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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Nine: Systems check

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Everything Is Magical
YSS Kaiyō II
Med Lab
17日 8月 YE 39
Duty Hours

Eden's glossy black heels that matched her glossy black hair clicked against the Fuji-class' hallways until she was at the med lab. She entered and looked around for the medic or scientist on duty, though she suspected their resident scientist was up in the sensor dome and science lab. The Sakura-type med lab was more for STs and prisoner containment than any kind of experimentation that green panels liked to look into. Today she was looking at a teal panel, though, and she spoke out after saluting.

"I will be conducting a cursory check up on the med lab today as XO of this ship. I do not think I have had the pleasure of meeting you save formally, Belmont-hei." Eden looked to each of the different colored eyes on Miles' face and smiled warmly.

Miles had been tapping away at his keyboard when the XO had walked in, jumping out of his chair Miles stood at attention giving a cursory salute. "No I don't believe we have Teien Shosa." He replied curtly hoping he'd remembered to clean away some of the equipment from earlier. "If you need anything to help with the inspection I'm at your service."

"It's great to be able meet you now," Eden said as she began walking around the room. She put a hand on the bed and then looked to Miles. "You wouldn't call yourself a scrupulous person, would you?"

Miles was caught a little off-guard by the question but kept his composure. "I do try to keep myself and my work spaces clean and tidy but no I wouldn't go that far as to call myself scrupulous." He replied watching the XO wander the room as he finished submitting his report he'd been working on before she had stepped into the room.

Eden looked about and opened cabinets before she turned to Miles and asked, "Do you call yourself anything in particular? How do you view your best qualities, if I may know."

"I've never been one for titles or anything like that and as for my best qualities, from what others have told me I'm quite patient and calm under pressure. I don't really know how best to describe them or how I view them but I guess It's not easy to make me angry so thats a bonus right?" Miles looked over to Eden to see if that answer had sufficed for her, he was not opposed to getting to know others on the ship but always seemed to make it awkward when done on duty.

Eden nearly chuckled, "That is quite a bonus." The XO of the ship moved over to the containment cell for the L'Kor prisoner. "How is he?"

The birdlike prisoner in question was quiet, possibly asleep with their eyes half open in one corner of the cell. Their orange feathers were wrapped in a hot pink POW uniform, given to them earlier.

Miles glanced over to the cell as Eden moved towards it. "Well I haven't heard much out of him which has been rather pleasant, allows me to get some work done in peace."

"That is as one would expect of someone in a hostile place surrounded by no comforts of home. Part of me wishes to extract all of this information we can procure from him and turn him on our side. Make an ally where there once was none."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and the best way to defeat an enemy is to turn them into a friend." Miles spoke aloud to no one in particular as he continued to tap away. "So what's it like working up in the bridge? I can't even imagine dealing with that much responsibility."

"One day you could," Eden said with a half smile and sparkling golden eyes directed at Miles. "It is quite the adventure. Some days you're getting shot by your wife, some days you're getting shot by, well..." she trailed off and looked to Miles with an air of finality. Some things were better left unsaid, but the crew of the Kaiyō II all knew about the alternate reality. The universe that was not their own and their other selves they had met there. But not everyone knew Eden had been killed by her own counterpart. She bit her tongue on that fact.

"Some days you're the one doing the shooting, too. You will one day know that. The bridge isn't all sitting in chairs and keying in commands." Eden looked to Miles more carefully now.

Miles wasn't sure what to make of the her first comment, he had of course heard about the misadventure but hadn't got all the details. "I'm not sure I'd fit in to a bridge role, not for a while anyway." He noticed Eden looking at him and couldn't stop himself getting slightly nervous. "Was there something you needed me for Shosa?" He asked politely.

"Would you mind running the ST machine and transferring the information to the soul savior pod of the ship manually to make sure it's up to date?" She moved around the machine and began looking over its features while watching Miles.

"Of course." Miles initiated the startup sequence for the ST system and and prepared the Soul Savior pods to have their data updated. "Alright should only take a minute, I'm assuming you'd like all the crew's data backed up?" Miles turned back to Eden waiting for her response while opening the console to start the backup.

"Yes, I would like that, arigatou." Eden sat down on the bed and looked to Miles, her hands under her thighs while she breathed in deeply. She looked away and spoke again, "It is a funny thing, soul technology. What do you think about it?"

Miles had studied the Soul technology during his medical training and in his spare time, he knew its values and drawbacks but hadn't really asked himself this question. "Well, it has been more than valuable from the military side of things. But personally I think it has lowered the value of life, since there's no danger of dying." Miles hadn't intended to become so morbid in his answer but he always tried to answer questions as best he could.

"Thank you for the honest answer. How is the backup coming?" Eden asked.

