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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Eight: A Wonderful Discovery

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Banned Member
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Hanako's World
Shinjuku, Star Army Medical Facility

18日 6月 YE 39
1400 Hours

On Hanako's World, Arbitrated Shan and Iemochi were at a doctor's office in the Star Army medical facility that was closest to the starport. The Kaiyo had only recently been docked at Gemini Star Fortress above the world two days earlier. They were asked to wait in the small room for just a few seconds before two women walked in.

The doctor was a Minkan woman with bright blonde hair and steely grey eyes that was looking at her multi-fucntion bracelet's volumetric screens as she walked in, then turned the bracelet off and was looking at Iemochi and Arbitrated with a sigh.

"This is Alysiandra Reena," she said, motioning to the Elysian next to her that was not there for examination. It seemed the room was a bit cramped with all the wings in it. "She is a student training with me. I will be your doctor, Motohoshi Sia. It says you're in here for...?" The doctor trailed off looking up at Iemochi and Arbitrated.

The drastically undersized, firey-haired girl hadn't yet sat down when the two medical staff entered, cheerfully smiling as they towered over her. She took initiative in the coversation for Mochi, speaking, "I was ordered to report here for my regulatory medical examination, yes."

"Well then, let's get started," the Minkan said as she began running a science scanner across Arbitrated's body. A moment later, she perked. "Miss Shan..." she said, trailing off.

The little one blinked for a second, always taken aback by just... How easy it was to get information about a person with a device that doesn't even touch them. More information then the person themself would know...

"Yea-AHEM Yess, Miss Motohoshi?"

"I am going to have to run further tests," the doctor replied as she turned and the student Elysian smiled at Arbitrated distantly. The doctor procured a secondary scanner and brought it up to Arbitrated's hand. "If you would, your finger?" Motohoshi said, indicating Arbitrated should put her finger on the scanner.

"Erm, alright..." Her pointer finger on her off hand moved upwards in a slightly exaggerated way, before resting upon the device as the medic had indicated. "I'm afraid I don't quite know what this is for," she pondered as her head swiveled about the room briefly, "I've never been all that great with medical equipment." Back to the readout of the device, her gaze magnetized.

Mochi, who had been perched in the second visitor's seat to one side of Arblebarble, raised his eyebrows a fraction as the doctors seemed to fuss about her. He knew he'd seen the small device before but didn't have an inking what it was for. Leaning a little towards his partner, Mochi looked on in companionable suspense.

"Well," Motohoshi Sia said as she viewed the little +2 on the readout that Arbitrated's gaze was focused on. "This is a pregnancy test. Have you two been aware of your dual fetal development?"

It took Seino a moment to process what was being said, looking to Arb-Arb and back to the doctor before returning his gaze to the soon-to-be mother. Gently taking her hand in his, Mochi squeezed reassuringly, smile growing into a grin of pure delight. "By the Empress.." he spoke, astonished, emerald eyes filling with joy.

Arbles gasped sharply, shock conquering her whole face as she, wide-eyed, turned to look at her blonde partner. Her eyes were watering as her small lips changed from a slack, opened form into an ever-growing smile, As she tugged on their held hands to bring Mochi into a tight, potent embrace. Almost as if by the sheer impact of the news the medic had delivered, Arbles rocked back and forth as Mochi and her hugged, beautiful tears slowly meandering down her cheek.

"Are you on any medications?" asked the student next to the doctor eagerly.

The Minkan doctor put a hand up and patted the student's own. "Shhh, let them have their moment," she said quietly.

After a couple more moments of super-hugging, Arbles took some deep breaths and somewhat stifled the stream of tears upon her face. Her head shook from side to side, "No, no medicines, hehe!" She couldn't help herself, giggling cheerfully at her response.

With the little Shan's head buried in his shoulder, Mochi stroked her auburn locks as they swayed together in delight. Embracing her tightly, yet cautiously as she was now carrying two precious packages, droplets splashed from the corners of his eyes to the cold floor like a street on a rainy night. Mochi, speechless, tried to gather his senses.

After a moment, the doctor smiled and looked to the student, who shared the smile.

"Those are all the questions I have for today. Please check in with your ship's medic and the Star Army will grant you a leave of absence at whatever period of gestation you feel comfortable with. The scan I just conducted says that everything is going normally with your children..."

"T-thank you, Madam... Just give us a moment and we'll... Be on our way!" The little melody of the redhead's voice rang through the room spectacularly, as she stood up on her tippie-toes and tried to kiss Seino directly on the lips. She hummed happily, oh so happily as the news cascaded through her head! Twins!

"Well, have a nice day, you two." The doctor then left the room with little ceremony.

"Bye!" the Elysian student muttered with a wave. "Good job!" She left behind the doctor after a quick blush occured on her cheeks.

Mochi rested his hands on her sides, pulling her a little closer as they kissed warmly, tears of joy fresh on their cheeks. Gathering his wits together, he could hardly believe what they had heard - everything was about to change in the most amazing way. Together they were going to bring new life into this world and while he was admittedly scared as much as he was thrilled, this would be the start of something beautiful.

It was only several minutes later that Arb-Arb chuckled a little bit. "Y'know, this kind of, well, makes me think of Eden and Saki...." A bit of blood rushed around her cheekbones.

A flash of memory stirred in Mochi his partner spoke of Eden giving him a heart-to-heart long ago. With a silly grin and a twinkle in his emerald eyes, Mochi nodded. "It makes me think of bells.." he murmured, casting his mind to the past and then the future.

The little Shan squeezed Seino a little bit. "Bells, hm~?" She teased her lover just a little, "and what's so special about these bells, may I ask?" Another peck directly on the lips, the little mother wiggling happily in his arms.

"Well.." he reluctantly broke their embrace, lifting her hand to his lips, kissing it gently and winking knowingly. Mochi cast his eyes down for a moment, gathering himself internally and taking a quick breath. A huge breadth of emotions coursed through the Elysian, if there was a time to do what he was about to do it was now. Still cradling her soft hand, Seino kicked his seat out from under him, going down on one knee. Gazing up at her with shining eyes, he spoke the words. "Arbitrated Shan.. Will you marry me?"

"Indeed I shall!" Gleefully accepting the man's improvised proposal, bending down, down, down, gracing his held hand with the sweet touch of her lips, her emerald and sapphire eyes glittering like the most beautiful stars in this universe or others. "I will love you forever, and even death shall not stop us from being together!" She tugged on his hand, using her fiance as an anchor to pull herself forward into a firey, passionate hug.

"I promise I will never let you go, I will always be there to protect you.." Mochi whispered into her ear, their embrace brimming with joy and commitment. Running a hand down to rest warmly on the side of her currently-little tummy, the man chuckled as he continued "And our two angels." The incredibly private moment was a beautiful one, tears of elation streaming down their cheeks as the couple held each other in a pose so content that it could be held for eternity. Red and pink, gold and auburn, now soon to be man and wife.

It was indeed an eternity, a beautiful everlasting moment, brilliantly sculpting itself permenantly into the minds and spirits of the two Elysians. The smol fiance, humming as happily as she could be, was melting into Seinosuke's arms in such a gentle, passionate way, whispering into his ear, "I love you..."

Alas, there were preparations to be made; a hall to be reserved, people to let know! What's a wedding without the friends and family of the bethrothed? The couple would soon be getting to work, drafting together all that they needed.
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