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RP: NSS Nerkat Pre-Kenni Shoreleave.

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ON> Starbase Hayes

Jan Kancre, Soldier Third Class, walked through the corridors of Starbase Hayes, with a slightly downtrodden look on his face. He stopped and looked around, realizing something. A very important fact. "Why aren't there any signs or something? Then people would get lost looking for a bar."

With a sigh, Jan decided to double back to the location of his bunk, hoping to find another marine with a better sense of direction

The station's AI chimed in, "Because, most people ask for directions in these modern times." The voice was feminine and had a touch of sarcasm as it responded to the inquiry.

Stopping to reflect on his lack of thinking, Jan opened his mouth as if to say something. Then closed it. "You have a point. Can you at least give me directions to a popular bar?"

"The most highly occupied bar on this facility is located in the Northern most section of the base closest to the docking bays. I can direct your there with a volumeric arrow if you request it," The AI responded again.

Jan smiled brightly, and nodded. "Thank you please Ma'am, it would be beneficial."

A floating green, almost solid looking holographic arrow appeared in front of Jan, blinking helpfully as it pointed towards the correct corridor that would lead him to the junction. It waited for him to start walking before it started floating forward.

Jan gave a thumbs up gesture towards the ceiling and walked off in the direction the arrow pointed in.

After a few minutes of walking Jan could hear the din of a loud, boisterous crowd of rowdy, Marines and the loud clanking of bottles down the corridor. There were some shouts; as well as, the shattering of glass upon the metal deck grating that could only signal that he he was very close to his first drinking destination for the evening.

Jan smiled, and bowed to the wall. "Thank you Miss AI for the help."

The floating arrow folded onto itself, like it was taking a bow before it blinked out of existence.

Jan entered the bar, looked around, and sat right at the bar, ordering himself a beer.

The bar was almost filled to capacity. The end of the Offensive meant an influx of ships docking at the base to allow their Marines to return to Nepleslia Prime for their shore leave. Many of the Marines were showing off their newly replaced limbs or newly stitched war wounds. Everyone just seemed to be happy to be drinking and alive.

Jan, of course, mostly kept to himself. He was late out of boot to join in the offensive. And the fact that he has two weeks until his first assignment, the NSS Melissa Kenni sets off, didn't make matters any more bearable.

A short distance away, a woman with long, platinum blonde hair stepped up to the bar to get another round of drinks for some of her fellow ex-Red mates. She didn't seem to notice Jan for the most part as she called to the bartender, "Barkeep! Another round of drinks for the boys."

Jan sat back and shrugged. "Hey, I ain't a red, but I'm broke? Can you add me in on that?"

The woman glared at Jan for a second before replying "Well, I suppose... A drunk Green is the only Green I care to deal with." She ordered something for Jan along with the other orders.

Jan smiled. "Thank you for the drink!"

"Sure, whatever," she replied as she carried the rest of the drinks back to her mates.

Jan turned in the chair towards her. "Hey, where are you assigned at anyway?"

The woman turned with the drinks still in her hands, "The NSS Melissa-Kenni, I believe. Where are you off to, sailor?" She was in a little of a sour mood due to the fact that she was going to have to cut her lovely hair soon due to Green regulations. "I'm being assigned to the Melissa Kenni as well. Hopefully, neither of us will end up dead."

Jan thought for a second, looking at his drink. "In fact, I know that neither of us will end up dead!"

"Oh?" she raised an eye brow at his statement. "Why do you say that?"

"Because. We just won't end up dead. Don't tell me you think you'll already die on your first mission?" Jan stated matter of factly.

"Because, some people do end up dead," a fairly banged up looking male marine nearby commented loudly at Jan's arrogant yet fairly naive comment. "Never seen combat before, eh?"

"Well, no, but i've read up on combat tactics. And I listened to my father when he told me about combat."

The woman shook her head, "Well, if you think that you can rely solely on that, then you are as good as dead."

Jan shrugged. "Hey, I got out of boot camp with a recommendation. I figure that the most important thing about combat is staying alive. Or so that is what my father told me."

"That's pretty good, but what you hear and read are nothing compared to the real thing." A marine with the top left corner of his face, and his left eye covered in bandages said, rubbing the smooth covering of soft, white strips of cloth. "But you'll learn..."

"People end up dead in any sort of combat situations be it their first or their 100th, some of us are just lucky. the CC has been a mixed blessing," the marine man commented again as he toyed with the frothy contents of his glass for a moment.

