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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Eight: Memories

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Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyō II
Medical Lab
30日 7月 YE 39
1200 Hours

Eden walked into the med bay for her ST the morning of when they were to drop down on Komorebi and looked to the lone medic there, Sutahira Medikku.

"Hello, Nitô Hei. I am here for my backup," Eden said.

"Ah, hello Shosha Eden. How are you today?" He replied, setting down his datapad on the nearby desk where a terminal sat, displaying medical records of the new arrivals to the Kaiyo II.

Eden was honest, "Could be better. Last time I was doing one of these, my memories afterwards for several days ended up not mattering at all." She flashed a quick smile to Medikku and she spread her legs to put one on the bed while the other soon followed. She had gotten up and was now laying back, prone and ready.

"Oh the mirror universe? I experienced a very similar situation. It was all so... strange. I dare say it was worse than the Mishhu attack almost right after I had joined the Kaiyo." He said, prepping the backup. He configured some settings, indicating that Shosa Eden was a Neko, which would make the procedure much easier and quicker because of her digital mind. "Try not to move much. I'm not going to lie, this may hurt a bit, but I assume you already know what will happen." Sutahira warned, starting to lower the helmet over Eden.

"Sutahira... Medikku, if I may." Eden had decided to stay honest, "I don't think I've known a worse hurt than being in this exact situation, this moment, a second time."

"I see." Medikku said. "Are you ready?"

A slight tear drizzled down Eden's cheek and she nodded.

"Very well then. This should only take about ten minutes, twelve at the most." He said, beginning the scanning.

Eden nodded more and then stilled herself. She slipped into unconsciousness soon there after.

While the scanning began, Sutahira walked back over to his station, studying the crew's medical records. It was his job as medic to make sure he knew everything possible about his crew, anything from physical conditions to mental state. He had his datapad linked to the ST bed, watching the progress remotely to make sure nothing went wrong.

Eden went through the process of having her memory recorded. She wasn't aware of it while it happened, but the birth of her daughter and seemingly endless deaths, she wondered how she had been promoted through the ranks so quickl. Whether or not she was deserving of it, she didn't know. She lived memories of Saki and forced herself to not focus on the gaps in her memories. She was told the actions of Meissa killed the alternate version of her wife, but she hadn't lived that. Something about it made her upset to know it had happened at all.

Eden's eyes twitched marginally as she remembered being told of Saki's position being changed aboard the ship after she had been demoted in position, too. She felt strong emotions about the change in position and her brow furrowed only barely as she thought of it, recorded it, and unconsciously kept it all for the next time she would die.

The datapad beeped as Eden's vitals spiked a couple times, no more than a second, but still spiking. He turned to look at her and noticed her face contorting. He recalled his first ST backup, and as a Human, it was excruciating. He relived everything from his first time in a classroom to the basic training in Star Army. Not only was the process itself painful, but reliving the memories in intense detail wasn't a walk in the park either.

He snapped out of his own memories and returned to studying the medical records of Kikyo, one of the most beloved people on the Kaiyo. He then flipped to a record of Kyoi, remembering for just a second their time in the ocean on Yamatai. That had been fun, swimming in the ocean and then sunbathing on the beach while the Elysians flew around. It had been peaceful.

Unable to recall some things that had happened to her between her last STs and the days or, sometimes, months. She survived through the gaps and was better off without the memories, or worse—it was too early to tell.

About eight minutes had passed, and the datapad indicated that about two and a half minutes remained. If this was a Human or even a Minkan, it would most likely be another good ten minutes before the procedure was complete. Sutahira wondered what it must be like to be a Neko. He had always been curious about them, one time stealing, though he felt it was borrowing, a book about Neko anatomy. He still was bewildered by them, and he doesn't even know why. A Human has to endure any pain they encounter, but Nekos can simply shut off their receptors, or at least they could from what he remembered from the medical course that he had taken on Yamatai.

To pass the time, he got up from his station and walked to the medicine cabinet, organizing the medicines and double checking the first aid kits that were stored in a compartment. During his first mission he had to just throw medical supplies into his duffel as the Mishhu boarded. He wanted to make sure next time he could either grab his FARS drone or a medical kit.

The tablet beeped, the status light switching from orange to green, indicating the procedure complete.

Eden woke up, setting her hand on Medikku's arm. "Be prepared for a lot more today before we touch down. And I want you there for your people on the planet, Medikku-hei." She straightened as she sat on the bed and asked, "Anything else?"

"Of course, Shosa. I will make sure no harm comes to my crew members as long as I have a say in it." He replied "If you are feeling any side effects such as nausea, migraine, or any other unbearable, then I can have you stay, otherwise you're free to go."

"No, nothing..." Eden said, waving a hand. "Thank you for being there for me for that."

"It was nothing, Shosa Eden. Have a nice day." Sutahira Medikku said, giving a warm smile to Eden as she waved.

Eden smiled his way and got off of the bed with a little hop and then strode to the door.

"Oh, and Nitô Hei?"

"Hm?" He said, looking to her.

"Thank you for being on the team," she said as she held the doorframe before leaving the lab completely.

Sutahira smiled, happy at the fact that he was at least appreciated by one member of the team. He would have to take them all out for a good time when they got back to Yamatai. Maybe he could do something special for everyone on the Kaiyo during the Years' End. He would have to wait until the time got here.
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