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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Nine: R&R

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YSS Kaiyo II
17:15 Hours

Arbitrated Iemochi, dressed in her duty uniform, was manning the bridge quietly in the evening. Today was her turn to skip dinner to oversee the ship's status from its command area, always ensuring at least somebody was on the bridge and ready for anything. So far, the time had been quiet - not that Arbles wanted anything different. The chaos of combat was really quite a stressful ordeal, and when things were just calm and relaxed, that meant it was going well. It wasn't even like she was actually alone; Boss was always kind-of here, in case the little Iemochi felt the need for a conversation.

Her stomach growled quietly as Arbles sat at her station, getting ready to step away from the bridge for some long-awaited food. Who knew I'd be getting so hungry because of these two? She smiled to herself as she gently patted her belly, the traces of her pregnancy still not yet visible to the naked eye.

Sneaking his way onto the dimly-lit bridge of the Kaiyo II, Iemochi Seinosuke tiptoed towards his unsuspecting wifebirb. Seino had decided that tonight he was going to do something special for the light of his life and it was time to begin. Without warning, the Elysian would wrap Arbles in a big hug from behind, fiery wings joining in on the action to surround the expectant Arbitrated in a lovely floofy blanket.

Seino would plant a cheeky kiss onto Arbles' neck gently, nuzzling her cheek with his. "Arbles~ I've got a surprise for you~!" the pheonix purred to the candyfloss-winged Heisho.

The smol yelped as suddenly her world flashed red and orange and yellow like a fire, taking just a moment to realize that her assailant was just her lover, being silly and sneaky and...

Kissing him right back on the top of his head, Arbles hummed in delight and responded, "Another, after you giving me one by showing up here so suddenly?" Her voice cheerfully filled the room. "Oh what have I done to deserve something like this?" Her jewel-like eyes sparkled brilliantly as she turned a little on the spot in the burrito-like embrace of her genius husband.

"Mhm! You're gonna like it better though." Seino smirked, leaning in and stealing those lovely soft lips of hers, cupping Arbs' chin as he did. "Now, my beautiful pink lady, you've earned a break after all this work, mm.?" he offered, lifting one blankety wing a fraction so Arb-Arb could slip out if she wanted.

Chuckling as she slid underneath the firey plumage of her eternal partner, Arbles faced him with a healthy, youthful face and tilted her head just a little to the side, excitedly. Smiling, she asked, "Mayyybe I do, hehee!" Skipping forward half a step, Arbles shimmied to her tip-toes right against Seino, kissing him back for that little act of thievery he had earlier. Following through with a hug of her own, the smol hummed happily. "Where to, Sein?"

The taller Elysian beamed as his beautiful wife raised up to her tiptoes just for him, she was so darn cute when she did that. "Follow me, my candyfloss angel.." he winked, wrapping a muscular arm around his soul mate. His eyes glimmered with an almost childlike excitement, as if he was bursting to show her what he'd accomplished.

Holding her snug against his warm side, their pink and red feathers brushing against each other, Seino guided Arbles through the dimly-lit hallways of the Kaiyo, everyone else chilling in their quarters making it feel as if the two lovebirbs were lost in a fantasy world together.

Humming happily, Arbles snuggled against her husband's warm body as they strolled about the starship. Her cute little face, framed by her autumn-like hair seemed to beam excitement, even seeming to put her hunger at bay for just this time. Her right hand snuck around behind his waist, taking hold of Mochi's own as she found it; the wedding ring he had given her, with its double ouroboros design, sparkled like a worshipped jewel from an ancient, forgotten temple.

In no time the cute couple had made it up to the to deck, Arbs' feet gently pattering and Mochi's heels clacking as they went. The tall Doctor drew up to the doors to the Observation Deck, pausing before they entered. Golden hair tousled as he looked down to meet Arbles' gemlike eyes with his own, Seino gave her a knowing smile. "Close your eyes.." he purred to his lil' albatross, slipping out of their embrace yet holding onto her hands gently.

Cheerily waving her petite body from side to side, the little Iemochi squeezed Seinosuke's hands tightly. Winking at him just for a moment, the vibrant hues of her irises were obscured as Arbitrated squeezed her eyes shut in such an exaggerated way it was actually kind-of funny to look at, especially when placed above her smiling mouth.

That cute scrunching up of her nose and cute way she even closed her eyes reminded Mochi how lucky he'd got to find Arbs in this chaotic universe. There was nobody he adored more and he was powerless to stop himself from planting a loving kiss riiiight in the middle of her forehead, through her beautiful auburn locks.