"Perhaps. But life is always a learning experience. And people regularly beat the odds. Or so I'm told. Look at the marines of the NSS Alliance."

"I know it's been for me..." The bandaged man said half-heartedly. "I should have died for good 3 times without my CC... and if that aether blast hadn't just grazed me... #4 might have been my last."

"I'm not sure how I feel about the damn things yet. Or the fact they look like a tech's nightmarish interpretation of a spider now. I guess it bats the big fucking needle they used to use," the banged up marine stated with a tinge of disgust.

"I figure my fate is up to me and my comrades. Jan Kancre, Private Third Class."

"Well... shit. You better hope you're in the damn Blackguard or something..." The bandaged marine spoke to Jan, taking a shot of a thick tawny liquid. "But whatever. Keep your head down and remember not to fire an LBR in atmosphere. Staff Sergeant Barnum Walther." He introduced himself, in a non-committal way.

"Staff Sergeant Icarus Eros. It's good to trust your squad, they are closer than family sometimes. I find find blood mixing on the battlefield is just a good as blood running through your veins," the scarred marine added with a grin. He seemed thrilled by the introduction of SSgt Walther. "Fucking love promotions, don't you Barney?"

"I figure promotions would be beneficial to my long term monetary well being."

"You know what they say..." Barnum chuckled, tapping the covered portions of his face. "The more you lose, the more they give ya"

Jan looked at the long haired woman. "And you, ma'am?"

"So what's your name, Blondie? We all friends here. Or you more of a red head these days?" Icarus grinned at the former Red marine before looking back at the other boys. "Pretty much. At least they pay our medical bills."

Her eye twitched at being called both ma'am and Blondie. "My name is Hannah Rolchester, so don't call be Blondie," she replied to Icarus and then turned to Jan, "And I'm not old, so don't call me ma'am. It's not like I have a choice of where I go really. We are on 'probation' for fighting for our homes and beliefs."

"Well, you were fighting for what you believe in. That's all that matters."

"It's how wars go. When you lose, all of the wonderful things believe end up being wrong. I don't blame you though, it's a difference of opinion. I'd rather be fighting fugly baddies than pretty blondes unless it's in a tub of mud or gelatin. How about it, Hannah, you up for a roll?" Icarus said teasingly with a wink at the girl. He ran his hand over the top of his very tightly shaved red hair, enjoying the soft texture of the hair against his callused hand.

Hannah smirked, putting the drinks that she had been holding down for her mates to grab. They surrounded her protectively as she replied crisply, "I don't think so."

Jan sighed, and reached for his knife. No, not the huge one, the other one. "Hey, I don't think the bartender wants any trouble!"

Icarus snorted and waved the marines off. "I'm just teasing her. She's a Marine, she should be used to it. But I'm not one for pulling any of my weapons out for display. Keep it in your pants, Private Jan."

Barnum pressed his hands to his throat and sprayed out the better part of a large gulp of Lunar Lager, coughing quite loudly.

"You okay?" Jan slid the knife back into its sheath, removing his hand from it.

"It's quite alright," Hannah replied, "I am quite used to it, but you should also get quite used to getting turned down." She smiled cutely before grabbing her own drink and taking a swig of it.

"I swear, you guys are going to be the death of me." Barnum chuckled uncomfortably, coughing a little. "Especially you, Ike..."

Jan smiled and went back to his beer.

"Want me to buy you a new drink, Barnum, since you're wearing that one?" Icarus said with a grin and a chuckle at Hannah. "Of course, I'm used to pretty girls telling me no. But that's what working girls are for."

"I'm still not sure on that whole getting into a relationship with girls thing."

"Sure thing, you know my tastes. Lunar Lager, and that rare aristo girl that actually filters down to enlistment." Barnum answered somewhat wistfully, before glancing back at Jan. "Just don't pull a rear guard on us. That might be illegal in a few weeks."

Jan seemed puzzled. "Rear Guard?"

"Well, I can get the booze... the girl, I'll fight ya for," Icarus replied with a wink as he hopped up and walked over to the bar to get his new friend a new mug. He paused, "You take it with an orange?"

"That'd be a helluva lot sweeter than the lemons I've been served up these past few years. Sure." Barnum answered cryptically, brushing the skin on the uncovered portion of his face. "I was using a euphemism for sodomy. Some senator wants to cock block most of the marines of the 3rd Fleet." He explained, his tone denoting some sort of off-color joke.

Jan was still mostly clueless, but got the gist. "... So he's jealous because he didn't get any anal action during service?"

