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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Seven: For the Living, Freedom

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Well-Known Member
16日 5月 YE39
0800 Hours

Meissa roamed around the ship in general. She was seeing a weird thing for the last few days roaming around the ship, and she wanted to figure out what it was.

"Boss, where is Eden? Or Saki?" she asked.

Boss responded in her usual timely response, 'Teien Misaki is in the wardroom, while Shosa Teien is on the bridge."

Meissa poked her head into the wardroom, neck looking around to see where Saki was.

At one of the far booths was Misaki and Kikyo. Misaki was sitting down behind Kikyo who was idly sitting in her mother's lap getting her hair braided. Both of the Teiens looked up at the same time, and both smiled once their eyes settled on the 'adopted' daughter.

"Hey, mom." Meissa waved. She walked in to grab a cup of water first, then sat down next to her mother and sister.

"What's that weird robot-looking Neko running around screeching at people?" she asked, after brushing Kikyo's hair a few times.

"Oh, all I know to be completely true is that she has been here the whole time and Eden assembled her only recently. She's a little... different... but she is about the same tech as us."

Kikyo looked up to Meissa, and only got to say "Mei-" before she kinked a strand of her hair and emitted a slight yelp before moving her head back down. After she had readjusted herself, she continued, "Meissa, she's all weird but she means no harm."

"Yeah, but...screeching at people?" Meissa asked. "There's ice queen, and then there's...that."

Meissa used both of her hands to gently pull apart Kikyo's hair strands, and slowly and gently fixed the little kink in her hair.

Misaki finished up a strand and gently moved on to the next, the whole look almost finished. "Yeah, but you have to remember, she isn't developed as well as we are. I mean, technically, she was born yesterday in a sense."

"Born yesterday?" Meissa asked. She leaned back, away from Misaki a degree or two, before moving back into her previous position. "You mean she wasn't given socialization training?"

"I think she's prototype stage, she's more synthetic than us I think which would make sense. Do you know of first-generation Nekovalkyrja construction and their first day taking breath?"

Misaki tied the last piece of Kikyo's braided hair together before patting her on the back, "Go find Mommy, we'll be right here."

Kikyo nodded before happily walking out amongst the halls to find her mother. A few minutes later, after some samurai guidance, Kikyō had found Eden and the captain had her bouncing on her lap as she sat in the command chair of the Kaiyō.

"Not familar with them, really." Meissa confessed. "You mean the ones with rocket fuel stored in their, er, chests?"

She almost said the other word...but she stopped herself just before. Normally she'd be fine with it, but this was Saki she was saying it in front of.

"No," Misaki stiffled a grin, "I mean the ones like me. I don't have parents, I was 'born' from a tube on Nataria. My first few minutes were all tears and confusion, and I had no idea how to do anything right. Basically, she is like a freshly born Neko. Her training is only her basic operations programming."

"Oh. So, she's basically just a fresh print." Meissa had enough practice to stop herself from blushing whenever Mat came along to mess with her or whatever. "Except instead of tears and confusion, it's...screeching."

"I think so, yes." was her mother's response. Misaki leaned back against the back of the booth and let her hands relax. Her head laid limply back against the top of the booth while her eyes settle on the ceiling,

"When do you think we'll get back home from his Hell of a universe?"

"Not sure." Meissa answered. "We blew something up, the universe broke, we ended up here? So maybe all we have to do is to break it in half again?"

That was probably a terrible idea.

"Or, we could just wait until they make their first move. We don't have any information about the enemy, that's the problem..."

"All I know is that I, or the other me that is, seemed to be hiding something. I felt it somewhere, and I just can't place it." She stopped speaking to rub at her eyes.

"So we either go where they are taking us, or we rend the ship in an attempt to return back with at least an ounce of strength. Why am I glad that Kikyo got her soul backup okay even though she inherited my fear of medbays?"

"Both options are terrible options, that's why." Meissa told. "If worst comes, I think they might be trying to kill us or something. Of course, we're not backing down withouth a good fight."

"But it's so strange how that Meissa...I think either she downright lied, or she had a different past."

Misaki looked over with a hint of concern in her eyes considering the last time that Meissa talked about her mother, Misaki adopted her.

"I feel that this universe is the absolute opposite of this one. I mean, I'm a somewhat shy XO, while Eden is the rock that keeps me from breaking into a crying mess. Over there, I was the captain while Eden was the Saki of that world."

