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RP: YSS Kaiyō [Pre-Kaiyō] Gold on the Ceiling

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The Breakfast Baron
Inactive Member
Star Army Recruitment Center
YE 38
6:30 AM

The early morning sunlight cut through the cityscape of Empyrean like a warm orange flashlight, illuminating the dark shaded streets below as the sun rose higher and higher. Life bustled all around the streets, the many inhabitants not taking any breaks from their early morning commutes. it was a beautiful day, just the right sun and the right wind, but nobody here seemed to care. City life.
Standing on one side of the sidewalk was a young woman, an Elysian, standing eerily still. Two dark cobalt wings were folded nearly behind her, through two holes cut into a beige sweater. She stood there, staring at the recruitment center like it was some kind of palace.

"Well, here I am", she thought to herself. Military wasn't exactly where the young Anastasia thought she would be this early into her working career, but it wasn't the worst place she could be. People in her hometown weren't willing to hire an accused murderer, let alone a plebeian accused of murder. But it was a new day in a new land, one she worked very hard to get to, despite it seeming the world resisted in spite.

Anastasia calmly walked into the building, passing under the great red Hinomaru on the sign and finding herself in an eerily calming lobby. Only bringing the clothes on her back and legal papers sorted in a folder, she stepped to the receptionist desk. She was greeted by a short Nekovalkyrja, with dark skin and bright blue hair. "Greetings, how may I help you?", the Neko greeted politely.
"I-I'm, here to... apply." Anastasia struggled to make the words come out of her mouth. She could speak fluent Yamataigo, she knew she could, but Anastasia didn't like Nekovalkyrja. They spooked her to the bones, artificial people. Artificial life, made for military. It didn't sit right with her.

"Well, you came to the right place. If you have all you need, I can put you in with a recruiter in a few minutes." The Neko started typing information into the console as her desk, golden eyes looking back at the Elysian. "Your name?"

The question rang in Anastasia's head as if she didn't know. It was an awkward moment of silence as she thought to herself the potential of changing her name. But that was silly, her legal papers already had her name confirmed. There was no running around it. It was do or don't now. "Anastasia, Amora Barlow."

The papers never asked for a middle. At least she has a newish name. She felt terrible, but... nice. Amora had a good ring to it.

"We only need your first and last, please be seated." The Neko wasn't aware of the little white lie, but was indifferent. Close enough. Anastasia Amora Barlow took her seat in the lobby, waiting patiently with her own thoughts. Maybe this whole new life could work. At least, a new leaf of her life.

All too soon, she was called forward. Escorted by the desk Neko, Anastasia's fears solidified again. The offices were quiet, not many coming this early in the morning. Anastasia was placed in a recruiter office, face to face with another Neko. This one had a higher air of authority about them, blond hair placed back behind their cat-like ears.

"Good morning, Ms. Barlow." She greeted Anastasia somewhat sternly. "My name is Haiko and I'll be your recruitment officer for this fine morning."

Anastasia cast the lump in her throat away as she took a seat in the chair facing Haiko. "Good morning." Anastasia sat the papers down on the desk in front of her, keeping the folder open. Haiko gave her a good look over, before accepting the folder she didn't ask for.
"Well, we don't get too many Elysians in here, especially not on days like these."

"It is a beautiful day outside", Anastasia replied.

Haiko flipped through the papers, looking back up at her. "This is quite a nice arrangement you have here, I see you've put a lot of thought into this..." Anastasia opened her mouth to give thanks, but was surprised by Haiko continuing. "But you are a rather... unusual case. An Elysian Plebeian with a broken wing, who has yet to sign up for a Caelisolan upgrade or even have the damage repaired, accused of the murder of at least one other of your own kind, and recently become enlightened enough to want to serve. With all due respect, Ms. Barlow, what is it exactly you plan to bring for our glorious military?"

Anastasia knew that kind of question was coming, and she had the perfect response sitting in her head for the morning. Here's hoping it would work. "Victory. And.. the wing isn't a problem anymore."

