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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Nine: Sneaky Beaky

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YSS Kaiyo II

Mochi was on a mission. He needed to procure some supplies from the Medbay.. While he had the clearance, some of the things he was after would raise a few eyebrows. Thus, the green-panelled Elysian with two blue stripes on his cuffs crept best he could through the corridors, fiery red wings making the job somewhat... interesting.

Miles sat in his desk chair with his head stuck in another of his fiction novels to pass the time, the Medbay didn't get many visitors outside of missions or specific events and Miles had been using this to his advantage by managing to sneak in some extra reading time on duty. Sittng off to the side Miles was obscured from view to anyone who walked into the room which would give him enough time to appear to be doing something at the desk until they left. Miles was not someone who would often do nothing but the Medbay could get pretty boring on most days and reading had never hurt anyone before.

Finally reaching the smooth doors that marked the entrance to the well-stocked Medbay, Seinosuke opened them with a quiet whoosh. Scanning the room, the scientist halted as if frozen in his catburglar pose, spotting the medic so very nearby. Realising as the seconds passed that Miles was absorbed enough not to notice him immediately. Tiptoeing almost cartoonishly, Mochi darted to the nearest cover as Miles turned a page, feet and knees scuffing the floor a little too loudly as he did.

Miles heard the soft scuffling on the floor and lowered the book from his eyes scanning the room, he didn't notice anything that suggested that anyone else was with him, untill he noticed the still open door. Rising from his chair Miles wandered over the the door right past the Elysian's hiding spot and poked his head out of the door looking to see if someone had opened it on their way past as a joke. "Very funny whoever it was who thought this was a great joke, you certainly scared me." Miles called out without raising his voice at all or changing his tone more talking to himself than anyone who would potentially be outside the door.

With Miles rising from his seat, the doctor was sure the jig was well and truly up, bracing himself for the man's head to come into view at any second. A few passed and the blonde couldn't help but frown. Had he got away? It was then he heard the whispers of the medic's voice carry across the room. Now! Seino pushed himself off against the cover he had his back to, crawling towards the cabinet on the other side of the room. He prayed to the Empress he didn't see him when he turned around.

As Miles turned back from the door closing it behind him he caught a glimpse of firery red above the lip of the nearest counter, thinking a fire had started in his not quite competent mind set after having been reading for so long, Miles grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed the Elysian who was trying not to be seen. Realising as he rounded the corner that he had just sprayed a person he stopped in his tracks "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I-, wait a minute, who are you?" Miles spoke with a puzzled tone as he put down the almost empty bottle of fire-foam.

Suddenly and unexpectedly doused in bubbly white foam from head to toe, Mochi stopped his fast crawl in shock, raising his head to Miles awkwardly. Rumbled. "Uhm.." he began, attempting to stand before slipping and sliding on his rise, feet going from under him causing Mochi to thwack his head on the countertop. Blood spurting from his nose as he fell back to the floor, the Juni groaned, red tinting the stark white foam as he lay there in his soaked uniform.

Miles walked over to the grounded Elysian and looked inquistively at him before realising that he actually needed treating for a head wound.Carefully stepping over the foam on the floor he reached for the bandages on the wall and placed a small pillow from a table under Mochi's head deciding to keep him on the floor instead of attempting to move him for now, with a sterile cloth Miles dabbed at the blood and around his nose and forehead unable to actually see the wound under the foam and just hoping he managed to at least clean out some of said foam. "If you can still hear me I'd like to apologise for spraying you with foam, wasn't exactly professional of me but just lie still while I tend to this for you."

The doctor grumbled incoherently a few times, the inital jolt of the impact that had scrambled his senses wearing off gradually. This he had not expected when he got out of bed this morning. "Who am I? I'M JEAN VALJEAN!" the birb exclaimed abruptly. He wasn't exactly feeling himself, even if he was slowly returning to sense.