Expecting absolutely anything, Misaki moved her closer arm so that Meissa could lean against Saki if she wanted to, which she took.

"By that thought...she lied, then." Meissa told. "Or...she seemed more subdued. The question is, who subdued her?"

"That is the question, sweetie, that we may never know."

Misaki brushed lightly at Meissa's hair a few times before letting her arm hold her other daughter close to her.

"Relativity sucks." Meissa huffed, as she let Saki hold her closer.

"I know, sweetie, I know." Saki gave a light response, her mind set on trying to be Meissa's 'rock' until she didn't need one.

By this time, Eden had gotten up and given Asuka the bridge while she placed Kikyō on the ground and motioned for her daughter to take her hand while she walked off of it, through the halls and eventually into the wardroom. As always, she was struck by the intimacy which Meissa and Misaki sometimes shared and she set her eyes on Misaki and nobody else while she bent down and picked up Kikyō, walking over to sit next to Misaki while she put her daughter on her lap once more. She said nothing, appreciating the situation she had walked into with silence.

"Hey, Eden." Meissa pulled her head off of Saki's shoulder.

Misaki looked over to Eden, leaning over lightly to kiss at her cheek before returning her head to where it was.

"Eden, when do you think we'll go back to Yamatai? Our Yamatai?"

"No," Eden said plainly, looking at Meissa as she replied to Misaki. "I do not think we're going back to our Yamatai. I have my suspicions, but that is not one."

Misaki's stoicism began to fade slightly, "I-I know... I j-just want to try and be optimistic." Apparently, she'd been thinking about this for a while, and was blinking while trying to keep herself from falling apart.

She had to be strong... for them.

Meissa pat Saki a few times on the back. However brutal her other mom/CO's statement was, Eden was right. It was very unlikely they could do whatever they did a second time successfully.

And yet, Saki tried.

Can't say it wasn't a familiar feeling, really.

"What are the options as it stands, Eden?" Meissa asked, as she took her arm off of Saki.

"This is a conversation," Eden said, looking down at Kikyō, "better saved for a different time and place. What were you two talking about before I came in?"

Misaki swallowed her dark side, and forced herself to return her voice to normal, "Goramu-Hei. Meissa was curious about her."

"Well, she's an interesting creation," Eden said, using the word she most often used for Goramu. "Half of me never wants to see her in battle and the other half wills that she protect us all. She can do an indeterminable number of tasks as a weapon, but to me she is, more importantly, an inquisitive creature that I would like to protect, despite her being a living weapon of unknown scale."

"A liviing weapon?" Meissa asked. "As in, a literal living weapon?"

The thought somewhat made her uneasy. She knew Nekovalkyria were made to be the 'perfect soldier.' She knew that the Neplesians augmented themselves as much as they could in order to fight well, and in Elysia's extreme case, they had the S19 unit which could secrete acid from its body as a defensive mechanism.

But Meissa was almost completely sure that what Eden meant was that Goramu was designed completely with "kill" in mind.

"I am a living weapon," Eden said defensively. "I am just underpowered compared to her."

"Never underestimate the Ketsurui Zaibatsu in creating the weapons of tomorrow." Misaki gave a light sigh as she brushed Kikyo's cheek with her left hand.

"I have faith in her, all I care about her is if she's on our side."

"I'm glad she is." Meissa replied. "What I'm talking about is like...actually a living weapon. Not a soldier engineered perfectly to use what weapons they have to the best capability, but a soldier engineered to be the weapon."

"A better thought is like the Neplesians and their augments. Except instead of the gun being built into my arm, the gun is my arm," Meissa clarified. She shook her feathers, which let out a tussle like leaves.

"She was engineered with weapons inside of her. Is that a problem?" Eden asked coyly.

"Not as much anymore, Eden. It's still a bit weird thinking of her as what's essentially a walking Aether gun." Meissa replied.

Eden tucked a smile beneath her cheek and got up, turning to Misaki and Meissa. "I think they need me on the bridge." She added, "Not all of us are born with wings, Meissa. Sometimes we're born with alternative ways to fly freely. I hope you will excuse the differences between yourself and others in order to better accept who they are and to find out more about who you can be." Eden said, stepping away and out of the wardroom, sending a terse telepathic message as she departed to Saki: "I love you."

"But is she free? Or just a bird in a cage?" Meissa muttered, long after Eden was out of earshot.
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