It seemed to work well enough, Haiko looking up from the papers with the slightest smile breaking across her face. "It says here that you're fluent in speaking Seraphim, Yamataigo, and Trade. And that you've had years of mechanics experience. Where did you work?"

"My father's shop. We worked on all kinds of vehicles, even a few ships." Anastasia was confident in her answer. "I was looking to become a mechanic, perhaps in a base somewhere..." Anastasia had to retract that thought. Where did she want to be? Many didn't like her around here, support was little. Far. Far is where she needed to be. The conferencing Neko looked at her with a bit of worry, before Anastasia finished her sentence. "...very far away from here."

Haiko nodded. "I can't guarantee where you'll end up if you enlist today, Ms. Barlow. What I can guarantee you though, is that wherever you're placed, you will have to go through basic training at one of our fine academies, and it will not be as easy as... paperwork."

Honestly, Anastasia wanted to avoid paperwork. She couldn't read very well, nor write. Those papers took hours, not including time spent learning. "I will pass training ma'am."

Haiko smiled a little more, though she still had her doubts. "That's the confidence we look for in recruits. I see you have put much thought into this, and your profile passes all of our eligibility tests. I am not in any position to deny you the right to enlist. I want you to fill this out, and then we can finalize your recruitment."

Anastasia's heart boiled with nervousness as Haiko pulled out a lengthy form, sliding it across the table, along with the previous pack of papers. Anastasia picked them up, reading them to herself quietly. And slowly. It took several minutes longer than it needed to for someone to read the obligations, even at her fastest possible reading. She was about to sign her life to Yamatai for three years, or more. The clock on the computer display ticked by as Haiko waited patiently, occasionally sporting a small grimace. The plebeian had the heart, but she doubted her ability to make it through basic with that level reading.

After much time of reading and writing, Anastasia finished signing the doccument in a quite nice script. Something she picked up from her mother, her signature was the best thing she could write. Anastasia Barlow.

"Quite good, Ms. Barlow. Now, you must swear the oath of the Star Army of Yamatai. Then, your recruitment will be official. Take you time." Haiko placed one hand on the registration document, looking at Anastasia with curious eyes.

Well, here goes nothing. Anastasia formed the first few words slowly, but then got into the rhythm of it. "I, Anastasia Amora Barlow... have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the next three years. I vow to protect the people of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."

She just swore to destroy the enemies of Yamatai. What a thing to do in your first job interview. She felt kind of proud about it, if washed over with sudden remorse. There was no going back now.

Haiko smiled, her eyes almost glowing. "Great! Now I'm going to give you the full information pack on everything you need to know for training, and you shall attend training academy at the soonest possible entry. At the end of your training, you'll be presented a final test. If you pass, you'll figure out where you're going to serve." Haiko took a thick packet of papers out from under the desk, handing it to the new volunteer. "Welcome to the Star Army of Yamatai."

Anastasia stood, shaking Haiko's hand and giving her many, many thanks. A ball of fear and excitement, Anastasia left the office to return to the street of Empyrean, with a new future. All she had to do was get through training. It wasn't going to faze her a bit. She hoped.

Fort Victory, Kyoto
YE 38
2030 Hours

It was the end of a very long day of training camp, only the first week of many, many more to come. Tests, physical fitness, paperwork, all of it was taxing. Anastasia, freshly moved into her new squad, showered and tired, was slumped on her side in her bunk. It was a little early for sleeping, but she was spent. It didn't help that these beds were not made for Elysians. She had made it this far, though.

A small neko sporting short black hair, dark gold pupils, the standard work uniform and signs of a recent shower stretched as she wandered into the room, before taking a gander at her fellows training with her. In the end her eyes settled on the Elysian before she grinned, and walked over to have a closer look. Also becuase she was told excplicitly to go find a friend. "Hey there!"

The Elysian looked up at the sudden Neko with the look of a deer in the headlights. She had no clue who this person was, if they we're in her same squad, or if she was even a trainee. She had to say something to the soldier suddenly in her face...
"Uuhm. Hi."