"You've hit your head harder than I thought if your spouting nonsense like that, anyway it looks like you only got a bump with no actual cuts, your nose does appear to be bleeding however." Miles said as he gave the soaked figure a couple of cotten-buds for his nose, before sitting back on his chair and propping one leg on the other not too worried about the injury sustained by the Elysian and putting it down to the stun of being sprayed assisted. "When your head is back in its right state would you mind explaining who exactly you are and why you were sneaking into the Medbay?"

Levering his head back a fraction, Mochi pressed the soft buds to his nose, rubbing his head as he pulled himself together. "Uhm.." he began, getting his bearings. "I needed some hemosynth.. For the mudulcis' wounds." Raising his jade eyes from the floor, the Juni frowned, meeting Miko's eyes with confusion. "Wait, I wasn't meant to say that." Lowering his gaze again to his cuff, Seino seemed to take in the two blue streaks across it. "My name is Doctor Iemochi Seinosuke.. Yes.. No.. Nito Juni Iemochi, yes."

Miles' eyes widened realising the extent of what he'd done to an officer of a higher rank and he froze in his chair, however he had just caught him sneaking in and admitting to the intent to steal medical supplies and this was his department after all. "So Doctor Iemochi, if you don't mind me calling you that, what is someone of your rank thinking by sneaking into the medbay to steal supplies? The way I see it you're breaking a few rules here and I should have already reported it." Miles tapped his fingers on the desk, he wasn't sure what to do in the current situation and so decided to just question Iemochi instead to avoid thinking about what course of action was in order.

Vision still swimming a little, Mochi felt like he was about to be sick but held his resolve and simply uttered a deep groan of discomfort. He didn't respond for a good fifteen seconds, then opened his mouth to speak, another three seconds passed before he did. "I could have... uh.. req-ui-sish-uned it.. uh.." He took a few moments to smack his lips together for whatever reason. "Easier this way.. uh.. SAINT things." he seemed to be trying to remember how much to say. "What clearan-" he got so far before turning to one side abruptly, heaving himself up to the nearest basin and throwing up violently into it.

SAINT, Miles hadn't heard the term and the fact that he was being asked for clearance meant he wasn't supposed to either, he thought about his options, try to take advantage of a confused higher rank or do what he was paid to do and ignore it as though hearing nothing. "You're still confused sir I have no idea what nonsence you're talking about now lets get you working properly shall we?" Opting to play dumb and stay within his boundaries Miles retreived some Contraveisalgia (Anti-hangover) from the locked cabinet near the sink and handing it to the Elysian. "This will help with the nausea and headache as well as some pain relief, then we can talk about what it was you needed from the medbay."

Mochi nodded silently, wiping his mouth with the back of a foam-soaked hand as he did. Despite the relative warmth of the Medbay, he could feel a chill coming on and started to shiver very slightly. "Thank you.. uh.." he began, bobbing his head apparently scouring Miles' chest for a nametag as if imagining himself in a store of some kind. "..man.." was all he could come up with, smiling sheepishly as he knocked back the pills one after the other. From his time in university he'd had his fair few nights out and had luckily learned to take them without water, something that had come in handy more times than you'd think.

"So.." Sein spoke, swallowing and wrapping his arms around himself subconsciously. "What brings you to this fine establishment?"

"You really did have a bad fall, lets get you warmed up first then we can try Q&A later." Miles collected a towel from yet another cupboard and tossed it to the confused Elysian while leaving the room to find a blanket or spare jacket to warm him up. As he moved back towards the medbay Miles pondered this SAINT term that had slipped from the mans mouth and once again told himsef it was not his place to be asking, last time he'd asked questions it hadn't ended well for him. "Here, this should help warm you up at least until you can get a dry uniform." He said stepping back into the room with a large coat he'd found.

Mochi nodded a few times appreciatively, shivering very slightly as he looked up from his seated position. His normally-fierce wings looked rather sad, drooped and damp. They swished a little on the smooth floor, trying to loose some of the large droplets of liquid from them. The Juni was gradually feeling better, cupping one hand around his forehead lightly. "Cheers.. So you're a medic?" he spoke each word deliberately as if afraid to slip up, attempting to distract from what he'd said previously.

