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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Nine: Hailing Elysia

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YSS Kaiyo, Iemochi Officer Cabin

Nito Juni Iemochi Seinosuke was rocking backwards and forwards on his seat nervously, going over the various scenarios that could play out from his talk with the Senator in his head. The Senate could brand him a heretic, then he'd have two organisations after him. They could do any number of things, not all of which he could forsee. The scientist, first of his kin and with mulicoloured wings unique to any Elysian in the universe watched the words "CONNECTING" with dread, the spinning circle the harbinger of doom. To make things worse, it turned out the software they were using to communicate was a product of his father's company - a bad omen if you asked him. Sein squeezed his little wife's hand lightly, turning to meet her multicoloured eyes with his emerald ones, "It'll be alright, won't it..?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine!" The tiny Arbitrated Iemochi squeezed back, pulling her face close to deliver a comforting kiss. It'd be a lie to say she herself wasn't worried; Elysians often took pride on being as tall as they could be, and.... Well, one hundred and thirty two centimeters was the opposite of "tall". What a couple they were, a birb too smol to be taken seriously and a man who never was one to begin with, only to become one by himself. Well, at least they cleaned up the room a bit more than the usual, so it wouldn't look like the two people were completely a waste of time... She hoped.

Elysia Novus

Antoni sat back in his chair and took a good, long drink from his large cup of brownish-reddish liquid. If it was any other senator, it may have been a brandy of some sort. But not Antoni, who was instead drinking iced tea. He had a bit of a guilty pleasure for the drink, as cheaply fabricated as it may be. A commoner's drink.

Who cared about commoner's drinks, anyways. It tasted nice, that was all. And if he wanted an alcohol, he still had a little too much of that at home, after Second Chance showed up at his doorstep one morning with a truckload of wine kegs and asked where they could place the alcoholic beverages. At least the senate parties never ran out of alcohol after that day. Heck, he even had a thermos of chilled wine on his desk in case things got a bit stressful and he needed a little happy hour.

Arvilla sighed, checking her wristwatch again. "One minute to go, assuming they show up. I'm quite interested in seeing what this man's progress has cumulated into." The telepathic message enveloped Antoni warmly, the smaller of the Castors knowing very weel that it would not do to interrupt his iced tea.

”It’s still connecting, Arvilla. I’m pretty sure SAINT’s listening in as well.” Antoni cracked.

Mochi returned Arbs' reassuring kiss with his own, filled with appreciation. They had only just broken contact when the circle suddenly halted, going black. Finally, the feed sprung to life, revealing the forms of Antioni and Arvilla side by side - a mirror of Seinosuke and Arbitrated many light years away. The similarities and differences between the two pairs of birbs were immediately obvious - height, decorum, uniforms. "Senator? Can you hear me?" the green-panelled blonde managed to get out despite the nerves wracking his insides. The plumage on the Kaiyo's end was incredibly obvious, the mother-to-be with her beautiful bright pink wings as well as her husband's uniquely flame-toned wings.

“As far as I’m concerned, I see two Elysians. So, yes.” Antoni spoke as his opening sentence. His wings were more modestly folded behind his back, although still very obvious due to how big they were. “I’d offer you some wine — we have too much of it due to recent events, but...” Antoni waved his hand through the volumetric figure of Mochi a few times.

Impressive. No sign of any external modification in the volumetric image. Antoni was sure that a MEGAMI could render in wings, but perhaps not in such high detail.

Arvilla squinted for a moment. Her eyes jumped over to her husband, then back to... "Is his wife really that tiny? She looks like a child!"

Arbitrated meanwhile, smiled coyly. "Well, it seems we have a few things in common, heheh!"

"Yes it does, it seems like both sides have a taste in vertically challenged females." Antoni replied. (>< ><)

Sein nodded back to Antoni, holding up a hand. "Don't worry Senator, I've got some homemade Yamataian whisky. Family recipe."

The scientist chuckled very lightly, "I suppose we do, how about that?" After which, he squeezed Arbs' hand discreetly. "Well, how can I be of assistance Senator?"

"Just a quick check. Can your wife there tug on your wings?" Antoni asked. "I apologize, I don't know your name and I want to make sure the wings are real."

Mochi frowned barely noticeably, he swore he'd put a by-line on his message. He had managed to remember the Senator's name., it must come with the rank.

Arbles looked at Antoni, giggling a little. "Alright, just this once though!" Without a moment's hesitation, the smol placed her fingers around the very tip of Mochi's wing, where it was less sensitive, and gave a large tug downwards.

The taller Iemochi blushed a little, crossing his legs a fraction instincively, sunset-toned wings fluffing a little at the contact. "T-They're real.. *ahem*" Seinosuke looked to the floor as he spoke, then to Arbs and back to Antioni.

"Well, we can see that now, can't we." Antoni replied.

"So, Senator.." Mochi began again, shuffling to be more comfy in the seat, "What can we do for you?"

"Well, there's obviously going to be a bunch of social oddities considering the new body transfer avaliable. Personally, I welcome additional population for Elysia." Antoni continued. "Just be warned that you might be asked now and again to make a virtual conference with other leaders in Elysia. That, and possibly a work offer or two from biotechnology companies here, attempting to rebuild our nation."

"Of which, I'd like to offer one." Antoni continued on. "Currently, our Seraph units are vastly out of date. If you wish, you can assist in the creation of new Seraph units using your expertise. I'll see if I can sort out something with Yamatai, but as of right now that's basically the thought I have." The senator leaned back in his chair and finished his cup of iced tea.

The pheonix nodded along, listening and considering Antoni's offer. "It depends entirely on the Star Army's view on all this I suppose. Hmm.. I'll see what I can do regarding the Seraphs but I'll need to find a way to work it around my current duties." The Juni tapped the surface of his desk a few times absentmindedly afterwards, thinking. "We'll have to think on your offer but I appreciate it, Senator." the blonde man spoke, glancing at Arbles as he did.

The smaller Iemochi had returned her hand to her husband's gently as he spoke. She smiled warmly back at him, trying her best to be reassuring. It was hard to tell for the two senators, but Seino could still see the little bulge in his smol's stomach containing the two little babies they had.

"You're welcome." Antoni replied, looking to his own tiny wife. "Anything you wanna add?"

Arvilla thought for a few moments before shrugging, her regal plumage shifting behind her quite impressively. "As of right no, no."

Seinosuke brushed the back of Arbles' thumb gently and appreciatively. "Alright, I'll speak to you soon, Senator. Have a nice night."

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