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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Eight: Project Erudite

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Banned Member
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YSS Kaiyo II
24日 7月 YE 39
1701 Hours

Mochi smacked his head into the metallic Engineering doors with a "Ow!" as he looked up. A large paper pad clutched in his hands, the scientist had been absorbed in the intricate drawings therein, scribbling equations in the margins.

Sein had been up all night on this particular project, the idea having sparked just as he was finishing his ramen dinner. He'd been unable to sleep with the possibilites of the intellectual challenge posed to him coursing through his mind and now he had decided to nip into Engineering and see if he could finally discuss his idea with a red-panelled counterpart.

Anastasia was sitting slumped over the control panel at the perch resting atop the engineering bay, looking out over the quiet, but not silent bay. The Elysian jumped a fair bit as Iemochi announced his presence by slamming his head into the door frame. The redshirt turned around, looking at the daydreaming bird.

"Are you alright, Seinosuke?" Anastasia asked, twirling her chair around to face the door.

Holding the pad in one hand as he carefully rubbed where a small bump was forming, Mochi was happy to see Ana despite his discomfort. "Mhm, just a knock - thanks for asking though." the Juni responded, looking up to her position.

Glancing down at his work and back up to the chief engineer, Sein continued "I've got an idea for something and I was wondering if you could help me flesh it out?"

Anastasia nodded as she looked at Iemochi, glancing back at the console. "Sure thing. I don't have too much to do here at the moment, everything's running fine." The Elysian pulled over another chair for the scientist.

"What is it you're thinking about?" She said.

Hopping over to the offered chair, Mochi plonked himself down clearly excited about sharing what he had. Flipping back to the start of the drawing pad, the raven slid the notes over to her, shifting the chair so they could both look at it together.

"Y'know how armor basically makes biological weapons redundant? I came up with.. this." he pointed an index finger meaningfully at a detailed diagram of what appeared to be some sort of grooved cutting head.

Anastasia cocked her head to the side slightly, looking at the design. "Yes..." She said, wondering. "And you want to solve it with a drill?"

Mochi chuckled a little, "The idea is it cuts through the armor shell and released the mutagen inside. No way to filter out the bad if it's pumped in directly." As he explained, the green-panel traced across several concept drawings of the device in action.

Anastasia nodded, looking at the various sketches. "What propulsion system are you looking at?"
The blue Elysian went quiet for a moment, looking at the sketch of the 'drill'. It could work, but it would take a very strong bit. "Hmmm..."

Biting his lip a little as he flipped through the sketchpad, Seinosuke seemed to find what he was looking for. It appeared to be a chamber attached behind the drill, chemical formulas for easy-to-make solid fuel surrounding the drawing. With a short tug, Mochi pulled it free of its adhesive and to one side. "This..." he murmured, glancing over to see Ana's reaction.

A moment later, he turned the entire pad on its head, revealing that scrawled across the back page was a wireframe image of what appeared to be a Nepleslian-style rifle. "Aaaaand this." the Juni added simply.

Anastasia took the page, looking over the design of the cylinder, and it's chemical fuel. She nodded, eyes darting back and forth around the pages. Some of the more traditional kind would appose such a rifle design, but she wasn't exactly old fashioned about things like that, given her apparent distaste of wearing skirts on a gunship.

"It could certainly work, but it'll depend on what the enemy is sporting." Anastasia looked up at Iemochi, then over at the rifle sketch. "It would be pretty easy to create a test model in the fabrication bay, if you have 3D models constructed already. I'm not sure if it's up to regulations, though..."

The excitement in the scientist's eyes was obvious to say the least, one could describe it as almost childlike. He nodded a few times, "Excellent! Erm.." A moment to mull over the immediate issue, Seino replied "If we section it under personal recreational rather than R&D, that should work regs-wise? I should have enough cash to run the fabrications privately."

Mochi dug through his back pocket, retrieving a thin datapad and proffering it to his fellow crewmember. "I got some 3D models saved, I sorta spent all night running sims, heh." The man rubbed the back of his neck, apparently a little embarrassed as he offered up the pad to his fellow Elysian. "Thanks for your help.."

"That might work. Could always run it as a custom armor load." Ana replied, taking the pad. "You're welcome... I'm kind of curious about this." Anastasia spun the model around a little bit, blowing it up into its individual parts. After a moment, the Elysian technician stood up.

"I can certainly run this through the fabricator array. Should we use cheaper materials, or the real deal?" Anastasia looked at Iemochi's excited expression. It was a question of confidence.

With the wedding now paid off and sorted, Mochi was tempted to go whole hog right off the bat. Having spent all night brooding and double checking the designs, he was confident be had it down. "Hmm.." he muttered, weighing up the options before it hit him.

"Hang on, can't we revert the expensive materials if it needs altering rather than burn more? I say go for it." His power armor had a module precisely for this. Hopping up from his perch, the Juni trailed behind Anastasia, not fully familiar with this area of the new ship.

Anastasia started walking out of the engineering bay, down one of the auxillary hallways towards the fabrication bay. "Theoretically, yes. It depends on the material." She commented, keying a code into the nearby security pad, causing the door to slide open.

The Fabrication Bay was quite large, with numerous modules, machines, and a large array-ngement in the center of the room. Quiet buzzings and beeps could be heard all around, as some machines had already been doing jobs for some of the newer recruits, and their armor. Anastasia walked over to one of the large machines, which resembled a giant, enclosed 3D printer with a multitude of nozzles and arms, and a pretty console sitting next to it.

