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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Nine: Mochi Sounds Like Eden..?

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YSS Kaiyo II

Eden strode through the wardroom after breakfast was over and took Iemochi's attention away from where it had been with a sharp salute to the Nito Juni.

"Iemochi, I have something of a pressing concern... Er," the XO paused in her word use and then looked to the main doors of the wardroom. "Let's meet in the science lab and sensor dome today. Does any period of the day suit you best?"

Mochi looked back up from his cereal, having returned to it after his brisk salute not expecting a follow up. Hence, he was caught a little out of sorta with the spoon halfway into his mouth as she spoke. "Mhm-" the doctor began, quickly swallowing as Eden finished. "S-Sure. How does half eight sound?"

"During cleaning time," Eden said. "You are a cheeky one to find a way to get us out of something like that!" There was a kindredness to her spirit this morning and the way she looked behind her, at Saki, before looking back at Iemochi Seinosuke was telling.

The scientist had the gall to give Eden a cheeky wink with those emerald eyes of his. "You know me too well, Eden-chusa."

Eden smiled back, looked at Saki one more time, then was stepping away, out of the wardroom.

0830 Hours

Eden was not the first of the pair to be at the science lab and sensor dome, but she was the first to speak after the two salutes were shared.

"How are you enjoying the layout of this part of the ship, Juni?" Eden asked him as she looked around the room, not sitting but standing with a rigidity only trumped by the lacksadaisacal way her hand moved about the countertop.

Seinosuke leaned comfortably against a nearby work surface, having donned his rather worn white labcoat that sadly he was seeing less and less of these days. "It's very good for my work, thanks for asking Eden."

The fire-winged Elysian gestured broadly to the room, vials and equipment scattered across the place. "Not much else up here but me so it's nice and peaceful, mhm." Raising a hand as if to whisper something to her from across the room, he added "Lets me sleep up here too every now and again."

Eden said, "I was worried when I combined the sensor dome with the science lab after removing the medical center side of things from the lab that it may still be over-reaching, but if it is serving you well, I can only be proud."

"Today I come to you with something that will utilize both facets of the dome and lab up here. I have been working on plans for a combined sensor array for ground operations like we did on Komorebi. Something light, mobile, and that provides a wide swathe of gainable knowledge. That is not all I have compiled, but is it enough t interest you?" Eden asked.

The taller officer crossed his arms as she spoke, raising his golden eyebrows a little as she mentioned having designed the lab - he'd almost forgotten that little titbit amongst all the action that was happening these days.

"Intrerested? More like intrigued, I've been meaning to get a little back into the science side of things. SOFT and Arbles is more than enough these days to stop me though. I'm at your disposal, of course."

"Well this will do the trick of getting you back into it. It's getting me in way over your head, but let me show you what I've drawn up so far..." Eden then opened her hand and from her palm glowed the image of a cylindrical backpack with a couple of meter long retractable rods on the top of it. "This is the PAWS. Personal Automated Weather Sensor Pack.

"This," the image on her hand changed, "is the HOWLS, the Handy Outdoor Weather Lightweight Station. And this, the KAWS, or the Kappa Automatic Weather Station. All of them work with a Type 29 Communicator and AIES. The KAWS is deployable while the HOWLS is for personal armor or vehicle use. Thoughts so far?"

Mochi sidled up as close as he could to the projection but was sure to stay far back enough for things to not look strange. "I see.. Weather satellites and systems?" he stroked the corner of his chin a few times, a little stubble there since he'd skipped shaving earlier that day.

"So you're planning on using weather data to better plan planetary defences? Smart. You need to pack a lot of instruments in there but I'm sure you're more than capable of that." he smiled reassuringly, waiting for her to continue.

"The KAWS is big enough to fit on the flat of a truck!" Eden said with a smile on her face, I can manage to fit a good many instruments in there, I'm sure you know. There's a lot that needs to go into fabricating an alpha series of products. Will you help me see to that end, Juni?" Eden asked, smile still on her face. This was obviously compelling to her and she wanted nothing more than to see it to its completion. Roping friends in was a good way to be sure the outcome was personally enjoyed by more than just herself, though.

"Of course, I'd be delighted to help!" her science officer grinned in return, obviously looking forwards to trying his hand at this area of his job once more. "I've been looking for a challenge to test my brainpower."

"You're not the only one," Eden murmured, the smile dissipating for a moment. She straightened and stepped to the door. "Good day, Juni!"

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