Miles looked over to the bed and then back to the console. "Shouldn't be more than a minute, its about halfway done." Miles tapped a few more keys, checking that all the data was flowing correctly. "On the topic of the Soul tech, do we have a whole crew ST update scheduled soon? Some of these backups look a little older than I'd like to use on someone."

"Everyone is offered an ST every three months at their leisure, but we always have crew backups for all those that choose to receive them the morning or day before a mission," Eden replied almost automatically. Then, quieter, she added, "It's never very fun waking up in a tube."

Miles could sense there was more to her words than just not enjoying coming back to life, he decided it wasn't his business to be poking around her personal affairs. "I can't say I've been through that experience yet, I can't imagine it would be something to enjoy though." Miles fell silent hoping he wouldn't make the situation any worse than it already was. The screen flashed signalling the backup had been completed. "Ok Teien-Shosa, backup complete, anything else you need done with the ST before I power it down?"

"Yes," Eden said to Miles. "I want to know if my SOFT members can re-spawn on Yamatai. I have already cleared it with a higher up."

"Uhh, well as long as they have a set of their data to make the clone body and transfer the memories I don't see why they can't. Did you want copies sent back to Yamatai? I can get in touch with a medical facility and check the last backup data they received if you like?" Miles looked up towards the XO. Eden got up from the bed and shared the medic's gaze.

"Would you mind doing so? You are welcome to say who it is on behalf of, of course." Eden liked looking into Miles dual colored eyes and smiled as she did. "You like the Star Army thus far, Belmont-hei?"

As they spoke Miles had begun to relax around her, he still retained his polite nature but felt he was able to speak slightly more openly, no longer viewing her as a stranger who out-ranked him.

"I suppose I have been enjoying my time here, I get to practice what I enjoy and of the crew that I have properly met they all seem nice and friendly. Plus I have family here." Miles gave a soft smile of his own indicating he had relaxed a little.

"Yes," Eden said, "I know that feeling all too well. Did you get a chance to meet my daughter while she was here?"

Miles pursed his lips thoughtfully, he had spoken briefly to most of the crew at least and thought he recognized the family name but couldn't recall if he had spoken to them or just read the name in a file somewhere.

"I can't say that I have had the pleasure yet I'm afraid, the name seems familiar to me but my job is to keep medical records of all crew members in good condition so I may just remember it from one of the many files. I have a feeling that Miko would have already started conversations with everyone by now, I hope he hasn't said anything too foolish yet."

Eden smiled, "She is quite the person, you would remember if you had met her. You are young, but marriage and children, as outdated and so anti..." she thought a moment, "Yamatai."

Miles noticed the pause and tilted his head in a questioning way. "If I may be permitted to ask, is it you who believes they are outdated, or is that what the empire has told you." Miles looked towards the ceiling, his thoughts drifting lazily across his mind.

"If working in the medical department has shown me anything, it's that even though we can easily mass produce soldiers whenever we feel like it, there is something far more special about sharing a life-bond with someone and creating your own family." Miles realized he had begun to ramble slightly and caught himself before opening his mouth again, his cheeks turning a light shade of red from embarrassment.

"Fighting a war is a noble pursuit and one we're bound to do, but the creation of bonds and familial ties is one all too often overlooked by others. You understand, though, Miles. Do you have any plans for after your time in the Star Army?" Eden asked as she bent over to look at the filled beakers on the counter-top.

Miles thought for a moment, it wasn't something he'd ever put thought into before and didn't really know how he felt about the situation. "Plans for after, I didn't realize you wanted me gone that badly." Miles chuckled at his little joke before continuing. "To tell the truth it's not something I've put a lot of thought into but at this point having a family to settle down with sounds rather pleasant. The battle that no amount of training can prepare you for, that's one description of parenthood I've been told."

Eden laughed a little at the joke and then laughed again in a small way at Miles' final statement.

She said, "It is a bit easier when they are born as if fully formed adults just tiny and grow faster than anything in the hydroponics walls in the wardroom." She chuckled again. "I think Saki and my next child will be a Minkan, so they can grow slowly with us as we build a home in Yamatai. But that's faraway dreaming." She smoothed her skirt and said, "I think that right now it is good to remain focused on the war we fight that is at hand."

Miles nodded as she spoke, he knew that what she said about staying focused on the war was the best thing to do but felt he should add one last line. "Being born a Minkan I can say that growing up and having a childhood was quite an experience, one I probably take for granted, and I may not be a parent but I'm sure you wouldn't get anything but happiness if you ever follow that dream." His mind returned briefly to his days of early life on Yamatai and indulged him in pleasant memories before he was forced back to reality.

"Well Shosa, is there any other way I may be of assistance to your inspection and check-up?" Miles wore a friendly expression, he'd enjoyed her company more than he expected to but his social awkwardness seemed to be lessening with time and experience.

"This has been a lovely check up on one of the ship's most vital systems," Eden said as she patted the counter-top. "Have an even lovelier afternoon." She turned to leave after a brief salute.
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