and bacteria, it also has the capability to isolate and destroy any unknown nano-machine technology once properly engineered to combat the piece of technology that is desired to be rendered useless. The method of locomotion for the nano-machines are a series of molecules designed to act as a "propeller" of sorts to lift the machine into the air, the "propeller" is put into motion by power given off by the bacterial processing component. To prevent tampering the units have been engineered to respond defensively towards other nano-machines or organic creatures that pose a direct threat to their function by going about digesting the threat. This defense excludes all known life forms found on the Lorath home world thus preventing the nano-machines from defending themselves against "friendly" interference. The nano-machines can be shut off by the Lorath Psionics division by emitting a properly tuned pulse of electromagnetic waves that would prevent the locomotion of the machine thus causing it to fall to the ground. Complete shutdown of the machine would be carried out by the use of Neural Interface technology that would be used to amplify a Psionics Lorath or royal Lorath's ability and allow for a neural-electrical command to be given to the bacteria that would cause the organelles of the bacteria to shut down.

Energy Source: Bacterial power cell technology.
Are you still interested in submitting this, @SageShooter ?
Moved to abandoned, lol.
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