She grinned and raised an eyebrow at the suprised expression the poor elysian gave out before checking her out, noting the slight shcene in her hair indicating a recent shower, plus the fact she was in the bunks. "You're a trainee too here yeah? Or, i'm pretty sure you are... meet anyone new yet?" All the while she had a fairly amused grin etched upon her face.

Anastasia sat up on the bunk slightly, rubbing her forehead. "Yeaah. Haven't made too many friends. I avoid the other Elysians if I can..."

Yoshida looked almost shocked as she heard this "Really? Why would you do that?" She then took this chance to plant her butt onto anastasia's bed, inviting herself to chat with her.

Anastasia pondered for an answer as the moment passed. "I'm... not a popular person. Well, not in the good way." Choosing to try and avoid any more questioning on that, Anastasia asked her own question. "Who are you?"

"Me- Oh I'm Yoshida Kokoro!" She grinned, and her tail swished behind her now visible on th ebed. That probably wasn't something one saw every day. "I ah, Don't have anyfriends either yet if that's any consolation!"

Anastasia eyed the tail with a slight amount of confusion and curiosity. At least they had one thing in common, no friends. "...Anastasia, Barlow. I recruited not long ago."

"That's nice! Welcome to the star army! Though somone should be welcoming me too probably- I've only fairly recently been spat out of a tube." She let off a grin as she let on just how apperently new to being alive she was and is.
Anastasia sat up fully on the bunk, looking at Yoshida. She still wasn't a fan of Nekovalkyrja, but it'd have to be something to get used to being around. Her cobalt wings we're draped behind her, chances are this is the first Elysian Yoshida had ever seen. "What are you... training for?"

"Ahh, infantry and social interactions! If i remember that right..." She nodded to herself as she appeared to beleive that to be corect. "Probably aboard a starship somewhere! What about you?"

"Basic training... once I'm done with that, someone told me I'd be going to the Ketsurui Academy after that. I'm hoping to be a technician."

"Ah really? That sounds like a good position!" Even as enthuesed as she was for her fellow trainee, she was a little disapointed about the idea that she wouldn't beable to keep up a more long lasting friendship with her. "I mean i'm still in basic myself- infantry is just what i plan on heading into."

"That's cool..." Anastasia wondered if she should ask the question, it could come back to bite. ".....Whats with the tail?"

"Taaiill right..." Yoshida glanced back to check it out for a moment before turning back. "Welll Whoever oversaw my creation must have decided i'd look nice with one! What about your wing?" She smiled- not maliciously, but seemingly out of hopeful curiosity.

"Hmm?" Anastasia's unusually colored wings pulled themselves up, closer to her body. "What about them?"

"Well, what happened to the left one- Also i like the color." She of course, being clueless, reached out to try and gently touch the wing to get an idea of what the feathers felt like, but stopped just short. "Oh uh, Can I feel?"

"Oh... well, I don't like to talk about i-" As Yoshida's hand got near, the wing slid to the side, moving a few inches away. "-I'd rather you not It's been broken but it's healed that way."

Yoshida made a slight exagerated pouty face before she giggled and moved her hand back. "Allrighht No touchy. You going to get it healed? I mean it should be pretty easy if you ask..."

Anastasia folded her wings tight, rubbing her eyes. "No... I want to keep it that way, at least for a while...
Family reasons."

"Okay... Hope it doesn't come back to bite you later when you could have used your wing there!" Yoshida said as she placed her hands in her lap, and observed the tired Elysian. "You seem like you need some sleep... Should I leave you alone, maybe talk some later? Maybe I'll grab a bite to eat with you?"

"Well, I can't fly anyways... never learned, they're too small." Anastasia looked back up at Yoshida, her new friend. "I'm thinking about going to sleep a little earlier than usual tonight. We can talk in the morning."

