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Communion Base

The luxury liner was pulling into the glittering jewel of a space station. In a system with a star and no planets, the station was easily large enough to be mistaken for a planetoid, and glistened like tacky jewelery with thousands of lights blinking in many colors. The captain's well mellowed voice comes over the intercom "Beginning angular descent. Please return all seats to the upright position, and all trays to the wait staff. I'm afraid liquids will have to be drunk or discarded at this time. There may be some turbulence as we enter the station's gravity field."

In the third seat of the third row sat one unassuming individual. In fact, on first glance, she probably would be ignored for any of her more. . . interesting row mates, who consisted of an ID-Sol who insisted on taking up two seats, and a Lorath who showed a little more fur than any L'manel would allow on their bodies. The Yamataian between them flipped through her book that rested in her lap. Never going more than ten pages in. She pressed a button on her seat. It jolted upwards.

She had no drink. She wasn't thirsty. Tsan Rin had but one thought on her mind as the liner began its final approach: Success.

The ship docked with all the grace that it's fragile construction implied, slowly gliding into the Communion Base's bay. The stewards and stewardesses, in their equally skimpy outfits, helped unbuckle the passengers, and helped them get their luggage out of storage. As the people flooded towards the dock greeters picked many of them out, leading them away from the others. One such greeter, a Nepleslian in a fez and harem pants, would greet Rin. "Excuse me miss... is this your first time on Paradise? We have free chips in the casino for first timers, and can also guide you to your lodgings"

The Minkan glanced to the greeter, duffel slung across her back, bifurcating a plain, blue jacket she had on. Her eyes lit up at the mention of free tokens.

"Eh? Free?" She asked, her voice as plain as she was. "That would be nice. Could you first point me to the nearest vending machine?"

Rin's little vice couldn't wait any longer. She needed to satisfy it posthaste, or else her attention would suffer for it.

"Oh certainly" The greeter said, ushering Rin after her "What sort of vending machine? Drugs? Snack food? Drinks? Birth Control? Panties? We even have an Automat Diner near this docking bay..." She pointed at a large room with a bunch of doors, each with credit chits next to them, and various objects behind the doors ranging from food to clothing. The room was themed with glittering plastic and chrome, behind the doors cute workers restocked the supplies as customers bought them. "Automat's your best bet"

"The third thing, please. They didn't have the drink I wanted on the ship," Rin replied, tracing her rancoteur's gesture to the clean-looking eatery. She noted that might be a good place to eat later.

"Well there's one right there..." The guide would say as they walk past the bathroom. The vending machine was strange, a collection of bubbling cylindrical tubes containing various labeled fluids, all hooked up to hoses, designed to spray them in various mixes into cheap paper cups within the machine, then carry the cup out via conveyor belt. The machine was also chrome and sparkling.

All of the halls were crowded but meticulously clean. While there were various persons in maid outfits cleaning things, the cleaning robots seemed more active then the maids.

"Why have both maids and robots?" Rin asked, swiping her card on the machine. A delicate finger swiped the touch interface on the vendor, selecting. . . grape juice. She listened to the greeter while she waited for it to work its magic.

"The maids are for the ambiance. Their job is to flirt with the clients." The usher will respond cheerfully. The machine bubbled, chugged, and played cheery music as it got the juice. It was slow, but purposeful.

"Ah, customer service. Fun times," Rin said with a quiet smile, appearing to enjoy the machine's process. Eventually, it dinged. She retrieved her drink, but pulled out a little metallic straw from her pocket and stuck it in her cup. "I made a reservation in. . . ah, I forget. One moment, I've got the ticket. . ."

The usher will pull a small device out of a pocket on the skimpy vest, and runs the white light over Rin's face. "Ah... According to our database you're logged in the Numinous Requiem, it's one of the more expensive c
central districts, even has a star viewing station."

"That's the one!" the Yamataian cheerfully replied, shooting a thumbs-up. She sipped on the straw thoughtfully afterwards, finally fishing out that ticket from her pocket.

"You'll probably want to take the tram to it" The usher says, giving Rin a warm hug "When you're ready go into that tram station, and wait for line 14. When you get off at Numinous Requium, there will be other ushers there to help you to your lodgings!"