"That is correct, I'm Miles Belmont, newest medic of the Kaiyo. I was just relaxing here doing some light reading when I notice what appears to be fire on one of the benches and upon spraying it I find a rather soggy Elysian who then rambles about something thats above my pay-grade." Miles eyed down the Bird-man with his usual flat look, not a threatening look just a plain stare. "Now before you say anything, I don't want to know anything that I don't need to, all I would like to know for a start is your name then we can get to chatting."

The Elysian raised an eyebrow, apparently not recalling having said anything of much note. Probably too scrambled when he said it. "Uhm.. I'm Iemochi Seinosuke. Much as I hate the name." The blonde man began wiping down his wings cautiously, straining some water out the feathers. "Good to meet you, Miles." He seemed to be getting better by the second, the drugs working wonders.

"Iemochi huh, I know I've heard that somewhere before, but why do you dislike your name if you don't mind my asking?" Miles stood suddenly but only to walk across to collect a dry towel for the still wet Elysian who seemed like he could certainly use another one, he took the short walk as a good opportunity to revaluate the situation. Sitting in the medbay with him was a soaked, most likely senior, officer and he had been the one to "pull the trigger" and decided that it was in his best interest to help him recover smoothly and potentially avoid any unpleasent chats about why he used a fire-extinguisher on him. "I share a last name with Miko so I got an idea of one reason people would want to change it or dislike their name." Miles spoke with a relaxed tone to indicate his joke, his brother was his only family on board the Kaiyo and while he wouldn't pass up the chance to poke fun at him he was still his brother.

Seino made an exasperated grunt as Miles moved to kindly retrieve the towel, "My father.. doesn't like me. He's quite a powerful guy as things go.." he spoke in a quiet tone, with obvious years of pain behind the simple sentence. The Neo-Caelisolian accepted the towel with a polite nod and smile, "Thanks, Miles-hei." Mochi used this second cloth to dry himself much more effectively, almost all the bubbles turned to water at this point. "Families are funny things, hmm?" he smiled to the comment about his brother, thoughts cast to Arbles and the little ones soon to come, a new hope for future.

Miles sat back in his chair with his eyes closed thinking of his old home life, he couldn't begin to imagine how much tougher it must have been with a father who dislikes you. "Well now seems as good a time as any for me to formally apologise for, uhh, drenching you in fire-foam, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me." Miles paused before continuing to add on. "Those are some impressive wing colours by the way, even in all my studies I'm not sure I've seen any like them."

Grinning from ear to ear as Miles finished, he waved a little in embarassment. "Aw, you don't need to apologise, I was being cheeky, I deserved it." his mood appeared to have lightened after the medic mentioned his feathery sails. The Juni seemed to be much warmer from the extra towel, shuffling himself a little across to rest his back against the counter more comfortably. "Thank you! These wings of mine are unique, at least for now." he seemed rather proud, perhaps even what could be interpreted as smug. "The subspecies of this form is techically created by me. Took bloody long enough as well!" the Neo-Caelisolian chuckled warmly, everyone liked being praised.

Miles's couldn't hide his astonishment as the Elysian spoke of his unique wings and the scientist part of him couldn't help but make its appearance. "So, these wings you, made them yourself? That really is amazing." He couldn't help himself. "Could I, look at them?" Realising how bad that must sound Miles quickly threw his hands out in an attempt to explain himself. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be asking such personal requests, I'm also a scientist and sometimes the desire to discover and research just, well." Miles smiled sheepishly before looking towards his feet.

Mochi understood perfectly, it was just that sort of curiosity that drove him to do what he did every day. With a quick nod, he smirked, seeing a little of himself in Miles, "Be my guest! Just.. don't touch if you can." It was better safe than sorry, that particular nuance of Elysian wings had burned him once before. Rolling the muscles on his back, Seinosuke stretched the sunrise-toned appendages up and out to full spread-eagle. Feathers resting partially on the side of the counter, the majority poked over the top. Striplights across the medbay illuminated him, light reflecting all different colours onto the surrounding surfaces. He didn't want to risk boring the kind medic with a spiel as he was known to do, so the SOFT member would wait for the questions to come, if any.

