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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Seven: Sail Away, Sweet Sister

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The Breakfast Baron
Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyō
Cabin 9
14日 5月 YE 39
1850 Hours

The tall Anastasia Barlow returned to Cabin 9 from her shower wearing a loose-fitting white T-shirt and Star Army workout shorts. She had an... interesting evening, heart in a bit of a flutter. Patting out her damp black and blue hair, the Elysian opened the door to the cabin and stepped inside, towl in hand. She was muttering, or quietly humming, to herself. She looked happy.

Yoshida had, also seemingly taken a shower recently, to rid herself of that 'just got done training' smell. Though, she did not take quite as much care to dry herself as her winged companion did, opting to instead sit cross legged in her sleep wear she had previously aquired from a shopping trip with the communications bridge man.
She looked up, with a grin as her friend arrived. "Hey! Something exciting happen?"

Anastasia's cobalt wings were recently air dried and quite fluffier looking than usual. The technician turned around, giving her Nekovalkyrja roommate a bright smile. "Well..."
The bluebird sat on the corner of the beds, setting her lanky legs over the side. "I was working down in engineering, when Orion and Abart'huse visited me!"
She looked somewhat ecstatic, rubbing her legs with a slight nervous tinge. She looked at her cat-like roomier, smiling.

Yoshida's smile faltered, but only a little before she quickly nodded. "Oh uh, that's pretty great! You talk or do anything in particular?" Yoshida busied herself by taking a pillow and hugging it to herself as she leaned over slightly, watching the cobolt winged angel move about excitedly.

"I mean, it sounds like it was something special from how excited you are."

Anastasia looked at Yoshida with shining emerald eyes, speaking slightly fast. "We talked for a while after I showed them my engine modifications and I don't know how or why but I think we're dating now and I'm confused but happy because he likes me back and I donthappy because he likes me back and I don't knowwwww!"

The excited but tired technician flopped backwards into the pile of pillows, fluffy warm wings spread out to her sides.

Yoshida was absolutely frozen for a moment as this information washed over her. She knew, that this would probably happen. IT didn't make it any less hard when it came crashing down on her like a tsunami. "T-that's um... Great! Really it is i-um... glad you are happy." She forced the words out of her mouth, looking down into her own pillow covered lap.

The Elysian laid down took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling once more as she started to relax. Her mind wss still racing when she looked over at Yoshida. She could feel that her friend did not feel as happy as she did at the time, which was quite a reversal of the normal day. She felt something like this would come about.

Anastasia rolled over onto her side to face the cat sitting beside her, her green eyes showing concern. "Is everything alright, Yoshida?"

"Mmmm... mhmm!" She nodded quickly as Anastaisa questioned her. She knew that her friend probably didn't like her in the same way she liked her- but that was fine. She didn't need to know per say if it would only bother her. "Yyyeeah just uh, frustrated with... training, I guess. Been pretty hard." Yoshida couldn't help but think 'nailed it, so smooth'.

Anastasia nodded at first, but kept looking at Yoshida. After a few minutes, she frowned again. She decided to not press what she thought quite yet, just in case. "Why are you frustrated?"

"Um welll..." She thought for a moment before starting again with that breif pause. "It almost doesn't seem like it will matter- it is hard to tell if i'm actually getting better... Plus I usually lose the simulations we run." It wasn't a lie, at the very least. But still, a side step it clearly was.

"What about you? Those modifications looking good?" Yoshida asked as she looked up, slowly sliding into her bowl of foam pillows.

Anastasia nodded and rolled into her back, exhaling. "Well, everything is going on schedule fairly well. I'm, very concerned about the duration of the overdrive. I haven't been able to test it with accurate, or good results."

The Elysian technician brushed her hair behind her head into a lazy, unbound ponytail. "It kind of worries me sick about it all."

"So, it inaccurately explodes?" Yoshida let off a slight giggle before shaking the feeling off. "Yeah I understand- I don't know if I... we can beat them, and i'm not sure if that makes me more worried or angry."

"Basically, yes..." Anastasia replied, trailing off. She hadn't been thinking too much about an attack, too worried over trying to get away. She gave a neutral "mmmhmmm" in response.

The Elysian laid there for a bit, thinking. "Even still, I don't know where we are in relation to home."

"Yeaahh well uh, been sleeping properly?" Yoshida said, desperate to both keep the conversation going and change the subject all in one.

"Barely", Anastasia yawned. "Its been a little rough on me recently."
The Elysian stretched like an arch, before sliding back down onto the pile of pillows. It was slowly becoming clear they were both avoiding an obvious problem, Anastasia starting to frown as she thought about it.

"Why don't you like Orion?", Anastasia looked over at Yoshida, already formulating an answer in her head. She wasn't dense, just quiet.

"I-eh-well... Baadd first impressions I guess?" Yoshida mumbled and shrugged, before she sunk yet further into the pillow nest. "I mean if you like him that's... Cool... I guess." Yoshida squirmed uncomftorrabley under her friend's gaze. Clearly, she did not like this line of questioning.

Anastasia looked around before sighing. She could tell Yoshida was getting uncomfortable. "Yoshida, I've known you for a year now and been your roommate for many months here. You only get this way when I mention Orion... I just..." the Elysian trailed off for a few moments, speaking up again soon after.

"I want to know what's wrong, no lies. Please."

Yoshida winced as Anastasia so directly asked her what was up. She thought about staying quiet, or even just trying to politely ask her not to pry, but she didn't feel as if she hard it in her for either, particularly if it somehow would cuase them to drift yet further apart.

"Welll.. I uh... Really like you so... Maybe I get jealous..."

Anastasia blinked a few times before sighing, leaning up. She smiled, opening her eyes to look at Yoshida. "Well, that's the sweetest reason to hate someone I've ever heard." The technician gave a slight giggle, lightening the mood just a little bit as she rubbed her lightly freckled face.

