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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Eight: From Darkness Comes Light

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Well-Known Member
Gemini Star Fortress
19日 6月 YE 39
0800 Hours

Getting off of the ZLRS train, Hoshi moved up a level to a small section of the many, many crew cabins in the Gemini Star Fortress that was in Hanako's Star system. Taiyou Hoshi wore a Type 35 with a Chusa rank pin and white panels. An officer's cap above her light blue hair while the white tips of her hair trailed behind her. She strode through the hallways until she reached the one she was looking for.

Hoshi knocked slowly in a pattern she had a soft spot for. Once she had knocked in that specific, quick way, she took a step back and stood with her feet shoulder-width apart and hands behind her back.

A pale Nitô Juni in a slender Type 35 uniform with panels of the opposite color spectrum from Hoshi’s answered the door. Kikoru Faye observed her superior for a moment with keen violet eyes before bowing politely. “Good morning, Chusa. Would you like to come in?” Any prying eyes might assume that the visit was unexpected, but that would be farthest from the truth.

Faye stepped back from the entrance a bit to allow Hoshi into her quarters. Her short, azure hair with a noticeable white streak was neatly combed as always, and her black uniform was crisp and neat. The living room area of her quarters would be just as neat, if not a bit sparse. The older Neko tended to travel light these days, so most of the furnishings were standard issue.

Hoshi stepped through the entrance and took a seat in the work area that doubled as a living room in the SAINT agent's suite.

"Nitô Juni Kikoru, you have a new assignment. Whether you have been made aware of this assignment is above my rank's clearance. What I do know is that the situations recently experienced aboard the Kaiyō were dire and the situations the Kaiyō II will see will be much more ideal. The Kaiyō has traveled far, to what some have described to me as another universe, one we do not inhabit. I would like you and myself to keep an eye on the crew as the Kaiyō crew in its entirety will be transferring to this new Fuji-class ship with a few additions,” Hoshi said, pausing to let Faye take a moment to get a word in edge-wise.

Faye sat across her superior in rank with crossed legs and an interested look on her face. Her head bobbed in a nod at the reference to her knowledge of the new assignment. Once Hoshi had finished, she cleared her throat before carefully choosing her next words.

“I am.. somewhat aware of the assignment, ma’am. The whole situation seems… odd, to say the least. Then again, it is not my place to make judgment on the assignments handed to me.” Her violet eyes clouded for a moment, but a shake of her head cleared them again.

“What would you have me look out for, ma’am? As far as I understand it, the crew will be likely well-guarded against a noticeable inquiry, whether they mean ill from it or not.” The truth was she was a bit more aware than she let on, but Faye wanted to make sure her handler and the Chusa were at least close to the same level of knowledge before plunging into trusting this new player on the scene.

Hoshi was blunt, "I would like to verify that their allegiance to the Star Empire has not wavered. Do this by any means necessary save hostile engagements with the crew. I want to know how they feel about Yamatai after their excursion. How they approach helping and working with Yamatai after doing what they've done. I would plan to get close to the crew in order to surmise these details myself but I am the captain; some distance is necessary between myself and the crew and, well, I also have you to do so for me."

The SAINT operative’s respect for Hoshi grew by a measurement. The size of that measurement would be decided later. Faye nodded again before queuing her next question. “I understand, Chusa. Will the crew be more open to an outsider… especially if they expect a SAINT inquisition now more than ever?”

Before Hoshi could form a reply, the Neko just smiled and continued with the answer that she knew was coming. “I assume you require a more… subtle means than these black panels to gauge the crew’s worth?” Although a bit tense at having such a conversation with a ranking officer, Faye was also relieved that she would not have to resort to harming fellow, potentially loyal Yamataian citizens to complete her objective this time.

Hoshi nodded, answering both questions at once, "They will expect less if you have panels that are just a little bit lighter than the dark ones you wear now. You will be wearing grey for starship operations and will be on the bridge, close to the XO, former captain of the Kaiyō, Teien Eden. She will be my right hand but I want you to be there to be sure her own hand is steady."

Content with the level of forwardness that her new CO was putting forth, Faye nodded in understanding. "So she will be the primary focus while the rest of the crew is secondary? I have heard a great many thing about the Kaiyō's former captain during my preparation for this mission. Most, if not all, were positive, but I will remain unbiased until the end of my investigation, of course."

Her tone was a bit neutral, but there was a hint of excitement at the prospect of going out on another mission. Her current stint aboard the Gemini Star Fortress was a nice reprieve at first. Before now, it had seemed to stretch on forever, and the Neko was happy to see the end in sight.

Not answering Faye's first question, Hoshi said, "As have I heard things. But we must focus on orders and not off-hand gossip. This is what Command thinks will be the best use of your time, and so be it. I am glad you will remain unbiased about the situation at hand."

Finally, answering Faye's question, Taiyou Hoshi said, "I want you to get as much information as you can on Teien Eden. She has a wife and child on the ship and, so, getting close will be difficult. Nonetheless, I believe in your abilities.”

Secretly wishing that she still had her NH-27 body to be able to conduct more covert operations, Faye nodded slowly. Her standard NH-33 body would have to suffice for this mission. “Very well, ma’am, and thank you,” she said after a moment of thought. “Perhaps the mother or child is the way in…”

Shaking her head slightly, Faye focused on the Chusa again. “I won’t bore you with the specifics just yet, ma’am. Was there anything else that you’d like to discuss? When will you need me aboard?” It wouldn’t take long to pack her things and her new orders were likely already being cut at this time.

Hoshi replied tersely, "Two days from now. We will have a briefing at 0730 hours in the wardroom of the Kaiyō II. I trust you will find it easily."

Faye nodded before standing and bowing politely to her superior. "Very well, Chusa. I will not let you down. If you need anything in the mean time, you will be able to contact me through my handler. This place will not be a viable meeting location again, but I am sure you are aware of that." Her soft smile was a bit more genuine than her words seemed to indicate.

"Yes," Hoshi replied. "I am aware. I do not foresee any needs I should have of you. A new set of uniforms will be sent to your room. Please dispose of your black panels or keep them in a secure location until you are no longer playing at being a grey."

Hoshi moved to the door and bowed towards Faye at the threshold of the room, then walked out of the room, destined for her own temporary cabin in the fortress.
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