Stepping backwards and guiding her up the few steps to their destination, the doors slid open with an almost inaudible hiss revealing the Observation Bay - only it wasn't the Observation Bay. The padded chairs had been rearranged around a well-adorned table, the third chair normally present in the room nowhere to be seen. Admid the bonsai, herbs, tomatoes and other plants growing inside the room were fairy lights, giving them a magical look.

Old style wax candles were dotted around the room, casting a hearty and welcoming glow across the entire area and filling the air with pleasant scents - many of which were Arbs' favorites. The table was fully furnished with plates and fine silverware, a silky tablecloth and more. Sein allowed himself a content smile as he gave the bay one final look over, then turned his partner so she would have the most impressive angle. "Open your eyes," he said simply, watching intently for her reaction.

The little woman, the mother that she was going to be, smiled silently as her nose was graced by the scents of fish, pasta, and that heavenly enticing smell of baking dough and bread. Arbles paused for a moment, as if time had slowed for the couple; opening her eyes slowly, she gasped and squeezed Mochi with her pale hand so tightly it hurt. "Oh, it's so beautiful!" Mochi's little light, the woman who would stay with him forever, hugged him tightly in the twinkling fantasy-like room.

Attempting to settle her excitement, the little Iemochi reserved herself to holding her firey husband's hand as she took a step forward, walking with him into the center of the garden-like wonderworld.

A flare of delight grew inside the taller of the Elysians as Arbles gasped. The lil' candyfloss birbette was practically glowing with excitement in Mochi's eyes. With their own little forest of magic surrounding them, Seinosuke cuddled her as they embraced, resting his chin on the crown of his soul mate's hair cheekily as she nuzzled his chest gently.

After a few seconds of the hug, Seino held Arbs's soft hand and they strolled to draw up besides the beautifully furnished table "No, you're beautiful..." he smiled at her compliment, taking the tall back of her seat and pulling the chair out a little so his wife could sit down elegantly. Tonight was all about her and he was going to do everything to show her that.

As she sat down gracefully, Arbitrated Daeris Iemochi took a deep, relaxed breath, savoring this very suddenly special night. She placed a hand gently on her chest, feeling the powerful heart that resided within it, the heart which was supplying precious lifeblood to not just herself, but the tiny unborn children in her womb. She smiled again as she looked back up at Mochi. "I love you..."

Mochi pushed the chair forwards a tad as the glowing mother-to-be took her seat, making sure she was comfy as could be. They had to look after that special bun she was carrying after all! Scooching around to her front, he leaned forwards and placed his warm hand onto hers, brushing a couple of those silky auburn locks behind her ear lovingly. "Not as much as I love you.." Seino smirked, holding her gaze for a long moment before straightening up.

Arbles' bright-winged husband busied himself clattering with plates and dishes, carefully bringing his first offering to her. He set down the covered first course before her, as if he was a bird presenting his partner sticks for a nest. Mochi took his seat finally, all was ready, all set. "Alright.. let's see what we've got, hmm?"

Arbitrated giggled sillily as her nerdy husband went through such pomp and circumstance to display to her a meal, taking a few moments more time - she really like to do that - to enjoy just the two of them together. "Let's see!" With a bit of a flourish, the little albatross removed the silvery cloche from the food, grinning delightfully at the explosion of savory scents within.

Steam rose tantalisingly from the dish, enveloping the expectant Arbles in the exquisite fragrants. As the warm steam dissipated, the food itself was revealed, a beautifully presented salmon and pasta dish, dressed with a light and creamy sauce. Mochi removed the cloche of his own and set it to the the side, tilting his head a little as he took in the scent himself. "Mmm.. What d'ya think?" he spoke with obvious pride at his handiwork.

"Mmmmm.... Oh, it smells amazing! Did you get Miko's help with this?" Her soft little lips parted into a refreshingly beautiful smile as she looked up again. She brushed back her autumn-coloured hair, putting it out of the way behind her rather quickly. Hmm... Maybe I should try growing it out some time, just to see something different... The little birb tilted her head quizzically as she mulled perhaps the fourth most random thought she had that day.

"Admittedly, I mayyy have got a little help.." he admitted in the most nonchalant way he could manage. Her amazing, beaming smile shone over to him from across the table. It was weird to think but the steam clouding around her made the little Arbles seem heavenly. "Dig in! I know salmon is your favorite-" Sein winked slyly from opposite her, "I'm sure your chefs *cough* I mean chef would know they did a good job if you did." He was such a nerd.