Miles looked up with a glint of curiosity in his eyes as he slowly stood and walked back to where Mochi had now stretched out his wings. "Yes of course, I don't want to be a nuisence to you at all." Miles studied the wings with the intensity and focus of a scientist who had just found a new species and was eager to learn but didn't want to harm it. "Wow, up this close they're even more amazing, how did you come up with such a design?" Miles stepped away from him and pulled up another chair along with his own. "Can't leave you sitting on the floor all day can we, grab a seat and we can chat properly."

The golden-haired man rose from his seat with a wince, vision swimming a little causing him to grab the corner of the desk. "Whoa." he muttered quietly, shaking his head as his inner ear surged with motion. Stumbling on the step between, Mochi grabbed the seatback and lowered himself in, "That was close!" Seino chuckled, blinking a few times. "The multicolour aspect is actually a by-product of the different DNA I used to make this body. It just sort of happened." the Elysian sounded a little sheepish, not many people asked about his work.

"So not only have you created your own body but an accidental by-product is possible the most rare wings known to the empires of Yamatai and Elysia alike. These achievements are quite something to look at from my perspective, how's your head? Need anymore meds?" Miles asked as his medical training kicked in seeing the stumble as Mochi climbed into his chair. "One other thing that has now come to mind, were you an Elysian beforehand? It's propably just my crazy mind but it almost sounds like you weren't."

Mochi shook his head a few times at the offer of pills, "I think it was just as I stood up.." He felt like he was glowing with pride at his work, nobody having ever taken such interest before. It was like a breath of fresh air having someone who was also a scientist to talk to about such things. Looking closely at Miles to see his reaction, the Doctor grinned. "You're very perceptive, my friend., impressive. You're totally right - I'm the only Elysian in the universe that was not born Elysian." Seino's smile was a tad embarassed, having so much attention was quite an occasion.

The only Elysian not born Elysian, Miles didn't know how to react, how to respond he felt as though he was standing in the presence of the smartest man alive. "Wow, that is incredible. I thought it had been proven theoretially impossible yet sitting before me is living proof of such a procedure." Miles seemed to go into a dreamy stare as he gazed upon the firery wings. "You must have been famous for something as incredible as this, how is it I never heard of you or your work?" Miles' eyes continued to wander over the wings completely facinated by the scientific marvel of a man he was sharing a casual conversation with.

Seinosuke almost blushed, he was unused to such high praise. "That's kind of you to say but I'm just a regular guy." the Juni rubbed the back of his head nervously, "I've made a paper on the procedure but never had the guts to publish it - I'd rather not be exiled from Elysia for breaking their caste system." Mochi seemed to look at the ground for a moment, "Funny how the world works. I'm sure yourself and your brother have done some amazing things too, mhm?"

"Amazing things huh? Well last time I checked Miko can make a decent breakfast and I'm just a biologist who decided to become a medic." Miles paused, seeming to think back to events that had long passed. "Closest I got to doing something noteworthy was the couple of prototypes that I submitted to the medical community before I enlisted, various little things for assisting medics in the field but.. None of them were accepted." Miles fell silent reminiscing his days before the Star Army and when his life had been a little more plain, when he and Miko had lived with their parents on the homeworld. "Sometimes people don't have that interesting a story, I fall under that group of people."

"More interesting than a lot of folks, Miles.. I'd love to have a look at those prototypes sometime, perhaps I can help you pick it back up, hmm?" He was pretty much recombobulated at this point, warming to this inquisitive medic. He glanced a little around the medbay, taking in the changes that had happened in the room since he was last here, a good while ago.

