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Power Armor Design

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Wes, as you know I've been trying to work on a power armor unit for humans to use. It's stumped me thus far after I got this out:

Armor: Zanarium constructed outer armor, possibly with mirrors infused into it? That's an idea I've had for a while and I was hoping to implement.

Interior: Gel-cushioned interior in which the pilot climbs into much like nekos use the Mindy Power Armors. Using the same system for entering and exiting the unit. It of course has a catheter system for waste, as well as a system for invravenously nourishing the pilot, a massage function for when the armor is "resting" (not involved in high intensity combat), I am working on the possibilities of a way to hook the suit into the brain of the pilot so it acts just as their normal body would. (any help is welcome and needed)

The armor itself is made for fast paced martial arts style combat, using of course the fists,legs, etc as well as special weapon made specifically for this unit (Energy based melee weaponry?) I would like to find a way to make it regenerative in the out armor shell to "heal" minor to moderate damage.

This all I have for now, as I am not too familiar with the more technical info needed.
How big will it be?
Re: size

Hmm Not sure exactly. 6'6"? The weight would be best at light for a armor.
Armor: Zanarium constructed outer armor, possibly with mirrors infused into it? That's an idea I've had for a while and I was hoping to implement.

// The weight of the armor would have to be taken into consideration, how much armour your looking to include; the more you include the more heavier, and bulkier its going to be. You could have graviton-compressed armor "scales" which allow more freedom of movement while tiny anti-gravity cells could augment the agility of the specific section of the suit. Perhaps include joints constructed from nanotechnology, using fibres connected to the upper arm/leg nerves to instruct which direction/what strength the nanites should reassemble to compensate for the weight and agility hinderance.

//You could have microscopic-scale fibres that connect to neutral input ports on the skull, these fibres would be constucted mainly from nanobots so the firbes can automatically reassemble themselves to seamlessly slot into these neural input ports. Once linked, the "pilots"/"wearers" brain can dictate movement to the suits nanojoints, allowing a far quicker rate of response movement, it could also instruct specific nanomodules on the suits wrist/shoulders to assemble a specific weapon of variable caliber to discharge energy stored in a small energy cell. Secondary input ports, perhaps into the stomach, could provide nourisement to the suits pilot/wearer.

// As i mentioned in the previous paragraph; "Once linked, the "pilots"/"wearers" brain can dictate movement to the suits nanojoints, allowing a far quicker rate of response movement," As for energy based melee weapons.. perhaps swords incorporating sophisticated magnetic field projectors to suspend high energy particles in a skin over the swords surface while the interior of the sword could act as a miniturised particle accelerator to maintain the particles excited state which are distributed over the swords "surface" as a skin. *shrugs*
I imagine a melee armor would have the plus of not need much of a computer system. Micromanaging nanamachines seems kind of undesirable. Scale armor sounds very cool, though. Zanarium's not fantastically strong (but does it need to be?) so I was thinking some sort of fullerene backing for a lightweight, super-strong, and somewhat flexible frame. Also, the idea of seperate anti-gravity systems sounds useful, so long as they don't pull the thing apart or interfere with one another or the main anti-grav field.

The idea of the suit corresponding to input ports on the pilot is refreshingly new around here. The Mindy's through-the-shoulder and in-her-genitals systems are as invasive as the power armors get at the moment and this would be kind of cool to see. The nanobots could create the ports when the pilot gets in for the first time and the ports would hide themselves when the pilot gets out so that they would look "normal."

Swords are cool. Suddenly, I'm also remembering that rocket-powered sledgehammer from GUNM (Battle Angel Alita), lol.

Hmm....Interesting I have to say. The idea of nanbots is intriguing enough to earn a further looking into. And the idea of a lighter weight armor is nice too.
It seems to me that this type of melee-based armored infantry would be ideal for boarding missions, where larger armored infantry with projectile weapons are less practical. (You don't want to shoot holes all over the ship that you are trying to take over.)

Anyway, come up with the problem that you are trying to design a solution for first, so that there are design goals to work toward.

those are all great ideas. and Yang: this armor is for high performance melee combat centering on martial arts and melee weapons.
I don't want to be a wet blanket or anything, Tyler. ^_^;; That's a fine design goal, but what exactly motivated this design goal? I know it's fun to design things, but a new military prototype would not normally be designed unless there is a perceived need for it.

Anyway, I'm probably just being difficult again. I just think that the design concept will be more conherent if there is something like "This design will solve problem X". But it's fine as it is, really.

Hmm... All the design-related classes that I took has obviously infected the brain. X_X Yeah. That's it.

Good question

Well look at it like this:

Nekos have the Mindy, NDI has the phalanx, both are heavy class assault units. I wanted to make a light combatant for humans in YSA. ^_^
The Phalanx isn't a heavy assault unit; it's counterpart, the Nataku, is.

Regardless, a high-performance melee combat power armor seems like a waste of resources, especially if you plan on mass-producing it. Melee weapons, by and large, will get the user killed if facing anyone with sufficiently powerful ranged weapons because by the description, it's not very heavily armored or shielded.

If anything, this is a specialist's armor simply because of what you want it to do.

In truth, I don't think this unit would be necessarily, especially since it's not capable of anything the current generation of power armors isn't.
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