"Ah, domo," Rin thanked, giving a bow to the usher. She went on her merry way, following the signs that flickered and cycled with various different messages. They had a sort of. . . cheap Nepleslian scanner effect changing them, a vertical slit of light wiping out the previous message in favour of the new one.

In time, the chrome halls gave way to a large plaza, still with plenty of chrome, but with a platform that opened out far above a garden that connected with several areas.

"Huh. Now that's a view," the traveler remarked, moving to the edge of the platform. This particular garden seemed to connect with a very. . . forested, fairytale area, a gritty-looking dusty area, and a very cyber-looking area complete with the generic neon lines and varying shades of dark surfaces.

"Wait, are those people. . ." She mumbled, spotting a couple down in the gardens in Flagrante delicto.

At this time a loud sound would be heard as various shops would suddenly close up, bars slowly dropping to protect them. "Caution. Alien invasion detected. Caution. Alien invasion detected" would play over the loudspeakers. Soon green skinned space chicks with antenna would be swarming into the intersection through various doors, lead by one chick in black leather and a eyepatch with an extremely large chromed gun.

She will grab Rin by the arm "WE HAVE COME! FOR YOUR WOMEN!" she will shout to the crowd, discharging the fake weapon into the air, then aggressively kissing Rin with a great deal of tongue. She'll discharge her weapon again.

"Not so fast, you green skinned hooligan!" Another voice will shout "I CHASE COLLIGAN! HAVE COME TO THE RESCUE!" A man in an extremely zerusty silver space suit will appear out another door, and begin act-fighting with the green skinned 'aliens' who will all 'die' with an appropriate level of theatricalness complete with explosions, and things falling from the ceiling as he rescues the men and women grabbed by them.

Finally Mr Cooligan gets into a complex, choreographed fight with the leader holding Rin, and rescues rin with an equally aggressive kiss as the alien chick gave her and a grope as well. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance ma'am..." he'd kick the 'alien' in the butt (gently) and send her skittering. The green skinned aliens would skitter off, defeated, with a "WE'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, CHASE COOLIGAN!"

If Rin had glasses, they'd certainly be askew.

While she'd certainly read about the shows and the more public. . . everything this place had, it was quite another thing seeing it in person.

"W-well then. . ." She stuttered, biting her lip. "This is certainly going to be an interesting-"

"Pardon me ma'am, but you look like you want another kiss" Chase will tease, kissing her playfully mid sentence. He chuckles "Don't worry, duckling, you'll get used to it all. Some people never go home. If you want my 'tainment number, or Miss Evilina's, I can provide them."

"Um. . . yours please?" She asked, fishing a notepad out. It was surprising, considering how prevalent datapads were, that she used something so. . . primitive.

He'll press a coin into her hand, with his face on one side, and the number on the other. Also a coin with Miss Evilina, the leader of the aliens number and face. "Here you go" he says with a grin "All the 'tainment numbers are on coins. They're collectable, and you can turn them in for various services if you collect full sets. I'll be seeing you around, miss!" he'll chuckle in a friendly fashion, and vanish into the duct work, blowing her a plaful kiss as he disappears.

"-Interesting week," Rin finished her earlier sentence, touching her lips gently, just as the tram pulled in.
The tram was a beautiful thing of chrome and shiny leather, with assistants on board dressed in full space babe/space hero style with brightly colored hair and rollerblades on their feet, skating around to help passengers find seats and, if they seem to want it, companionship, though they seem to be keeping the tram family friendly, especially as there are some families getting on. The girls all have flared skirts, and fuzzy legwarmers and arm warmers. The men all wear jumpsuits with various amounts of silver. As Rin stepped on an attendant attached themselves to her. "Which district is your destination?"

"Numinous Requiem," Rin informed the attendant, pulling herself into a seat

"I recommend this seat" the attendant said, gently "It's a long trip, and these seats are more comfortable for the longer trips" The seat she will point to is heavily padded and somewhat ornate compared to the simpler bench Rin had selected.