Yoshida let off a grin before standing, removing herself from anastasia's bed. "Well, Hope to see you then yeah? I'll get some sleep myself while we're on the subject." So of course, she retreated to her own bed. The one directly across from Anastasia. She hid a grin as she buried her face in her pillow, wondering what sort of friendship this would turn out to be for her and her hopefully, newfound winged companion.

Many months down the line...

YSS Kaiyō
Cabin 2
10日 2月 YE 39
0530 Hours

A loud alarm clock tone rang out across the cabin as Boss woke up all the crew earlier than usual. Mission day.

Yoshida was spending the night dreaming, of hugging a fluffy pillow to her chest. All curled up, nice and adorable, drooling a little even. Unfortunately little did she know, she had been firmly attatched to Anastasia's wing at some point in her sleep, and quite comftorabely so, enjoying the warmth that it gave off. Of course she reacted straight away as the alarm went off, looking around somewhat bleary eyeed in suprise, before she noticed the somewhat compromising position she had placed both herself and her friend in.
Anastasia, still rather tired, shifted in her sleep as she started to wake up. One of her wings was draped over the side of the to bunk, aa she had lazily fallen asleep on her chest, which was more comfortable than her back. Due to the very recent surgery, Anastasia didn't feel Yoshida's embarrassing cuddle, only feeling a dead weight on it. "Muuuh?

Anastasia lazily pulled up on the wing, snapping it upwards wit enough force to move Yoshida along with it before it was lost from her grip. She rubbed her eyes and pulled the wing inwards, rubbing her eyes." "Yooosh?"

"Eee-" Yoshida let off th sound as the wing was removed from her grasp. It was lucky she had the sense to let go, roll off the bed, and almost managed to stand up completely before Anastasia's eyes landed on her. "Haaii Yoshida Desu- Come on Ana, time to uh- get up!"
She seemed somewhat flustered, standing ramrod straight.

"Yyyou awa- oh, you are." Anastasia kicked her feet over the side of the bed, her head pretty much touching the ceiling of the cabin. "Yeeeah yeah..." She slid off the side of the bunk bed, standing up and stretching her arms. She noticed Yoshida's sudden... excitement.
"...are you alright?"

"Yyeaap Uh hu perfectly fine! Just excited to get a move on- Yeah!" She certainly did seem to be suprisingly awake for somone who had so clearly just got out of bed, her hair still a mild mess. "Lets hop to it shall we?"

"I guess so." Anastasia pulled open the storage pods to on side of the room, bringing out a fresh working uniform, bright red in color. Along that she picked out a fresh pair of socks. She had already taken a shower last night. "I know I need to stop by the medic this morning. I feel like if I don't, she's going to come to me."
The white medical bandages had already started to fall away from her recently damaged wing, and needed to be replaced before the left.

Yoshida nodded as she moved to grab her own gear, mostly to distract herself. "Yeah- That stuff is important Ana! Wouldn't want to neglect it and get hurt becuase of it really..." Yosida frowned slightly as she picutred that scenario, her dear friend battered and beaten, and herself perfectly fine- in her eyes, a gross failure of her own duty as a soldier and friend. "I wouldn't want to see that you know..."

"Yeah... Dying isn't very high on my to-do list." Anastasia gave Yoshida a smile as she put the light working uniform jacket on. "The planet doesn't have any active power signatures, it shouldn't be too bad."
Yoshida grinned back as she grabbed one of her skirts. "Hey anything could be there even without power... We could find giant reptiles even!" She let off aother giggle with this idea.

"Maybe. Always bring a gun and be prepared." Anastasia said it in a slight joke tone, as if a survival instructor. "So long as they aren't armed with aether blades, I should be fine."

"Heh, yeah you better be!" Came yoshida's simple reply as she finished getting ready, dressing into the skirted uniform, grabbing her pistol and knife, and then escorted Anastasia to the shuttle.

Anastasia tied her dark hair back into a ponytail, papping the much shorter Yoshida on the back as they left the cabin, ready to face all the daily errands before mission launch. Fortunately (and by luck), Yoshida wasn't in a hot spot over her morning mistake. Silver linings.
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