Icarus snorted as he caught the last part of the conversation as he made he was to the bar and tried to get the bartender's attention.

Barnum sighed loudly and smacked the right side of his face. "I was telling you not to go gay on us, Private Kancre."

"Going Gay would be beneficial. I intend to at least get my wife pregnant, when I find and marry her."

After a few minutes, he was in fact able to place his order and had two large tankards shoved into his eagerly waiting hands. "Thanks, add it to my tab." He returned to the table with the two large mugs in hand. He offered one to Barnum before he sat down. It had a large orange slice on the rim.

"Well shit... you'll be hard pressed to find a wife that can get pregnant, that isn't a girl..." Barnum said, remembering one of Jan's other comments. He accepted the drink and let a slight smile bend his lips. "Thanks."

"No problem, Barney. Yeah, that whole wife thing... I know my sister is single but I dunno if she's seeing anyone or even where she's stationed." Icarus pondered this information curiously as he took a swig of his own lager. "I love this stuff... like a meal in a cup."

"Okay. I have two weeks of Shore Leave. And I figure the other marines who will be on the MK won't be here for a few days! I need something to do other then get drunk!" Jan Kancre looked down at his beer. "I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I'm a soldier, I should be happy I get shore leave."

"Well, there are hookers. Unless you like to gamble there might be some airbike races going on," Icarus suggested with a thoughtful grin. "Sleeping is good. Uh... I don't know about the finding an actual relationship thing. I is just a two week shore leave in a military town... you'll be lucky to find one old enough to know what she's doing."

"I'm not interested in any short term flings, nor am I interested in contracting something from a hooker," Jan protested.

"Use protection? It's what the things are made for?" The scarred Staff Sergeant suggested.

"Try a Savtech JANE. I hear they're pretty hot, and make good assistants," Barnum suggested.

"There might be a couple strip clubs that might be worth while. I don't think there's a concert in town this month," Icarus was trying to be helpful but his plans were mostly involved with drinking and sleeping. It had been along battle.

"I think I might just go sightseeing," Jan commented thoughtfully.

[Hannah perked up after hearing the word 'sight-seeing'. "Well," she stated, "What exactly do you want to see?" She finished the rest of her drink as she waited for an answer.

Jan paused for a moment. "What is there to see, exactly?"

"...is this a trick question? Military town, maybe some barracks, strip clubs, bars, tattoo parlors..." Icarus chuckled again as he took another drink.

Jan paused, "I could go down to the planet and check stuff out there."

"There might be a library or town or some funky statues or some shit. i think most of the guys are gonna do a tour of all the bars and brothels they can," Icarus added after a few moments of thoughtful contemplation.

Jan sighed. "Hannah, have you ever been to Nepleslia anyway?"7

Hannah thought for a moment before answering, "Once, but that was a long time ago." She shrugged as she accepted another beer from one of her mates.

Hannah thought for a moment before answering, "Once, but that was a long time ago." She shrugged as she accepted another beer from one of her mates.

Jan thought, and placed the beer on the bar with a slam. "Up for a trip then?"

"To where?" she replied suspiciously.

"I have no idea. I might visit my father."

"A bit early for me to be meeting the folks, no?" she replied sarcastically.

"Hmm... I'm kinda in the mood for some sim action." Barnum said, cracking his knuckles. "It's always fun to kick arcade junkie ass at ArmorRunner7..."

Jan thought for a moment, and a worried expression appeared on his face. "No no no, I didn't mean it like that!"

Hannah burst out laughing as she toyed with the little marine.

"Smooth kiddo. A few more drinks and you'll be able to pass out in her lap." Barnum quipped, making a jab at Jan's possible state of intoxication.

Jan sighed, crying a bit inside.

Icarus spotted a pretty brunette woman in a short dress with a plunging neckline waltz into the bar and decided against making a move to get her attention since every other stag marine got the same idea. "Damn. " He lifted his glass and made a little toast, "To all those that will linger in our thoughts when we sit alone in bed at night..." He wanted to go into more detail but did not entirely want to offend Hannah's finer feminine sensibilities.

Barnum grinned rather wistfully and raised his glass. "Cheers."

"So Hannah, babe, Blondie... you getting drunk or are you just watching us get stupid?" Icarus asked good-naturedly once he placed his mug back on the table. He watched the Red Marines curiously.

Jan Kancre looked back into his beer, silent

"Psst, Jan. check out the ass on that girl that just walked in. Much better to lose your train of thought in than the beer," Icarus whispered to the much younger Marine in a less than secret tone of voice.

