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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Fourteen: Checkups of Couples


Convention Veteran
YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

A petite, front-heavy figure sort of, awkwardly waddled through the door of the medical bay - Arbitrated Iemochi, the resident mother-to-be as well as experienced weapons operator, had come in for one of the weekly checkups she went through to monitor the progress and status of her developing twin babies. This was one of the few walks she decided to do by herself - albeit using a crutch as an improvised cane - and so, for once, Sein wasn't with her; he was probably in the science lab up above, anyways.

One of the perks of being a medic was the sunning light. Technically it was for patiants who needed to warm up. However, Sacre had appropriated it and she could sun as long as she liked on duty. Arbitrated waddled in and Sacre turned off the lamp. "Here for your check up?" She asked.

"Yup! How've you been, Sacre?" The heterochrome girl took a few deep breaths, her chest swelling in and out noticeably as she did, before regaining motion and heading over towards the arrangement of medical beds, leaning her back against the nearest one.

Sacre joined her, she was in a good mood today. The admonition from Eden to try and be less of a bitch was still in her memory. So she tried not to be too abrasive. There was also the fact that Arbitrated was pregnant. Something weird that mammals did. Separa'Shan sensibly laid eggs. Sacre tried not to think about the similarities between pregnantcy and eggs too hard. However, she felt in some way protective of the new life inside Arbitrarted. She tried not to think about why that was either. "Pretty good, well, untill someone knocked up one of my crewmates and now she has to visit me every week." She said, failing at finding something non-abrasive to say.

Arbles had to chuckle - she'd gotten a little bit used to the sassy medical snake's prickly personality, and did her best not to let it put her down. Sometimes it was a bit hard, but eh. Shrugging, the smol said with a half-smile, "Well, I'm sure you're happy that this is getting close to being my last month. Then, well... I dunno."

"I do, or at least I've read about it. I think I understand why my parents just let me out into the wild instead. It builds empathy, they say. I'm pretty sure it did not work on me." Sacre observed as she started the scans.

"...Huh." Actually, this was oddly talkative of Sacre, or as Arbles heard someone joke one time, 'Sasscre'. "I'm... Pretty sure that being just kinda, tossed out, doesn't build empathy. Sounds like it'd do the opposite, honestly..."

Sacre shrugged, "We're hunters. To hunt you need to be able to think like the animals you are hunting, be able to predict them. To empathize with them in a sense. Thus by learning to hunt and occasionally be hunted in the wild, as well as interacting with other Separa'Shan, you build more empathy and understanding of why we form tribes. That's the theory in the least. Not including all of the 'spirits will guide you' drivel." Sacre said, scaning Arbles for any complications.

'...Huh. Well, maybe that does make sense then. For you guys, I guess? Though...." She shrugged, "It might have been because of the whole spirit guidance thing. I never really paid much attention to the religion classes at school, only enough to pass really. It's all kinda a repeat of itself anyways."

Down below in the womb, the twins hadn't changed much from last week's checkup - a little bit bigger perhaps, and maybe their fingers and toes started to become more clear. One of them looked to be sucking their thumb.

"I'm an atheist, I don't believe in the spirits anymore." There was the tinyest hint of a smile on Sacre's face at the twins. Children could have that effect on her. Especially... Sacre cut that line of thought off. She wanted to not spiral into depression today. "Here is how they look now. Everything is coming along pretty well. It looks like you and Mochi can make some very healthy babies." Sacre said, projecting her view onto a screen.

"Oooohhh, they're getting so much bigger!" The smiling smol's eyes lit up when they were shown the display's reading - the baby on her left twitched a bit, the thin bones of its tiny, tiny wing just noticeable. In response, Arble herself briefly winced, a sort of cuteness-inspired blush coloring her cheeks in. Sacre might have the experience to recognize what genders the fetuses were, but under the request of both Iemochis she wasn't allowed to tell.

Sacre nodded, she paused not sure how to ask what she wanted to ask. "So, uh, how did you and Mochi get together?" Sacre asked, trying to be casual, but not doing very well she had not asked much about the family before.

Blushing a bit awkwardly, Arbitrated replied, "Well, erm... It was actually kinda an accident! Eheheh... He was doing an autopsy, and quite a few, erm, pheromones had built up. It was an innnnteresting day... Though I do like how it ended up. I'd rather not have anyone else..."

Sacre nodded, something snarky sprang to mind, but she cut it back. "So once you two were together, what did you do?" Sacre asked, it might not be the best way to word the question. She didn't know much about relationships and she was trying to figure out what had helped make Mochi's and Arbitrated's relationship work. What she should do with Gravity to make their relationship work.

"Well, cooommmeee to think of it..." The angel's gemmed eyes drifted ceiling-wards, her fingertip dancing on her soft lips in thought. "We just kinda... Hung out with each other, I guess? I never really liked going out on dates all the time. It's nice to do it a couple times sometimes, occasionally, buuuut... But not all the time. Just... being with him sometimes was all I wanted!" Refocusing on the snekwoman, Arbles smiled. "I will say that it helped a bit that we, like, worked together for a while too - I'm not sure if the Kaiyo's documentation on its final journey was something you could look up. We were kinda unable to do anything for like... A month, and for a bit of that I helped Mochi out with a lot of his little projects that were going on."

Sacre nodded, it was good advice. Sacre wasn't completely sure what she wanted. There was a shift on the monitor as the babies shifted, one looked like it was streatching and hit the other one. The other one reacted to the hit by turning around. It was cute enough. Sacre froze for a moment, tearing herself away from the screen and looking at Arbles. She wasn't going to freak out. They were children, she wouldn't do anything to hurt children. However, the pit in her belly said it was a lie. Sacre got a hold of herself before asking, "So who asked who about marriage?" Sacre asked, trying to refocus on a topic other then the one that scared her.

Arbs had let out a little "Awww..." at the developing infants as they shifted around a bit, their little pushes making her wince a little bit because of her incredibly stretched womb. After a few seconds though, she politely answered the sassy snake-woman's question. "Mochi proposed to me." The redhead glanced to her fingers, one of which bore a silvery ring engraved to look like a snake, with an emerald and sapphire in its eyes. [/COLOR]

Sacre thought about it for a moment, her eyes looking at the ring thoughtfully. "How did you know to say yes?" Sacre asked.

"Well.... Hm. Now... Well, now that you mention it like that, I really kinda... didn't. It's not exactly an, erm... logical decision? Smart decision?" Arb-Arb nibbled on her lower lip some while she thought. "It was something I felt like was the right thing to do, but I don't know why. I love Sein, and marrying him has made me so, so happy... And it's made him so happy, too! But there's not really a, y'know... reason that one-hundred percent makes sense. I think that's just a sorta... love thing. It doesn't make sense?"

Sacre considered Arbles' words, trying to fit them in to how she understood the world. "I guess, I'm new at this and I don't understand anything that's happening." Sacre's admission slipped out before she knew it.

Arbs giggled, her hand flipping up to her little mouth cutely. "Heheheh, Sacre, that's part of how it goes! You gotta push yourself outta your comfort zone if you wanna get anywhere special. Sometimes you can't do it yourself, sure, but that's the most powerful... Powerful? Powerful way of progress."

Sacre nodded, a bit uncertain. "Well, I've done all the tests I need to do, and it looks like everything is progressing normally. Pretty soon, you'll have two little cherubs flying around. If you need anything, you can ask." Sacre explained. She paused for a moment. "Thanks for answering my questions."

Arbles smiled and softly laughed, warmly looking the medic in the eye. "I'll be sure to, thank you! And... Don't be afraid to ask me for something. I don't know if I can help you with everything, but I'll always try!"