"This one should do the trick. Brand new model, used to make replacement weapon mechanisms." Anastasia commented, looking at the panel.

Mochi had seen larger bays in pictures but nothing this intricate or well-stocked in person. While he was technically allowed down here, the scientist had yet to find a reason to visit the Fuji-class' Engineering before now. "Man, I need to come down here more often.." he commented with some admiration, bending down to watch a small robotic arm doing precise carving onto a plate of metal along one of the many lines.

Bouncing down to where Ana stood waiting ahead, Seino took in as much of the hulking assembler as possible, some small ideas for future contraptions sparking in the back of his mind. "Excellent!" he stood beside Anastasia, peeking over her shoulder at the button-laden panel.

Anastasia looked down at the panel, starting to navigate the menu for the large fabricator. She uploaded the model to the system, letting the computer split the model into its basic parts and construction paths. Quickly, the computer showed an error, listing the model as an unregistered weapon model. Anastasia looked over at Iemochi, pointing to a text box demanding reasoning. "Would you mind?"

All too happy to oblige, Mochi leaned in, opening the keypad for the text entry. "Project Erudite" was tapped in as the overarching title, from which the Juni named this individual gun "Mutagenic Assault Weapon". Flipping to the round that was quickly being run through the model-scanner, Seinosuke titled it "Integrated Retroviral Infusion System". Confident in his naming convention, Mochi nodded to Anastasia in confirmation.

Anastasia nodded, confirming the information and uploading the model into the system. After tweaking a few options, one of them suspiciously reading NEON YELLOW, Anastasia started the process. The large machine whined as it started to heat up, loading filaments for printing and sketching out molds for metal parts. The front of the work stations closed, with a window allowing the two to see some of the hardened plastic parts being printed.

"This'll be a few minutes, especially for the metals. Why don't you go grab your chemistry set for a test payload?" Anastasia reported, a light smirk forming at the corner of her mouth. Several machines were going at once, one of them forming the projectiles, two working on forging new metal mechanisms and parts, and one more printing out the plastic grips and temporary shell for the rifle.

Raising a suspicious eyebrow at the rather dubious settings, Mochi dismissed them in favor for trusting the senior engineer. "Got it, I'll be right back." the Juni replied appreciatively, after indulging himself for a moment of watching the whirring, clattering machines.

Half-jogging back through the cavernous bay, Seinosuke made his way back to the laboratory on Deck One. In no time, he was back in the fabrication bay, a small syringe-like item grasped in one hand.

Anastasia sat and watched the whole process at work, multiple mechanical arms manipulating the malleable metals and molds within the work chambers. Some completely earlier than others, and by the time Seinosuke returned, she was already pulling florescent yellow plastic parts off of the finished presses. The second set of machines opened up, revealing steaming, fresh from the oven durandium barrels, mechanisms, and frames. The metal had a dark black tint to it, with a yellow font etched into the barrel: "TEST MODEL". It was one of the few colors that wouldn't be mistaken for an approved weapon, and certainly wouldn't be sneaking anywhere with.

The machine's craftsmanship was quite impressive, but it would appear there was some assembly required.

Mochi whistled as he took in the melody of changes that had happened in his short time away. "Im-press-ive." he nodded, strolling over to the table Anastasia was piecing the model together on. "Very.. experimental looking, I like it." the scientist grinned in approval at the wasp-toned weapon. He stood, admiring her handiwork and expertise as the experiment came together, passing the syringe from one hand to the other absentmindedly.

Anastasia had a bit of training and on-the-job experience with putting weapons together. Some days, a bolt came loose. Some days, a charred and twisted pile of metal that used to be a gun was sent her way. It took several minutes, but the rifle was starting to take shape, as well as its one magazine. "Thanks," replied the Elysian, concentrating on attaching the loading to the plastic frame. "It's a learned thing..."

The Elysian technician slid several empty test cartridges towards the scientist, made of a similar metal to the rifle, but lighter in color.

Scooping them up one at a time, Seino systematically - albeit haltingly - hit the manual release on each shell, opening the chamber to be filled. Slipping the tip of his instrument inside, Mochi squeezed a few beads of a dark grey liquid into each. Obviously, this was not a deadly virus but simply a water-based analogue of viscosity similar to that of such a payload.

Humming to himself as he closed and sealed each proto-IRIS, Mochi laid them down carefully on the table. After a second, he picked the closest one up and turned it over before his eyes, examining it closely. "I'd seen fab machines back at my university but nothing this precise." he continued to be amazed by the technology the SAoY could afford. Hopefully it would show in this little project of his.

Anastasia nodded, humming in agreement. "Eden asked for the best..."

The Elysian stood up, walking across the fabrication bay to a nearby rack, sorting through the contents of the shelf before pulling out a standard replacement battery pack. She wandered back over to the workstation, opening the box and puling out a fresh BR-28 battery magazine. With a few moments of tinkering, she slapped the battery into it's holster within the handle of the rifle, wiggling it a bit. "It may need some adjusting for a perfect fit, but the contacts should work."

With that, Anastasia set the completed rifle on the table in front of the two, looking it over. It wasn't perfect. but it was built to scale with the materials on hand. The paint job made it look quite visible, nobody would mistake it for a regular infantry rifle in this state.

Mochi couldn't help but run a hand down the smooth side of the newly forged weapon, almost afraid if he picked it up it would break. After a quick glance to Ana, Seino carefully lifted the weapon, slotting one of the IRIS rounds into the barrel. A quick breath out in anticipation as he cocked the MAW, flicking off the safety and holding it close to his chest. "Let's test it out then, shall we?"

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