To hear someone express an interest in his old dreams, Miles felt as though he had been noticed by someone greater than himself for his simple ideas. "You really want to look at my old pipe-dreams? That would make a first, not even my parents wanted anything to do with it and always pushed me towards enlisting as infantry saying that the medic role was best left to those who actually knew what they were doing." Miles' face had lit up when the Elysian has spoken about looking at his work but now fell back to its usual flat line hinting at his difficult decision to go against his family.

"Hey, we make our own destinies, they aren't handed to us - especially by our parents." Seino reassured the cyan-panelled soldier. "I'd love to check 'em out some time, I do a little inventing on the side so I could mentor you a bit if you want?" he reached from under the towel around his neck and clapped Miko on the back heartedly. After doing so, he removed the thick, sodden fabric and placed them to one side.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm getting to stuck in the past when I should be looking forwards, Thanks." Miles stood to collect the towels and take them to be dried, he started speaking again as he moved but much softer. "And thanks for offering to show me a little bit, I always assumed that it wasn't my job to be trying to make new things and as a result a lot of my ideas have been lost." Picking up the towels he began to move over to large bag in the corner that was used to store some of the dirty items from the medbay which in this case was the wet towels. "Now lets move on from my ever so tragic past, I believe in your dazed confusion you mentioned needing something from here?"

Mochi stiffened a little visibly, despite their little heart to heart. Some remnant memory of his ramblings flared up in his head and wondered exactly how much he had blurted out. "Yes.. I needed some hemosynth, uh, just in case anything happens in the lab." It was a lie, but a white one for the benefit of both. "This has been quite an escapade, huh?"

"Indeed it has been, so hemosynth was it?" Miles walked over to a special cabinet which he inputted a code into the keypad on its side before opening it and sifting through the various drugs and supplies, finding the hemosynth Miles closed and locked the cabinet and walked back over towards Mochi, curiosity getting the best of him Miles decided he had to ask the question. "So this SAINT thing you mentioned earlier, oh and something else about clearance level? Am I allowed to know these things or should I focus on forgetting such words."

Mochi accepted the smooth canister graciously, plopping it down beside him with a light tink of metal-on-metal as the container touched the desk. With Miles' questions, he stiffened a little, then relaxed almost immediately. Whatever he'd said he couldn't take back either way, after all. "SAINT is Star Army Intelligence, black ops and such." the pheonix answered simply, placing ahand on top of the hemosynth and leaning against it, gauging Miles' reaction.

Miles nodded, he'd expected some sort of special operations unit to have a name like SAINT, and he had no doubt that to push further would only end badly for both of them and he quite fancied keeping his current rank and position. "I'm going to just assume that it's better for both of us if I forget you said anything about it now, am I right?" Miles seemed calm for someone who had all but forced the Elysian to reveal a special operations unit to him, Miles assumed that the Iemochi was a part of the organisation but didn't want to ask. "Well theres the hemosynth for your friend, I'll just write it in as an "official" expense shall I?"

"Maybe, I mean, a lot of people know of SAINT but not many people know what they do, if you catch my drift.." he seemed a little concerned, especially since there was a MP and a whole fireteam of SAINT onboard, unsure Miles would put two and two together. "Aaaaanyway, thanks Miles-hei. Saves me sneaking in here again, heh." he winked knowingly, standing from his seat.

Miles' gaze was fixed on the other side of the room, he simply nodded as the Elysian stood making to leave and said nothing for a minute. "Oh right, sorry was just a little distracted and don;t worry about the hemosynth, just let me know in advance when you need anymore for your, "project" and i'll get it ready for you." He turned back to his work before looking up one last time. "We should catch up later, after all you still want to see my old designs right?"

"Of course! I'd love to!" he grinned, dimples forming on his cheeks. "I'm glad we had this heart to heart, even if my head does bloody kill!" the raven chuckled, moving to exit the Medbay, some parts still damp from the extingusher attack. "Thanks for everything-" he finished, leaving Miles to return to his work, hemosynth in hand. Exactly what he needed.
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