The tram will pull out, moving slowly. Soon it would enter another area, and shimmer everything changing into a jungle/deserted island theme with the attendants wearing animal skins with short tails.

"Exotic." Rin mumbled, enjoying the view as the tram came to a halt for the latest station. Soon enough, it was off. This time, it came into the gritty-area she saw from before. If Rin had to guess, it would be a sort of post-apocalyptic western feel, with the digital signs replaced by old car license plates, the attendants clothed in very bondage-like leather and scrapped-together fabrics, and everything was bleached out in a dusty yellow colour.

"Not so exotic."

Again, the tram moved. This time, through a rustic area reminiscent of more rural Lorath settlements, with all the storefronts and streets made of cobbled stone and dark wood frames.

The tram would pass through several more districts including a militaristic one with jackboots and razor wire, a carnival style one with balloons and clowns... finally arriving at Numinous Requiem. As it entered this district everything flickered and changed again into volumetric displays, and bright neon-esque lights. The clothing took on a half real, half neon appearance with brightly colored neon gauntlets, rings and blocks floating just over skin or fabric. Skin became smooth and shiny, almost plastic. Everything is decorated in metal, and plants, and lights. "Welcome to Numinous Requiem. Welcome to Numinous Requiem" the speaker would play as the attendant helped Rin with her luggage.

Sure enough Rin would be greeted by another usher, this one wearing a bright yellow and black trench coat over a very skimpy speedo. "Hello, we were told to expect you. You're Tsan Rin, right? You get some free slot machine tokens..." He'll spill tokens that seem to be half made of floating lights, and half made of solid ceramics into her hand gently... about 1,000 creds worth.

ITEM GET: DENOMINATIONS OF CHIPS (1 500, 3 100, 2 50s, 5 10s 6 5's and 20 1's)

"Wow, thanks!" she said, grinning and counting out the chips. "You guys really know customer service, huh?"

"The customer's money is our first priority" the man says with a wink and a nudge "But their happiness certainly is a very close second!"

Rin giggled and gave a bow before heading on her merry way. She would pass several shops and gambling stations. Gardens and small private areas. Finally she would reach the hotel itself. A thing of elegance and beauty, and soaring towers. Large portions of the building were made purely out of what looked like solid light. Fountains in the plaza erupted into dazzling displays of light, and overhead a dome with a view of the stars in the lonely system, space ships’ running lights blinking as they fly through the void. Everything was dazzling with light, and color. The workers in the plaza were wearing skin suits and light as well. The fountain was mesmerizing, and electronic music filled the plaza.

Rin stared at wonder in all the lights. Zerust was flashy and all, but this place? Glorious. Everything she wanted from a modern casino. Five stars, would try again. And this was just the visuals. It was then that she realized she had one small problem.

"Where in the Empress's name are the rooms?"

A man with entirely black skin and white eyes, and kinky hair, with cracks running across his face wearing an exceptionally tailored red and gold suit, with a similarly red cane with gold tips would tap her shoulder. "Pardon me. I couldn't help but hear your, ah, exclamation. I believe I can help with that. I'm Schlock Grunder... well, sort of. I've got a few bodies; this is one of my favorites for public appearances. I own this place. You would be?" His voice was incredibly rich and melodious like butter, brown sugar, and rum and his scent was spicy, exotic, and almost intoxicating. It boiled off of his body, surrounding him like a cloud of personal space that extended cloying hands around Rin.

Rin's brain kicked into high gear. So soon? This seems too good to be true. Way too good.

"Wow, the owner of the place just walking around?" She asked, her tired eyes glancing into his pure white orbs with silver-white irises. "Wow, being this rich must be nice."

One of her hands brushed into her hair, tracing one of her barrettes. Rin had two in her hair, both of which were at the edges of her kinky locks in order to keep the front tamed while the back sprawled out from a ponytail.

"Yes. It is quite nice." Schlock says with an easy smile, the very tall man kneeling to bring his eyes level with Rin's. She can feel his eyes on her face, boring in like augers. "So, your name, sleepy headed little one?" She could feel his body heat's warmth against her, and his voice whispering towards her so personally and intimately that it almost felt indecent.