Jan jumped, startled a bit by Icarus, nearly spilling his beer. "Uh, I don't think she would like that."

"Nah, when a woman wears something like that into a bar where there are nothing but Marines, she's begging us to look." Icarus winked again and then noticed the buzzing of a data pad in his pocket. he retrieved it and saw he had to go. "Later boys."

"Laters Ike." Barnum waved the fellow Staff Sergeant off.

"You gotta think of it this way kiddo..." Barnum said to Jan, his own interest captivated by by the fine rear that had entered the bar. "You only live once, or 4 times if you're me. Admiring beauty is a natural part of life."

Jan smiled. "Some beauties are more subtle then others."

"And others, like a good book or a solid game... will completely drain the attention right out of ya." Barnum mused, staring at his glass. "For a few moments, it'll be your world... more than your world... and once you've taken in every piece of it you can... it'll be gone. Go figure."
Moving with a lumbering sense of annoyance, David Lyric realised he didn’t recognise a single person in the crowded bar. He had already felt like a salvaged tool, knocked out of commission as a Red and patched back together as a Green. It wasn’t that he cared about the politics or some glorious cause, but it did piss him off that he was more or less being ordered to change his mind.

With a shrug, he eventually settled down at the bar and ordered a pint of some foreign beer he hadn’t heard of before. “Maybe I’m just being too picky about this.” He thought to himself, drinking his beer unurgently whilst still examining the surrounding crowds of people. “At least fighting on the winning side means I can work towards ending this whole mess earlier rather than later.”

His gaze then fixed on a group of Ex-Reds engaging in banter with a Green, and the idea of it nearly made him break the glass in his hand. “Screw that, I should have defected while I had the chance.”
Aisia looked at her chrono. Still several hours till her report date. She looked about the area and settled into a chair near the departure window. She mentally grumbled about not having a vendor in the area and gathered her gear. She headed over to the nearest terminal. "Computer, I need a drink. Where is the nearest bar?" She looked as the computer diagrammed out the bars in the area. She winced, far too many ports in the storm for a rowdy bunch. She chose one at random. A trick Jacob had taught her. She moved over to the security locks. Her gear fit tightly into one and would not cost her more than the drinks she was going to buy. She started off down the corridors seeking out the chosen bar.

The bar as fairly active. She stepped into the door and scanned the room for an empty table. She spotted an empty stool at the bar and headed for it. Several people carried the shoulder patch of her next assignment. She nodded politely but made her way to the bar. "Something to calm my nerves." Her only instruction to the barkeep. The drink was warm and frothy. She sipped it and found it to her liking. A few sips later her nerves were indeed calmed. She glanced about the room.
Picking up the soft voice and aromma of a woman taking the free barstool beside him, Lyric risked a sideways glance to the brown haired lass. Not that he wasn't attracted to her- her slender bronzed frame was picking at his iron guts already, but the green uniform made it impossible to associate her with anything good.

The same went for himself- If it wasn't for the lingering throb of the hangover he inflicted on himself in Los Apagos, looking down at his green sleeves would make him want to do it all again.

He gazed back into his beer and shrugged. "Whatever happened to the good old days when somebody pointed, and I shot in that direction?"
Aisia heard the soft comment. "Probably the same thing that happens to all of us at one time or another. Forgotten or discarded." She turned back to the crowd looking for something. Her eyes found nothing, leaving her with a bit more melancholy than she had before. "Aisia Larrith, Engineering Tech. Who may I say I am drinking with." Her eyes glimpsed a tri-d of a laser ball game. "Two drinks says Sovan misses the ball." Her finger indicated the game.
Surprised at the quick and attentive answer, it took the stout hulk a minute to reply. "...erm, you're on!" He replied to the bet, swivelling round to watch just as Sovan foolishly dived and the ball ricocheted from his helmet. "...eh... damn it..."

"David Lyric, P 3 C Marine." Was his eventual introduction, trying to ignore the damage to his shallow wallet. "But if you-" He began, but cut off early to avoid venting all the pent up angst he had flowing around his system. These last few weeks he had barely spoken to a person, so talking about himself right now only made him feel self-absorbed.

