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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Nine: Body Bits and Hoshi Chilli

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Everything Is Magical
YSS Kaiyō II
10日 8月 YE 39
0730 Hours

Miko was taking him time working on one of the tables in the Galley. It seemed to have been damaged due to extended use. He is currently on the floor with some tools fixing it.

Miles had decided to meet his brother for their free time period in the morning and had begun to make his way over to the galley. As he entered he noticed Miko on the floor attending to one of the tables with tools strewn about him, "he is certainly dedicated to his work, hope he doesn't mind the company" miles thought to himself as he walked over to his brother with his hands in his pockets.
"Morning Miko, having fun down there?"

Miko pulled himself to the edge of the table to take a look who was giving him a house call. As soon as he seen it was his brother he jumped to his feet. "Brother, get tired of putting bodies together in the medbay?" As he spoke he gave Miles a nice bro hug.

Miles returned the embrace laughing at the remark, one of his brother's many talents was an exceptional way with words that Miles could never hope to match, well not quite to the degree of his sibling anyway.
"Well you know how it gets in there, pieces go missing and show up later in the wrong place, thought I'd come down and visit my little bro for the morning, keeping yourself busy as always i see"

Miko looks over at the table then back at Miles. He released and stepped back from him. "Yeah, this crew is hard on my tables. Those dare challenges keep me busy. So what brings you down here, got something on your mind?"

"well if I had to pick something, I'd say im nervous about the mission coming up, I've never fought in real combat and my whole occupation is to heal not to hurt" Miles wasn't neccessarily incapable of fighting but as a medic he preffered to stick to the back and only went forwards when his team mates needed him. "what about you? looking forward to the action?" Miles knew his brother had been waiting for a chance to fight and was concerned for his safety, clearly evident on his face

Miko perked up as Miles spoke of the upcoming mission. To Miko, he did not see a difference between cutting up chicken or his enemies, it is just what was called for. "Miles, cheer up, I am sure this mission will be fine. There are many others who can wield the swords during the battle." Miko put his hand on this shoulder. "You know the answer to that question, its not so much looking forward as its what must be done. If I stayed back here while others faught I could never live with myself. Plus you will be out there and by the heavens I will not let anyone touch my older brother."

Miles had faith in his brother's ability to conduct himself in battle effectively but couldn't help but show some concern, nevertheless he knew what Miko said was true it had to be done and Miko was just the guy to do it. "I know Miko, guess im just a bit worried about it, what if I had to put you back together and lost one of your bits" Miles smirked at this quite pleased with his witty joke, usually he could never one-up Miko and so would take any shot he had.

Miko grinned at the smooth comeback from his brother. He thought how he must be rubbing off on him. Hand still on his shoulder and a grin that turns evil. "If I lost my bit, you will get the little sister you always wanted." Miko can't help but laugh at this thought.

A brief look of confusion crosses Miles' face before it dawned on him and he burst out laughing as well, he would have to watch his choice of words around Miko but was glad for something to occupy his mind. "Well if i was that desperate i would have just grabbed some meds from the lab, im sure I saw a gender manipulation drug in there somewhere." Miles grinned at his brother glad that they were still able to have these periods of silly nonsense while on duty. "So is there anything else you need an extra hand for while we still have free time?" he asked still wiping the tears of laughter from his face.

Miko got a small smile on his face. "Well, I have this new idea for a dish I am working on. Care to give it a try?"

Knowing full well that his brother was a magician in the kitchen Miles thought this would be an awesome idea, that and he was always willing to help his brother out and spendd ssome time with him in a relaxed environment. "Sure, I'd love to try some, free food made by you is bound to be good" Miles was grinning like a kid at christmas

Miko cracks a grin and walk Miles over to where the mystery dish was cooking. He opens the pot and tears form in his eyes. "Ahhhh, the kick from this always gets to me." He wiped his face off. "Now its only hotish so shouldn't be too bad." He reaches over and grabs a bowl and puts the stuff in the bowl. "I have not came up with a name for this yet, was thinking calling it "Jumpin Hottie Hoshi Chilli.'"

Having grown up living with Miko, Miles was used to his taste in food but didn't quite have the chilli tolerance of his brother. "interesting choice of name Miko, trust you to go chasing after people with food" Miles himself was not as interested in others the way Miko was, he preffered to have them lying on a bench and a scalpel in his hand. Miles raised a spoonful of the chilli to his mouth and almost winced from the heat in his mouth, it wasn't as bad as some of the "nuclear" dishes he used to make but still had a fair kick to it. "Wow, this is really something Miko, but do you know if she likes chilli as much as you?"

Miko tapped the spoon on his bowl for a moment. "You know, that is a very good question. I just named it after her cause she always has this firey passion and floaty personalty." Miko tried for himself and starts to turn red. "Oh gosh, cooking down those peppers kicked this up a notch." He said caughing a few times. "So brother, anyone on the ship you have taking a liking too?"

Miles was slightly stunned by the question, this kind of thing didn't really cross his mind much and he usually had his head in a book or some kind of device in the medbay. "Well to be honest with you Miko, i haven't really been paying attention" he said this sheepishly with a small grin like a child who knows they did something wrong. "You've always been the ladies man and I'm just so used to doing behind the scenes work" Even though he wasn't cooking up bowels of chilli for people Miles was still interested in the idea of having a relationship, but would take him a little longer.

Miko smiled at his brother knowing he asked a tough question. He knew his brother while a pretty swell guy was not as open to meeting new people. "Give it time, I seen a few of the people working in the medical bay and seem like good people. Maybe even that bot in there might let you get a little frisky with her." Miko laughed at his last comment. "So far I enjoying working for the captain, she is some good people." He leans in closer to Miles and motions him to be quite about this. "I might also have a small crush on Hanna, her battle record is something to drool over."

"Get f-frisky with a robot?!" Miles turned bright red with embbarassment while his face wore a mask of pure shock, he had never looked at anyone like that and now his brother was teasing him about a robot of all things. "Miko I'm not sure i quite like that idea" he said shakily, eyes still round as saucers with his hands clasping and unclasping not quite sure what to do with themselves. "Some of them are nice people I agree, b-but I don't think they would see me that way" Miles lowered his head to hide his red features.

Miko stepped around the counter and put his hand on his shoulder. "From one brother to another, you just keep being yourself and things will work out just fine." A chime went off and grabbed Miko's attention. "Oh gosh, how the time flies...I have things to attend too so will have to cut this short. Let us talk again." Miko walked back towards the kitchen.

Having recovered from his emotional ordeal Miles also heard the chime. "I can't promise any deffinte times but I will certainly come back sometime soon, it's been good to talk to you again Miko" Miles gave a curt wave as he exited and headed back to the medical bay to check it over and ensure it was still up to inspection standards incase the captain decided to pay a visit for some reason. "Doesn't hurt to be prepared, and whats better than a clean work area anyway" he thought to himself as he walked.
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