The little Iemochi took another deep, wonderful breath of the fragrant air, peering at her dorky husband across the table playfully as her hand clasped around a fork, lifting it up to the plate as her gaze turned downwards again and sectioned a small piece of the fish. "Thank you, Mochi!"

Popping the portion of tender meat into her mouth, Arbles "Mmmm"'d as the buttery flavoring saturated her taste buds.

Seino dug in as well, letting the scents waft over him. Damn, Miko had done a good job. While Mochi himself was no novice at cooking, this meal had needed the precision of a chef to help.

He cut a small triangle our of his dish in a way that betrayed his heritage, raising it to his lips with a smile. "My pleasure, honey." he purred a little, perhaps unintentionally but revelling in the fruits of his planning. Placing the forkful of juicy flesh into his mouth, he could feel the juices flow around his tongue. That was so good..

Arbles was in the mood to sample her dishes rather than eat one entirely at once, given how she was in such a special situation it was but courtesy to have everything... As much as she wanted to down the salmon in a minute. She slid her fork now into the creamy, saucy pasta dish, twirling the ribbon-like noodles around into a small tangle and popping them into her mouth in anticipation.

The thin yet satisfying pasta was al dente, soft yet with definite substance to it, cooked to perfection. Its warm sauce complemented it incredibly, smooth and savory tones coming through strong in the white sauce, filling her mouth with an exquisite flavour of seafood and the ocean. Mochi seemed to be happy himself, digging in with fervour. It must have been hard to cook something this nice without eating it all beforehand.

"Hmmhmhmhm!" The little Arble couldn'thelp but wiggle in her seat excitingly as the savory noodles and their escorting sauces danced about her mouth. Oh god was this amazing, and...

Arbles sighed happily for a moment, taking a moment's breath before her hands dashed towards the salmon, fork and knife quickly making work of the fish flesh, turning it into neat cubes about an inch on each side. One by one, they would disappear into her mouth, the little woman eating for three being quite obvious even to those who knew little of her condition.

Her gold-locked husband seemed to work his way through his plate slower, being sure to savour every bite. His emerald eyes shimmered with joy as the expectant mother dug in with gusto, it was good to know she was enjoying herself and the two she was nurturing were loving the food too.

Finishing the fish, Arbles straightened up in her seat by just a little bit, taking a few moment's respite to allow the delicious, buttery contents to settle within her busy stomach. Her cotton candy-colored plumage swayed behind her slowly, the effective curtain of feathers tinting the light pleasantly. "Oh, thank you, Seino-urp!" Her melodic voice called out to him, and then it was interrupted by a cute if unexpected burp. One hand dashed upwards to her mouth in embarassment.

Mochi's own fiery, raven's wings bobbed up and down, finishing his own salmon a few seconds after her. He'd had to put in an effort to catch up but he could hardly let Arbs wait on him, could he?

Sein laughed as she burped, her wings dancing and casting amazing reflections across the room. He loved it when she did that, it was like her own little light show. Setting his napkin to one side, the taller Iemochi stood and sidled over to her.

Arbles's glowing, miscolored eyes traced Seinosuke as he moved in closer to her, leaning toward him as he approached.

"I'd glad you liked it, honey.." he smiled, stacking their plates in one fluid motion. When he was done, Seino looked down at her heterochromic eyes in wonder. "I love you, Arbitrated." he cooed, stroking her auburn locks lovingly before booping her cute nose cheekily afterwards.

Squeezing her eyes shut adorably, Arble spoke back, "I love you too, Seinosuke!" She kissed at the tip of her husband's finger as her tried to pull back from the boop.

Sein's insides turned to gooey mush as his lil wife surprised him again. He blushed a little, growing a tone more scarlet at her kiss. "You're too good at that.." he muttered a little shyly, taking her hand in his as the plates were all neatly stacked for the scully.

The father-to-be reached across and scooched his chair carefully over beside Arbs, plonking himself down on its comfy cushion and sneakily wrapping an arm around her.

Humming quietly, Arbles leaned against her tall, flaming husband gently, smiling as they gazed upon the sea of stars.

"I can't wait to meet our kids for the first time.." Sein whispered to his little albatross, squeezing her gently to his side. A comet rushed past in the distance, a trail of white in the darkness.

"Me, too..."

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