Trying to relax, he lent back against the bar and gave her a curious look. "You can have those two drinks, if you tell me what you are getting from all this." He made his own bargain.
Aisia glanced at the bartender. "Hit us again. He is paying." The drinks arrived. "Two drinks. I get a drink and a chance to relax before duty signing on my new boat. Other than that, I get to talk to someone from the boat. Hear information on it so I am not shocked when I board. Last tub was a nightmare and a half, took two weeks to get the seals on the metal morgue door fixed. Seemed their marines had a habit of playing ball in armor in there." She spoke like an old timer, the metal morgue was a marine term for the armor storage room. She pushed the second drink to David.
"Thanks." He accepted the drink with a polite nod, despite the fact that he paid for it. "...Well, I'd love to help you but I haven't even seen the ship either. All that I know is a bunch of Reds just defected, and a couple of them are supposed to be posted on it."

He declined to include the fact that he was one of them, partly because he was sick of thinking about it and partly because he didn't want to ruin a good conversation.

"Just got patched back togeather myself, I was shot up on Kennewes." Lyric added, alrough he seemed pretty untroubled about that fact at least. "-So I just woundn't mind getting back out there, you know?"
"My first tour was rough like that. Fresh out of training, got hit by pirates. Only one in my section.. that made it out alive.. " Tears hit her eyes. "Sorry old wound." She downed the last of her drink. "Barkeep another round. My treat." She pushed the coins across the counter. "Never liked drinking alone. Jacob taught me that." Her eyes misted over a second time. She hit her drink pretty hard and wiped her eyes. She looked about the room. "Reds you say. As long as they are loyal to the ship, I have no complaints."
Lyric gave her a sympathetic glance, but didn't know what to say in return. He could only assume that this 'Jacob' was no longer around and decided not to push it. The next thing that came to mind was his own old ship, but even if it was still operational, there was a good chance he would be involved in blowing it out of the sky at some point.

He found himself taking a good chug of his drink, if only to buy him time to find something new to say.

"There are things I would rather not have gone through either, but as much as I think about it-" He managed, scratching the recent scar on the bridge of his nose. "I can't see the point in regret... There are so many things that people would go back and change, but if we could then we wouldn't be the same person who decided that they had gone about things wrong the first time..."
Aisia sipped the new drink. "I do not regret, anymore. The pain still lingers. I stopped looking back and try to look forward till after my time in. Maybe find someone to settle down with." She glared at the drink suddenly. "Too much alcohol, starting to talk to much. Sorry." She set the drink down. "Thank you for the drink. I need to head to the ship to sign in." Her voice did not waver. She however had a bit of a stagger as she headed for the door.
David got up briskly to see her off, but wasn't sure whether to walk after her. "Don't worry, it was me asking the headcase questions!" He exclaimed in a forgiving tone that sounded weird with his heavy voice, taking a single step forward and hoping she would hear. "Hope I see you on the Nerkat..."

He took another step, but then the feeling faded and he stopped in place. You're being weak. Was the self-critical thought bouncing around his head. Are you just going to blindly follow people for the rest of your life? Sit back down or go shoot yourself, you hairy old monster...

Choosing the first option, he narrowly stopped the barkeep from taking his half-finished drink and lumbered back onto the stool.
Aisia stopped outside the hatch. Leaning against the wall. She looked down at her hand and for a moment felt the crushing grip. She shook it off and headed for the boarding hatch. Her gear was safely locked up and only took a second to aquire it. She passed the gear onto the conveyor belt and watched it shift through the passage. She had yet to get over that little gravity tick that always happened when going from station gravity to ship's gravity. She headed down the tunnel knowing to expect it. Still she felt the change like her stomach dropped. That combined with her drinks made her nauseated for a few seconds. She steadied herself and headed on. She made her way to the personnel office and delivered her orders. "Sir, Private Third Class Aisia Larrith reporting for duty as ordered, Sir."
Aisia processed though, and found her billet. It took her a few minutes to locate everything and store it away. She settled down and checked all the maps and data on the ship getting used to her new billet. A stray thought, *Jacob, you would be proud of me.*
Aisia checked with her section leader and was told "The ship's is under refit for the next few days and everyone is on shore leave. You have checked in and are not yet on schedule. Take a bit of leave and report back here when called." She nodded and left for her quarters. She was unsure of a few things, like why everyone was on shore leave at once. She shrugged it off and went to change into something a bit more comfortable. She headed back to the bar with a bit more decorum. She looked about for the man she was speaking with earlier. When she spotted him she just headed for the bar. "That man needs a drink. Send him one." She pointed at David and then indicated the drink she had earlier. She settled to wait and sip at her new drink. A new game was playing on the vid, she paid half attention to it as neither team had impressed her earlier in the season.
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