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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Seven: Broken in Thought

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YSS Kaiyō
15日 5月 YE39
1730 Hours

Orion was sitting on a random bench that evening, or morning, it's hard to tell when you're in a different universe. The birb was staring down at the burger that was on a plate on the table, which he was trying to eat.

He seemed to be comepletely lost in thought. He was thinking about home, about his parents, about his dead family. He didn't even want to think about them, but every time he just sat down to try to relax, the memories of their deaths always crossed his mind. It was like a curse.

He was completely disconnected from the real world. He accidentally started to transmit his through telepathy, without even noticing himself.

Eden got close to Orion, sitting down next to him.

"How are you?" the captain asked plainly.

There was no immediate response from the lost birb, he just stared at the plate without saying much but a "mmm". He was clearly in some sort of day dream.

"Hey," Eden said, nudgin Orion's forearm with her hand. "What's going on with you?"

"W-wah?" The birb straightened back up from his previous position, looking around until he found Eden right aside him. "O-oh.. umm...I think i-i lost myself i-in thou-ught..."

"That's okay to do that sometimes. Next time, try to do it so that not everyone can hear you, though," Eden said with a soft smile.

"Umm...what do you mean by everyone can hear you?" The birb made a confused face was he looked at Eden, the expression on his face was mixed with said confusion, and yet he looked, scared.

Eden patted Orion's back and simply said, "Be careful what you think aloud, is all."

"Did I..." Orions face became red as he almost faceplanted into the burger, now he seemed to be flustered.

"Don't worry about it. Now that I know what's on your mind, can I help?" the captain asked.

".....not really...." He said as he llooked down at the burger. The elysian had never told anyone the fate of his parents. He had tried to hide it as much as possible and lie, not only to others, but also to himself.

"Then I'll leave you with your thoughts," Eden said, about to get up.

"Why did they have to die....?" The Elysian muttered to himself audibly to anyone else in the wardroom.

"Hey now," Eden said, sitting down fully and started patting Orion on the back.

"Just why.... Why couldn't I have a normal childhood with amazing parents... Why did they have to be killed..."

"For no reason at all," Eden said. "Death is senseless. It always has been and always will be."

"I just... Miss them... Those soldiers just came in and... Shot them for no reason... I watched my parents die when I was 2 or 3 years old..."

Tears started welling in Eden's eyes and she nodded solemnly, "I know."

"Are you...ok...?" The Elysian was holding the tears in, he always had, no one in the kaiyo had ever seen a tear fall from him. And it hurt, it hurt a lot to try to hide his feelings.. maybe too much.

"I'm thinking of all that you lost. I can only imagine that loss, Orion. And it hurts to imagine. I can only guess at how much it hurts you," Eden said, looking with watery eyes at him.

"...." He looked down at the uneaten burger, his eyes starting to become water as he heard Eden's words.

"It's better now that you have friends around you, though, isn't it?" Eden asked.

"I guess so..." He said as he wiped a run away tear from his face.

Eden wrapped her arm around Orion and squeezed gently, staying like that for a moment.

"I'm glad you can share these feelings, Orion," Eden said to him.

"I've always tried to hide them... To not tell anyone.... Trying to... Lie to myself...."
He said as he looked at Eden
"As you can see... It doesn't seem to be working the expected way..."

"Talking to others is always a comfort, like you're doing with me. It's easier to lie to yourself, sometimes, than it is to lie toyourself. Have you tried opening up to more of the crew?" Eden asked.

"Not much... I've never talked about this to anyone.... I just too.. Too..." Orions voice broke off as he looked down at the uneaten food.

"Maybe Anastasia can help you find your voice?" Eden asked.

"........" He turned to face her. "How much do you know...?"

"Boss and I talk often, but she never reveals too much,"

"Ohhhkkaaaayyyy...?" Orion said as he felt his face burning up, Eden could see it had turned red.

"You just keep on, okay? You can, I know it," Eden said. With that, she patted him on the back and stood, smoothing her skirt

"Thanks...for the help...I really needed to talk to someone," He said as he faced the captian of the Kaiyo, with a slight smile, something very difficult to get from this particular Elysian.

She looked on at him and smiled meekly, saying, "Believe in yourself and you'll find yourself to be much stronger than you though." She turned and was soon out of the wardroom.

Orion looked back at his burger, still with that small smile, and took a bite out of it. "I will try...." He said to himself.
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