"It's Tsan. . ." she replied, biting her bottom lip and averting her eyes. The minkan couldn't tell whether he made her uncomfortable or . . . whatever, but it wasn't good for her well-being. "If you could point me towards the rooming area, I'd appreciate it."

"I can do one better" Schlock said, his breath discernible from here, a barely visible steam of white and gold, "I can walk you to your rooms, and give you a recommendation for dinner. Don't worry, it's not an imposition. I like to see how my guests are... managing" He smiled a large grin, spider webbed with thin lines and cracks, revealing his pearly white teeth. "Ah, yes, you're in room number 1016, you've got a wonderful hard light balcony there. It's a great room, and I'm proud of the architect who set it up." His voice battering at her ears as rhythmic and organic as the sound of the sea.

Rin's eyes flashed with surprise. "Hardlight balcony? Is that actually . . . you know, made of light? I thought I misread the pamphlet, but. . . Really?"

She gestured for him to lead the way once the question was asked. The woman wasn't sure how to handle such direct kindness, so focusing on an insignificant detail that baffles regular people seemed like the best idea.

"It certainly looks like it is! But as to if it's actually simply light, well, I'm afraid that's a trade secret my dear." Schlock says with another warm chuckle, his fingers patting Rin's head gently. He starts leading her through the crowd amicably. They pass a statue of some neo-pagan goddess done in a highly abstract style, and into the lobby which seethed with people, both workers and residents. The elevator was a wide lift with metal walls and a hardlight floor that took Rin and Schlock to the 10th floor. Schlock produced a keycard bracelet and gently placed it around Rin's wrist "Here, this'll get you into your room" he said "Try it; wave it in front of the door". He demonstrated with his own hand, leaving trails of warmth across Rin's face where his hand passed.

The door in question was also hardlight, aqua blue in this case, but it looked like there were controls to change the color. Waving the bracelet at the door would cause it to simply vanish, and allow the bracelet wearer inside into the gleaming inside that also seemed as lighter and substance, including patches in the floors and walls made of light to allow one to see through them. The bed seemed to use repulsor technology to form a rather literal airbed, and there was a built in kitchen and refrigerator, and a rather complete hot tub/bathroom. There was also a small lounge area with a large screen TV/View screen. Plants were scattered about liberally, and most of the internal walls were translucent, or at least had large translucent segments, including the ones to the bathroom. A citrusy smoothie waited on the counter.

It did indeed have the spacious hard light balcony, with hard light furniture (And real soft pads for comfort) on it as well as a small hanging herb garden and a kumquat tree in a pot.

"How do you like it, little Tsan?" Schlock asked gently, his body towering over hers protectively and his essence still enveloping her, following her around the apartment.

"Wow. Just . . . wow. Remind me to see the ultra premium package next time," the Yamataian remarked, her jaw dropping a little at the complete luxury of the place. They certainly didn't have places like this back on Yamatai. That much was certain.

She dropped her duffel bag next to the bed and wandered about, peering through the various translucent light panels. The bathroom too? That would've been uncomfortable if she had come with somebody. Kitchen, good. . . TV, large waste of time, but maybe it might come in useful later. And. . . . "Air" bed? Rin tested it out by letting herself fall onto the repulsors, feeling really confused but comfortable. Eventually, she pulled herself off (with surprising ease) and continued her wanderings.

Rin wandered over to the tree and grabbed one of the small orange fruits, plucking at the skin for a moment before popping it into her mouth. She winced from the tart flavor, and then went to down it with the not-as-tart smoothie. Turning to Shlock, she asked, "Out of curiosity, where's the nearest drink vendor?"

"You can order them up to your room through room service, there's a lesser one at the end of the hall along with a snacks vendor, and there are several along the streets outside the hotel itself," Schlock said warmly, watching her antics with much amusement. His eyes nearly seemed to trace lines in the air as they followed her movements, drawn especially to her more supple parts.

"And uh, who designed the whole . . . see-through bathroom thing?" She added.

"My architect" Schlock said "It's quite the hit for people who are... entertaining certain sorts of parties. Not every room has a see through bathroom, but your ticket specified you wanted it." His chuckle was intoxicating and full of the scent of rich amber.