Yoshida right away threw her pillow she had been embracing straight at Anastasia's face and made a noise that could only be described as 'flusterated', before she shaking her head, all red in the face. "Annaaa!"

Anastasia reeled back just a little as the pillow plopped against her face and fell into her lap, revealing an even bigger grin. She moved her arms and scooted over closer to the flustered Yoshida. She calmed down and lowered her grin to a normal standard, giving the Nekovalkyrja a pat on her shoulder, looking at her eyes. "Hey, it's alright..."

"But the way you put it is so emberassing!" Yoshida's head sunk into her shoulders as she tried to hide her face away from anastastia's smile- something she would normally never look away from, but this was a very special case. She could only take solace in the fact the pillow attack bought her just a little time.

Anastasia sighed, still smiling a little bit. "Sorry..."
The Elysian racked her brain, trying to figure out the words she wanted to say. For now, she just gave Yoshida a little shoulder rub. After a few moments, she spoke again in a softer tone.
"It's... okay, Yoshida. I don't hate you. I like you!"

Yoshida tensed up for a moment, somewhat confused and suspicious as she felt the shoulder rub, but stayed put mostly as it went on. "Oh hah, I know that much ana..." She said to her be-winged friend. Yoshida was pretty sure that Anastasia didn't quite know to the extent that she was liked. It made her feel just a little better, but worse all the same.

"I mean, friends since basic- and very nearly my whole life, it'd be a real downer if we weren't friends."

"Yeah... that'd be a bit of a shocker, I guess..."
The technician brought her hand off of her roommates shoulder, setting it on her knee. She looked around and back at Yoshida's red face, before speaking again. "But... are you saying you really like me?"

Yoshida's sudden increase in red faced emberassment was very nearly all that needed to be said to make it oh so obvious. Though, she could have just been emberassed at the idea. "I uhh... hah don't worry about it!" Yoshida said as she quickly gave Anastasia a hearty pat on the back, deftly avoiding the wings in the way.

Anastasia frowned a little bit, still looking at Yoshida. While she wasn't the best, several decades of oral communication only had resulted in Anastasia being fairly good at reading people. Then again, Yoshida was an open book when it came to her emotions. "I don't want to be worried about it, which is why I guess we need to talk about it." The Elysian talked smoothly, but quietly.

Yoshida squirmed in her seat for only a moment longer before she nodded, defeated by her friend's words. "Allright... Um, talk about it like how?" At some stage, her tail had ended up in her lap, restrained by her hands. She occasionally looked back over at Anastasia to gauge her thoughts on the matter, but only for an instant before finding something in the room suddenly very interesting.

"Well..." Anastasia leaned against the side of the fluffy pillow pit. "I like- love you too, but not like that. I think of you like... my adoptive little sister." The Elysian looked back over at Yoshida, smiling a little bit. "You're funny, happy, and to be honest... just a little naive. You're like... the sister I never had as a kid..."

Yoshida let out an over dramatic cry and clutched her hand to her chest as Anastasia finished speaking. "Tear my heart right out of my chest why don't you?" But she smiled any way, through her disapointment.

"Yeah I... Think I knew that already from the start. I... kind of didn't want to talk about it for that reason!" Yoshida rubbed her arms for a moment, finally letting her tail begin a repetitive slap-slap-slap noise against the side of the pillow dome. "I don't have to like him though do I?"

Anastasia frowned for a moment as Yoshida acted, before eventually grinning. "It's alright... come 'ere you." The Elysian reached over, giving Yoshida a one-armed hug. "You don't have to like him, but it'd make me happier if you gave him some welcome."

The technician released the black-haired cat from the hug, looking at her. "But think about it. If you're my little sister, you'll always be. And, that is a whole lot more special than some cute boy who may come and may go. Isn't that right?"

Yoshida let out a short squeak as she was grabbed into a hug, before quickly giving Anastasia a squeeze in return. "I... That's pretty nice yeah. " Yoshida grinned but, still had that hint of resigned disapointment.

Yoshida was quiet. For a few, short moments before she giggled and looked back to her angel-like room mate. "So... does this mean I have to call you Onēsan?" She said with a short poke to Anastasia's side.

Anastasia leaned back, thinking for a moment. "Well, in my native language it's aderfí..."
The Elysian smiled, looking at Yoshida, knowing she didn't follow Seraphim normally. "But if you want to call me Onesan, that's fine!"

Yoshida grinned as she heard that. Before she giggled and shook her head. "Onesaann that's silly!" Yoshida said in her best anime little sister impression. "But if you want I could say it in seraphim, this would probably be easier on both of us though."

Anastasia smirked and giggled a little bit as she ruffled her new sister's hair. "Whatever floats your gunship, Yoshi."
The winged techie stretched, leaning back into the lower pit of pillows and blankets. After a few moments, she spoke again. "Hey... what should I call you?"

Yoshida scrunched her face up as Anastasia messed her hair up. She didn't protest or whine though, nor did she bother to even fix her hair. "My gunship is self inflating thank you very much."

Yoshida slid down the pit too, while ensuring room for them both still remained. "What to call me?" Yoshida thought about this very carefully for a few moments. What would she want to be called?

"Hmm... Well you caaan call me whatever you want, or little sister, whatever floats your goat!" Yoshida said with a giggle, slowly settling into the nest pit as she alternated between staring at the ceiling, and waching Anastasia.

"Aaalrighty then." Anastasia replied. She laid there, looking at the ceiling as lights out went into effect, darkening the cabin. Anastasia yawned, rolling onto her side for comfort, speaking quietly once more after a few seconds. "Good night Koko... Imōto."
It had a nice ring to it.
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