"Huh? I did?" She asked, genuine shock crossing her face. Then it occurred to the Yamataian that one of her coworkers might have been at fault. With a mumble, she passed it off as, "Oh, too many darn settings. . ."

"Yes... Line 87 of the form, I know there's a lot of lines. You get a lot of specificity here. Maybe you didn't know what you were requesting, or maybe someone pranked you." There's a playful gleam in his eye as though he knew far more than Rin had lived long enough to forget.

"I don't gather what you mean," she retorted, picking a datapad out of her duffel. She typed out a quick, friendly message of "just got here ;P" before sending it to a friend or family member.

Schlock's pocket watch starts ringing softly "Well, I fear it's time for me to go... but we will be meeting again, little Rin." he'll say, then turn and walk away leaving her to her thoughts... including realizing that she had only called herself Tsan to him. His warm musk lingered for a time after him, leaving with some reluctance.

Rin just sort of went slack jawed at Shlock's exit.
SAINT didn't prepare me for this!
Rin spent the next hour unpacking and making sure her things were in order. Accessories, check. Datapad? Check. Clothes? Check. Everything was ready. She redressed in something a little more fashionable - but still rather plain, a periwinkle dress with a v neckline that was held together at the waist with a belt, but the bottom was cinched to flare out like a skirt for movement. Underneath, she wore dark tights that accentuated her long legs well. Over it, she donned a new, black pleathery jacket, a simple thing that only met her ribcage and was meant more of an accessory than weather wear. For her hair, she swapped out the wire she had tied around her ponytail earlier and bound it into a bun with two needles.

With her new ensemble in check, Rin carefully strode out of her room, locking it with a wave of her bracelet. Man that was cool.

The Yamataian managed to make it to the vending machine - and this one served proper juice boxes, though they were more like origami containers than simple rectangular prisms. She selected an apple one, thoughtfully shaped like a pear blossom and watched the machine fold the thick cardboard substance into the container before juice was funneled in.

Much like her last drink, this one was met with a metallic straw.

"Casino time. . ." Rin said with her tired eyes, palming one of the chips she received earlier.

The music was still playing

Rin's feet took her down . . . down to where? She wasn't quite sure. She just followed the hardlight signs that seemed to be everywhere for suckers like her.

Eventually, the traveler ended up making her way to the promenade, and then to the casino floor. What greeted her eyes was spectacular.

Flashing lights and ringing bells, thick clouds of smoke from various drugs intermingling in the air, and the scents of some sort of sharp incense to start with. Old people feeding coins into the machines like addicts, and younger ones goofing off drinking brightly colored cocktails while they bet on sports games on various large monitors, and on hands of poker and blackjack.

Several roulette wheels littered the hall. In the corner was what appeared to be a live mixed martial arts ring, and also a door to a laser tag course, both clearly intended for gambling reasons. In another corner were kid friendly games such as skeeball and archery. Games of both skill and luck (And many of a good deal of both) litter the casino floor.

Behind her stood an amusement park that she could hear, rides spinning screaming riders around in energetic loops, complete with a giant rollercoaster.

"Mr. Grunder really does have it all here. . ." Rin remarked to nobody in particular. There couldn't be a greater den of indulgence and vices out there, no matter how hard anybody looked. And Yamatai didn't become a superpower on not-looking, that much is certain.

She strode about, putting off her eventual gambling binge in favour of taking in the sights. After all, the tables could wait. It's not like they were going anywhere.

First security personnel slowly infiltrated the area. One of them discharged a weapon into the air. Rin flinched. Was this another show, or were they? . .

"We are going into lockdown! There is an espionage agent present! We are going to begin checking your papers! Please remain calm and orderly!" their leader shouted, his face covered by a hardlight mask. Several of the guards wear body armour; others have the lithe lethal look of cyborgs or trained killers. They will begin checking papers. As they get to Rin...

I would be more intimidated if I didn't have legitimate papers. Thank Ketsurui for Yamataian information exchange! the minkan mused, fumbling around in one of her pouches attached to the belt.

A woman in a neon jumpsuit made a break for it, drawing fire from the security guards, with shouts from the guards of "There she is!" Somehow after a martial arts, blades, and guns fight scene with a couple other guards, she wound up behind Rin, pressing her weapon to Rin's head "Alright! Stay back!" she shouted to the guards "Stay back or the guest gets it!" "Breaker nine alpha, I can't make the drop, they've fingered me" She said into her wrist "Extraction NOW PLEASE!" Rin heard the wrist respond, with a lot of static "Gonna take us 15 minutes girl..." "Shit, I'll see if I can hold out" Rin felt a data cube being slipped into her pocket...

Three possibilities. One, it's a show and that data cube is a prop. Two, it's a show and they're actually going to arrest me or kill me. Three, this is a real agent. I've already encountered one of these shows before, but. . . This seems too appropriate. Especially since . . .

Rin remembered her previous encounter with the mysterious proprietor of Communion Base. Carefully, one of her hands felt around in her pocket to feel the data cube

A sniper lined up a shot on the lithe woman clutching Rin, and Rin felt her captor giving her a boot in the butt, and leaping away, narrowly dodging the blast. "Goddamn!" The bald woman shouted, leaping into melee with a pair of cyborgs. The damage looked realistic, especially the cyborg having its arm ripped off. After about 15 minutes, sparks appeared on the celling, and the spy woman edged towards the center of the plaza, holding a gun against the captain's head. A thing descended from the ceiling, and she snatched it "Extract me! Extract me!" She shouted as the rope rapidly began pulling her up even as she climbed it, all the men firing at her, the captain writing on the ground clutching his groin...

People began reacting as though it was entertainment, sweeping the space up, the guards helping each other up and heading out. The cyborg that lost his cyborg limbs being aided in leaving by two comrades as the robo maids sweep things up.

Rin watched the apparent performance with mild amusement, more relieved at the fact that she wasn't dealing with a proper enemy. "Well that was nice. But how am I going to get one of those collector coins now?"

She retrieved the data cube and pulled out her datapad, then plugged the one into the other.

The data was encrypted.

"For the love of . . . alright, background processing. I'll read it later when I'm done gambling," She sighed, talking to nobody in particular.

She could try to gamble at one of the machines, one of the card tables, on a sports game.... orrr she could try one of the games of skill such as the mixed martial arts ring, or the laser tag arena. She had to choose.

But in the end, the only one she knew for sure she had any chance of winning was the card tables. Specifically black jack. Rin knew she would probably win the skill games easily, but if Schlock was actually unaware of her status, she didn't want to alert him.

A lot of musing later found the Yamataian at the card tables, where she took a seat next to a Nepleslian and a Freespacer. Game on.

"Well, welcome to the winner's table" The Nepleslian will say, grinning lecherously at Rin "And what's your name?"

"Leave her alone Paul" the female Freespacer will say, a camera unfolding from a strut in the back to look Rin in the eyes "Hrmmm. You have pretty eyes."

"Tsan. And these pretty eyes are the ones that'll see the biggest pile tonight," Rin coyly replied, smiling at the 'spacer.

"Hohoho, feisty little one, aren't you?" The Freespacer responded. Paul snorted, "Overconfidence will be your downfall" he quotes, "Hit me" he told the dealer. "... Shit. Bust"

"And yours will be your hot-bloodedness," the Yamataian replied, peering at her cards. Given the odds. . . "Stay."

"Hit me again" the Freespacer said to the dealer. "Hm. Looks like my win again" "You're cheating" Paul said flatly "You're not welcome at this table anymore Freespacer" "Awww, poop" The Freespacer said in a singsong way "Well, see you some other time darling, name's Amilie" she told Rin.

The minkan sighed as she slid some chips over to the 'spacer. "Well, I suppose staying at 17 wasn't the best bet to make this time."

"It'll normally do you well" Amilie said with a gentle grin. "You have a nice one!" She sauntered off, pinching people's butts with her cybernetic arm as she does so.

Rin let out a squeak when she was pinched, but returned her focus back to the game. Time to BE EEN EET TO WEEN IT or whatever it was that kids these days said.
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